Petition the court for a DNA test to prove paternity so he can get visitation.
Drag her into court He can get an emergency hearing
File a paternity case against her, then when its proven to be yours, then visitation will be ordered. Document her actions on a timeline since she became pregnant and your tries to communicate with her for visitation. Do not wait!!! File immediately!!! Even if she changes her mind and lets you see the baby. Because you broke up often, the baby may not be yours.
Keep everything that is said and done documented get a calender to put tines hes called to see said child keep reciepts aswell all while filing for paternity testing.
Just because he’s not on the birth certificate doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any rights… he needs to get a DNA test done and go to court!
Get a lawyer, and get 50/50 custody. She can not legally keep him from the baby if he is found to actually be the biological father( DNA). If he doesn’t act now, she use this baby as a way to hurt your family every chance she gets. Fathers have equal rights to mothers!
Go to court and demand a paternity test and custodial rights pending the results of said test
Take the b to court !!!
Keep all texts concerning her . Keep receipts of everything he buys the child
What did the lawyer say?
Maybe she didn’t deliver early and realized he’s not the father.
Get a paternity test to make sure it is his and lawyer
He can still take her to court for custody
he has rights. takenit to court. he can do. a dna court ordered test. and then go for custody.
She just had a premature baby in a pandemic and you are getting angry at a new mother based on this story from a disgruntled and entitled sounding sister who is acting like her brother is a choir boy Even going so far as to call the mother a b*tch. Really? You all don’t know this man, or what the Mom’s reasons are, but you automatically assume Mom is just an awful person? Based on the dude’s sister’s sister of the story? MMMmmkay, busybodies.
It is pretty sad how few women are sticking up for the mother and baby who are still in the hospital. Let her heal and get her baby home, for God’s sake.
Tell him to get a paternity test,it’s probably not his
Go get a d.n.a done that bring it to court and he can see the baby
Take it to family court and get a paternity test. Once its proven she’ll have to give in to visitation orders. But the other side to that stone is she’s probably going to get you put on child support and will probably make your life hell about it. But you’ll get to see your baby at least.
He has legal rights. DNA test. Take her ass to court ASAP
It Sounds like the baby aint his. She Probably realized that when it was born over a month early.
He has to go to court and file for custody and visitation rights. They will not look kindly at a mother who barred the father from seeing the baby and didn’t notify of the birth or labour without cause. They will do a DNA test that will prove he is the father and give him rights
A good family lawyer is what you want. They have experience in court. Best of luck There are so many dead beat dads. It’s refreshing to see your brother wanting to stand up for his rights:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Most women do that they think they are hurting the man witch they are but thir is one they are forgetting about the baby
Court order dna test and then from there he can try to get equal custody (I don’t think he’d have to pay child support then) that is absolutely not right and disgusting honestly. That’s not just her baby, it took them both to make it. I would try to rush the court process the best you can do he doesn’t miss most of her first year
Get a dna test done right away. Might not be his.
his first deadly mistake was hooking up with that spawn of satan…
I’m so sorry! That’s awful !
She has every right not to want a guy in her life that argues 24/7 with her. She obviously realized it would be terrible for baby. I applaud her. She was brave. She stood up against your brother. Now he can file and do dna, act like a father and treat her with decency.
Some people only hear one side of a story.Like they fight like crazy.The key word is they.
He needs to go file for shared custody and ask for a paternity test ASAP
Unfortunately right now what she says goes until he goes to court
He absolutely has legal rights to his baby! She is obviously going to make it hard for him, but he can ask for a paternity test. He may be able to qualify for free assistance through the state as this can be a form of psychological abuse.
According to Judge Lauren Lake, he is fully entitled to take her to court to sort this out and he should. She is being a bitch. She must be careful because maybe hurting a man like this is unforgivable. He is just as entitled to be at the birth as she is. Silly immature lady… Good luck
Go to court and petition for a DNA test and put on the birth certificate and then go to court for 50/50 custody. That’s literally the only thing you can do in order to get his rights to the baby
Go see a judge only way
If I was him I would let her know that was dirty how they did him and that he is going to get an attorney to get his visitation rights that is the only thing you can do but he will be paying attorney fees child support and probably will be told to get DNA test so that will cost him that is the legal way to handle things .
