My boyfriends son still wets the bed: What can we do?

Get him to a urologist. He may have a medical condition


Have you sought medical advice?..even if it’s just to rule any medical issues out.

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Urologist and GI. Constipation causes accidents too. Therapy could be needed from a variety of sources… Physical therapy or counseling. Some kids are such heavy sleepers it could still find nothing wrong. I don’t think any kid goes to the bathroom on purpose in their sleep.


I would say get them tested for Diabetes Insipidus. That could be an underlying medical issue that could be treated with medication.

My brother did until he was 16. The doctor told my mom that he was a deep sleeper. He has an issue that he was so active during the day that he sleep sound at night. They gave him pills to help dry him out but once he hit puberty he stopped. They also said he had a small bladder I think so his didn’t hold as much fluids. Doctor will be you first stop


Sounds like a form of Narcolepsy. They get into such a deep sleep they don’t wake up. Which would be why the alarms don’t work either.


Take him off milk for a week. The bedwetting will stop.
I thought this was a bunch of bunk, but was at my wits and it worked!
They give dairy cows a diuretic hormone to make more milk.
Some children are affected by this hormone and their kidneys can’t concentrate their urine during sleep.
You can google it for more information.
When my son was a pre teen he was able to drink milk again and not wet the bed.


Take him to a specialist. Is he having problems like bullying at school or something?

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When I went thru this with my son the doctor told me he was sleeping too heavy and the he will likely out grow it before he starts high school. He was right. We used soaker pads until then.


Poor little guy. I was a bed wetter. I slept so soundly I didn’t wake up till it was to late. Maybe see a physician to make sure there isn’t something else medical going on. I remember feeling shame and embarrassment. It was humiliating. He needs a lot of emotional support.

Can you say water bed

Get him to a urologist and a child psychiatrist


Use pullups at night. He will grow out of it.


Just have him wear goodnight to bed it will save sheets and mattresses my daughter did till she was 17 then we ran out and I said ok no more and one n6of wetting she never did it again she is a very deep sleeper

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My twin boys have had this problem tryed every thing they are now 12 years old and it’s only been the last 2 months they both have stopped was told they will probably grow out of it my boys would put on big kids pull ups and have the protection sheet on there beds incase they forget to put one on its hard on them and hard as a parent and can get frustrating at times my boys are heavy sleepers. There dad had the same problem when he was younger and he grew out of it as well.

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Please whatever you do dont make a big deal out of it in front of other children if there are others in the household. I think that makes things worse for the child that wets the bed. My step son used to wet the bed at least once a week, he was 8 at the time. Once they moved in and we got everyone settled things started to change. It was starting to become less and less of an issue. We just bought a mattress protector that is cloth on one side and plastic under it.


Just give it time my son wet his bed to the age of 12 dont embarras him believe me he already feels this way


Stress!! And not wanting to wet probably gives him anxiety before bed


See s good urologist


Bedwetting is common, especially during puberty. Use pullups at night. No drinks an hour before bed.Try not to make a big deal out of it. They feel bad enough about it and getting fussed makes it harder. Have extra sheets on standby. Have him help clean it up and let him know your not angry. Its inconvenient and gross but they truly cant help it.
If bv it’s your stepson, you may want to review his emotional state. Stress can also cause bedwetting. Do yall get along with Mom? Does Mom have a partner? obviously if hes been on meds than dr is aware…
They do outgrow it. It just takes time and patience


Mental health issues or an illness like narcolepsy


I’m just asking, but is he at the age of coming into his manhood. My son did the same thing, come to fine out he wasn’t wetting the bed he was starting to grow up. Older Grandmom Now Just Asking

My little cousin done this until he was around that age, my uncle got him basically pull ups to help with it, seen a doctor, meds etc & his turned out to be from trauma. But sometimes they just have to stop on their own, you could try the pull up thing, and also maybe waterproof pad like hospitals use to help with mattress stains. Or even sit down and talk to him and ask him if everything is okay and remind him that he can openly talk to both of you.


I wet the bed til I was about 11. Unfortunately I had a medical issue, not trying to scare you in any way, but it would be worth talking to the pediatrician about it further. My little guy is 4 and since we moved to our new house and off of a main road he sleeps so well that he started having accidents. We bought a thinner shower liner to protect the mattress and it’s the best 3 bucks we ever spent! I never scold him for it because of my own bed wetting experience and how frustrating it was. Good luck I hope it works out for you♥️


Stop the milk it works as a diuretic you can buy chucks at the pharmacy to protect mattress don’t stress him about it some kids do this till age 13 dreams can also cause it no food or snacks after 6

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Sounds like y’all stressing him TF out making it worse. He can’t control it because believe waking up wet and pissy isn’t exactly a luxury moment for him, either. He’ll outgrow it in time. It sucks for you, but it’s worse for him.


