My camera caught my neighbors son sneaking out: Advice?

Mind your own business

I would consider asking the teen why they were sneaking out. I would go to the parents after, with most responses he gives, but I would feel guilty if he was in an abusive home and it went worse for them. If you don’t see any sings of abuse or neglect I’d go to the parents 1st.


I don’t get involved with neighbors for any reason. (Unless they come to my door and ask me for help.) One minute they mind their own business the next you rotated your wind chimes the wrong direction and offended them and now they stalk you everywhere you go and call the cops twenty times a week with complaints that the bush in your yard is still too green.


And to think when I was growing up it took a village… Sad to see these comments if it were me and mine I’d DEFINITELY want to know!


Get to know them first and feel out the situation

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If y’all really want to know when your kid is sneaking out put an alarm on the window, gps on their phone. You are upset about neighbors who wouldn’t get involved. What about the ones that would see that and kidnap them? Your neighbors are NOT your friends.

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Mind ur own business. Unless u know what is going on inside that house it is none of ur business what their child does or doesn’t do.

Mind your business. I would like to know but then again would be creeped the hell out your camera is facing my house. Especially my child’s bedroom window.


With today’s day in society,yes tell them ,if something happened badly on the child I know I would feel bad as I knew he left his home in the middle of the nite :pensive:


Nothing to see here move along

Why is your camera pointing at the window of a teenager?


Yes speak to the mother. What happened if he fell getting out the window or in trouble when out
He’s only young so yes as a mother I would speak to the other mother


Personally I’d want to know if that were my kids especially because boy or girl this world isn’t safe anymore and if my kid was meeting up with someone and I wasn’t aware and they got kidnapped or something I’d be freaking out. Most definitely say something because it’s better to be safe than sorry


I would tell, what if something happens to the boy while he snuck out, I know I would feel regret. I know people say stay out of it but like I said, our world is ugly now and who know what can happen to him.

Everyone saying that it’s weird the camera is facing the kids window I’m sure that it’s not directly facing the window. The OP camera could be facing a large direction of the side of their home or something and the window just happens to be caught in the view. I doubt the OP is trying to be a creep


I would tell them simply because what if something was to happen to the child secondly why is ur camera facing their house


If you have a relationship with the neighbors I might say something. Otherwise it’s not my monkeys, not my circus.


Shew… No wounder kids are horrible now a days. These comments are sad and pathetic. You tell those parents and show them the video.


I tell my neighbor when her son does this but then again we are friends.

I agree with most as a parent I would definitely want to know. It only spells trouble. And as far as the camera being able to see this it’s probably facing her own property and the side view caught it my Nosey neighbor has one on his driveway and it looks like it’s pointing right at my house

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Unless you and the mom are friends, stay out of it

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l Get paid over $134 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16589 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Mind your business, might turn into a hostile situation, for one the camera is pointing in the direction of the kids window (I as a parent would have an issue with that). And parents don’t always like to hear their little angel is up to no good.


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Mind your business.
If they don’t ask you don’t tell.
No relationship there so weird. . You don’t know the parents.

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If you’re friendly with the parents then say something. If you’re not I would keep my mouth shut unless you see it happen repeatedly… then might be worth saying something even if yall aren’t friends

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Takes a village to raise a child. Apparently not so much in this comment section. Why would she not tell the mother or father? God forbid something bad happened to their kid especially with society today.
Yes Its likely harmless and he snuck to his friends. But I’ve also known teenagers going out for “joy rides” for what they think is harmless fun ending in tragedy.
Yes your not the parent but what harm is it really by letting his parents know that you noticed he took off and leaving it at that.
That way if anything bad did happen you wont be left feeling any type of way.
It is more likely he will be fine but as a mother I would be very grateful if someone let me know. :blush::blush:


All of you saying stay out of it, if that child is in an accident and dies & nobody BUT HER knows the child had snuck out, how do you think it will impact her? Yes! Tell the parent! Help keep that child safe!


