My camera caught my neighbors son sneaking out: Advice?

Not your monkeys, not your circus. My neighbors kids snuck out, threw parties and drove cars w/o a license. Those are their lessons, and their consequences.


As a mother speak up… I would want to knw


Mind your own business

Mind your own business.

You would probably be signing the kid up for an ass whooping and make yourself target for ALL the neighborhood teens to terrorize. Personally, you would have to straighten me about your cameras hitting my house to begin with. Wtf you recording my shit for? Thats some creep shit.

Take this advice from someone whose child has been missing for over a year now. Tell the parents bc u don’t know what could happen at any point. U could potentially save that family from a lot of heartache for just speaking up. I would give anything for someone to speak up about my son. I no longer trust this world bc of the fact that nothing and nobody is helping me locate my son. And I know there are people out there that know the truth on where he is and what happened


I would want to know. If it was my child, I would want to know. And that’s all.


If it was mine. I want to no.

And if he sneaks out, does drugs and od’s? How are you going to feel? Any of you, ask your yourself that.

Approach the mom and tell her you’d like to be kept out of it but to put up a camera or coincidentally be up and catch him.

I snuck out as a kid, but times were different in the 80s… Fentanyl l, oxy, heroin, serial killers.


I had some new neighbors move in by me and one night I heard something loud hit my tahoe outside. When I went out there, there was a diet Pepsi bottle with some bb’s in it. It could have knocked out a window on my tahoe or my house. I seriously contemplated what to do. I was afraid if I told the parents, that the teens would retaliate against me and make life a living hell. But I’m a single parent and my 14 year old daughter is home alone when I work and I didn’t want her to feel unsafe. So I went over to their house and I told the mom that I wasn’t trying to cause a bunch of problems but they threw this at my house and told them about my daughter and not wanting problems. She was glad I told her and she said they were not raised that way and it wouldn’t happen again. They have helped me now with a few things including watching my house and lent me some tools when I was fixing the fuel pump on my tahoe. Yes it could have went the other way and went badly, but I felt parent to parent it should be known. Parents can’t fix a behavior if we don’t know about it.


I would just say “omg I saw someone trying to break in after the fact of it happening I didn’t catch much but I caught this” and show a screenshot. let them tell you “that’s our son” and say “oh wow it was at 1am so I thought it was something else” lol something along those lines haha act dumb


Mind your business :unamused:

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Nah man, this is where the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” rings true. Clearly he isn’t allowed out at that time which is why he is sneaking, and there is no good reason for a child to be roaming the streets in the middle of the night. It’s a dangerous world out there so tell the parents 100%.


Some of these mothers are shocking telling you to mind your business, WHAT IF IT WAS YOUR KID?! I’d wanna know! Tell them!


You’d feel really guilty if something happened to that kid and you said nothing. If it were my kid I would want to know.


Okay mind your business people, what if something bad happens to that kid with all the bad crap going on in this world? How would you feel if your neighbors knew your child was sneaking out and one night they never come home and it could have been avoided just by someone speaking up… This is why I have cameras all around my house cause of all you mind your own business people. Can’t count on anyone to look out for mine…


I think you tell them, I’m a mom of 4 and I would absolutely want to know! Also I was a runaway, now I wish I could take back the pain and heartache I caused my family


Mind your own business he’s just being a teenager

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Yeah don’t listen to everyone saying mind your own business. If your kid was sneaking out you sure as hell would want to know. Yes show them

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Answer your own question by asking yourself what if that was your child? Would you want to know?

And yes. The parents should definitely be aware.


Mind ya biz. Kids will be kids.

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I would want to know…. It takes a village! Especially in today’s times!


I would most definitely want to know for safety reasons! The world is a scary place and I hope my neighbours would do it for me if they caught one of my precious babies sneaking out. At that age they have no sense of the amount of danger that is out in the world these days

Absolutely tell them

Make a copy of the video and put it in their mailbox anonymous


I would definitely tell them. Just show them the video. That could be very dangerous

Tell them… I’d want to know.