It’s been said but yeah he’s got to file the paperwork for custody. He’s going to need someone to figure out the childs name and he can do it without a lawyer it’s about $140 to file them he’ll have to pay for the DNA test when they court order it. You can also do it through Domestics but they’ll immediately order him to pay child support, I’d let her eat that filling cost.
My cousin had this kind of issue too
Best advice get a lawyer request a dna test and get ready to start what sounds like a fierce battle. From the sounds of it I’m betting she’s the petty type that you’ll be going in and out of the court system. Unfortunately judge prefer mother’s but I’d have your brother start recording and keeping track of everything when dealing with her, proof will help out a ton.
I wish you all the luck you can use and I am sorry your stuck in this kind of situation it’s gonna be a tough road for him. Don’t give up!
If she wants child support she will have to prove the baby is his, so maybe wait her out and see what happens.
Dna test sounds like he may not be the dad… And she’s just not telling him… I’d definitely get a DNA test.
I’m sorry but she has all the right to not allow him in the room after she just went through something so traumatic as giving birth and if he’s not on the birth certificate then y’all can’t do anything about it it is in fact her baby. If i was yall id just leave the poor woman alone n move on with ur lives
Some of these comments are seriously rude. Although he’s not on the birth certificate does not mean he can’t fight for his rights. He can take her to court to demand a dna test if it comes back as his then he can try and get split custody. It’s sad the mom did this not sure if she had a good reason or not to it as none of us know your brother or the mother of the baby. But there are a lot of kids out there who don’t have a dad who wants to be involved. So if he wants to be involved then definitely fight it in court. It won’t be easy and she may bring up past issues. Just a fair warning.
I’m guessing there’s more to their relationship than just him “not being physically violent toward her.” If he wants to see baby, have him file for paternity and visitation in court. It’s pretty simple and obvious what he needs to do. Does he actually want rights to the child? I don’t see why OP is “desperate” when it’s completely obvious what he needs to do.
He needs a lawyer. A DNA test will prove paternity. Then he needs to get visitation set up and send the paperwork to the main health department of your state. They will amend the birth certificate and add his name as father. My nephew went through this. He now has sole custody of his daughter. She’s precious
My fiance is going through this with his ex. Except it’s been 4 years, of trying to be consistent and considerate of her wants , trying to make it fair, trying our own parenting plan. She simply refuses to allow him to see or talk to his son, and is trying to replace him with her new boyfriend. Our lawyer said unfortunately, she going to have to be forced into a parenting plan, and because of the parental alienation it’s going to look really bad on her end. It’s sucks, there’s going to be back child support, and whatever else but we are prepared to fight for his rights as a father and fight for his son who deserves to have a relationship with his father.
Lawyer up!! And go to court. Judge will order paternity test then child support then visitation times. Get EVERYTHING on Paper!! It’s not her choice it’s the baby’s right to know dad!!
Depending on where you live if they’re not married she has full custody look up your local laws he can take her to court and get a DNA test and get himself put on the birth certificate
In Michigan the father has to sign an affidavit of parentage excepting parental responsibility b4 he is added to tge birth certificate. I understand she wouldn’t let him up there. But she can’t just put him on birth certificate. Unfortunately he has to take her to court. And she can delay it sometimes a year or more. Asking tgat he do DNA. Take parenting classes and supervised visitation . Tgat is what someone I know had to do. Depends on what state u are in.
He can petition for a paternity test, once they find he is the father, he can file for custodial rights.
Sounds to me like she used him and not will dangle the baby over his head to be cruel.
He does have rights. But it will take time. Once granted legal rights, if she refuses it’s contempt of a court order, couple of them and he will get granted custody.
If she didn’t put him on the birth certificate, there’s not much he can do right now. He can go through court in order to establish paternity and visitation rights, but it’s a lengthy process
She better not be waiting child support! He should fight for his rights… if he’s even the baby daddy!
