My brothers ex is keeping their baby from him and us, help!?

Court and paternity test and when it comes back verification he is the father his name will automatically be put on the birth certificate. It can be a process however it will be worth it. Prayers to your family.

No judgement on either parent. These are unfortunate Legal issues and young couples are likely unaware . Common senses says he’s The Father then they learn often times because the mother doesn’t not allow contact that he has no Legal Right Establish paternity not to engage in A Tug a War but because Bl biologically and emotionally the father is as important as the Mother

He can take her to court, and they will do paternity testing, and allow him to be apart of the child’s life. Him signing the birth certificate really doesn’t play a part in any of it.
If they weren’t married before the baby was born, the mother will have sole custody and legally does not have to give him any rights. It is up to the father to take action through the courts to obtain any rights to his child.

All he needs to do is consult with a lawyer, some do free consultations. They will tell him what he needs to do, and then he can have her served with court papers and whether she wants to or not, he will have rights to his child. Unless he is proven 100 percent

Not being physically violent doesn’t make someone magically awesome. That’s a pretty dang low bar “he’s never hit her!” Okay… like that’s literally the least you should ever expect of anyone. Stay out of it. He can go to court and get a court order for a DNA test and the courts will decide

Lawyer he can ask for a. DNA test just to make. every thing legal then when it proved it is his. She got to let him see and be in the baby life

Yes, he can take her to court and establish paternity and get to see his baby.

He can file for a temporary custody order until he can get her into a court room for more legal stuff and DNA and if he is the father he can request his name be put on the birth certificate. Nothing she can do about it.

Have him do a DNA test and then go to friend of court for custody once he proves the baby is his. She can’t keep him from seeing his baby if he’s fighting. Might be a struggle but if he really wants to be a father, I think it’d be worth it.
I did something similar to my ex BUT he was mentally and emotionally abusive and on drugs. He threatened me constantly so I did it for our own safety. He’s never once tried to be in my son’s life and I haven’t heard from him in almost 2 years. His loss

Yes take her to court and keep all the documentation of what she has been doing all messages, papers from hospital and all that.

Partition the court and get his rights legal aid is cheap better get at them first thing Monday cuz if not and she gets too it he might haft to pay a lawyer

He can go to the DA office and petition to have his name out on the birth certificate he will have to get a court ordered DNA to prove the child is his. My husband had to go through this exact same thing when his girls were little with his ex.

Most hospitals won’t but a father on there without them signing papers for responsibility/dna.
He can still take her to court to get an order dna and then establish parenting time rights

Not true, my baby dad is NOT on the birth certificate. He pays child support and has weekend custody

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He would have to petition the court for a paternity test and they can grant him parental rights

Support him, but stay out of their fight. Been there it’s not worth it.

Get a paternity test and have your brother take her to court for custody. Lawyer up, hon. It can get messy.

I’m kind of in the same situation. But I’m the mom. I’m overdue as of today. The man I made the baby with didn’t want anything to do with the baby. He didn’t want anything to do with the baby until I left him. He has tried to contact me several times which I have avoided him and ignored him. And he will not be allowed in the hospital room and he will not go on the birth certificate. Maybe there’s more to the story than you know. Just try to be supportive on both sides if that’s what you choose.

So this may be an unpopular opinion but it’s HER birthing experience and she’s allowed to choose who is there and who is not. If she had the baby on the first, the baby isnt even a week old, if she had the baby early if the baby is in the nicu and not home yet, she’s not keeping him from the baby under normal circumstances. If the baby is home she may just want a week or two to adjust to being a mom. If in a week or two she still doesn’t let him meet the baby then that’s a huge problem… He van take her to court and file for a paternity test. In my state and alot of others, whatever parent has the baby is who has custody if there is no custody order. She may be scared he’ll take the baby and not give the baby back. You don’t know what he’s said during arguments and how it was said. If my ex said “once the baby is born, I’m taking him from you” your damn right he wouldn’t be taking the baby until we had a legal custody agreement. I wouldn’t stop him from coming over and seeing the baby but taking the baby, nope. You also don’t know for sure he’s never hit her, you can think and be almost sure, but you don’t know what’s happened behind closed doors. Maybe the baby isn’t his and she doesn’t want totell him. You don’t know how traumatic her birth was, again it hasn’t even been a week, cut her a break.

First he needs to go to the court before shes does get DNA done. Then go from there. But i do have to question the fact why they (both) thought a child would save there relationship. Smh

Go to court, establish paternity and go for visitation rights. Only way if she’s not willing.


