Court, or zero legal rights. Period.
He needs to get a lawyer and DNA test. Same situation sis. We are still fighting for my nephew.
Just go to court to establish paternity
If baby is on any kind of assistance, he can file for a paternity test. Granted if he is the father, he’ll have to pay support but he’ll get granted rights to the baby
He has to be there to sign off to be on the birth certificate. And he has rights as the baby’s father to be in the child’s life regardless of the BC, so everything is going to be OK, but the fact that she was in labor having a baby, I think it is probably a good idea that he was not there if they are having issues. That should be a special moment that nobody should ruin regardless of who you are or what you’re going through. It’s her choice. But if they have the history you say they do, everything will work out and be okay… let her have her moment with her baby without the drama, this isn’t about you, respect that. But just because he’s not on the birth certificate does mean he doesn’t have rights. Think of all the babies born with the dads out of town or in the military. Everything will work out. Just chill🙂
All he needs to do is start off by getting a DNA test. If she has state insurance it’s mandatory the father’s be held accountable and he has to pay child support
Get a paternity test. There’s probably more to the story though. You don’t know how her and your brother really are.
Tell him to contact an attorney of he wishes to have rights to his child. They will let him know what options he will have in your area different states have different laws facebook isn’t a good place to look for answers.
I think once you use the words
Lawyer/ DNA/ custody/parental rights…
This girl and her family will either except his rights or they will play dirty…
I mean real dirty.
Your brother will need witnesses when ever he has any furture dealings with her.
I honestly believe that girls such as this one use having a child to have control over guys.
I am sorry to say this but having a child with her in hindsight was not a good idea.
She’s going to use that child as a shield and dagger at every turn and her family will aid and abet her.
Your brother… is heading for the hardest times ahead financially and emotionally.
Court ordered DNA test! If they refuse to comply with the courts she can be sent to jail for not doing so! I know in Iowa you only have a certain amount of days to get it done before you’re hauled off to county
First thing get a dna test
Just because he is off of the birth certificate doesn’t mean he has no rights to his child. Takes two to make a baby and thank God the law sees that…he can take her to court & get a paternity test and if he proves to be a “secure” father, the court can’t deny him rights to his child. Just really sucks they can’t figure their shit out, because that baby needs to have peace in his or her life…those first couple months are soo damn important to not have stress.
He can take her to court and do a dna and he will have legal rights. That’s the best way for him to see his child.
Have him get an attorney and do it thru the court. He can be added and get his rights/visitation.
That can be fixed with a court ordered DNA test but that also comes with child support and legal obligation to the child as the courts see fit.
All he can di is take her to court. Maybe the baby isn’t his?? DNA test the court will decide from there
Lawyer or it’s not his
Court can order a DNA test without him having an attorney, after ward he can file with friend of court for parenting time to be established
An attorney is a great asset but not always needed
Maybe he’s not the dad
If she tries to get child support or foodstamps,medicaid, they will open a case through health and welfare. Has he talked to a lawyer?
As long as he gets a paternity test, proves it is his and pays child support, she is SOL.
Sounds like this is only what you’ve been told by your brother. Let them settle it in court.
Take her to court to establish paternity so he can have rights
Parental alienation its real look it up she may want to rethink about what shes doing!
Aaaand, after the court ordered paternity tests what if the baby isn’t his?
Dna test then take it to court
What if the baby isn’t even his?
He can petition the courts for a DNA test and fight for his rights
DNA test, joint custody
Hire a lawyer
Have D N A test done.
Help raise him
It doesnt matter if he is on the birth certificate, he can do a paternity test and the courts will put him on the birth certificate and grant him visitation whether she likes it or not. If he really wants to see his baby he needs to do that. She cant stop it so long as he isnt proven unfit and pays his child support. Bitter baby mommas are the worst kinds I swear
Do it yourself family can help you
Pm her
Have him petition for a paternity test so he knows the baby is his, then go from there. The ex is a bitch he needs to forget about being with her and once he knows if the baby is his he needs to focus on being a great dad.
Actions speak louder than words and I would be doubting if that’s his baby-the due date, she didn’t tell him-texted the mom then banned him? Someone looks like they’re hiding something
Your brother needs to contact an attorney and fight for his rights as the father. They have DNA testing available for situations like this and if it is court ordered, she (the mother) wouldn’t be given a choice to have it performed. That is your brother’s only option at this point.
How do you know he’s not a pos to her? She could have a great explanation for not wanting him around. It’s her birth. Tell him to grow up and take her to court if he wants to see his kid.
He can petition for paternity and she absolutely has to give it other wise she can go to jail. After the DNA is proven he has to file for some type of custody. I do not care what this girl tells him he needs to follow through with even the custody or she will always continue to hold this child over his head.
