My children call my husbands wife "mom": Thoughts?

Hard as it is that they refer to her as mom; you are still their biological mother. If she treats them well, and encourages them in the same interests you do be grateful. It will still hurt, but not as much as having a step that is mean, indifferent, or teaching morals, habits you disagree with. You can’t stop the situation so make peace with it or you could loose your relationship with your girls.

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Wow. I have a step dad that helped raise me. I call both him and my dad “dad”. He and I stopped the “step” early on.


If they aren’t being forced - you need to grow up. If my children called their step-mother mom, I would be very grateful to have another woman who is willing to love my children as her own. I don’t understand petty moms. There is much more important things to worry about.


My sons dad’s girlfriend tries to have my son call her mom, it is the most aggravating thing I’ve ever experienced, especially since she doesn’t have a clue how to parent a child, my son hates her, as well as everyone in my family and his father’s family because she treats my son horribly (worst part is that I cant say anything about it to my sons dad bc he will assume that I’m just being jealous, which is far from the truth, I’m engaged, and hes just vain). Thankfully even at 4 my son knows better and doesn’t call her mom he calls her by her first name which is the way it should be. She has no idea what it’s like to be a mother and has no right. This is my experience and I believe strongly that there is a huge difference between a mother and a stepmother, as long as the birth mother is involved in the child’s life no1 else has the right to claim to be that child’s mom. There are great stepmothers out there and yes they have earned some serious gold stars for caring for someone else’s child, but that still doesn’t change the fact that they are not that child’s mother.


Get some therapy for the anger you have from your divorce. A pro can help you get to a place of less bitterness, more happiness.

Your kids love you and you will always be their Mom, but if you hold a grudge they won’t like you as much.

Can the kids call you Mom and their stepmom Mom first name? Just like my kids had Grandma Rose and Grandma Marge. Maybe that could be a compromise everyone could live with.

Why u so worried for ? Let it gooooo let it goooo

It’s up to your kids what they call her. Not you. It hurts but :woman_shrugging:t3: she’s been around for afew years now and is married to their father so she’s not going anywhere, not for a while atleast. He’s not your husband anymore, he’s hers.
Honestly You sound petty/jealous that your relationship didn’t work with him and your man that she gets to stay home while he works and you can’t cause she’s not with you.
What would/could a social worker do? They can’t make someone work. They can’t make your kids not call her mom. They can’t make you not work to be with them more.


Your mad that she is willingly accepting your children into her life and treating them with love and respect like she would treat her own children?
Geeeh can’t win no matter what you do when you co parent. If your kids are comfortable calling her mum let them :woman_shrugging:t3: if there being forced sit the adults down and have a civil discussion.
You just sound jealous and petty.

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So, you’re comfortable letting her keep your kids all the time but uncomfortable with her being a “mom” too?


My son calls his step mom… Momma Susie. I do not agree with a child calling adult by first name alone… So mamma Susie or aunt Donna is how they address an adult…

See if father or step mom is insistent on child calling her mom… Explain to child you are their only mom… But they can call her momma (her name) make sure you address this with the children in front of ex and new wife so all are on same page.

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Wow. The whole post started off wrong, ‘My children call MY HUSBANDS wife mom?’ He’s not your husband anymore and her not having to work has nothing to do with you. I highly doubt they are forcing your kids to call her mom, if they are then yes they’ are very wrong for that and I can understand being upset but I doubt that’s happening. As far as her being a parent to your kids, umm, you stated yourself she has them more than you do and she is a STEP-PARENT. It’s not all about you and what you want, it’s about the kids. Unless you have solid proof that they are forcing your kids to call her mom then I’d be grateful that there’s someone there for my kids while I have to work. By what you posted I’m gonna guess that step mom and dad are the primary caregivers. Unless those kids are being abused or something, a social worker or CPS isn’t going to do anything, they’re probably laughing behind your back because of the pettiness. I wi,ll never understand some mothers and their hatefulness towards the woman that their ex is with. You need to leave whatever’s going on in your head in the past because it’s not going to change anything. You are their mother and you will never be replaced but be grateful that there’s another woman who’s there when you can’t be who loves and cares for your children just as much as you.


