My child hates carseats: What can I do?

Does anyone else’s child HATE to be in the car seat? My son is turning 2 next month and he did fine in the car up until a few weeks ago. Kicking, screaming, pulls my hair, locks up his body… it’s so stressful and makes me not what to go anywhere. any tips? I feel like a terrible mom for getting upset with him when he doesn’t listen.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My child hates car seats: What can I do?

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Make the car seat fun. Give him activities to do in the car while you go for drives.


Give him his favorite snack when he gets in his seat or a drink make it into something fun


Tell him to stay home :joy::joy: no car seat no car ride


Its. Just that age. All 3 of mine has done this and they eventually out grow the stage


Is he still rear facing? I know its recommended to keep them rear facing long as possible but forward facing might make it easier.


Well, it’s not only for his safety, it’s the law in most places. Would you rather have an upset, kicking and screaming toddler or the alternative?

They’ll throw a tantrum and then wear themselves out and take a nap. When they become a little older, they’ll mellow out.

I think every parent has had that time with their little one. Music helps, as does toys and food. Making it fun does help.


My son did the same thing and so did my daughter sometimes there was nothing I could do I didn’t ever want to go anywhere either I’m sorry that I can’t be more helpful LOL the struggle is real

Maybe he got pinched by accident

I give my daughter her snack time JJ doll and push it till it turns on the pea song and she now WAITS for me to buckle her up. She’s 1 but I was going through the same thing

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Who gives a damn? Make them wear it bc the cop who stops you is still gonna give you a citation bc they will tell you the same thing. it’s for their own safety and you are the parent so act like one.

Ensure he’s getting air back there… put a fan… or purchase a vehicle that has vents. When looking for a new car a couple yrs ago I was surprised to find out a hand full small suvs had ac in the rear.

My daughter used to scream “help me!” when I put her in her car seat at about the same age. I was so scared she was going to get taken away anytime we went to a grocery store or something. They do grow out of it fairly fast. Ask him why. Make him think. Tell him where you’re going. What the plan is. And maybe a reward if he goes in nicely through the day.


I think all kids go through this, mine did. I just kept wrestling her in there and explained she HAD to ride in her seat bc of safety. She occasionally will still fight me on it but not often. I did try and give her options like do to want to climb in or be put you in there?

Also saw a recommendation to turn them around. Remember the law is the BARE MINIMUM and rear facing is the safest way. The risk is internal decapitation made me buy another seat for 10 more pounds rear facing. A little fussing (which is completely developmentally appropriate) wasn’t worth the rush to me.


I honestly think it’s just a phase, most of the kids I watched and my own kid went through it. He’ll eventually grow out of it, try to distract him and talk to him about why it’s important

Get him the Crayola Mess Free Color Wonder sheets and markers (the markers will ONLY color on the special paper it comes with.) It’ll kept him busy in the car. Maybe keep a little tray in the car that he can color on.

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My son did this. I tried a different car seat and it was like night and day. I guess the other one was uncomfortable for him. Try a different one for a few days and see if it makes a difference


Is he comfortable? If he’s not, he’s letting you know.

My son’s the same. I let him bring a toy w him and give him juice it helps a lot!

Maybe take him out and let him pick his own out

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My almost 2yo niece hates car seats she may have autism though it may be sensory for her. She kicks and screams the whole time in the car

I convinced my son that it’s his racing harness. And had no problems after that. He gets right in and pretends he’s buckling up for Nascar :joy:


Its probably a phase. Just put him in it and then go. He will eventually stop.

Put a folded towel behind his back so he is in a more sitting up position.

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Is the carseat just to go places like daycare or does it go fun places like shopping with mom or visits to special places?

Also two is a rough age, they fight EVERYTHING


Make sure that he is comfortable in the car seat , you can get a portable dvd ( they are not expensive) and you can put it behind your sit and put on his favorite movie, get him a bottle or a snack , try to keep him distracted and entertaining, most kids go through that phase .

   And , usually when you ignore them the tantrums/ screaming last less
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I had to basically tell my sons that the cops will arrest you for not being in your carseat or wearing your seatbelt. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Eventually they’ll stop. don’t give too much attention to negative behaviors. that positively reinforces negative behaviors which you don’t want to do. Bring fun things in car like the water wow books that are mess free reusable at target by Melissa and Doug etc etc etc new things for him to play with etc.

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I feel like the bad mom that forces mine to wear his no matter what when he has those moments. I let him scream and cry all he wants then when he finally calms down I explain to him why its good to wear it, his dad is a tow truck driver and we have gone to some scenes that are minor but I tell him people get hurt in those accidents when they dont go in their car seats lol he stopped after that.

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Your normal mum and so is his reaction. No one likes to be restrained. Make a game out of it and let him help


A stash of special items, toys, books, a small special treat, game that stays in the car; for car rides only.

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My youngest brother kept a toy in the car and he could get that toy as we buckled and as long as we were in the car… he hated his seat to until we did that

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My grandson would scream bloody murder when putting him in his carseat at 2 years old. I made sure he had a great car seat with good padding so I know it wasn’t due to comfort. It was horribly embarrassing and I dreaded having to take him anywhere. People would stare like I was beating him or abducting him. My nerves were shot. He just turned 3 and it has gotten ALOT better in the last 4 or 5 months. He has a tablet and that has helped some. Those terrible 2’s are AWFUL!