Get DNA proof. And, then go for his parental rights. Document everything. I mean EVERYTHING. keep all the proof that SHE kept him from the birth and so on. But, in the mean time. Try to be the supportive aunt who just wants to love her new niece/nephew. And, maybe ya’ll can build a relationship in the mean time so that he can come to your place and see his baby until court intervenes.

Let the 18 year battle begin. It all starts with going to court. They will make her do a dna test. She will probably lie saying hes violent or hostile towards him, so that way it makes him look bad in court and he will be forced to have supervised visitation. Itll probably be a huge battle and lots of time before he will be able to keep the baby over night. He may need character witnesses to defend him saying hes not a violent and horrible person (my bff had to go thru ALL of this cuz his ex lied saying he was abusive and everything, when hes really not). There are dads who have won the court and judge over by proving that hes nothing like what the mother said he was. Even if shes breastfeeding she will still have to let the baby stay over night if thats what the judge grants. She will either have to pump and send, or the baby will be fed formula while being in the dads care. Just prepare him for a LONG and expensive battle. Get a good lawyer…and whatever he does, do NOT bad mouth the mother in court. That will reflect badly on him instead of her. Kill her with kindness. She will try to provoke him to make him look bad infront of the judge.

Just because hes not on the birth certificate does not mean he has no legal rights. He has the legal right to get a lawyer to get a paternity test. The courts will handle it. Best thing to do is document everything. Save any and all messages. And prepare for a battle.

Sadly only way is to go thru court… that my friends is why you don’t have kids with crazy gals🤷🏻‍♀️ some moms like feed off keeping kids from their fathers and its sad.

Document document document! File for paternity test and file for joint custody. Now because the courts are all backed up with covid

Tell him to make damn sure he doesnt go off on her. You want the courts to have proof she is intentionally keeping baby from him knowing baby is his and he is trying his best to be there but not allowed. He has to remain civil- you guys as well! Dont give a judge a reason for her to feel she is justified.

Ask for a paternity test. He might have to pay for it but he can demand a paternity test.

of course he has legal rights get a lawyer just cause she left him off the certificate doesn’t mean jack shit, that makes absolutely no sense.

Take her to court. The court will order a DNA test and she could get into trouble with this … it takes a while but it’s worth it in the end so, start now

Take her to court get proof through a DNA test and get rights! He does have rights even though he’s not on the birth certificate

He can take it to court and request that a dna test be done. Family court obviously.

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Tell him to get DNA test … he can be added to certificate if comes back baby his. Then go through lawyers to get custody/visits/etc…

He can go to child support office claim the child , they will do a dna test prove he’s the father put on birth certificate, then get a lawyer to go to court for his custody rights

Get a lawyer and file child support on himself. Get a DNA test done immediately. Even if the courts have to order one.

Tell him to RUN as fast as he can :point_right:that way and never look back… DO NOT sign anything
I’m only looking out for his best interest - have her prove it’s his child.
Tell him not to try filling the void with other shit that will ruin his life and to just keep my vibg forward with his life and stay far away from that shit… Very far

Tell him to keep all the messages as proof that she’s keeping the child away from him.
Do not start arguments with her. Only ask her if he can see his child.

If she says no then say that “you have been denying me to witness the birth, and to see my child since it was born and went to great lengths to deny me my rights as a father” if she responds and tries to justify then you have written proof of her doing so. Print it out.
Don’t tell her about court. Let the court surprise her with the letter. You don’t need a judge. Ask for 50/50 custody and for your name to be put on the babies birth certificate. Have people come with you to speak about your character. Be respectful to your ex and don’t give her anything she could use against you in court that could make you look unstable or aggressive.

I hope it all works out. :slight_smile:

He needs to file a petition to be legitimated as the father and for custody. Also, he needs to register with the putative father registry in the state he lives in.

It’s not as simple as leaving him off the birth cert, she had to prove she doesn’t know who the dad is

He can go to court and get himself put on the birth certificate. My uncle did it xx

Just stir down and wait 5 minutes…she’ll want child support

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Shes going to be very very sorry shes doing this, but your brother has to push for it otherwise she can do whatever she wants

Take her to court, Do a DNA !
It’s illegal to not out the father on the birth certificate, the only way around it is to sign a stat Dec stating she doesn’t know who the father is!l and the information she has given is correct. she can get into serious trouble for lieing. I went threw this with my 4year old.