Mind your business if your not friends with the parents

If someone told my mom I was sneaking out I would have run away from home . lol :joy:


Bro id tell the mum. What if this kid is up to something? It’s better to be safe than sorry


Snitches get stitches


Rather you and your neighbors are friends or not, tell them! With all these drugs on the streets, child trafficking, ect., I would definitely want to know! Keep this in mind…the ones on here telling you to mind your business, aren’t parenting. What if this young teen ends up DEAD? Wonder how they will feel then? Today’s World isn’t safe!


I would tell them. What they do with it is up to them. If it was my son the next day I would have a camera set up in my house. No good could happen out of this boy sneaking out. I would just mention it not show them the video unless they ask.

I’d tell them there are not nice people in this world it’s more for the kids safety at this point that his parents know. It would be horrible if something happened to him and they didn’t know he was gone

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I think I would too or at least show them then they can deal with how they see fit I’d want to know if it was my child
And what if somethings happening to him and you don’t tell them

I would send her an anonymous note … like hey your kid is sneaking out keep an eye on him … Signed: a friendly mom … kids love to retaliate for someone snitching on them !! Keep your name out …


As a mother yourself I think you already know the answer. Go in mama bear mode and snitch away!

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Please tell the parent. You could potentially stop them from going down a dark path. You don’t know what that child may be getting into after sneaking out and God forbid something happen to them.

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I would tell them. Because if something were to happen and you knew he snuck out you would carry guilt for the rest of your life


I would definitely tell.

l Get paid over $134 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16589 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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I think if you don’t know this family, their response to this news or why this young man feels the need to sneak out that I would tell him what you saw, ask him why and then if his answer is typical teenage behavior, tell him you feel obligated to make his parents aware. On the otherhand if he’s not 14, but 16 and in an overly strict or abusive home, you may want to reconsider that plan.


Absolutely tell the parents. There are so many dangerous things he could be involved in. Anything from sex trafficking/forced sexual labor while still living at home with parents (happens more often than people think), drug use or distribution, he may get someone pregnant, he may run away… etc. If the kid deals with any mental health issues they can exacerbate any dangerous decisions he may be making.

Do any of you ever watch TV? Do you have children? Do you have any idea how many predators are out there luring children out with lies and bullshit or how many serial killers are on the prowl at any given time? Not to mention drug abuse, teen pregnancy, gang violence, the list is endless! Literally, any night he climbs out that window he could disappear forever and then the parents would be saying “you knew and you never told us”? Why? We could have saved him. Things like this happen all the time.

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I would have to tell them because if anything happened to this child I couldn’t live with myself.


It takes a village. Tell them.


I wrote a note to the mother once … hey I know we don’t know eachother but mother to mother your 13 yo is sneaking out at all hours multiple times a week going into diff cars … even a uhaul van once at 4 am

Damn if my child was sneaking out I would like to know … imagine if something happened :face_with_peeking_eye:

As a parent id want to know my son was sneaking out…but id be bothered your camera was pointed at my property. You could find yourself in serious trouble with the law over that .


We’ve all done it. Mind your business.


First of all. Why is your camera pointed at anyones bedroom window? Creepy. Second. Omg. Why is your camera pointed at anyones bedroom window. Gross.


if he were to get seriously hurt or killed on one of his escapades you would feel awful. I would speak to the mom. maybe talk as if your nephew were doing it & ask her if she should tell the mom


This is a catch 20! If you say something,you could be putting yourself into their family drama .if you don’t and something bad happens to this kid you will feel guilt.make it anonymous!

I would tell them. The way people are these days anything could happen

I would want to be told. I have amazing neighbors and they wouldn’t think twice to tell me. I have teachers on my left and retired corrections officers one my right. My kid doesn’t stand a chance.


Send an anonymous note and let them do with it what they wish if anything it might make them question things further and find out for themselves.

