My boyfriends son still wets the bed: What can we do?

It’s probably mental health related.

My brother wet the bed until 9 or 10 and just stopped out of nowhere. I would give it a little more time, and then consult a Dr again. I’m sorry that got to be frustrating.

My brother pop was the culprit.

It’s normal but you should be taking him to the doctor and pushing to make sure he’s ok. You shouldn’t get angry for something he can’t help and you may be making worse. He’s going to pick up on your attitude towards it all. Sorry if it seems harsh but you seem more concerned about the mattresses than your step son.

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My niece went the bed until she was 12. Her kidneys were the problem. She stopped drinking soda & hasn’t were the bed since

They will stop when the bladder muscles get developed better. Stop thinking medication is the cure for everything. Its extremely common. It does not mean there is mentally any problems or physically problems as well. Use night time pull ups for his age and use a zip up mattress cover and another mattress cover on top of that one and everything will be fine. I’m sure the young one is embarrassed enough. Support him and make sure he knows this is common and eventually it will be ok.

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Maybe he just wants to go home with his mom

Have him checked by a doctor could be medical reason
And let him wear overnights so this way you will not ruin another mattress

Under the bed protector you can also spread out garbage bags for extra catch.
Have you tried waking him up 3 hours after sleeping and getting him to pee

Don’t mean to scare you but that’s one of the first sympto.s of MS

Take him to the dr. All kinds of possibility

You’re at your wits end with his medical condition?! Thank god he doesn’t have cancer or something even more serious, I can only imagine how you would treat him for inconveniencing you with his illness.


Sometimes something is bothering him but he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to his dad about it. Maybe some counseling would help him.


My daughter wet the bed till 10. As long as they are not doing it during the day it is completely normal. Her’s was just laziness ( sleeping hard )

Maybe have him wear a pullup to bed. Not that anyone will see it. But I would look into things more. Something is not right


Could be many things does he do this at his mom’s? Could be mental or physical. My cousin was molested n this is what he did. With therapy he stopped

Talk to a doctor , my husband was the same age when they discovered it was a medical issue.

Maybe get some more medical opinions? Physchological and physical factors may be contributing.

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Just put him in Goodnights, get waterproof sheets, and dont shame him. It’s not anything he has any control over. Have him tested for sleep apnea.


My son is 9 and is going through that too. Doctor says it’s just a phase and could be genetic too. I have him go to the bathroom before bed and cut him off drinks before 8. Seems to help but some days I can’t keep up, so I have a notification on the iPad to tell him he needs to go potty before bed.

Sometimes it’s develpmental but see an ENT doctor. When a child’s tonsils are enlarged, they can then end up wetting the bed. A simple tonsil removal can do wonders for a child with this issue and it can explain ADHD like symptoms too.

Sometimes their 11 no meds help they grow out of it

Take him to the dr. It could be a medical problem

I can give you the same advice my dr.gave me for my son .Each time his son has the urge tell him to hold it as long as he can before he goes.some kids go void as soon as they feel the urge but if they hold it their bladder stretches and eventually they can hold it thru out the night. Good luck

It’s not behaviorable they cannot help it until their bladder is trained

I have a friend whose Son wet the bed every night into his teens they grow out of it have you ever known a young married man wet the bed I sujues good water proof for the bed it is a pain but his body hasn’t reckonized the urge to go don’t go medicating him or embarrassing him.

Buy a plastic sheet… goes over the matress… Or get a tarp … so you don’t ruin your matresses

We did the same. I finally came to the conclusion that he will probably out grow it before he gets married. We just let it go. He would have to change & wash his own sheets & pj’s an we just let it go. We all relaxed and the anxiety went away and pretty soon, so did the wetting.

My son is almost 12 and still wet his bed, took him to several dr appts. I was told that he ll eventually stop when he’s older. Very heavy sleeper. I had to wake him up in the middle of the night. I put 4 proof mattress. Plan on buy him new one when he’s done w wet his bed. It’s frustrating but it’s not his fault. I need to remind myself it’s ok than get mad every time. It’s struggling :pleading_face:

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Had the same problem with one of my kids. Went in to see a Dr, had tests done, everything come back normal. Found out my child was hyper active so when he went to bed it was such a deep sleep didn’t wake up when he had to urinate. I started waking him up every 2 hours then 3 hrs so on. It worked for us! Hope you find help. Just a suggestion to try.

Has he experienced any trauma? It could be a developmental delay. I’d see a doctor

Dr or give him a good frim whooping

That’s better than pooping in the bed…:rofl:

Stress!! Does he go to his mom’s? Does it happen there? Do his parents (mom, dad step dad, you) fight? Kids hear & see a lot more then people think. Problem in school, being bullied?
I always know when something is up with my kids because when something bothering them bed wetting tends to happen.

I had the same problem when i was his age my parents took me to do a sleep study and turned out i had sleep apnea they took my tonsils and Adonis out and i never had a problem after that.

