…he MAKES you take the racks out? Uh no you CHOSE to you never should’ve done it the first time, now it’ll be harder but you need to keep it closed and be serious about the word NO. I tell my 1 yr old that’s where food goes and she’s not food, that usually makes her giggle then I find something else for her to play with
He didn’t make you do anything, you chose to do it because it was easier then dealing with the tantrums. There are things that as parents you HAVE to put your foot down too and playing in the stove I thought was a common sense automatic no. No is not a bad word, no is probably one of the most important words you can teach your kids for their own sake and for others. It’s time to step up be firm and be the parent, your child’s life depends on it.
Never should have been allowed in the first place… Obviously once you allowed this, he wasn’t going to stop. So I suggest baby gates to close off the kitchen entirely or look into oven locks and start locking it so he can’t.
“He makes me take the racks out” is your first problem. You are the parent. Start acting like one. No one will want to deal with your spoiled brat when he gets to be an adult. Start acting like a parent now so other adults that will have to deal with him won’t have to teach him the hard way.
Why would you allow it & also make it easier for the child? It should have from the start been something that is non negotiable & will not happen,put a child lock on it if necessary.
If he wanted to play with the toaster in the bath tub are you going to let him?
Get one that locks
You should not have started this! Who’s in charge?
Why is he doing this? Because you allowed him. Why would you even agree to take the racks out in the first place?
Read him Hansel and gretal. And don’t remove racks. They sell child proof locks for appliances.
Is this for real?! That’s enough internet for today:grimacing:
Buy him a play kitchen. Show him how the real one gets " hot" by holding his hand near. Put a lock on your current oven door
Just stop. You are the adult and have to teach them safety. Your oven may be a safe but everyone else’s is not. If he gets stuck inside he can die. So do the right thing and say no.
Girl what! Who in their right mind would allow their child to PLAY in the oven? Why are you teaching your child that this okay…?
Trying getting him a play kitchen and say that this is his and the real stove is your. This is a way to avoid something happening.
“My kid won’t stop doing the thing I’m letting him do.” And that’s why he’s doing it. Talk about crap parenting. Giving into what your kids want is what makes them demanding and entitled, often even as teenagers and adults. Tell him no, punish him if he tries on his own, and if he throws a fit, deal with it.
You didnt say how old he was…but i think its pretty simple…tell him hes not allowed in the stove or there will be consequences that he wont enjoy…you are the parent…u shouldnt be taking the racks out…thats enabelling him …say no!!!
Where else have I read this question? This is not the first time
Respectfully, he didn’t “make” you take the racks out. You took them out to let him play in the stove. You need to be responsible the parent and tell that child NO!
My only suggestion would be to get him a play kitchen set and put a lock on your real stove!
That’s enough internet for today
Why do you let him? Is the real question
we’ll “he makes me” is your first problem. that’s like saying my kid makes me let her play with knives. some things are just NO. a boundary must be set for safety reasons.
You’re the mom he’s the child. You say no, playing in a stove fridge or freezer are unacceptable and unsafe behaviors. (Yes I added in 2 not part of the issue)
Who’s the parent here???
Nuff said…
He’s doing it because you allow it. Put child safety locks on it and be done.
Umm yea that’s a straight no not even acceptable. I’m sorry but u need to tell him no in a not so nice way. Sorry but u may even have to smack his little behind.
He made you take the rakes out? Who is the parent?
It’s not why is he doing this,
It’s why are you letting him???
Should never allowed this why would anyway time for tough love and explain it’s not happening anymore your child may en do up seriously injured or worse Like be in say tough love time you are the boss not be your child
Tell him witches cook kids in the oven hell keep out . Aunt told me this when I was young never played near there again lol
Hard no that’s so dangerous you’re the parent you have to say no
“He makes me”…are you kidding?
A kid isn’t gonna MAKE me do anything. It’s NOT a play toy so don’t allow it to get used as one. I am trying to be nice,but this is just dangerous. What if child does this away from home and gets hurt?
I feel like you knew the answer before you asked the question. Just say NO.
