Family court and dna test.
And stick to it dont let it go if “they get back together”
Wishing the best for yall.
LAWYER UP NOW. Don’t even waste time.
Oh gosh. That’s horrible.
Lawyer up. Court time. FIGHT IT.
File fo a DNA test. Asap
File a paternity case.
Time for a lawyer. Parental alienation is frowned upon in court.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My brothers ex is keeping their baby from him and us, help!?
It’s her birth and recovery time. Not his. If she didn’t want visitors or him at the hospital, that’s 100% okay. It’s her body, her choice, her recovery time. As the person who gave birth she has that right.
The best thing he can do is go to the court house and file for paternity. And then do a parenting plan once that is confirmed.
Get an attorney & DNA test. You must do the test!! Don’t take her word that it is his child, especially since they are so on & off. Once it’s determined the child is his. He has ALL legal rights!
Im sure its been said but just because hes not on the bc does not mean he has no rights. If that child carries his blood he has rights he may just have to fight for them. Court sounds like the best option in this case just from the little I read. If they both cant agree, let the courts decide.
Get a lawyer and paternity test. Once it’s confirmed he is the father he can fight for shared custody. Good luck!
With unmarried parents, a man doesn’t sign the birth certificate. There’s a form to establish paternity. If she is unwilling to sign the form with him & send it to the state, he should start a paternity case. Honestly, even if they sign the form together, by default she has sole custody unless he goes to court to establish his paternal rights. Basically, don’t panic. He will be in his baby’s life - she doesn’t have as much “power” as she thinks she does.
Needs to take her to court. Get an DNA test and get his rights if it’s his baby.
Lawyer for sure, have them call for paternity test to ensure baby is his. After that keep with lawyer to ensure he gets his rights and get his name on the birth certificate. And make sure you document EVERYTHING!! Any little detail can help his case.
He has to go to court an establish paternity ASAP! In most states, if unmarried, baby is mother’s only and father has no rights until established thru court. Father also has to sign the birth certificate when you aren’t married for his name to be added (if married the husband is automatically assumed to be the Father and his name is added).
He can demand a paternity test and then fight for shared custody
File a paternity case with a family lawyer ASAP to establish his rights and custody and visitation arrangements!
I would have him go to the department of revenue and demand a DNA test from her so he can legally be a part of that childs life if it is his. He has just as much right to that baby as she does.
lawyer up ASAP its only gonna get worse from here. Document everything get documentation from hospital that hes on their list not to allow up. Even if you dont think its relevant document it. Lawyer will tell you what they can use.
He’ll have a super easy time. Don’t sweat it. Have him file for paternity test and for rights. They’ll grant him temporary visits on weekends unless mom argues, until paternity comes back. Then mom has no say and no choice.
All he has to do is call child support enforcement put himself on child support and request the DNA cause she’s with holding the child. Works everytime
Your brother didn’t lose rights.
Neither parent has legal custody until one of them files. In the state of VA- the mother doesn’t have custody just b/c she gave birth.
File for partial custody with written out dates and specific times wanted for visitation and at the same time a paternity test.
Start with a DNA test and finding a lawyer and go from there. Get DNA test ASAP because depending on the place can take a few weeks to get results back. Good luck!!! I pray everything works out for you guys!
get a lawyer and take her to court only way. do it the legal way.
He Can Put Himself On Child Support So When They Go To Court They’ll Make Them Do A DNA Test Once The DNA Comes Back The Baby Is His The Judge Will Order Her To Put Him On The Birth Certificate & The Baby To Have His Last Name … Once That Is Done The Judge Will Arrange Visitation Schedule For Both Families. Atleast That’s How It’s Done In Texas.
time for your bro to lawyer up…plain n simple👍her n her parents should be ashamed of themselves for shutting him out but has done nothing wrong…LAWYER UP😉
He can go to court and request a DNA test and the courts will make her do it. My advice would be to speak with a custody lawyer and go from there
On the birth certificate or not, if they’re not married, he doesn’t have rights. Get a lawyer, get legitimized, and get tights.
