My child is obsessed with playing in the stove! Help!

Cause your letting him! common sense! Don’t listen to your child for something like this! Tape the stove, turn it on, anything for him not to do it!!! Your the parent, learn not to give in, change his mind with other things, take him outside for a walk to distract him. If he cries, let him cry, keep teaching him it’s not a play toy!

I can’t believe I am reading this.u have to be the boss I hope and pray u got what I said the boss things like that didn’t happen in our home I was the boss and the children knew that from the time they cld crawl wake up boss be aparent

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I would’ve never allowed that in the first place. Stoves/ovens aren’t toys .

Cuz you didn’t tell him no don’t touch. Put your mom pants on.

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They make Iocks, you can put it on your stove to lock it.
How old is your child?

Just put a baby lock on it and be done with it, this is so unsafe

The best advice I received about raising children was “Don’t start a habit that you will need to break later “.


My daughter was always interested in the iron when she was little. We never once let her play with it even with it unplugged. Because we knew if she thought it was a toy she could touch it when it was hot. You have to be firm and really instill in him that it is dangerous and he should never touch it. He could turn it on and get inside it without you knowing. What if he did that while you weren’t watching? Way too dangerous to be seen as a toy.

Does he not know that it gets extremely hot and could seriously hurt him? If not, he needs to!!

He didn’t “make” you do anything…YOU’RE :clap: THE :clap: PARENT :clap:

Tell him to go jump in the dryer and why don’t you turn it on for him or better yet unplug it and tumble him manually is that better didn’t think so qq

You are enabling it by taking the racks out and allowing her to play in it. I know you prob don’t want to listen to her scream or cry. But sometimes that’s the best solution let her scream don’t Interact eventual she will stop and calm down and talk to you. But allowing this is not going to help stop it.

You let him do it and even helped by removing the racks… that alone makes me worry… stove, washer, dryer, etc are hard NO’s.
You’re the parent. Stand firm

Omg​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I truly worry for complete strangers on the internet.

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They don’t make you do anything tell them no and then say “let’s go do this instead” you are the parent!


Wow, just wow. Even if my child came to me and asked to play in the stove, I would probably look at them like they have 3 heads. That’s never an option. It should have NEVER been an option. I’m trying hard not to judge but that just blows my mind. He’s going to get hurt or worse unless you stop it now. If he cries, so be it. You let it get to this point. Be his mother and say no.

Get a lock for the door. I had to do that w my little one


Zip tie it after u use it

My son tried this and we quickly nipped that in the bud. Built him a fort house instead and he likes that even better! Redirect his attention to something that gives him the similar stimulation. He may like “hiding” in there. Show him some alternative places to hide and make it into a game.

you allowed it by taking out the racks! Be the parent & teach him NO!!

You helped him play in the stove… never a good idea. Learn to say NO. Look at the bigger picture from an adult point of view.

Try getting a small zippered up tent.

He “makes” you take the racks out? Who’s the adult?


Certain things you don’t allow kids to do this is one of them. You need to be harder than any other situation so you let him play in a busy road when there’s no cars? Tell him it’s for your own good…if he doesn’t understand make him understand. It’s that important.

Because you’re allowing him to…
Put a lock on the stove door, explain the safety reasons for not playing with an oven, redirect if he tries to play with it, and if he still insists do a time out or some sort of discipline.
“He makes me take the racks out”. Wtf even is that :woman_facepalming:t2:… He didn’t make you do anything. He can ask, but you can say no. It’s your job as a parent to keep your kid safe, teaching them not to play with (or in :woman_facepalming:t2:) an oven is like day 1 stuff!

Hes probably doing this because you take the racks out for him. :laughing:
Just tell him no and lock the door.

Your the adult you allowed him to do


Does your stove have a lock feature? Hit the button so he won’t be able to open it and tell him it’s “broke” hopefully he eventually forget about it :woman_shrugging:

You what? Let you’re child play in the oven?.. what are you gonna do one of these days when they get in there themselves & you don’t know & turn it on? My children aren’t even allowed to touch it let alone be in the kitchen without my supervision when it’s on. My kids have asked to play in the dryer but I explained why it’s not safe & that their safety is more important than them wanting to just do something just cause it sounds fun. My 4 year-old understands basic safety rules with appliances. Who cares if they cry about it, they’ll live. However if someone turns it on when ure child’s accidently in there because you allowed them to do stupid & idiotic things that they won’t live from. If they do they’d still have bad burns or unfixable damage or trauma. It’s you’re job to teach you’re child about safety & why we don’t do certain things. You’re child doesn’t know what’s best for them. Clearly neither do you.