Wow just wow ! Who’s the parent here, you or him ? You have shot yourself in the foot by letting this happen in the first place. Set boundaries instead of choosing lazy parenting, by letting him do what he wants just so you can have a quiet day.
He makes you take out the racks, how???
The question is why are you letting him do it? That’s something you NEVER should have done to begin with!! He doesn’t understand the danger of it, but you certainly do!!!
Get a lock for it, this is nuts
First of all he “makes you” remove the racks. Are you serious… "makes you". Any kid small enough to fit in an oven sure can’t “make” anyone do anything. This is a tragedy waiting to happen! This kid needs help and so do you. Any mother that would “allow” their kid to play in the oven has serious issues and if he learns to plug it back in you’re going to be in deep regret and you will be to blame. Just stop it…he’s a kid, be a mother for goodness sake
If she was looking for a reaction, she Got one🙃
He makes you take the racks out so he can play in it?
What do you mean? How did he make you take the racks out? You should never allow your child to play with the stove or oven. You should tell your child no and that the stove is hot. Yes your child may cry or throw a tantrum but would you rather them try to crawl in the oven when you are cooking and get burned. This should of never been allowed in the first place.
Yep, this is the generation of letting your kids run all over you while you’re scared to be a parent. “He makes me take the racks out” REALLY, this whole post must be a joke
Maybe seek a therapist to talk to your son, This is not normal & the fact that you remove the racks for him, is 100% wrong, By doing this, you technically are allowing him to go into the oven!!!
Should’ve never let him in the first place …
More importantly why are you participating in helping him?
How about a good old fashioned NO! Then discipline if necessary?
Some times a swift firm smack on the butt does wonders.
You are the parent. He is not “making you” do anything. You are ALLOWING him to play in the oven.
Your child is not the issue here. You are. Grow up and parent your child. They deserve better.
Shouldn’t have allowed it to begin with. If you say no, that means no.
Your child doesn’t make you do things.
Uhmm… he MADE you take the racks out? Simply tell him no… over and over, until he gets it. This could get very bad, very quickly… especially if you’re using the oven and you leave him alone for even a split second… that’s all it takes. How old is the child?
He’s doing it because you allowed it and he’s now confused as to why he’s told no but then allowed to do so anyway.
This is a fast way for your child to get very seriously hurt or worse.
You need to get safety locks immediately and stop letting him.
If he’s a small child, which I’m assuming so, he definitely didn’t MAKE YOU take the racks out. You chose to so you didn’t have to handle the tantrum that followed.
Bottom line. Stop allowing it. Stop giving in to something so absolutely absurd and dangerous.
This is not good parenting. If you continue to do this he will get hurt and CPS will be involved. Do you let him play in the street too?
Why was this ever allowed in the first place?
Got to be a troll question. If not, you should win the ‘parent of the year’ award.
Im sure there sell locks for this problems. My nephew used to do the same but we’re mexicans and all out pots are in the oven. He couldn’t play much. But yeah. Google locks for the oven door.
I can’t even believe this is a real question!?!?!
Because… you’re allowing it.
If he can open it , get a baby lock.
Simple answer.
Just say NO…no questions answered…you have responsibility to teach right from wrong. Children learn what they are taught !
Please be for real. You’re the parent and he’s a child. Imagine how things will be when he gets older if he doesn’t even listen to you now.
Don’t take the racks out and don’t let him in it. Simple as that. Get a safety lock if you have to.
Because you’re enabling it by taking the racks out when he asks you to
This is absolutely ridiculous. You’re the parent, act like it. Playing inside appliances is extremely dangerous should never have happened in the first place. Double down you’re getting punked and pushed around by your own CHILD. This is moronic, would you let him play on the freeway too cause he liked it? Some things are just non negotiable period.
Sometimes I just can’t believe the sh** I read. N-O. NOOOOOOOOO. NOT ONLY NO BUT HELL NO. Get him a box or something to play in and get kid safety locks for oven doors.
As someone who just had a gas stove for the last few years, yikes!
Baby gate off the kitchen area? Baby proof the stove with brackets so it can’t open easily? Get a small kitchen set for them to play with.