Mother’s that do this shit are disgusting putrid animals who are just gonna use that babies as a pawn to get her own way for a majority of years until baby grows up the the bitch will get all the karma back at her when baby decides it wants nothing to do with her because she kept the baby away. So friggin unfair
Creating a life in hopes that it’ll mend an ongoing toxic relationship is very wrong…justly unfair to the child to be brought into this world not for the desire to nurture a precious life that was wanted out of pure love but a last ditch attempt at banking on an innocent baby to save the day???
And then MOM denies the baby’s DAD parental rights because she’s selfish, immature, conniving, manipulative, soulless and likely a bit pyshco for using their baby as a pawn. I hope she likes resentment and alienation because her child will one day learn of her denouncement, denial and betrayal against the Father and she will known what dishonorable shame and utter disgrace feels like.
Cruelty beyond measure!!!
First of all, your brother is an idiot. Like mine was with his ex. He needs to file for some kind of custody. Now, before the baby is older so they can get it done before it does mental damage to the kid
So basically she is being an immature bitch… He needs to take her to court. If he doesn’t, this will go back and forth continually, that is not pleasant for anyone especially the little one.
If he’s in the state of Tx…have him call child support division and let them know he has a baby from “so & so” and is requesting a paternity test to start paying child support and to get visitation…my son is going thru the same ish!
Hes not completely screwed! Get a lawyer,.serve her with papers for a.DNA test of the baby. IF he is the father, he has just as many rights as she does. If he does his work, they will have split custody. There,
He still has legal rights to the baby even without being on the birth certificate. He just needs to get a lawyer and take her to court for paternal rights.
He has to call his Friend of the Court or whatever you call it where you are, and request a paternity test be done.
Then he has to file a petition to mend custody and file it and have her served. They’ll go to court. But before they see a court room they’ll be offered a sit down with a mediator to see if they can come to an agreement without the judge. If they can, it will get sent to the judge and signed if judge agrees to terms.
Yes he could hire an attorney but it’s really not needed unless a judge denies him his rights.
He will need to take her to court to establish paternity. After that, the judge establishes visitation. He should also be able to get the baby’s last name, the same as his. He’ll need a good attorney. Tell him not to give up. It will take time though.
She obviously has her reasons . If it’s such a issue n your brother acc isn’t a threat then take her court . How can you blame a mom though really lol. Your an outsider in their relationship him & her know what’s rlly went down you will ovbs be on his side regardless.
Yes he does have legal rights. I was once told a birth certificate is not a legal document for dna because you can put anyone’s name as dad or leave it blank. He needs a lawyer and I hope he gets to see the baby soon.
Just because he isn’t on the birth certificate doesn’t meant he don’t have rights. My bd wasn’t on the birth certificate and took my kids when they were newborn and the police said that I couldn’t do anything
we went thru the same thing my sons ex did that to us she had herself under confidential at the hospital…long story short hes got rights!!! he has to take her to court that way they get shared custody she has to have proof if she’s saying anything bad about him? let him no dont worry! He’s gonna be in his son’s life the hell with her take her to court asap!!!
The minute she files for Medicaid for the kid, that state is going to ask her the fathers name. I’d start child support on my damn self just to open up for the DNA test. Fuck her, end run around that shit.
He has rights even with him not on birth certificate all they gotta do is a DNA test to prove as his contact a lawyer cuz he has rights
I live in Texas and you cannot just put any name on the certificate. (In Texas, but I’m sure they’re other states that would require the dad there too) That would mean so many women could trap so many men without even their knowledge. And a whole lot more court time and wasting judges time and y’all’s time. But yes this dad can go get a lawyer or have one presented for him and request a DNA test and they can solve it from there. If he’s the dad they can send in proper documentation to get the certificate changed and he may be given rights at that point through court, or he may have to go back to court a 2nd time for that specific reason.
Lawyer up. Unfortunately because he isn’t on the birth certificate he isn’t considered the father. He will have to get a court ordered paternity testing and then depending on if she’s breastfeeding they’ll set up some sort of visitation schedule.
- sounds like there’s a lot your brother hasn’t told you about (like the truth).
- she didn’t HAVE to have him there while she was giving birth.
- she has a right to not want him at the hospital while she’s recovering from birth.
- there’s a reason she left him off the birth certificate.
- your family needs to stay out of it, this is his battle.
- she doesn’t have to let any of your family see this baby.
- he can always seek legal advice and go from there.
Might not be his? File a paternity case first.weigh the options then nail her ass
He needs to go to court to fight for his rights. It’s really that simple.
I’m guessing the baby doesn’t look like him and she doesn’t want him to know.
He definitely has rights he just need to go to court he should do that before she try and get child support cus that’s definitely the next step
If he wants to see his kid then he needs to get a lawyer, get a dna test, take her to court and get his rights. If they aren’t married she’s legal (and honestly smarter) not to put him on the birth certificate.