Is he on any other meds such as adhd etc?

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Sounds like he should wear pull ups at night.


Some kids wet the bed for quite a while, it will stop on its own eventually. I know that doesn’t exactly help but Hang in there! Get him some good nites


Have you had a specialist look at his kidneys or bladder? May not be his fault🤷‍♀️


I would take him to get his bladder checked also see about therapy because he could be bed wetting cause of something at school or also for attention.


Both my sons, my brother and my dad did it. You really just have to let them grow out of it. Went thru it all plus. One day they will just quit. My youngest is 16 and he stopped acouple years ago. My oldest didnt quit til he was about 17. Be patient and just keep the bed as clean as possible. Have them wear Goodnites or for my youngest had to move to adult diapers. It will stop.:blush:

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Buy him pullups and schedule him to see the incontinence clinic in your area(call his pediatrician). There is a part of your brain that should develop about age 4 or 5 that wakes you when you need to pee. For some children it doesn’t develop that early. That’s something only time can fix. Be patient, loving and compassionate.

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Constipation will cause it. Google it, I didn’t know this until my son was 30.

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My son was a bed wetter from day one. He’s 10. We’ve had ultrasounds and seen a urologist. This is completely normal especially for a boy. The urologist said each year, the output will decrease by 11% every year until one night it just stops. He was right. My son wet the bed until right around his tenth birthday. It cut off like a faucet thank goodness because big kid pull ups are expensive.


We had that with my son! What ended up working was a bed wetting alarm. Brand name was Malem.

Also, the more you stress about it the more they will.

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Keep him in pull ups. Take him to a doctor. This can be a hormone process that can develop later in boys and can be hereditary.
His body is probably just not alerting him that he needs to go.

Do you let him wear overnight underpants? I’d definitely get some if not. Talk to your pediatrician. This is very normal for some kids.

It will stop. Use pull ups. They do stop

Constipation is sometimes the cause. Have you tried a Chiropractor. It helped my kiddo…

See a dr. Our son did for a little while. Come to find out he has sleep apnea. They had to take out his tonsils and adenoids and he hasn’t wet the bed since

My son didn’t stop until he just turned 12 I talked to the pediatrician about it she said it’s fairly common with boys especially and they typically don’t look into a problem until they turn 12 and still doing it unless there’s pain or discomfort… we used goodnight pull ups and encouraged no liquids after dinner I know it’s frustrating especially as they get older and they’re fully potty trained otherwise but it will end I promise I didn’t think it would end for my son but it did

Take him to the doctor you never know I knew a little girl who wouldn’t stop wetting the bed and it was because she had been sexually abused and had gotten an infection from it

Buy him a waterbed it’s easier to clean up teaching how to wash and dry his linen don’t shame him he will stop on his own eventually I was a bed-wetter I remember clearly the teasing shame not like we just lay there and peed on ourselves the waterbed would keep him warm it is easy to clean up

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Does he tend to hold in his bowel movements? My
Pediatrician said that often when boys do that, they wet the bed. Something to the effect that it almost numbs their bladder (the pressure from the bowel movement in there) and when they are sleeping they don’t wake and feel the urge to go so they wet the bed. Once we got him going #2 regularly the bed wetting stopped

Do a spoonful of honey an hour before bed it helps

don’t know why protective mattress covers wouldn’t work, or you can use the cloth rubber type pads used for babies, help protect the mattress and please, don’t make it any worse for him in the shaming dept than it has to be, out of 5 kids 3 of us wet the bed into our parenthood, my dad did too when I was a kid, mom put us in diapers and we had plastic taped around our mattresses, I can’t say it was anything emotionally wrong or even physically afflicting us, just something we inherited from our parents, I used to be ashamed, not any more, because it is more and more commonly discussed, my biggest suspicion is vax damage


My friend went and saw a chiropractor for her daughter and she stopped wetting straight away.

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Im not AT ALL saying your child has it BUT bedwetting and walking on tiptoes were the only symptoms of aspergers by brother had. If shes kinda “socially awkward” I would consider that if NOTHING ELSE SEEMS TO EXPLAIN IT because thats how we found out. Im sure its very unlikely but I feel like more parents should know the signs. Hope all ends up well :blush::blush:

Does he have any other symptoms? Could he possibly have a tethered spinal cord?

Obviously you have taken him to Dr so as long as it’s nothing serious he will grow out of it I was a bed wetter get him some pull-ups and don’t make him feel shame over it I promise he already feels embarrassed :pensive: about it and he will hide it if you make him feel scared or ashamed to tell that’s what I did!!!

Pull ups and talk to the doctor. I know a man who wet the bed until he was old enough to moved out. For he was the environment. Not saying that is the case for you but I would definitely speak to a doctor if need be different ones.

Might want to get him tested for diabetes

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Sometimes wetting the bed at the age can be cause from trauma. Just a thought!