Get a lawyer and go to family court. They’ll have to do a paternity test but once they do he’ll he legal right and she won’t be able to stop him from seeing his child because it’ll be through court.
Have him request a DNA test concerning the child with the county child support agency
Depends on the state. He needs to request a DNA test and have his name put on the birth certificate and if she is breast feeding it will likely make it harder for him to see the baby since no one will likely separate the mother and baby. Just from experience from what I have witnessed with family.
Get a lawyer ASAP. Take her to court. They will do a dna test and he will be able to sign the birth certificate and get his rights back.
Lawyer and file for visitation rights. But also be prepared to pay child support.
Every father has the legal right to have access to their child it is illegal to keep a child from the biological parent
Get advice from a lawyer and get the test done to prove he is the father
I know your pain. My husbands ex moved away took her name off the voters roll etc so nobody could find her then said to him to come see his daughter and when he did she phoned the police on him for turning up . The first lawyer took years and couldn’t find her I found out more myself then the lawyer did in three years then our new lawyer found her but she isn’t going down without a fight trying to say my husband isn’t getting access to his daughter it’s now going to court and even though we would be entitled to legal aid they said they wouldn’t pay it because it was in his best interest so now we’re paying out thousands to get it through court . It’s really hard as a father for the ones who really do want something to do with their kids and the mums that make it difficult . Even up until a few years ago I would argue when people say fathers don’t have as much rights as mothers I would argue that they do but now I wouldn’t I’ve seen it first hand. Get to a lawyer as soon as possible. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you and you get to see your niece/nephew xx
Take her to court… do a paternity test and fight. For his rights as the father
Get a lawyer most do free consultations start there and they will be able to tell him the best route to go but he should do it ASAP cause that also shows he wants to really be there and keep a record of everything
Yes, seek an attorney. They can have her have a DNA test and he came legitimized. Then at that point be able to seek some kind of custody/ visitation.
In my state it’s illegal to leave the father off the birth certificate if you know who the father is.
All he has to do is go to court and do a blood test to show he is the father. Pay child support and he will have rights to see his child.
Im non sure on the law in the US as I’m from the UK but I’d recommend contacting a solicitor and having a DNA test done! In the UK once DNA is established both parents have equal rights xx
Go to court and establish paternity.Then get visitation rights/joint custody.
Just to think there’s drop beat dads out there and then you actually have good dads that have to go through things like this
Sounds like he needs to get a lawyer. She can’t keep the away from his child
Such immature bitter women do this shit.Sounds like my mans ex when she had their second son who she purposely got pregnant with to try to keep him is all I can figure why she would intentionally get pregnant and try as hard as she did lol.Just ridiculous cause it didn’t keep him and they were married though but same thing she didn’t let him know she went into labor (they were already separated and going through a divorce)or tell him she had him until hrs later after he was already at work and then couldn’t even see him at the hospital because staff told him she didn’t want him there or somethin even though all he wanted was to see the baby not her but they couldn’t even do that so he just left and after a while she allowed him over to her dads house where she was lived and still does to visit baby for 20 minutes while she or her dad or uncle over looked the visit so he just decide to wait now the relationship is strained or nonexistent and he just getting to know the little boy now cause now she’s okay with him being daddy but he’s taking it slow cause it’s awkward I’m sure for both.She didn’t think about this kid when she pulled what she did not even from the very beginning of getting pregnant then keeping him from my fiancé.I would advise your brother to take her to court and also have a dna test done just for the record so he has proof and rights he is the dad.It’s so unfair when these baby mommas do stuff like this they don’t think of the baby but of themselves and how they feel so selfish and self centered.His baby’s mothers dad sounds nosey like my fiancé’s sons mom.I told him he should have had a dna test done on the second one that he had this issue with.