Go to domestic relations monday pay for a test. Pa was $67. As soon as test results back file for custody(its just setting up ur visitation days. We missed out on 8 months of our princesses life.We have her every weekend sometime from Thursday to Sunday. Thanks goodness! This is dads family too!! Co parenting works when u want it to! I can only pray for u all!!
He still has a legal right… Her leaving him off doesn’t change if he’s dad… Take her to court.
First off … I can’t stand woman who are like this !! Second TELL HIM to go to court !! I’m not sure what state your in , but he has rights despite what their relationship is /was it has nothing to do with that baby !! Get him to get a lawyer (they have free ones in most states ) and get a dna test and go to court …. He has RIGHTS too!
The easy solution: get a lawyer, demand a paternity test, get visition and child support established. Long process but the best solution.
Go to court…
Might take a few months but courts don’t like when moms do this. They’ll make him get a dna test, they’ll get a warrant for it if she says no. Then they’ll put him on the birth certificate. An will force her to put a parenting plan in place. Nothing she can really do about it after that.
Let’s get this out of the way: They created and decided to keep the baby TOGETHER. So he has a right to the baby. Period. He doesn’t just get to walk away nor should he have to.
Secondly, this whole situation seems fishy? I normally will always side will mom because I am a mom. I know what it’s like to have to contemplate doing what’s best for your child even if the dad isn’t involved, but there’s something off about why she is shutting him out completely with no explanation. Idk.
Get a lawyer, issue a paternity test and get him on that birth certificate and tell him to get court ordered visitation ASAP, it could take like a year to get everything all worked out
DNA trumps birth certificate. Have him make a court date asap and then prove paternity, then go for mandatory visitation.
DNA test first then court. This way he wont have to deal with her or her family.
Just because he’s not on the jrth certificate doesn’t mean he has no rights, he can take her to court and force his name on the certificate and also force her to let him see his own child
What did he do to her? Lol… not funny but that’s super drastic of her if all they did was argue. You sure he wasn’t abusive? My ex lied to his whole family and they had no clue the things he was doing to me and they never tried to talk to me. Maybe that’s not the case but why would she not want the father involved just because of arguing you know what i mean?
Make sure he doesn’t contact her anymore. But contacts tbe court and child services to get rights. If he does get ahold of her. Find out the laws about recording her voice in person or over the phone. Remind him to not argue or curse etc.
Paternity test ASAP!
Go to court! Its gonna be a long hard battle but it will be worth it in the long run.
If they’ve been on and off for 10 years what makes you think they won’t be back together within the next few Months? Don’t burn bridges so fast. I kicked my husband out of the room when I had my second baby cause he was stressing me out. So her not wanting an ex there while she’s most likely not even showered yet is reasonable. At the least she sent your mother a photo. That’s more than what i would’ve done.
All of you must not understand the importance of a father in a child’s life and how toxic using a child as a ploy can be. Not wanting him their during birth is fine, but he has every right to be able to see the baby and not have to see her. They do this allllll the time (I work at a hospital btw). And leaving his name of the birth certificate is an immature, purposeful and petty thing to do. This is longer about them, but about the baby.
Go to court, file a petition, get a dna test, boom!
What a terrible way to test if a relationship is going to work. I think if after 10 yrs of not being able to get on would of told them it was doomed now they have bought this baby into it to be used as a pawn to argue over. Now it seems she has just got something to hold over him. Why have the child if she had no intention of letting him be in their lives.
Tell him to take her to court and get a DNA test done to prove he’s the father then get visitation. She can’t keep the baby from him then or she gets into trouble
Get a lawyer. Get a paternity test since he isn’t on the birth certificate and file for emergency custody
He can take her to court for a DNA test, other than that there isn’t much he can do.
He still has legal rights get that dna test!
Take her to court and document everything. Use the text messages as prof that she claims he is the father and get a dna test
An attorney is probably needed for him to legally establish paternity and visitation rights as a father, he has rights
Lawyer lawyer lawyer…
Request an affidavit to add his name to certificate and request joint custody with visitation .
