My camera caught my neighbors son sneaking out: Advice?

My camera caught my neighbors son sneaking out of their house through his bedroom window… i dont really know them but as a parent…i would want to know if this were happening with my child…he is a teen maybe 14/15…my question is do i show them the footage or mind my own business?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My camera caught my neighbors son sneaking out: Advice?

Mind your businessss :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


mind your own business. And I dont mean that in a mean way but dont get involved.


Tell them!! You maybe could stop something bad from happening to that kid


Was it just once or more then once? Either way, I’d mind my business.

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I would want to know if my kid was sneaking out


Best to mind your business


Absolutely do not mind your business, I would much rather someone tell me my child is sneakin out.


I would want to know if it was my kids.

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Id definitely appreciate you telling me if you caught my kid sneaking out.


Show them, but tell them you will not release the video to confront him, but they can now watch to catch him in the act. With the world thr way it is these days we all have to watch out for kids. You woukd regret not saying anything if you find out He gets shot at a house a house party


How close are you to the neighbor? If it was one of my neighbors, heck yeah I’d tell her, but one I don’t really know…mind my business

Mind your business unless you have a personal relationship with them. If y’all don’t talk and you walk over there to rat someone out except problems.


It takes a village to raise a child - the child is not sneaking out to study, tell the parents! If it was my child please tell me :heart:


Just read the first part. Mind ya business lol you dont have a “moral” obligation.


As a mother I’d want to know. You never know what the kid may be getting into or who he’s going to see/hang out with.

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Tell them. I feel like those saying mind your business probably did it as a teen or maybe don’t have kids…


Leave it alone. You never know what bad can happen if you run your yap


Guess I’m the odd ball out. I’d wanna know if it was my kid. With how the world is today anything could happen. You could prevent so many things. What happens the next time he sneaks out? If something were to happen at all I’d personally feel guilty for not speaking up. I think informing the parents seems to be the right thing to do. :+1:t3:


I’d leave it alone but that’s me


I’d want to know lol

I’d drop an anonymous note in the mailbox. “Just thought you should know, I caught your son sneaking out of his window on (date) at (time).

If you’d want them to tell you if your child was doing it then I’d say yeah tell them. Because sneaking out nowadays at any age is very dangerous and it truly takes a village.


My best friend when I was in 8th grade snuck out of her house one night and went to a party and on the way home she was killed in a car accident! It’s hard knowing the situation he is in but I think back to that night often and I definitely would want to know.


It’s not your business.

With human trafficking how would you feel if they went missing… I’d say something for safety sake


That’s a rough one because today’s world is SCARY, but how would you feel if something happened to the child while he was sneaking out and you saying something maybe could’ve stopped it? I understand people say mind your business but… thats someone’s baby. Today kids are being shot left and right and taken from all over.


Mind your business nosey. That’s not your kid. When that shit hits the fan you’re not gonna be in THEIR home

I would be worried if I was the neighbour that you could see my sons bedroom window

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Although you may have good intentions telling the parents, it could backfire. They could say you were being a creeper by having it face towards their son’s window. Some parents live in complete denial and could turn on you and try to make you in the wrong


You don’t really know neighbors that are close enough to see their son sneaking out… Hmmm.

Do not mind your business. Children are everyone’s business…hence “it takes a village”. Tell them.


Nowadays you don’t know what could happen. I would want to know as a parent. I think you should tell them right away. Better safe than sorry.


As a mother to a teen I would want you to come to me so I can address the situation with my kids(s)…

I’d leave an anonymous note in the mail box


No kaz, don’t dog the boys


I’d want to know if ot was my kid but you don’t know them and some parents may not take kindly to their "angels " being recorded.

Could be saving that kid from making choices that could potentially ruin his life


The mom in me says tell them so they will know but you never know what happens behind closed doors and I would hate to put someone in danger.


Mind your own business you don’t know how he is treated behind closed doors or the consequences. Unless you know them and you know nothing will happen to him then speak up. Reason I say this is a close friend of mine would get beat and no one knew until she finally spoke up when she came to school with bruises .


Tell them please…if something happened you’d never forgive yourself. Also you’d want someone to let you know.


I would def tell my neighbor and show the evidence. And then I’d step out and mind my business.

I’m so glad we didn’t have outdoor cameras while I was growing up :rofl: I might not be alive today if there was.


I would tell but be prepared for them to ask why you have a camera facing towards their sons window.


I’d leave it alone. The kid will eventually get caught. I eventually did but my mom claims now that she knew :rofl:


Leave them a note. Just say that you are a concerned neighbor and you saw him sneaking out (date and time) and wanted them to know. Write in cursive, then they’ll know it’s a legit adult.

No more. No less. They can choose to ignore or handle the situation, but in the end you’ll feel better.


I would want to know but I think I would do it anonymously if you’re not comfortable

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I would say don’t tell the parents but show the tape to the kid sneaking out… you’ll get your house painted, your garbage taken out every week…etc.etc. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Pull the kid up … tell him to cut it out befor you tell his parents …


Tell them, so he doesn’t end up dead somewhere, do it anonymously if you want.


Some of my best memories wouldn’t have happened… had I not snuck out my window. I say… Let the kid be a kid.


Stay in your lane. Not your business.