He has rights. They’ll mandate a DNA test and then she can be in huge trouble for what she’s doing.

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Unless your brother is willing to move forward with either a complete separation or to ment thing with her. To be honest WE as outsiders (including you) don’t know what happens behind closed doors. People don’t magically wake up and hate each other. No offense intended for any party. What I can suggest I’d have him seek legal help ASAP, make a “last intent” perhaps a voicemail a text a call asking where he asks to be included and if he can see baby, if she refuses save a recording of the conversation, do not harass her (text, call, visit). Yes I know it will be hard is hard but in situations like this one party has to be advised to not be petty. Well-being of baby is no.1 take that approach and trust the process if he wants to be involved he will and her karma will bit her in the a** when she least expects it she will be regretting all her selfish actions. Sorry

Actually he can request a dna test through the state and once it comes back positive his name can be added to the birth certificate and he can get rights to the baby

Document, document and document some more. Document each and every phone call, text, attempt to see the child. All of her petty baby games. Have it ready for court. Get a lawyer if you can afford one and fight for parenting time. Get a DNA test and Fight for 50/50 custody. If you can’t afford a lawyer, you can do this one your own but it’s going to take a lot of work. Be prepared. You can do this! He also has the right to be on the birth certificate. He can also request to have it changed to show his name. I suggest he join the FB page: The Fathers Rights Movement. There is a national chapter and one for each state. He and you all as well - can get a lot of help there. Good luck to you!!! I wish you all the best! :slightly_smiling_face:

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He could meet with an attorney to see about forcing a dna test. Once he proves fatherhood, He has legal options.

Get him to a lawyer. He can request a DNA test and go through the process of putting his name on the birth certificate and getting access to the baby.

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Best advice is get a lawyer & request a DNA test. If the baby is his then request visitation and to be added to the baby’s birth certificate.

He needs to petition the court for a dna test and then fight for partial custody.

His first step should be to petition the court to have paternity established. That way he has legal ground to stand on.

I’m sorry to say but this screams “not the father” and now she can’t hide it. I’d get a paternity test done

It sounds like it would all have to be solved in court but I am not sure definetly not a expert he can call a lawyer and find out how he can get his name on the birth certificate so he can have visitation rights I think they may most likely have him take a paternity test to make sure he’s the father before they do anything else

He has rights. Get a lawyer and have DNA done and save all the communication showing she kept him out.

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The only thing he can do take her to court and try to get joint custody. With him having no legal rights that is the only option and they will request a DNA test to prove he is the father.

This is such a tough situation. Were they married? In Arkansas if you aren’t married then the Dad basically has NO rights. Down to the last name. Now, he can do a DNA test & establish his rights, then this will help him go in front of a judge for rights. He can even petition for a name change & then he will get visitation. My best advice is get a lawyer & fight. He will have to pay CS but he will have a chance to be a Father whether she likes it or not.

This isn’t your fight. This is for your brother to handle. He can go to court and mediation if he wants. You need to step back.

That baby didn’t make itself. Get DNA testing for proof. The courts will make her comply

Well your brother needs to go the legal way. And in most states the father has to be present to sign the birth certificate. So even if she wanted to put someone as the father on there she could not. He needs to take her to court and have visitation set up. It’s a process but in the end it’s all worth it. As far as their relationship. Arguing and all that stuff is stressful to the child. They can sense those type of things. I think they should just go the legal route and leave their toxic relationship alone.

Gonna have to go through court to get on the birth certificate.
As for the hospital- it is up to her who she wants there to visit her or baby. So they do have the right to say no to people coming in. Right now the baby is only a week old, she’s a new mom, give it time she will realize she needs the help

You don’t necessarily have to have a lawyer to establish paternity. Visit your county’s clerk office and they will help start that paperwork. She will be served papers to take the paternity test and so will he. Omce the results come back (most of the time) there will be a court date set to establish child support. Some states you can do child support and custody altogether and others are two seperate court dates. Check with county clerks office to see how they do it. It would benefit him to have an attorney while establishing custody though. But with baby being a newborn, I wouldn’t expect any over night visits for a couple of years and if baby is EBF he will probably have to visit the baby at her house.

DNA test and taken to court, if he is definitely the biological father he then has rights to the baby also. There may be a cost depending where you are from.