My son had to be in pull ups until 8. He just slept too hard to wake up. Then one day, he just stopped… he is fine.


Counseling. There may be an underlying issue.

Take him to doctor!!! Could be some underlying medical condition

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Please try this before doctors and all that headache!! my son was the same. I had tried almost everything. He was 8 about to turn 9. I found this bed wetting system on Amazon called Chummie it was under $100. It’s a sensor that sticks to their underwear or pants and clips on their shirt. Once it senses a drop of water it will start vibrating, lights up, and makes noise to wake the child up. It helps train their brain to know the sense and the outcome. It took only two months before my son was filly potty trained at night. It was such a huge huge relief! I feel like it made our relationship better bc we were all finally getting sleep and I wasn’t aggravated every morning! I know it may seem like a lot of money to put down at once but it saved me so much in laundry, pull-ups, cleaning products, and mental sanity! Good luck!!


As child I wet the bed and it was because I had an underdeveloped bladder. It is often a medical issue behind it rather physical or mental. I would suggest getting him check out and seeing if everything is alright IMO. Not to worry though, he WILL out grow it.

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Did they ever check him for a small bladder?

Has he gone to the doctor. My brother and most of the boys in my family and one of the girls did this until they were 12. Their bladder was smaller than normal and eventually it stopped. My parents had a plastic sheet under his sheet.

Kids absolutely can NOT help it. Nothing you say will make it go away. You can try different things some may work or not. Some of it could be emotional stress. Most kids grow out of it. I currently have 3 bed wetters. I use a vinyl mattress protector under the sheet so when they wet it wakes them up. I also just bought these things (wet-stop 3 found on amazon or walmart) with alarms on them. They go off when they get a tiny bit wet & wakes the child. It helps their brain associate waking up to pee. My 2 worst bed wetters also have a problem going to the bathroom right when they have to go but wait until when they REALLY have to go or I notice it. I think it suppresses their ability/judgement to hold it.

I hope y’all don’t come at him when he does it… I’m sure he isn’t doing it purposely! No reason to make him feel worse about it. Buy some pull-ups so you won’t have to complain about buying new mattresses until he is able to get it under control… it’s not a big deal… he will eventually grow out of it… every child is different!


See a urologist to get a prescription to Desmopressin.


He needs to see a councillor. Does he strip his own bed. Get pads from the dr. He is entitled to them. Get the boy to a councillor ASAP. Don’t mention this in front of any other person you will only embarrass him. He also could have a medical condition. Be patient xx


Constipated! Ask his pediatrician about it…

I had this issue until i was about 12. nothing i could do. my doctor said it had something to do with my hormones. i had to take a pill every night so it wasn’t as bad

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Just be patient, my daughter did it until she was 13 years old we had a house fire in the middle of the night and she never slept that deep again. So count your blessings that he’s a good sleeper. Usually it is not emotional or physical, they are just deep sleepers and they do outgrow it. I’ve had many friends who children outgrew it,

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Take him to the doctor.

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My older son went through this …He was still wearing pull-ups around that age because he would go at night…And it definitely bothered him especially when it came to having friends over or starting sleepovers …I actually asked my chiropractor and took him in for a couple adjustments Along with just going straight to underwear at night and within a week the bed wetting just stopped on it’s own! It’s something that the brain is not communicating with the bladder at night and in my sons case getting him adjusted by a chiropractor helped

My daughter was the same,she was tested she was just a real deep sleeper. So I ended up getting her a water bed where we just cleaned it every day. Maybe someone u no has a old 1 laying around.

Pediatrician immediately. They will then do test and let you know if its behavioral or not. Google is your friend.

You can buy those Blue square pass like they use in the Hospital and put rhat under him. Get a Vinyl blow up mattress. I have one I use when the kids stay over . Put a?sheet on it and you can wipe it off.throw a fleece throw over the sheet if its can put it on yr box spring. They cane in all different price ranges & are comfortable.People use them for camping too. You wouldn’t hve to get a reL expensive one cause he probably doesn’t weigh that much. Try it . May solve yr problem for now. He will out grow it. Good luck & God bless. Try not to ldt him feel guilty. A lot of kids do this. You could also wake him a few times during the night & take him to the bathroom & put him on the toilet. I had a Mom tell me her daughter wet the bed & told her mom she dreamt she was on the toilet when it happened. Who knows.