Get a DNA test done, and then file for visitation and to have his name put on the birth certificate.
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. There could be much more than what you are telling us
Yes , court is my advise get court ordered DNA test and that’ll change everything. If it’s even his…he will have rights.
DNA so he can prove the baby is his. Then he can take that to court for his rights
Some of the advice here and the instant full responsibility laid at his feet rather than both is very eye opening. And sad. No wonder men are starting to dislike being with their baby mamas.
A lawyer and dna test will get you rights to the baby. I’m so sorry for your family, this is such a sad thing
Your brother could go to court and request a DNA test and once that test comes back to have visitation as well as be on birth certificate. Her family may no want him involved but he has every right as much as she does to be involved with his baby.
Get a lawyer, go to court with a parenting plan and request a paternity test. DNA that says you are the father, will give you rights whether on the birth certificate or not. Ask to be able to put your name on the certificate. Document everything she does. Times dates witnesses. Get all your ducks in a row. Make sure you are stable, financially and mentally. Make sure you don’t so much as run a red light. Turn everything over to the lawyer and let them work their magic.
First of all… how is this your business? Second of all, you don’t know her side of the story just his so it may be a reason for all of this. Do I think what she is doing is cool? No. But asking us this advice for you, what can we even tell you? We can say for your brother to seek paternal rights, and that’s all he can do.
No, no, no…This is called custodial interference. Get $35 and fill out the application for court. He should document everything that happened including the stunt at the hospital. He can go to court and get the DNA done. You want to make sure this is his child. She may be playing games with you all and there is probably another guy. After he establishes DNA, he can request either joint custody or visitation. Either way, it will take about 9 months to get this straight. Afterwards, documentation and watching what you text, say over the phone, email, and send to social media is strictly about the baby. He needs to avoid any contact or conversation regarding their status. Things should strictly be about the baby. This girl is trash! Your brother should have selected better…
That time in the hospital is her recovery time. She doesn’t have to let anyone in there because he is not entitled to that time and neither is anyone else. She’s also JUST had a new baby so her entire world is different. If she felt unsafe with him in anyway, be it emotionally or physically, then she’s hormonally wired to view him as a threat and her behavior will exhibit that. Becoming a mother is a whole fucking process that men and their little girlfriends will never understand. I used to be the dumb little girlfriend with no understanding of why the mom would keep dad from this or that. She is solely responsible for that baby and her hormones and new world view won’t tell her differently. So lay off. She’s trying to do the best she can and protect her child from the obvious toxic bullshit that is her history with him.
Do you make these stories up… they are so ridiculous. . Im deleting this page… its fuckin stupid… grow up… and everyone who is following… really you have nothing better to do… fuckin dumb…
Well the birth is about MOM… she has the right to birth how she feels and be comfortable and has the right to choose who she wants in the room or hospital. I will say you are probably only hearing his side… Remember there is always 3 sides… But with them always arguing she may have been worried it would happen while at the hospital. Give her some time. He can file for rights through court also so he should start that asap. Rite now its more about baby and the 2 of them… Not your family. Im not being rude at all i promise just saying from experience… I hope he can see baby soon tho for real
Take her to court, get a DNA test ordered to prove paternity & have him fight for his rights!!
The old let’s have a baby to save our relationship. Lol. Then another family member goes to Facebook for help. Geez.
Take her to court, but her not wanting him there was her choice
Get a lawyer and file for paternity.
Only way is through the court system
He needs to get a lawyer and order a DNA test and get his baby
Court. The end. Oh,and, document everything!
He can petition the courts for a DNA test and get put on the birth certificate AND get visitation
Get a lawyer and take her to court.
Blood test and court not a biggie …
Tell him to stop talking to her IMMEDIATELY. Call social services and get a paternity test.
Go to court. Establish paternity.
Tara Benson ,No wonder why your single
Tara Benson ,What r u talking about he’s her brother he’s probably close to her thats how she knows…And NO SHES NOT GONNA STAY OUT OF IT…I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR KIDS AND FAMILY…
Lawyer up. He can have access to baby but it’s a long road. Keep fighting
Get a Lawyer demand a DNA test once paternity is determine the courts will help him with visitation. I hate bitches like this… Immature and not putting the children first.
Court n DNA simple fix
Claim paternity asap❤️
Sounds like she might have a mental disorder. Bpd. She’s needs to get checked.
Take her ass to court.
Petition the court for a dna test
Lord sweet baby Jesus at the incorrect advice being given on this post.
Best advice first and foremost! Get a free consultation with a family law attorney!
Petition the court to establish paternity via DNA test. Once the results come in and if in fact he is the child’s father.
Petition the court to establish custody, parenting time and child support.
You only know what you’re told. Who knows wants happened behind closed doors.
How do you know he wasn’t violent? Were you living there?
What a horrible woman
Paternity test is best
Take her to court then