DNA test goes a long way, unless shes lying to everyone that hes the father
Sounds like a trip to the court house is in order. Go for 50/50 custody as the baby needs its mother. You need a parenting plan in place. Last but not least neither has custody of the baby. They MUST file for custody. If you can’t afford an attorney the self help in the court house can help you.
Hire an attorney ASAP. DO NOT wait. Hire one yesterday!
Get a lawyer ASAP and file for access
Get a dna test asap and go to court.
Time to lawyer up. He has rights to!
Tell him to go to child support. They will make her do dna and then he takes that info to family court and files for his parental rights. No willing father will be denied
Paternity test girl. Once you can prove paternity birth certificate or not he has rights
Get a lawyer and an ordered paternity test.
I mean, having a baby is her medical care. He isnt entitled to be there for the birth so nothing he or you can do about that.
Otherwise, get a lawyer and draw up a custody order.
Sorry but that’s what he gets for choosing a shitty person to have a child with. Arguing is whatever. Unless he like beat the crap out of her she just doesn’t have any justification to keep him from baby. Take her to court and get her for everything she’s worth. Get custody too. She wants to play, he can play harder and win. DO NOT mess with a fathers right! Grimey ass women out here these days
damn. what a messy battle this is gonna be! a long messy battle! i’m so sorry your family has to go through this! i only hope she grows up and realized the baby needs their dad!
It isn’t gonna change cause this b!tch right here gonna use that child over his head for the rest his life. Get a fckn lawyer and get her in check on how it’s gonna be by law, and tell him to pay his support. It’s that simple. I have 2 children by 2 different fathers. The 1st ones father only seen him twice in his life when he was like 6 years old. He’s 24 now. My other sons dad is a good man who has never missed one child support payment in 17 years, we have a strictly platonic relationship, and both speak to each other as adults and mutually agree for the best interest of our son. It can be done people! Do the right thing for the child and be civil towards each other. Each side needs to take accountability weather you like each other or not.
Tell him to file for sole custody it’ll expedite a paternity test and maybe she’ll settle on 50/50
He is going to have to file a court order to establish paternity. Then once that confirms paternity he needs to file to establish child support and parenting time. Keep all records of everything.
He absolutely needs to file for paternity with the court and he will be able to get visitation!
Get a lawyer and paternity test and go for half custody
He can go for a paternity test
Gonna have to take her to court and do a dna test.
Serve her with custody papers. That’s what I did and I got sole custody. Put her on blast to a judge make her life public but he hate when they get blasted publicly.
Lawyer, paternity test, custody court
Court for a paternity test
Take her ass to court and get custody of his child
Talk to a lawyer and start documenting EVERYTHING
Definitely agree to get attorney and file paternity with court
Hecan file paperwork through family court to be added to birth certificate and get rights to the baby.
I don’t think a straight woman would keep child’s father away from child unless she had some fears, there is likely more to the story or possibly not even his child. I’d side with mom and find out why she is keeping baby away. Some people refuse to believe they have a toxic family member
I just wonder if you know the full truth as to why she was that upset to do that. One side of the story never tells you much of anything without hearing the other side.
He still has legal rights as long as he gets a court ordered DNA test done… And keep all messages, phone calls, etc to back him up.
All he needs to do is go down to child services and asks for a DNA test. They will get it fixed.
What everyone said.
And don’t let him talk to her. Do it all through the court and always have a chaperone when picking baby up. I’d even go even further and have them meet at the police station.
Have your brother take her to court
This woman isn’t even home from the hospital yet and you are waging war. Give her and the baby a break. If you had a different attitude perhaps this whole situation could be worked out peacefully. Why don’t you have a friendly family relationship with the mother and her family already if they had a relationship and pregnancy ? I agree with other comments that perhaps you don’t have all the facts. No mother is going to want her newborn going off with someone she is afraid of or doesn’t trust hours after the birth of her baby. Yes inquire about the father’s legal rights but tone down your anger and start thinking what is best for the child because the baby is not a trophy to be fought over. Work on a calm.reasonable parenting plan when the time is right . Sounds like you are ready for a fight and taking this baby by force. 18 years of custody is a long time to be fighting. Think about best for the baby. Best of luck to all of the family.
