My boyfriends ex was invited to his family get together and I wasn't: Advice?

He shouldn’t attend sorry

Tell your boyfriend to grow a set

I was in this EXACT situation. Nothing will change until your boyfriend handles it

Did he go?
Because I know that when my husband and I were dating. His family kept inviting his ex to things. He stepped up and said to his family, if you all are going to invite my Ex, then I’m not coming. I’m with Deidre now and I have moved on. I don’t want to come to my Own family gathering and be uncomfortable because my Ex is here. He basically told them it’s him or his Ex. I didn’t have to say anything even though I thought it was disrespectful and rude of his family to put him and myself in that awkward situation.
7 years or 20 years it doesn’t matter. The loyalty should go to the brother during a family gathering. The sister can hang out with the ex on her own time. Sounds like the sister is trying to stir the pot of crap.

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Awkward but not really any assholes in this situation. If they stayed close with the ex thats one thing but if this was done deliberately to make you feel left out its another

He shouldn’t go or bring you regardless of invite or not

They were together for 7 years. Her and the sister Probably have a closer relationship than you and sister do

That is absolutely disrespectful.Sounds intentional too.That’s not a friend,that’s a fake


So what is he going for? He should be speaking up

If he goes without you, dump him

Just go and stand proud

He should go by himself

What a Bitch ! If that was my boyfriend, he had better not go without me !

How did they exclude you? Usually the invite includes a “plus one”…

No way would I put up with that, fuming for u xx

Not acceptable I’d put your foot down x

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No that’s horrible x

No girl don’t stand for it my ex new wife and him came to my get together and holidays after we got divorced and I had enough and layed the law down with her and him and my family
That I didn’t want them there and this was my family and if he wanted to be a part of my family he should have never cheated and married the trash and neither to say my family stopped inviting them

You weren’t invited at all… Yikes.
If he goes without you, I’d pack my shit n leave. Disrespectful af.

If your boyfriend was invited YOU were invited aswell. They know he is in a new relationship.

If he goes without you knowing she’s going to be there he’s a piece of shit and leave while you can

I would assume that if I invited one of my siblings they would automatically bring their SO. And as far as I can recall I have always went to family functions with my husband without being directly invited. Your making it more than what it is, I’m sure they are not going to tell you to leave if you show up with him.


So the sister is the issue not your boyfriend? If you are a confident, self assured woman let it go.

If he doesn’t stand up for you/with you and make it clear that you too will be attending WITH him…question him. If he chooses to go without you…LEAVE HIM!


Well sorry to say if your boyfriend was true-blue he should not attend and tell his family if my girlfriend isn’t included than im not attending either


Did they say “hey your SO can’t come”? If not go with him and show you mean to be a part of his and their lives your not just temporary

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If you want this relationship to last, communicate with your boyfriend. Tell him how you feel. His response and the way he deals with the situation will give you a little more insight. If he shrugs off your feelings or becomes defensive, those are some red flags. Not just about the ex but about how he may handle your feelings in the future. Good luck


U just gotta remember she been around awhile, and when they ended it don’t mean the family stopped caring about her…if u was around that long would u expect the whole family to not like u? Show up as his girl :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: they will either like it or show u they don’t gl

Your bf should have put a stop to that…I know my husband wouldn’t go if his family did that.


Your boyfriend should be the one to address this issue. It’s his family. If it matters to you. It should matter to him


I encountered the same problem. We went to the gathering. The ex and her kids (who was not his after dna testing) left the gathering and we live 26 yrs later happy. Tell to man up


Show up, anyway, with your boyfriend! Don’t be a door mat!


He shouldn’t go without you.


Kick him to the curb find someone better


Ya if he goes without u could b something bigger next time


Your boyfriend should stand up for u!!!


I agree wiTh the statements that say go. In fact take the day before for yourself. Hair nails new outfit and look fantastic then go as his girlfriend bc that’s YOUR right. You are a unit now and the ex can piss off.

You can’t control who ppl invite to their parties. Your bf has to choose between you & his family. Remember you’ve been around for 6mos. His sister has been there his whole life. Becareful. If you make a lot of noise over this you will get dumped.


If he goes without you , dump him


I. Would’ve of. Been. Po

He needs to stay home with you and call the ex and tell her she is no longer invited. If he does not then dump him. You will always have to fight for your place.


Honestly it sounds like you don’t trust him what’s one event . I’m sorry but it’s not your event they have known her for so long they can still be friends with her even after the break up. I’d say just for him to go for a bit then yall can do something together after

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Fuck that shit if he goes kick his ass out of ur life for good

Let your man address the problem.

I have been in this situation and it really didn’t bother me that much. I was not included in my boyfriend’s daughter’s birthday party or a school function when him and I first started dating.

Yeah that’s kind of shitty I would definitely be mad

RUNNNNNNNNN. they will always treat you this way.


It is possible that is has nothing to do about you and her friendship. It is possible that she over time became close with his ex and wants to show her that she’s still welcome. If a 7 year friendship blossomed…it may very well be that she’s not inviting you so that it doesn’t hurt her friends feelings (as in his ex). My whole family accepts my sisters ex and we have told him he will always be family and he’s always welcome. Just because a relationship has ended…doesnt mean the family has to end the friendship too.


This is a problem for your boyfriend to deal with. He should speak to his sister and if you are not invited perhaps he shouldn’t go

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Actually your boyfriend should talk to her about it. Then say if you aren’t going, he isn’t. Maybe she made a mistake with the names. Easily done believe me!!! But it should be talked about beforehand

Is there a reason that they could not invite both of you ? You are adults

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Umm… he shouldn’t go!

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not your circus and not your monkey…

If he didn’t say anything about you to her, then that’s a red flag.

My husband wouldn’t go if I couldn’t. We have missed functions because of work and one of us unable to go many times also while dating so us being married is irrelevant.

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I would hope that he wouldn’t attend without you and that HE should be the one to address it with his family…if he wants to go, then he should take you with him and if they an issue, then he should tell them he won’t attend ANY events without you


The big question is if she is a family friend, not technically her but her mama or maybe her dad. But it’s absolutely not right that you’re not invited. If they invite him you have an invite too

He needs to grow up and tell his sister you are coming with and if she says no tell her to (chuck off).

It’ll probably be lame anyways better to stay home and relax

Boyfriend should not attend

I don’t understand why you’re so upset :sob:- you have only been dating him for 6 months!! That is his family and they don’t have to invite you into their circle yet. Irregardless of their breakup - the family has know the ex fiancé for 7 years and clearly are still friendly with her (maybe their break up was your boyfriends fault). How are you being betrayed ?? Your just a new chick he’s dating - the family does not know if you will be around long - maybe they don’t want to get attached to you in case you’re gone in a month

If he’s the one you going to Germany with I’ll think real hard and deep they’re not ready to accept you so be careful ok loves always

He needs to stand up to his family & not allow that disrespect. Both of you need to put your foot down cause that is unacceptable.


Because if it’s already starting to exclude you you will at be excluded

Lose him and his family