i can relate to this unfortunately. my daughter has some special sensory needs and loves to pretend play a LOT, the oven was a favorite at one time not too long ago. you will need to be persistent with the no, telling them it’s dangerous. and try to transition to another thing that’s maybe similar. i got my daughter a play oven and it seemed to help her get over it, tho she couldn’t fit insidrr of it i would say “let’s go play with your TOY oven”. get a lock of some sort maybe a fridge strap lock could work? sending lots of love, try to be stern- it is possible to break the habit :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:eta try to find even a box or something else like a tent maybe he likes small spaces or it makes him
comfortable. try not to worry about the why and try your best to reroute him from there as soon as he tries

Seriously you need to put your foot down now or it’s only going to get harder and worse as he gets older. It’s starts with the oven and ends where??
Say no!!! Redirect. If he does t listen then place in time out for 1minute per years old he is. If he won’t sit still in time out hold him on your lap in the chair and remain silent and calm but don’t let him down. Ignore all crying, trying to get down, hitting ect. Just sit there the full time with him on your lap. And tell him that if he does get down the time will start over.

Should have said heck no immediately… never should have allowed him near the stove. My 2 year old even says hot hot when he gets near it and it won’t even be on. You allowed this from the beginning and it could end horribly. That’s so dangerous :frowning:

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He MAKES you take the racks out so he can play with it? I’m sorry but you are the parent here and you need to put a stop to that. Sure he will be upset at first but you gotta put your foot down because that’s dangerous. Maybe get him a toy kitchen. Best of luck to you! :heart:

Read your child, the story of Hansel and Gretel

You can get locks for your stove.

Children’s Oven lock same as a fridge lock

Just cause he does doesnt mean you should allow or enable it. You are the parent .

He makes you take the racks out :joy: :joy: well you’ve lost the battle already :joy:

He’s doing it because you’re allowing it smh… If you don’t want him to play in the stove why are you taking the racks out for him to do so? Stand your ground you’re the parent no playing in the stove means no you can’t play in the stove even if he cries about it for an hour plus. He won’t stop because you allow it , and it’s obvious you allow it when you say you take the racks out of the oven for them and you’ve unplugged it smh. Makes no sense an oven is not a toy and you should have been teaching him that from jump by NOT allowing it no matter what kind of tantrum follows the NO…

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He “makes you take the racks out”? Who’s the parent here? This is about his safety. There is no negotiating when it comes to safety. Tell him no and redirect. He’s going to put up a fuss because he doesn’t understand why you allowed it before and now you aren’t. Standing your ground on things that are dangerous is important though Momma. So stand your ground.

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Door lock and don’t EVER take the racks out. Not sure why you even did it the first time, and I’m not trying to sound harsh or mean at all! Set boundaries. Tell them it’s HOT and can hurt you if you touch it. It’s for cooking food, not playing. It will be a few days of tantrums but they learn quick and move on to other things. Safety locks are key.
No is a complete sentence. You don’t even have to explain repeatedly. No means no. And if they throw a fit, let them. They will realize that crying won’t make a momma budge on safety

Ruby Lee is right, you need to be very careful, I would suggest you remove the plug or the fuse in the fuse box when you r not home, ensure his future. Take precautions. :muscle:

My kids never played with appliances except my son he’s curious with the dishwasher whenever I’m loading and unloading it however I redirect him or have his siblings remove him from the kitchen kids should never be playing with the stove that’s a major no and a fire hazard

Who is in charge of this Mother!


You did this. You ne er teach a child it’d safe to play with a stove! “He makes me take the racks out”! A toddler can’t make you do anything. You allow it. Such a dangerous thing to “play” with. Obviously, a parenting class would benefit you.

Oh no ! That would scare me to death ! I’d have to make him stay out of it - I guess a pop on the bottom might help at this point- idk

Clearly you encouraged the behaviour by removing the racks, you created the issue by allowing it so now you gotta be a tough mama and fix it yourself!!

Turn your oven on and show him how hot it gets. Let him feel the heat. And make it very clear that oven and stove are for cooking not playing. Make him a play stove out of a good size box. Put some lights in it, battery powered of course. So he will have light inside. But please don’t say he makes you do anything. Cause as a child he can’t make you do anything. You give in cause you don’t or can’t handle his fits. If he takes a fit you do the same. You sit right beside him and fit with him. You will be surprised how fast he will change his attitude. If a plain no doesn’t work tell him you are going to cook something in it. And turn it on. Show him and teach him. Never give in to him. Even if you just put a pan of water in the oven let him see. And as he gets older let him help you bake. Teach him how to use it not play in it. When the oven is on open it and let him see things cooking in it and tell him it would hurt you if he got hurt because of it being hot. Tell him it’s hot and it hurts. Put a lock device on it and do not un lock it till you are ready to cook in it. While cooking keep it locked. He may lick small cramped places may make him feel safe like in your belly. So making him a small stove with an oven in it and lights and show him the difference my be the answer. But a child can never make a parent do anything. It’s you giving into his wants and not his needs.