Money will have to be spent…
But you can ask lawyers if they would consider pro Bono most lawyers do 1 free case a year…
Go to child services and demand a DNA test.
He should be able to go to court and petition for a DNA test.
DNA test but that throw him on child support which is nothing to mess around with payment wise but that’s how you Establish parental rights
Have him get paternity established through an attorney. It’ll also get him parental rights established and on the birth certificate
Unfortunately I don’t believe there is much that can be done. DNA test done or not. I would have him consult a lawyer, to be sure but I really don’t think much can be done.
Request a dna test,she’s probably hiding something bigger.
If she try to go for child support the state will request dna and add him to the birth certificate
Get a court order for a DNA test my partner of 16 years spent the last two years having an affair with a lovely woman who was cheating in her man to be with mine…she got pregnant and married her boyfriend with out telling my man while my partner gave her diamonds brought her to his father’s and showed her where he’d be building her house …ya know the one we’d been planning for a.decade …he spent months convincing me he loved me again and that we would be ok after 3 years of not sleeping in out room I was the happiest ever and had just told him when I opened his phone to find him saying get your daughter back and we can get rid of these demons from our past it’s going to get crazy crazy she said I’m the one that pregnant … He hasn’t spoken to her since and we her and I speak regularly…
She thinks because she left him off of everything and because her husband has no issue raising him that we don’t need to know everyone but me is fine with that. I have a friend in family law that informed me I don’t have to be nice to her or convince her to do a DNA test a court order to establish paternity or parentage is all I need covid has fucked that up and I’m on the fence if it’s his wed want him out of the city but I don’t want to take her baby from her even though she lost one to the state and he was born addicted her husband’s an alcoholic and her in active addiction and they are about to lose their tiny apartment in the city we live in the country we don’t pay rent my husband makes great money as a property manager he should be with him half the time if it’s his son… I don’t really want to pay 300,000 plus over the next 18 years because he thought it would be a good idea to have a back up mom cause ya know.i burnt out he thought I’d leave my kids …mmmhmmm with a man that never came home never called to say goodnight and literally spent 80 hours a week with this women while his kids saw him 10 the whole.month his son started kindergarten …and the month if his daughter birth our oldest mine and his sons…and a few more besides she was worth driving 20 hours a week to sleep next to her but she never layed in his arms never held her all night …slept next to her pregnant but lol didn’t hold her at night pushed two beds together with a queen sheet…why? I contacted her for clarity and she needed me for closure I mean let’s get rid of these demons I been courting you for 2 years your a week from having our maybe baby…I’ll never speak to you again lmao they are both pathetic whores and I’m stuff fucking here cause I am stupid enough him stupid enough to have not worked at all in 8 years to have relied on him for our future stability and gave up my grown up years with out kids to have his babies for him to leave me here trapped with no car for years as did my first husband when I had my son at 15 …when my first was 15 he asked for our own children and I threw away the notebook I’d had since I was 15 with all the things I’d do as an adult child free in my mid 30s I gave it all up for that traded me for a woman he didn’t love or feel right with lmao he thinks I’m fucking stupid and I guess part of me is but anyways don’t let her.control the situation he has rights she can’t just keep the baby from him… My partners maybe baby mama just tried to shut down all her face book and block her phone and moved …too bad any people search will give all email addresses as well as her current physical address… She doesn’t want anyone to know she doesn’t want her man to know she told me she gave her son my Man’s dead brothers name for his middle name… Pretty sure I’m just going to keep sending copies of the paperwork to thier house his father’s house her mother’s house…I’d like to think I’m not that vindictive and I don’t want to cost us 300,000 but she deserves it after all she did to go out of her way to hurt me when I first found out told me she was naming it the same as my son on and on lied and lied to hurt me when the truth was devastating enough …karma’s a bitch if she loses him to the state I want to know ugh I’m venting and rambling it’s been over a year and I’m still not ok I don’t smile my kids.miss.thier mom and I can’t find her …
Take her to court. Pay $300 for a lad DNA test. Establish legal rights.