I did the same thing to my first babys father. But he was a giant piece of shit. He needs to figure out things with baby momma first. Then stuff with baby will fall into place. Im sorry it upsets you not to see your new family member
The sad thing is that even if he goes to court gets a custody agreement she can violate it and make it near impossible for him to see the child without much recourse, and he’ll still get slogged child support. Courts are seriously biased in favor of mothers.
He needs to get a lawyer and a DNA test.
It’s not going to be easy. If he wants a relationship with real child get the DNA rest. Be overly kind and patient with the women. Give her time to think about what has happened. It will be the best for the baby. No one should use the child as a pawn.
A lawyer will fix that!
I couldnt put my kids dad on the birth certificate until later because we aren’t married so that is that issue.
The other stuff is childish but theres not much that can be done. Does kinda seem like parents are too involved though
She birthed a pawn. He needs to try for full or 50/50 custody and leave her the fuck alone.
A lot of people get that messed up with the birth certificate. I just went through this with my Sperm Donor and mentioned he was left off to my attorney (due to him not having a in date license) and my attorney told me “that is the most confused thing people say nowadays. A birth certificate is just a piece of paper and if he tried to come get your daughter and got the law/court involved a valid argument of him having no rights because he wasn’t on the birth certificate would merely be laughed at. He has rights until custody is in play or if they’re stripped for more serious reasons.” I definitely would suggest starting with a DNA test though.
I do hope he eventually gets to see his baby. It is so messed up he was kept away.(unless she had valid excuses) there’s 3 sides to every story.
Get an attorney fast
Take her to court an have a court ordered DNA test done for his own sake an if it comes back his then courts will let him sign the birth certificate an then they will have to go to court again for a custody agreement where they say u get the said child on these days or those days an if the mother doesn’t comply he can take her back to court an they will also set up child support I think its 20% of what he makes
There’s more here than meets the eye.
Go to court and file for custody…that is all
I can see where she is coming from, I wouldn’t allow people too see my baby right now. Cause of the Covid, yes I know his the father. But, she just wants too make sure her baby is well and safe. Give her time and she will come around.
He def does have legal rights.It does not matter that she left his name off the birth certificate he needs to go down to the courts and file for a dna n then shared custody.these judges have seen bitter babymamas thousands of times no worries.tell him to do it all legally
i’m not sure how people don’t know to go to court and lawyer up and get a dna test lol
Okay first off it’s her choice to have who ever there if they constantly argued then maybe she didn’t want him there for that reason… you are not entitled to a baby if the mother dose not want you there then guess what you are not going to be there and realistically you don’t know every detail of their relationship. Let him handle it with her and butt out. She’s the mother she gets to decide.
I think he is going to need a lawyer, set him up a GoFundMe, I’ll freaking donate. DNA test and everything through the courts. Do not be alone with her.
You can petition the courts for your parental rights. You do a paternity test and then you’re on the birth cert. Mom doesn’t get a say.
I live n KY and in most cases here if dad or suspected dad goes and ask for the DNA test himself, he’s usually awarded 50/50 custody with mom being the primary.
On another note she’s keeping baby now but wait until she’s a month or so in and needing sleep shower and a bit of free time, she will for sure come around.
This poor man is going to have a tough life. The mother is playing games. Not thinking of this baby’s life and having a father involved. She sounds very immature. Her parents are making everything worse. Time for all 3 to grow up. As for the dad. Only options are to get the courts involved!!
Nicole Brown is right, he needs to file for a paternity test and once confirmed can be granted/ordered visitation and some type of custody order that will work with the child’s age.