This is soooo dangerous, on so many levels. It’s going to take tough love, a lot of tears and many tantrums but you HAVE to stop encouraging/entertaining this. It’s even scarier if another child sees this and mimicks it and climbs into a hot oven. Or someone does not realise he’s in the oven and switches it on.
Or he could be playing with another child and one of them decides it’s a good idea to switch on. There’s just so many “what ifs”. You may say “but it only happens under my supervision”, but trust me when I say, you cannot have your eye on your kid 24/7. Distractions are bound to arise.

Parenting is Hard!!! You going to have to say ‘NO’ to a million things, 10 million different times, to him. So, I guess now would be a fine time to start.

You got this Mama🤗

He makes you take the racks out? Ridiculous! Get it stopped once and for all.

He’s doing it because you’re allowing it. “He makes me take the racks out”….a child is not making you do it. You’re choosing to give him his way because he’s begging or throwing a fit and you don’t want to deal with it.
Mama, you HAVE to set consistent boundaries and be okay with saying No. If you don’t put a stop to this behavior now, things are just going to escalate as the child gets older. They make many varieties of child safety locks for ovens. Buy a lock, put those shelves back in there and lock it up and tell your child no. Try some positive reinforcement. Get him a little play house or play tent and redirect to that when he asks for the oven. If he keeps asking, your answer does not change. You tell him “No. playing in the oven is not safe. Only adults should touch the oven.” Take him to his play house or tent or whatever it is and explain to him that it’s inclosed like the oven, but it is meant for children and the oven is not. This is where he can play. If he throws a fit, don’t feed into it and do not give in. “No. The oven is not a safe place to play” and you walk away. Keep that lock on it and don’t give in. If you stay consistent he will get it and eventually he will stop.

Don’t take the racks out? He “makes” me? Why was it ever allowed in the first place?

Never should have allowed it the first time.
Put the behavior on extinction and give them a hard NO.

When i read this all I can think of is when a parent near where I live put their child in the oven and burned her to death quite a few years back, the parent obviously had issues. I can picture your child getting in there on their own once but why was he allowed to do it again??? This is dangerous and you’re helping him by taking the racks out!!! Let him acream, tantrum and carry on when you don’t allow out, it will be hard and take alot of time but eventually he will know you mean it. How old is this child?

You allowed him to make you take the racks out. Absolutely not! Do not allow that!

I don’t understand how a child makes you take the oven racks out? How old is he? You’re the parent. You tell them “no” and deal with the tantrums. It’s hard but something as dangerous as playing in a stove is not negotiable.

Well when you stated “he makes me take the racks out” I immediately threw my hands up :woman_shrugging:t3: Ma’am, your child can’t make you unless YOU choose to be bossed around by him. YOU are the parent and you are responsible for teaching safety, rules, and boundaries to your child. How old is he? Don’t allow stove/oven play ANYMORE! Now it’s time to “teach” your child the dangers of an oven and the proper use for it. Watch some YouTube videos on the dangers of an oven and what it’s used for! This is madness ma’am! Scary! You’re in charge, not him! You are the parent and the teacher - please do your job :pray::heart::rofl:

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Because you allow it, grow up be the mom.

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Try to switch it out for the dryer, lol

Also read about sensory needs. He might be needing quiet.

“Makes me”, ummm… you’re the parent, not him. There is no makes me, you’re doing this, not him.

Just tell him no and dont remove the racks for him. Explain why it is dangerous. You are the adult, you make the rules

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I put a lock on mine because one of my kids pulls the over door down and jumps on it. Just a basic cupboard lock you can get them at Walmart , Canadian tire, Amazon etc

I think it’s time for you to hand in your "parent " card as you obviously aren’t parenting. Never heard of such nonsense. If l had ever tried to tell my Mother to do something l would have been at the least grounded. So if he told you that he wanted to play with a knife would you let him? He’s going to continue to “tell” you what to do as long as you let him. If you don’t learn to tell him “NO” now be prepared to visiting him in jail/prison.


Stop doing Gentle Parenting and be a real parent with NO.

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You created a toy for him you no longer want him to play with?? :eyes::thinking:


You need to explain that it is dangerous and he can no longer do it. Then you hold your ground. You can explain why, but you stand strong in the decision.

How old is he? Get a lock. We got Velcro tabs that stick on so if our kids pulled on the handle they couldn’t open it

Wow, I cannot believe I am Reading. That you would let your little one play in a stove. Who’s the parent Here Would not want to C what your little one is like. When he Gets Older And keeps telling you what hes going to do


Why allow it in the first place. Even if you unplugged the stove, it is still unsafe. This is a hard NO to playing in it. Be the boss.