Tell them. If it was one of my children I’d like to know. Also would like to discuss with my children why are they sneaking out at such hours and inform them of how bad it can turn out and I personally can speak from my own experiences having been assaulted on one of my sneaking out nights


Ah mind your business and let them worry what their kid is doing :grin: that’s funny reminds me of my teen years, good times :sweat_smile:


I minded my own business because when I was doing it I was being abused so that would have made it worse. I found out by me not telling I also saved the neighbor girl from further abuse. You don’t know what’s going on. Unless you see something actually life threatening just don’t bother. 14 year olds aren’t helpless babies, trust me.


Tell them! This teenagers parents need to know. If my neighbor caught my daughter sneaking out her dad and I would want to know

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Maybe don’t be a Karen and mind your own business


Jeeeeesus all you “tell them” people must’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a teenager. Thank god I was young and dumb before all these home cameras were a thing :rofl:


Tell them cause parents should know to be able protect their kid especially in this world. So many things the kid could have been sneaking out for maybe a party where there’s alcohol, a girl even possibly a woman cause women are just as bad as men about underage dating, drugs ect… tell them


All these mind your business comments are sad… in a word full of sex trafficking.

Youll feel real bad if something happens


Two years ago parents in a town nearby got a call that the child they thought was a sleep was killed in a car accident after sneaking out

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They may ask why is your camera facing his window


Mind your own business…and what I mean is, send an anonymous letter. They should know for real.


I say you should say something. As a teenager I snuck out a few times and if someone would have told on me the I wouldn’t have done it again but unfortunately it took me being in a horrible situation the last time I snuck out to stop me from ever even think about doing it again. I still have nightmares to this day about the last time I snuck out. So yeah I would just go over there and introduce myself and tell them that you have cameras for security reasons and you have footage of their child sneaking out.

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I wouldn’t be saying anything if your cameras are pointing and recording into their child’s window.


I would want to know, so I would tell them.


Damn we all would sneak out when I was growing up. Did your camera catch him sneaking back in, if so then you know the camera works.

I would tell, because i would want someone to tell me. I would say exactly that and offer to send it to the mom if she would like to see it.


Why are your cameras pointed at their house? That would be my first question if I was the neighbors. But I’d definitely want to know lol


They probably already know. Lol😂

Ask yourself this… would you want your neighbor to tell you if the situation was reversed? I know i would want to know.


Hmmm I would not know, probably wait see if it keeps happening, how often etc. No one knows the situation, could be a normal teen thing or he is trying to get some peace from parents or parent abuse, you just don’t know.

I’d monitor the situation. If the cameras caught him once- it will catch him again. But agree with some of the other comments, I’m sure your camera is not purposely facing their window/house, they may have an issue with that.
So again, I’d just monitor the situation. If something bad we’re to happen, it is not even the slightest your fault if you don’t tell.

Show them…I would want to know.


On the fence. What if you don’t and he dies and then myob.


Show them, I would want to know!!!

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Snitches get stitches.

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Holy shit, with some of these comments!!?! Idgaf if your cameras happen to catch my yard, as long as they don’t catch my windows and what’s going on inside. But if they catch my kid sneaking out please let me see the footage so I can know exactly where your cameras are pointing and can deal with the situation appropriately.

As an adult you should…it takes aa village remember that and if you put a damper in what ever he shouldn’t be doing that one less kid getting away with doing wrong

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I would want to know if my teen was sneaking out. You can’t trust anyone now and they maybe up to no good.

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I would want my neighbors to tell me about my kids sneaking out. I did not want my neighbors telling my parents when I was sneaking out.

I would find a way to let the parents know. I don’t know if I would go over and talk to mom in person because I don’t think I would want him to know that I was the one who busted him.

No, if he’s not bothering you or others let his parents figure it out.