This post is terrifying.
They make locks so he can’t open it…
Because you’re letting him? Put a lock on the stove and learn to say no.
Why are you taking the racks out and allowing him to play inside??
I mean, you’re the parent. No means no.
Get an old stove that doesn’t work and let him play in that. Tell him your stove is off limits.
You can’t be serious? There is no way this is a real post. You better hope that no one finds out who you are bc this is reportable. What would make you think it’s ok to let your kid play inside of the stove ? And you facilitate it.
He “makes” you? Who’s the mother and who’s the kid?
Why would you let you child play in the stove in the first place
Isn’t it got black stuff in it?
Don’t let him, he will play with an oven at someone else’s house. He has to know it is dangerous for his safety.
He makes you take out the racks.
Whos the adult ??? The parent ?
Why in the heck would you ever allow him. to play with the stove in the first place ???
Its okay to say NO. especially if its to keep them safe. Witch you haven’t been doing !!!
I’d suggest a time out . When ever he plays with it.
Good lord women keep your chilf safe !!!
What the hell! That is so dangerous. Get child safely locks on that stove asap! This sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Maybe he needs his own play kitchen with a play stove.
Mumma please take your child to a paediatrician I’m not gonna tell you your wrong or right every parent makes mistakes but maybe it’s best to ask a professional saves you getting scolded for asking a question…
Youre encouraging his action by removing racks and not being firm with no
Buy a lock for it and tell him no! You don’t.negotiate with mini-humans! They listen to you, not the other way around.
YOU removed the racks and ALLOWED the kid to play inside. Therefore signaling to the kid it is a safe and ok place to play. You now have to put your foot down. Think of it this way, establish a boundary or lose your child. It takes only a few second for things to go BAD.
He “makes you take the racks out”? Who is the parent here? A child cannot FORCE you to take racks out of an oven so they can play in it. Put the racks in, put a childproof oven lock on it, and plug it back in so YOU can use it for its intended purpose. Be a parent and tell him NO. By removing the racks for him, you’re giving him permission to play in it. How about finding other things for the two of you to do together instead of allowing him to play in a potentially dangerous place. If he wants to go run and play in the street, or in a washer/dryer/freezer etc… are you going to allow him “force” you to let him?
I’m gonna be mean here, so excuse me! How IGNORANT can you be? You were wrong by letting him do it in the first. You have to say NO and be firm about it!!
YOU need to stop him! Stop removing the racks for him, stop giving into him. Safety, stop building bad habits. TELL HIM it is DANGEROUS and you will not allow him to get hurt over some momentary fun. Wow some of these parents……
Don’t allow it at all. He didn’t make you do anything, you bent to the whim of him. Literally just stop doing it and have a back bone and say NO.
I stopped reading after ‘he makes me…’
Why are you still letting it happen?
I’d stop him from playing in it. No more. Get some child safely latch where it can’t be opened. And that’s it, no more playing in appliances and I’d teach him why it’s very dangerous.
WHAT? He makes you? Is he the parent? DONT remove them, that’s simple.
Mom, YOU are the problem. Stop enabling bad behavior. Nuff said!
Why would you even allow that? Turn the oven on. They will learn when they get burnt. What in the world…
Uhmmm it’s called being a parent and telling him “No”’not removing the racks out of the oven . You are the parent
He “made you take the rack out” how old is this child? Tell him no, you are the adult!
If he burns himself, he won’t want in it anymore. Don’t take the racks out and tell him no. Lol.
I don’t even think this is a serious post.
“He makes me take the racks out…” WTAF?!?
He ‘MAKES’ you take the racks out. No sweetheart, he is a child, he either asks you or tells you, you on the other hand are an adult, the parent so you make the CHOICE to do it. Tell him “NO! That is NOT happening son, it’s very dangerous to play in the oven”
Yea absolutely not. Put a child lock on it. Absolutely DO NOT TAKE THE RACKS OUT & allow him to play in there. You are reenforcing the bad behavior. That is completely unsafe. There needs to be consequences everytime he tries.