Talk to him, explain, and set expectations for behavior.

Get a special toy for the car that he can have only if he sits in his seat buckled in. 2 is such a tough age and it’s hard to get them to do as you want. The streak of independence rears its ugly head.

Special toy he only gets when he’s in his carseat. Let him pick one out.

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My daughter was like that until I got her a bigger carseat

Try a different style / size carseat .

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Give the child a toy to hold while in the car seat…the toy stays in the car… every month you and him go pick out a new car seat buddy…tell your child the toy has to be protected with him in the car seat , so make sure the toy is soft not a hard toy…where your child could hurt his lip, eye or head on this car seat buddy…:innocent:

Personally I’d make sure he still fits in the seat, check the install, and if those things are good just putting him in it and giving him something to do. Ask him to play a game like spot all the trucks. We also have specific toys for the car. Now that the kiddos older we have small legal pads for them to draw or color on and a pencil bag with crayon, markers, pencils, pens and colored pencils.


Yep. My 3yo hates it. I am looking at trying a new seat.

Might be time for a new car seat. Also special toys for just while you’re in the car might help. Also playing music and singing along might help. Doesn’t have to be kiddie music. They like almost anything as long as you sing.

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Make sure he isn’t being hurt by his car seat. Things fall under the cover and poke, or if his shoulder strap needs to be raised it can be painful.

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Ask him why he doesn’t like it.

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Maybe take your child to a place with display car seats and let him sit in a couple to see if any work better than others.

Let your child know that no car seat means to trips: no trip to the playground, no play dates, no visits to grandma, no trips to pick out a toy or ice cream or whatever your son likes.

Your son isn’t hearing you when he screams so you need to prepare him for the car seat by telling him that a car seat ride is coming up.

Can any other member of your family get him to get into the car seat?

He may be experiencing separation anxiety and unable to tell you why he is so upset. Has he had a check up with his pediatrician? I’d be tempted to have that doctor see the issue that’s going on and give you suggestions.

Being the car seat inside. Leave it in front of the tv for him to use as a seat. Offer to let him have his favorite toy or whatever. If he will sit down. I seriously hate bribing a child but I think once he screams, he cannot be manipulated so a reward may need to be tried out.

I did have this with one of my children. The ‘not going into the car with everyone else’ did the trick for me. I had a sitter lined up and let my child see everyone leaving, explaining he would be home with the sitter because he cannot ride in the car unless he’s in his car seat. I think some might be appalled by this but it got to the point where I was just as anxiety stricken as my child. Something had to give. My child did scream during the first time he was being left behind but I left him behind, with the sitter. The next time was easier but he didn’t give in until the third time, if my memory serves me.

Maybe take your child to a place with display car seats and let him sit in a couple to see if any work better than others.

Let your child know that no car seat means to trips: no trip to the playground, no play dates, no visits to grandma, no trips to pick out a toy or ice cream or whatever your son likes.

Your son isn’t hearing you when he screams so you need to prepare him for the car seat by telling him that a car seat ride is coming up.

Can any other member of your family get him to get into the car seat?

He may be experiencing separation anxiety and unable to tell you why he is so upset. Has he had a check up with his pediatrician? I’d be tempted to have that doctor see the issue that’s going on and give you suggestions.

Bring the car seat inside. Leave it in front of the tv for him to use as a seat. Offer to let him have his favorite toy or whatever, if he sits in the care seat. Praise him profusely, if he does, If he will sit down in it. I seriously hate bribing a child but I think once he screams and throws a tantrum, he cannot be manipulated so a reward, offered before trying the car seat, may need to be tried out as one of your options.

I did have this with one of my children. The ‘not going into the car with everyone else’ did the trick for me. I had a sitter lined up and let my child see everyone leaving, explaining he would be home with the sitter because he cannot ride in the car unless he’s in his car seat. I think some might be appalled by this but it got to the point where I was just as anxiety stricken as my child. Something had to give. My child did scream during the first time he was being left behind but I left him behind, with the sitter. The next time was easier but he didn’t give in until the third time, if my memory serves me.

l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Get a sitter. Leave him home

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My daughter did this and it turned out she was feeling car sick. Ped recommend putting her in the middle seat

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My youngest was like that and we got him another seat and never had another problem

I think it’s the age, my son did the same at that age. He is 3 now. I explained that it’s for his safety while I force him in. Now he tells me it’s for his safety. 2 is hard, 3 gets better. Good luck!

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My son did too I ended up getting a car DVD player and I did automatically with my daughter it helps a lot especially on long trips

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Maybe check to make sure straps aren’t too tight and uncomfortable, maybe too small, my granddaughter hated hers, after readjusting straps it got better

2 is a little young to be bribing and dealing with get him some food like Cheerios are Cheetos this will keep him occupied

My daughter did for awhile she 13 now. I had to force her in the seat and buckle her up. Multiple times told her if she didn’t stop screaming I was gonna get mad and spank if she did not want spanked then she will stop and then counted to 3. She stopped screaming we sat and talked about why she’s fighting me. The answer was “because” her twin brother got in his seat and I buckled him just fine until driving down the road and he unbuckled his car seat and stood next to me in the front. Had to yell at him to get back in his seat and buckle back up. And yes that was when he was 18 months until 2 1/2.