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I know you said you’ve done this but being consistent is the only way. You have to wake him up at the same time every night in the middle of the night. This could go on for weeks but you have to do it. I would recommend getting him up at 1 or 2 AM. You need to figure out at about what time he is wetting the bed. Then you need to get him up before he typically would wet the bed. Now some nights he might wet before you get him even though you thought you had it figured out. Stay calm and try not to be frustrated and keep going. You will create a habit and a pattern so that his body will either wake himself up to go to the bathroom or it will start allowing him to hold his urine through the night. do not restrict his liquids, continue to keep him hydrated throughout the day. As for the mattress, get a vinyl shower curtain to put on under the sheet. Then put a blanket that’s easy to wash on top of that. That will create an absorbent area to soak up the urine but then still easy to wash. I would recommend having at least three sets of sheets and blankets ready to be changed daily that can be washed daily. Not joking, it takes a lot of time and patience but it will work.

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Kids will also pee there bed when their having nightmares

Sounds like he’s several years due an ass whooping and if you don’t catch it soon you’re fucked


Just love him and tell him it’s ok, that he will out grow it. Ask him if he would like to try some adult disposable underwear, or children’s if he’s not too big for them. Please don’t get mad or fuss with hubby about it. We used those cheap blow up camping mattresses with my grandson. He liked sleeping on them & we never made a issue out of his bedwetting & he outgrew it.

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I peed the bed until I was 10. Get him some adult diapers to sleep in, waterproof mattress cover and layer sheets and the big black trash bags. Do the mattress cover, trash bag, fitted sheet, trash bag, fitted sheet, trash bag ect. Take him to the doctor, and a therapist. If both check out then you may have to wait it out. He will probably do it until puberty. It’s not his fault, and he shouldn’t be punished for it. I used to get beat severely for it and it only made everything worse.


Doctor…if it’s not medical he may need counseling. If both s dr & a counselor clear him you may need to be patient. You sound like you’re trying very hard and care a great deal about him…that is good and he is lucky that you guys love him and are willing to try anything to help

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Does he have bad dreams? This happened when I was little and had night terrors that I could wake up from…

Take him to the Dr! He may have an abnormally small bladder, kidney stones, uti, bacteria infection…the list could go on! Best to get a Dr’s opinion because it may be a medical problem that could easily be fixed when treated properly.


Sometimes giving a spoon of honey will help

God forbid but it could be a sign of being molested I’d talk to him

It’s an actual medical condition. Your boyfriend son is not alone. In fact I believe it’s hereditary.


I know a child that wet the bed up until 11 years old. He was healthy per his doc, but just had accidents :woman_shrugging:t2:


Seems to me the more you make an issue of it the longer it’s going to last. I would rule out a medical condition, second opinions if necessary. Maybe a trip to a urologist will help figure it out, rather than a trip to the pediatrician


Honestly im thankful for your post. I just talked to my sons doctor cause he still does at 6. I was curious, he told me its completely normal a lot of kids his age just sleep so deeply that they cant wake up to go pee. And we have tried almost everything other than meds, i even used to wake him halfway through the night…it still didnt help.
My gma bought a thick pad to go over his sheet that absorbs it then she just tosses it in the wash. My bf advised buying a plastic cover from a shipping company like they have brand new also.
I wish you and your son luck
(Btw my sons bio dad and his nephew both wet the bed til they were mid teens)

It can be hereditary, it still can be frustrating but just have to be patient may last a few more years.

He needs to see a Dr, there could be medical issues causing it

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Sometimes it takes a while for the bladder to grow to the correct size to accommodate the amount of fluids a child of his age consumes. Just be patient. If he is still wetting the bed as a teenager, he may benefit from bladder surgery. Please don’t take it out on him. As much as you’re frustrated, he’s ten times more embarrassed and frustrated at his situation.

My older brother had the same problem…
Make him strip his own bed and wash his own sheets every time he wets the bed (not trying to sound mean)
Stopped my brother when absolutely everything had been try as you have also said to waking him during the night to go… So with that being said I think you should try that one.


Sounds like there needs to be an evaluation to make sure something bad isn’t going on with this kiddo. Just saying


Have him deal with it. It’s his kid. Tell him to start him in counseling. His dad should get him into a dr. Overnights pull ups for teens, ect

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Children who experience stress may wet the bed. See a family/child psych. No shame, only gain.

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There is always a kid or 2 that is a late bedwetter. Definitely take tot he doctor AND a child therapist. It may be both psychological and physical.

My brother and I wet the bed all thro grade school. Nothing out of the ordinary. We just were bed wetters. My kids and grandchildren never wet the bed. Life happens. He will out grow it.

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I love what erica said my grandson has this problem and his stepmother humiliates him in front of everybody!

urologist because i had issues until i was 18 medication and surgery etc and i have scarring on my kidneys because it was left too long and i am very susceptible to uti

My youngest daughter was the same way. After many appointments to different specialists her pediatrician prescribed her a very low dose anti depressant. Worked like a charm from night 1