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I’d want to know. I’d show them


Drop a copy by way of a picture through the phone either messenger or text in put a little note in use someone’s others than your phone just a opinion

Or take a picture to Walgreens in make a copy in write a little note with it in leave it in there mailbox


I was that teen who snuck out of the house, and there were many situations where I’m shocked I’m still alive. The handful of times I was caught never deterred me from it, so if this were me and a neighbour told my mom, I would’ve taken the punishment for sneaking out and then just found a different way to exit where there aren’t any cameras. Telling the parents isn’t going to solve the reason why the kid is sneaking out in the first place. I snuck out many times because my mom was strict and I felt left out of a lot of things. There was also no trust in our relationship, no connection there, so I didn’t feel safe coming to her when I was put in bad situations and I just dealt with them on my own. The gentle parent in me says not to tell the parents, but rather get to the root of the problem and speak with them about ways of building a better relationship with their child, so that he doesn’t feel the need to sneak around behind their back.


Mind your business. IMHO.

Honestly I would tell them. My neighbor heard commotion and thought it was our neighbors fighting. I went to check and that is how I found out my 16yr old daught snuck out and stole my car. I made her come home. Around corner from my house she was involved in an accident. If I had not been notified and something really really bad happened to my daughter I don’t know what I would do. This world is not like it was 30 years ago.


And after you tell them, they will sue you for your camera’s pointing at their house and they will win.

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Were you ever a teenager?
Maybe instead of snitching on him you could suggest that they plant some holly or something under his window


If you don’t really know them, how do you know they don’t already know? Is he sneaking out because he needs to because his parents suck and he needs a mental health break to stay safe? Will he be safe once you notify his parents, whom you do not know? Was he sneaking through your yard? Are you afraid of him? Did he threaten you? Did he try to climb inside of your house?

I was a teen who HAD to sneak out just to be near SAFE ADULTS who in turn, saved my life.

Do you understand yet
why none of this your business? If you aren’t prepared to provide tangible support for this teenager outside of ratting on him to people you don’t know, mind your own damn business.

Mind your own business. The parents of this wannabee rebel should have their house appropriately secure so there is no sneaking in or out. If you feel that the teenager is in danger you should perhaps approach this kid and let him know that your cameras have recorded him and all though you don’t want to dobon him, if his parents ask if you have seen, or recorded anything suspicious, that you would need to show them etc. I know that I used to sneak out of home when I was about 15 but I only went 2 houses down the road to catch up with a friend at their house. Tell the kid that if your neighbours had seen something dodgy happening at yours, that you would hope that they showed or told you about it.


Well what was he sneaking out for to get some fresh air or to go riding around with some friends or is he going to meet a girl maybe you should talk to the boy about it first since you have it on your phone there maybe a problem at home think about that first then move on to your next move


Mind your business. I was a teen sneaking out my window with friends and my neighbor told my parents. Only for them to find out their teen daughter was sneaking in her boyfriend to have sex :sweat_smile: you get me in trouble … I’ll put your ass in place :joy::joy:

No, you don’t know the situation however I would keep an eye on it, of its a regular thing than perhaps mention something to him…

Uh I wouldn’t because teen boys retaliate a bit differently lol, he may try to get you back for getting him in trouble…
I’m talking like pranks, small things to annoy you… nothing major but I’d mind my own buisness… they should have cameras. My neighbor always minded his buisness when he caught me smoking out the window or hopping out, and I’m greatful​:joy::sweat_smile:

In my city, you wouldn’t need to do a thing. The police are on it so bad the minute city curfew hits, due to the crime at night. The kid would be picked up by the police. Should have seen the way a cop car ran up on us on July 4th when my son & I were walking home from seeing fireworks! I thought it was some drunk driver, my son looks & says it’s a cop. As soon as the cop saw that it was not 2 kids but a parent & one kid, they took off.
If I was close friends with the neighbors I would let them know, otherwise probably not.