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I look at it like this…not all parents care. I have cameras almost entirely around my property. The only part I don’t have a camera on(yet) is where I found my new neighbors(moved in a few months ago and I talked to them and did the whole welcome thing. No one else did. Not even our HOA. So I thought I could tell them this. In between our Two houses their 4 maybe 5 year old came wandering up. Now behind all of our houses is a huge lake. Mine has direct access with no bushes etc because we own it all up to the lake edge. Not everyone does, but A kid could walk right in. He seemed scared and was biting his finger. I asked if he was OK and he ran and hid by their garage. So I went and knocked on their door. When I did, he ran behind their cars. Very dangerous. His mom who was in a nightgown came to the door(through their open side window by the door I saw that she and the dad were both laying on the couch on phones or TV. Unaware their kid could’ve been in the road. I told them and they acted completely calm like he does it all the time. She said she’d send dad outside to get him. We waited til he was seen to go inside ourselves. Dad walked nonchalantly outside and told the boy “you were supposed to be in the backyard”. So one wonders, how long had he been out of their backyard and why was no one checking on him. Why were they just laying around not even aware where he was. :woman_facepalming: well the answer is simple. Bad parents. And now I know why they moved from their last neighborhood. This probably happened a lot. I have children as young as 3. I could not imagine my daughter whose 3, wandering outside for however long alone. I’d be freaking out. But they were so calm and didn’t care. Some parents do not care. Be prepared that they might just shrug or say mind your business. If they get angry, then the kid probably sneaks to get away from them. They could possibly know and don’t care. I couldn’t in good conscience not say anything about the small child. But this is a teen. Probably with a phone. As long as your camera catches him coming home. I’d ask the boy first if he’s okay at home. Or okay in general. If you’ve spoken to him before that is.

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As a parent, I would want to know if my kid is sneaking out.


I’d mind my business; idk them, so idk what that kids home life is like. Let alone how’d they react when they find out you’re watching their property; and consequently the comings, and goings of their family. It’d be different if they asked, if you knew them, or if LE requested your camera footage because he actually ran away.


Give the boy a good spanking he will in time learn to follow the rules.

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I think plenty of us did this as teens just like teens are still doing it now. My concern as a parent would be why are your cameras facing my child’s bedroom window? They shouldn’t be and I hope if you talk to them about this they let you know that.

Just send them an anonymous note, let them do with that info as they wish.

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Tell them and sow them. God forbid something happens to him. Make parents promise not to tell him YOU told them.


If you would want to know, then assume they also would.
But be prepared to answer why your camera is able to see his bedroom, because that’s awkward at the least.


Seriously, as a parent, I would want to know!

We should stop worrying so much about whether we will upset the apple cart… The fact that he’s sneaking out tells you he’s not supposed to be out so I’m sure his parents would appreciate a side note without him knowing who told…

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I’d catch the boy outside and say hey my camera caught u sneaking out, if it happens again ima have to tell mom and dad.


I would want to be told. People are CRAZY now. This is super unsafe… Way more unsafe then back in the day

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As a mum of a teenager myself I would love my neighbours to feel comfortable to tell me if my kids are doing this behind my back, so my advice is show the adult responsible for this teenager. But please give the teenager in question a chance to own up for an agreed amount of time first

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Mind your business unless asked.


People also need to realize not all parents are good parents. If he’s sneaking out cause he’s being abused surely the parents are the last ones who needs this video footage. I pray he’s just being a typical teenager and isn’t being abused or being lured by a predator and certainly isn’t doing anything to cause himself or put himself in danger.


This time mind your business.

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Parent code- tell them

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That’s weird that your camera is watching the neighbors house. :flushed:


A local girl snuck out of her bedroom. No one seen her do it. The girl never made it home, she was missing.
For awhile the local
Police said Aw she’s done it before she will be back
Turns out she never returned , the two girls she that she snuck out with ( supposedly her best friends) ended up stabbing her to death and leaving her near a creek bed covered in leaves. She laid there For months until one of the girls finally fessed up led authorities to the area . Skylar Neese was her name. You can look it up !
I would say something , this world we live in isn’t the world we grew up in.