This is so embarrassing to say, but I peed in my bed til I was 15. Swear to God, and I went to the doctors but they claimed there was nothing wrong with me. Then one day, like a light switch, I stopped peeing the bed. I only pee the bed when I get drunk now :heartpulse:


My brother wet the bed , for years growing up, when he was in his 30’s he found out he was born with 1 kidney, by the time he found out , the meds the doctors gave him killed that only kidney,he passed away when he was 49😥

It has been said…but still, take him to see a doctor.

It sounds like the young boy may have underlying problems.

He isn’t happy about it either. If he could stop, he would. Get pads, mattress protectors and pull ups. It will end. He should make it his business to deal with changing sheets, laundry etc.

Some bladders just take more time to mature. My wet the bed until I was 12 and nothing helped me but time. I had alarms, special diets, multiple wakings at nights and all those ever did for me was make me anxious about sleeping. I would suggest plastic sheets and a hospital grade pee pad on top of that before the sheets. Put some extra sheets, pee pads, and blankets in the kiddo’s room and show him how to change them so he is able to change if he has an accident at night. Teaching him how to do his laundry would be good thing as well.


I wet the bed for a very long time. As I got older I was constantly having urinary infections. Finally went to a very good urologist and discovered that the opening from my bladder was to small. Once that opening was stretched I didn’t have any more problems after that. Please don’t put him through years of pain. Have it checked out please.

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Nerves also makes them wet the bed if anything has changed that will cause them to as well

Well i did till i was 14 sometimes its a emotional thing but my son did too all he knows is i never scolded him for it said his bladder was small had him hold it during the day a few minutes each time he needed to go till he could wait quite awhile to stretch his bladder

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Make him wear the pissy pajamas to school

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he needs to go to the dr its not always being lazy

I wet the bed when I was 8, that’s how we found out I had diabetes. Not saying that’s what it is but it wouldn’t hurt to get him tested just to rule it out…

Go to the doctor to make sure there isn’t anything wrong with he’s bladder. Take him to a counsellor to see if anything might be bothering him. Put him in night time pull ups and see if over time it goes away (don’t pressure him). Some kids take a long time to not wet the bed at night.

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My son was a bedetter as was his older half brother. Both boys stopped at age 11

My granddaughter wet to bed until my daughter took her to s chiropractor and had her adjusted

A rubber sheet til the time comes where he stops- my boy is 7 and at.least the mattress isnt getting more.gross. :laughing:

Take him to a doctor. however for some its hereditary they usually stop around puberty.

Well we all usually get a drink before bed.Do we wet to bed? Usually no.Most of it has nothing to do with a medical issue.It usually is a sleep problem.Callled rem sleep.When they get in that mode thats when they pee.They can go in and out of rem sleep throught the night.There is a company out there that helps with this.Cant remember the name.I used them and my kids stopped wetting to bed in about 6 months.Using a special mat placed on their bed that had a bell attached that would go off when they peed even the slightest.We followed instructions from our team member and they where even allowed to drink a full glass of water before bed.They stopped peeing to bed wothin 6 months.No meds needed and it wasnt from laziness.My kids where 10 and 8 at the time

He could possibly have bladder issues.

The more attention you pile on, the more anxious he will be. Put trash bags over the mattress, one from each end and layer with mattress protectors. Take as much stress out of his life as possible. Make sure he isn’t being bullied at school or anywhere else. Make sure there is no medical reason. Just wait it out.

Take him to the doctor. It won’t last forever

My son is five and doesnt wet the bed we cut off at 6 and he goes to bed at 8 and that works for us

When there’s changes in life that can happen. But have you had him to drs to see if a health issue is cause?

Diabetes Insipidus? Have you taken him to a endocrinologist?

Maybe see a counselor. Might be an underlying issue yall aren’t aware of. My sister did for a long time for certain reasons.

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Take the child to a dr…it may be totally physical a urinary tract thing…


If you haven’t already I’d take him to see a urologist. Could be an underlying issue with his urinary system or at least that could be ruled out.


Following. My daughter has the same issue and has seen many doctors

Underlying health condition could be the problem.


My step son just turned 10 and still does it every night I’m glad you posted to know I’m not alone on all this my son has an appt with his doctor for it they want to do a sleep study and ultra sound on his bladder

if its not a medical reason get him overnights, he will eventually grow out of it


Went through something similar, therapist said to make my daughter who was 10 at the time to start cleaning her bed at night when she urinates. Changes the sheets, clean up etc. First night we helped her after that she was on her own. She peed the bed three times once we initiated this and nothing since. Good luck!


I did till I was 14. I slept through everything.


Might be a blockage somewhere… See a doctor

My daughter JUST got over this. Did it from the time she was 8 til 10. Unfortunately it’s just a phase some kids can’t help but revert back too. Tested, counselors, was just something she had to outgrow

he will grow out of it, I was punished for it as a kid, was a bed wetter till about the age of 10 . I know punishment definitely doesn’t help,