Maybe just real.casual tell him you saw him the other night. Lol there’s nothing you can really do . If u tell his parents then they freak about your camera. But mostly just mind your business :woman_shrugging:

How do you know he’s not living in a bad situation and telling them could potentially hurt him? Maybe he had to leave. You don’t know. Mind your business please.


Why is your camera recording THEIR HOUSE?


Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy!


Y’all for real??? If y’all child snuck out and got hurt. And y’all found out the neighbors knew and didn’t say anything. Would like thank them for minding their business? Takes a village to keep a child safe. If that child happen to get hurt or worse. Killed. Y’all would eat yourself up with the guilt… tell their child you saw him sneak out. Give him a warning if it happens again. You’ll go straight to the parents. Ain’t that hard to he a good person. If it was your child. You’d want to know. Stay in your lane :roll_eyes:
Half y’all don’t know how…


For one… Get that camera pointed away from the window of a child. And next delete the footage and mind your own shit.

In today’s world with all the sickos out there I would want to know as a parent and I belive you should tell them


Just go to bed Karen.


Naw. For everyone saying mind your own business… Kids are going missing left and right. Say something. I’d rather get my ass grounded than go missing. And I’m saying that as a person who snuck out as a teen all the damn time.

There’s a lot of really hateful people on here in these comments. This is a genuine post just wanting to know what they should do. She isn’t being rude, she isn’t carrying on about the kid and how bad he is. She’s just asking what we think she should do. And y’all just choose to act ugly about it. What’s the point in coming here for advice when you’re just going to be called names and made to feel bad for asking what others think? I’m ashamed to even be in the same group with some of these people.

Mind ur own business what the heck


Mond your business what time does he sneak back In


If my child was sneaking out I would want to know.


What’s your camera face their window? His bedroom window at that. That’s wierd. And tbh unless something happens to him, live and let live :woman_shrugging:t3: he’ll get caught eventually.

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That’s a tough one. If something were to happen to the kid and you didn’t let them know, you’d feel awful. But at the same time, you don’t know what kind of people they are. They might be ultra-strict parents who might discipline the boy to the point of abuse for something like that. It’s a fine line on something like that. Having grown up with a narcissist parent, I didn’t have the nerve to sneak out. I was where I didn’t say I was going to be a few times and I would have been beaten for it. I just know it. If I were you, I think I would readjust my camera and keep it to myself.


I caught my neighbor kids eating out of my trash can and hitting their dog with a 2×4. Told the grandparents, grandma lost her shit on me. Started calling me names, got in my face, told me to call the cops, basically everything but hit me. I mind my business now. It takes a village doesn’t exist anymore. Mind your own and go on.

I would talk to the kid…


Throw donuts at him while he’s crawling out his window. That would be amusing


I would like to know tbh just for safety reason :person_shrugging:


Confront HIM. Just wait up and when you see him sneaking out step outside, tell him to cut the shit, go back to bed, and next time you won’t be so nice to keep his secrets.

I’d want to know. So one parent to another we as neighbors should look out for each other. Not to be the bad person, but what if that kid got in with his friends, got in an accident on the way home from a party and was killed? Could you live with that? Could have been prevented. Takes a village to raise kids!


Absolutely tell the parents. I would definitely want know if it was my kidlets

Whoever says mind your business or calls you a karen (in my opinion must be crappy parents) if they do not know why you have come here and asked. Its a dangerous world out there. If it was a female I bet they would have a different attitude. Bad things happen to boys aswell. I would tell them.


I would want to know. Not sure if I would even tell my kid I knew. If it were my mom with me she would have unalived me but with my sister she was totally different. Maybe ask the mom over for lunch or some type of neighborly thing and go from there. It will more than likely be uncomfortable but it kinda gives space for them to have the whole if you Whole if you end up in an unsafe situation call me no questions asked convo again. I know others have mentioned they could be abusive if they found out so maybe feel the situation out and use your best judgment.


Nope mind your business.