I’d defo show the parents ! This world isn’t as nice as it used to be xx


I messaged my neighbors momma on here while it was happening…230 am and a bunch of teen boys are outside the back of the houses talking to all the girls at her slumber party…and these boys decided to cuss me because I opened my window to smoke…so I said "hey momma, there are people in your yard… :woman_shrugging:t3:


What if something happened? You could very well save him from something bad happening to him, if you say nothing, if something by chance happens to him, you would feel incredibly guilty, I would show the parents.


My son is 14 & daughter 13 I would want to be told and see the evidence :100:


Want me to tell them?


I would let them know, parents should know what their kids are up to. The world we live in I would definitely want to know my kids are safe.

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Leave a note in the mail box anonymously telling them u seen their kid sneaking out the window

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I would tell them because it could save his life if he is out doing things he shouldn’t be and the parents can get a control over it now before it’s to late. But after you tell them and you see nothing has changed then I wouldn’t say anything a second time… it is what it is then…


I would want to know. If something happens to that baby and you knew he snuck out, wouldn’t you feel guilty? I know I would. My neighbors have asked me to look at my cameras but for different reasons.


Tell the parents. I’d want to know if it was my child. This world is crazy and anything could happen these days.


Now if your business…

Drink water and mind your business

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I’d confront the kid in passing one day, just letting him know that you know what he’s doing and it gives him a chance to correct his behavior before you have to confront his parents.


I wouldn’t tell them if you’re in a safe area, if you ain’t then I’d tell them.

I would tell them but also as your neighbor I would be annoyed that your cameras are filming my sons window or my house period.


I would tell the mom

I would’ve said mind your business but then again i would want to know if my kid was sneaking out. So if let them know just incase.

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No snitching Stay at Home Moms :fire:


Mind your business imo unless something bad happens…

I will normally say “ mind your business “ but as a parent myself I will really appreciate it to be told if someone see me daughter sneaking out, this is about their safety , so …. I will let them know definitely


So many Karens saying to rat on him lol jus let it unfold and when u hear a shit fight from next door u no he’s been busted

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I would want to know as a mother. And for everyone else saying why do you have it facing the sons window. I have a side camera also and is wide range of seeing my surroundings. It’s not like this person is literally using the camera to spy on this child.
I would personally just talk to them about it. Good luck

Y’all are so nosy. You all act like you’ve never done anything wrong especially as a kid


I would want to know as a parent. As a former teen who used to sneak out, that version of me says mind your business.

But really, you could save his life. I would just make sure to talk to the parents away from him.


Tell them . As a parent of teenagers I would want to know. This is not the same world we grew up in. People and things are crazy now .


Y’all saying “mind your own business” probably snuck out to get laid at 14/15 years old!!! :roll_eyes:


As a parent I’d want to know. Also what if he sneaks out again an he ends up doing drugs, stealing or something even worse like getting killed or kidnapped. I’d definitely say something. You could ask your neighbor did your son have something to do such date/such time. I saw him going out the bedroom window & was wondering if the doors weren’t working.

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As a mom & as a teen that snuck out & quite often out myself in some very sketchy situations I had no business being in at such a young age, I’d have to speak up. W the way the world is, especially now, so many bad things could happen. If something were to happen and you found out, it’d probably eat at you that you didn’t say nothing to possibly prevent it.


When my kid was about 2 my neighbor told me he caught him standing in the window (1st floor but not ground level, maybe 10 feet up) and he thought I should know. He said he didn’t want to yell at him to get down because he didn’t want me to be mad but, he was terrified my kid would fall. I said, “Thank you for telling me but, if you ever see him doing something like that again, you have my full permission to do what you think is necessary so he’s safe. I’d rather a few hurt feelings than to be sitting in the ER with him”


None of your bussiness

No, You tell them! Coming from a mom of 4…It’s true.,it takes a village! Children are all our responsibility! :heart:


Here is the thing about minding your own business… this kid could be causing major trouble, hurt someone or themselves or heck eventually scope your house out and do something dumb. Write an anonymous letter.


I would do the “watching you” sign next time I saw the kid and just shake my head, regardless if the parents are around. :woman_shrugging:


If something bad happened to him you would never forgive yourself mention it to the parents

I’d wanna know why your camera is pointed at my kids bedroom window :thinking: what a creep


Mind your own business

As a parent, I would want to know. Yes, a lot of us snuck out when we were teens, but the world is a lot different now


I would definitely want to know. And maybe I wouldn’t do anything right away, I’d reevaluate some things with my parenting and figure out how best I want to approach it. But I would be grateful for the knowledge at least.

TelI his parents!!! I used to sneak out all the time and my neighbors always snitched on me if they saw me lol it’s apart of the game those are the moments he will grow from

Mind your business just mind your business that’s all I can say don’t be a messy Karen ass neighbor I promise it will not work out the way you’re thinking it will

Stay in your lane . Unless he is bothering you leave it .
You being a rat will just end up getting your windows ruined or something potentially vandalized .


Mind your business :sob:


I know some people are saying "mind your own business " but with the sketchy crap going on with our kids these days, I would say something. Things are not like they used to be. We all cry when we need that village. Be someone in that village who cares because if something happens, you may have some major regret. Good luck!


Mine your on business

Show them. If he was allowed out he would just use the front door

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What is with the ridiculous notion that an anonymous letter needs to be written lol that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life we’re not children… And it’s not like the neighbors not gonna know who it came from I’m pretty sure of it so forget the letter and mind your own business there’s a lot of Karen’s in this group

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Easy one. Mind your own business. Seriously. Stay out if it.

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