Legitimization is the only way he will ever have any rights get an attorney to get the ball rolling
Yall are jumping for this woman from your own bitter encounters with ain’t shit men. And your speculating. The post is simply asking how her brother can have his parental rights which he is entitled to if that baby is his, isnt an abuser and clean. For real “she was right to leave him off the birth certificate” yall should be ashamed thinking like that. Then tell the aunt to mind her business but I’m sorry I could never do that to my husbands family even if we didnt work out. That’s so unfair to the child and the family that should not be held responsible for whatever shes claiming the father did. If the OP is accurate then this mother is petty and a horrible person and will make a terrible parent. Grow up
Get lawyer and fight for joint custody. Don’t be kept away from your child!!!
He needs to get an attorney and a DNA test, then he can petition the court for visitation
Go to child support services ask for DNA test and take her to court
Lawyer!!! Fight for joint custody!!
He could get a lawyer, request DNA test and go from there.
He has rights. Contact lawyer.
Agree request a dna test and fight for his rights
Get a test probably not his
Get a court order for a DNA test, if its his. Have him fight for full custody, see how she likes it.
But as someone that knows a few people that did this. Is there any proof its actually his, or is she a door knob
Depends on which country your from, so as no one really knows the full story, which is your business the best thing to do is get advice A mother cannot, therefore, stop the father from seeing the child, according to UK law. Also, when the child is in the father’s custody, the mother cannot be prevented from making contact with him/her. Nonetheless, this is dependent on if such contact is likely to be detrimental to the wellbeing of the child.
Parental rights and responsibilities: What is parental responsibility? - GOV.UK If your from the UK look on here it will give you the information needed.
If they can agree to disagree and arrange something between themselves, that would be the best option good luck .
Unfortunately if where ever u are located laws are like Ohio laws, your brother nor your family have any legal rights to that baby without a court order due to them not being married. If they were married, then he would have legal rights to take the baby n not give him/her back. But in this situation, best thing to do is dna test and court order. Have him inform the hospital he wants dna testing done so that ins will cover it. If they refuse (and they can) then he will have to petition the court to request for dna and visitation.
Baby may not be his.
Unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do especially if it’s a mother’s state. His name won’t be on the birth circtificate he will have to go to court to prove he is the father and fight to see the baby. She may go as far as a restraining order if she had security take him out. It’s her right to have who she wants in the birthing room. Sadly
Wow I’m sorry that your family and for your brother especially take. Have him do a dna test an take her to court! At this point since she is being that way that’s all he can do
How about you don’t listen to everyone’s nasty ass comments because they don’t know the situation so I would just ignore those but anyway if ur brother really wants to see his child like u say he does then he needs to go to to family court and ask for a paternity test and then after paternity is established he can ask for visitation and anything else he wants
He needs to go down to your local FOC & file paperwork for visitation. They’ll probably do a DNA test, & if the baby comes back his- he’ll have to reimburse it. He’ll also have to pay to get his name added to the birth certificate.
However, as painful as it may be… Your best bet is to sit on the sidelines for now. Nobody truly knows what went on behind closed doors. When i had my oldest- i didn’t notify her sperm donor- or his family. They threatened to kidnap her from the hospital. As far as anyone knew at the hospital, i had never been admitted- security was posted outside my room, and my daughter was escorted everywhere they took her for testing. He’s also not on her birth certificate… he had the choice after DNA was proven to pay & have his name added & chose not to do so. He’s also abuse me to where bruises were easily hidden with clothing. Or she may very simply be abusing him- verbally, mentally, or physically. If that being the case, i really hope your brother is keeping documentation.
If you’d like to see your niece/nephew- maybe try getting a hold of mom, and asking her if she’d be willing to meet you in a public place in the meantime. Tell her that you understand that yes, your brother and her may be going through issues at the moment… but that is between them & that you would like to know if you can meet your niece/nephew. If your parents would like to meet their grandchild, they should contact her. It isn’t about your brother, it isn’t about the mama- it’s about that baby now & individuals need to remain adults & not attempt to make that child a pawn.