He can request a paternity test…and it won’t be optional for her

Court…demand a DNA test on father and child …if it matches can’t you demand his rights then …ypu are the father and you do have rights . Steve Wilko/ Maury

Probably not even his. I say this because it happened to my nephew. Turns out it wasn’t his

The mother has every right to not want the father up there for the birth. She also has every right to say no to visitors.
And if they weren’t married, then he has no (legal) right to be on the birth certificate.
If he wants to be in the babies life like he says he does, then he needs to follow legal procedures. He needs to get a court ordered paternity test done to establish parentage. Then he needs to file for joint custody.

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Get a DNA TEST… then he will have rights… if the baby is his.

ALL He has to do is file paperwork with the courts whr ever he lives if he knows moms address she would get notice…the court will file for a DNA and its goes by step from thr…If the dads really want to be in thr kids life thats all it takes!!! its not the end of the world!

He can still take her to court not being on the birth certificate! It’s 100% possible.

Like others have said, he needs an attorney and to get the court to order a DNA test and go from there.

All he has to do is go to the courts and request a dna test. Once that proves he is the father then he can get visitation. Don’t let that witch keep him from his child. He can do things

He still has rights to it his baby even though he’s not on the birth certificate

Get a lawyer and be the petitioner. Get the DNA test.
He needs to establish his rights as a father so she doesn’t mess that up for him. Document everything and make sure you have proof. Allegations get ugly and she may take everything from him.

The only way to get access to the child is to file with the courts.

He has legal rights he can go down tomorrow and get a blood test :ok_hand:t2: go file a parenting plan tomorrow for custody and serve her in the hospital walla done

Go to family court. Get the DNA and get it court ordered for visitation and DOCUMENT every call, time, date every visit, and they need to keep it only about the baby.

He has rights but now he needs a lawyer, court and a dna to prove he’s the father. Then the birth certificate can be amended. Of course there will be court ordered child support. The court can order that anytime in this child’s life if she decides she wants it.

Take her to court. Legal way is the only way

He needs to get a lawyer. Request DNA. it’s about the child. They both need to grow up.

He can have a dna test ordered at his expense… but then he will have rights to the baby!

Establish paternity and the he will have rights. Until then, he doesn’t.

He needs to get a dna test and take her to court so he can get rights and visitation and custody and all that put in place

He can take her to court for a establishment of paternity and from there can get rights/custody/visitation

Hes gonna have to take her to court and order a dna test and then from there the judge can set up a visitation schedule or something

The father of the child only has to sign the paper if the mother and father are not legally married and you want the child to have the fathers last name. In NS that is

If they were on and off like that maybe it’s not his and she’s nervous for him to find out :woman_shrugging:

I’d file an emergency petition stating the welfare of the child is in danger if she keeps acting like that.

Just get a lawyer and ask for a paternity test and file for split custody ASAP otherwise you’ll have to do a step by step limited times visits for a certain amount of visits to slowly increase until eventually having overnights and weekends, but the sooner you do it the more likely he’ll get full 50/50 visits

No matter how flat you make a pancake there’s always two sides, no one’s listening to her side

Yep,get a family court/custody lawyer & go to court so that they can do a Dna test & him & your family can get visitation.

Don’t have kids until your married. His own fault for not using protection and ensuring he didn’t impregnate someone. He now will be allowed maybe every other weekend and has the right to pay child support if in fact she files for it. If not he needs an attorney and will likely not see this child until it’s much older. If he can find her or the child and serve her properly to even get into court. Could take years and could likely may never go anywhere at all. She legally is the sole legal and physical guardian unless the court or CPS takes the child. Highly unlikely you will get anything more than 4 days a month and have to pay a lot.

Its called get a lawyer and do paternity resting if he wants it that bad

I’m not sure how you think the family is being left out when she sent a picture to you guys and wasn’t trying to hide. You heard his story but what about hers

He still has rights. He needs to take her to court and take a DNA test to establish paternity. He should be able to get visitation rights especially if there’s no violent history, etc.

Go to court… It’s as simple as that. Be prepared to be a present father in every way.

3 sides to a story his hers and the truth no woman goes to them lengths just to be a bitch sorry there has to be a reason ‘why’ she did this

Tell your brother to get it court ordered for a dna test and once results come back he can be put on the birth certificate and have parenting time set up

He still is the father and has rights even if his name isn’t on the birth certificate. He still has rights🙄

He needs to petition the court for a DNA and paternity rights. Don’t wait long.

File for DNA Hire an attorney take their asses to court. He has every right to fight for his rights if he can prove the child is hus.

Get a lawyer! Go to court with a petition for a paternity test and she will legally have to comply