You have to look at it like this hes a teenager. I don’t know about you but when I was a teenager I used to sneak out of the house. Me and my friends that lived around my block would sneak out and just walk around the block or hang out at a friend’s house When their parents weren’t home. I grew up in a very good loving Catholic home so it’s not about the home life that makes teenagers want to sneak out . For me it was about doing something I know my parents would not approve of without getting caught and staying up late. As long as hes coming home safe safe I wouldn’t worry too much but keep an eye out for anything suspicious that that you feel you really need to tell his parents about Like if hes sneaking Girls or friends into his room .

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I would mind my own business but that’s me :woman_shrugging:

I’d definitely want to know. It takes a village


I think it would be the right thing to do for the safety of the child to tell the parents. Yeah a lot of people here are saying mind your own business and I did it when I was a teen but with the internet the way it is and human trafficking being so prevalent I think the parents deserve to know so they can do what they need to, to keep their son safe. Sorry you’re in this predicament, it’s hard to be an adult in these situations sometimes.


Yes definitely tell them but also ask them not to tell where the footage came from because 15-year-old boy will likely retaliate. I know most of us snuck out back in the day but some really dangerous things can happen. How would you feel if it was your kid?


It’s a scary world out there! 15 years ago, I’d be on the fence about it. Not this day and age, you never know what can happen


Absolutely would. As a parent I’d want to know. We can laugh all we want and say we did it too but times are different and now that I’m older I realized how truly dangerous it was and no one knew I was gone.


If it was my child, I would want to know


I’d definitely let them know for the sake of his safety :flushed:

Also another perspective - if there’s say, a house fire and they get out they’re going to send a fire fighter into that burning house to get that boy. Who is not going to be there!

Plus the world is a much more dangerous place then when we used to do it :weary:


Definitely speak up. So much could happen, and I’d wanna know. You’d wanna know.

I would mind my own business. Although they might appreciate you letting them know, they might also, in the back of their minds, wonder what else you see going on in their home.

I would, what if something was to happen? I wouldn’t want to know I could of said something to possibly prevent it but didn’t


Yes… but very tactfully… like on the bases of safety…


I would tell them. Bot infront of the kid, but just so that they know incase something happens while he’s out.

yes, assuming you also saw him return in one piece… mind your business

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Damn, this is a tough call. Part of me says mind your business bc home security cameras are stupid easy to get, install, and they’re pretty cheap, so if they were concerned about their son’s behavior then they could just put up cameras, but then part of me says “what if the kid goes missing or gets seriously hurt or God forbid killed” because me personally, I wouldn’t be able to cope with that what if.

This is a tough one.

I mean, I would want to know if my child was sneaking out. The world these kids live in today is not the same world that we, as parents, lived in.

On the other side of it, you said you don’t know them well and you really have no idea what is going on in their home. You don’t know what kind of people or parents they are. Going to them could have adverse consequences, beyond the son just being grounded.

If I were you, I would approach the son first. Let him know that your camera caught him sneaking out and that you’re not going to mention it to his parents THIS TIME, but it’s not safe for him to be sneaking out and doing whatever he’s doing in the middle of the night. Tell him that if you see it again, you will tell his parents.


Drink water and mind your business

Mind your own business. Sneaking out is an age old passage of youth. Let kids be kids.


I would enlighten them because if it were my son

I think I’d be more upset that the camera was facing my house and recording it, I would be upset my child is sneaking out as well but I don’t like the idea of neighbours recording my home!


Lol I loved sneaking out!!! :joy::joy::joy:my parents got cameras when my sisters became a age to sneak out, they still figured it out but my life was so easy just walk out the front door just make it’s quiet :joy::joy::joy:

You already know what the right choice is, tell the parents tactfully and offer to show the footage, sneaking out can lead to a lot of issues and if something happens to the kid you’re going to regret not saying anything.


Show footage to his parents

I want to tell you to tell the parents but then you might start getting questions as to why your camera is pointed at their house. I mean I guess you could tell him you were reviewing the footage and you saw this and you thought they might like to know but get prepared if they’re not happy that your camera sees what they’re doing.

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