What is the matter with you? When you took the racks out, you gave him the okay to do it. Leave the racks and tell him firmly NO! If this little fellow gets hurt, it’s on your head!

Make it hot and then tell him hot, let him touch the hot carefully, how old? And just say know jam the racks so u pretend they wont come out

Ok this page is getting ridiculous now. Your child MAKES YOU take racks out of the oven? I just can’t believe any of these questions lately are real, and if they are then someone needs to slap the sense into these parents.

You’re literally helping him to safely play in it. This is your own fault.

If your child is “making” you do anything that is the problem. It is unsafe, yoo are the adult and responsible for his safety and well-being.

Because you allow/ enable it.

The first time should have been no. You just have to start with no and try to find a toy one.

Because you let him. It never should have happened one time. That should have been a no touch zone from the very start and enforced. I’m sorry I can’t help with how to stop him, because I don’t think it’s going to be easy.

Lol don’t let him do it… you’re supposed to be the boss, not him.

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I would tell him.thats not a safe place to play. Maybe get him a huge box to climb in…

You’re the problem in this situation. Your child isn’t the boss. Why are you removing the racks so the child can play in an oven? Be the parent and tell your child no!

I feel like this is a troll :rofl::rofl: I just can’t fathom who in their right mind is gonna take the racks out and let their small child climb up in the oven lmfao


This is a serious issue……all good suggestions….please use them before your child is seriously hurt……please give an update when this problem is resolved………start TODAY saying no,putting locks, showing him the effects of being burned,that a stove (dear Lord) is NOT plaything…….that it is for cooking only!

I feel like this is a joke. Someone really wouldn’t take racks out and allow their child to play inside a stove, right?

The answer to your question is in the Bible.

Makes You?..Well, you best sleep with one eye open when those teen years hit because this doesn’t seem to be going well for you already😆

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The first step is not accommodating it thr next may be finding some age appropriate ways to show what fire and heat does and explaining what hot is and that the oven is dangerous bc it gets hot the movie Elements might be a good start the movie I forget the name all the time but anger gets hot and has fire come out his head that helped my son learn words for emotions and helped him understand feelings I’m sure there are other age appropriate things on you tube you can find if they are more visual woth learning and not listening but you gotta be consistent first …the rule for toddlers is the same for dogs…its never or always for them (until they can learn time and place or remember commands or instructions) Either they never can touch it or always can and until they can learn the time and place safely to do so on their own the rule is never… a stove is going to be a never always for a long long time but you’ve made it a at least a sometimes place to crawl into you gotta fix that first by saying never again its dangerous and maybe just straight up say I was wrong and I’m sorry but you cannot play in there anymore and then idc what they accept you do not accept or allow it to happen. No toddler can make you take the racks out your oven and let them play in it and there will be no other excuse or reason if something horrible happens than you get charged with negligence and probably worse depending in what happens or what could have happened and I can booted if they want to it needs to be said in this situation this is serious way more serious than me worried about being kicked out a group so sorry but more concerned for this child and this mother and this tragedy in the making…what if an older kid helps them get in then turns it on bc neither kid really knows better and your kid is so dang happy to be in an oven and sure it’s always going to be safe. Please for the love of God do not allow this in your home.

He makes you? How about you tell him no and he gets in trouble when he does it. Explain why it is no longer acceptable and how you messed up, because even parents mess up, and from now on it isn’t ok and he will get in trouble for playing with the stove.

Or empty a cupboard and make just for him to play in. Tell him the stove is not safe and give him an alternative

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Quit being bossed around by your kid, go out and get a stove lock and that’s the end of it. This could seriously harm your child for life. When I was a year old my alcoholic Grandma was watching me and my 7 year old sister, she opened the oven to heat the house and than proceeded to fall asleep, my Sister at 7 had the common sense to keep me contained in her room. You need to develop the common sense to tell your child no to dangerous situations. Side note Grandma was never allowed to watch us again.


Maybe try telling him no and not taking the racks out for him?

Your the mommy the boss not him

It sounds like your child probably likes the oven because it has a lot of noise blocking capabilities (muffles out the sound) and it’s dark. Is there a possibility he is seeking the oven as a calm space from being overly stimulated? I’d try to create a calm space for him empty cupboard, book nook, under the stairs, even a comfy space in his closet with a bean bag chair or something… just about anything would be better than an oven for sure.

you took the racks out!!
If he tells you to throw him in front of a speeding train…… would you do that??

Maddison Walters did I read that correctly, INSIDE??!

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You can get locks for the oven :slight_smile:

Seriously be a parent, no means no especially when it could cause him harm or death

Most stoves have a lock feature…

How about quit taking the racks out for him to play in it for starters. Your just encouraging the behavior.