I agree with the therapy. It’s not the kids fault, it’s not the step mom’s fault. I understand your hurt, I would be hurt also but I think you need to talk to someone that can help you deal with the feelings so that they are not taken out in the kids.

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You had a social worker involved over them calling her mom. Sounds as though you have some issues to work through. If you’re secure enough in your motherhood it wouldn’t bother you. Stop worrying so hard about them and worry about you as a mother and be there for your kids.


As a mother, you should be glad there is another female figure in their lives to help parent them when you are not around. Also, if the kids wanted to stop calling her mom, they would. My step dad has been in my life since I was 7 (almost 21 years), and I’ve called him dad for 20 years. Yes, my biological dad is still in my life and always has been. And why do you have a social worker involved? There’s nothing they can do. That’s asinine. There’s literally no need to have a social worker involved just for that.

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She has a right to the title mom as much as you do as long as she is taking good care of them as well she deserves the mom title too I wouldn’t be upset about at all.

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Tell them to call her bonus mom

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Stop being selfish and causing drama.

Believe it or not most step-mothers treat your children with all the love in the world by choice.

You may be shocked to learn that your children may be doing that by choice and o afraid to tell you.

Relax, she is not trying to replace you. No one can ever do that.


My son called his step mom “mama elayne” and I miss her to this day. She passed away in May at 31. I was upset, however, when my sons dad met a new woman shortly after she died and they called her mama… I felt that was wrong and confusing for two 5 year olds and a 2 year old.

I have no advice but I’d just like to say sorry for what your going threw! Being a step mom myself I’ve always had my my fiance’s kids call me fren (my nephew couldn’t say Catherine as a child he could only get that out so it stuck lol) but I hope everything works out!!

I’ve had multiple step mom’s and dads, not once did I call them dad or mom or my brother did. We had a mom and dad. We are grateful for step parents but we just never did that. Bc it wasn’t true we seen our actual mom and dad every week. Idk if there was a absent parent maybe? But no

Personal experience I had 11 children about 5 called me mom had 3 of my own out of the 14 I have only my. 3 who still call me mom so believe me a child will never stay faithful to a person they know is not there mother. I encouraged or discouraged I k ew they would grow out of it have faith in your children they love you

Well, she’s their stepmother, and it sounds like she’s taking good care of them so there’s nothing wrong with them calling her mom; I can understand how all of this would sting though. You are their mom and they are always going to know that and love you. They just get to have 2 moms now instead of 1.


… kids can have more than one mom. My daughter calls both my husband and her biological father “dad.” I’m not sure what the issue is. Sorry? :woman_shrugging:


As a stepmother myself. I left what my stepdaughter calls me up to her. Let the kids decide what their comfortable with. No one should force a child to call them mom if she isnt the bio mom.


Just be thankful she isn’t being mean to them


Why does it matter if she is good to them and loves them? The more people that love your kids the better! Your kids know you are their mom. The only one making a big deal out of it is you. You are essentially setting the example that another woman is not supposed to love them the same. Grow up.


If she is good to then and stepping up as a step mother then Why be upset? Why be upset that yalls children have someone else to love and protect them? So far it sounds like she is amazing and has stepped up as there second mom. Social working being involved in any of this is beyond crazy. Shows to much jealousy. Think about what’s best for the kid’s.


Lots of stepmoms commenting on this post. Kinda blows my mind because I am bff’s with my ex-husband’s daughter’s mother. I don’t think that would be the case if my ex-step-daughter has ever called me mom. We never dared to go there, and, fir the record, I still love my ex-step-daughter and see her often. But I would seriously flip if some woman ever tried this with my kid, especially since I never over-stepped like this. Y’all aren’t the moms. If the moms aren’t in the picture, then maybe…


Tell your ex when you get a new man they will call him dad so he can see how it feels💁


What bitchy fuckn comments, woman are pure heartless

Your aloud to feel like that but you should look at the bigger picture, this is Lammas lady that’s going to be in their lives just as much as you now and you should be thankful she’s not a nasty stepmom who beats and picks in them if, if she loves them like her own what’s the big deal technically she is doing what a mom does :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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I would leave it up to my kids what they call her. You sound bitter and crazy getting cps involved over that. They have actual business to deal with. Be glad you have another woman who loves your kids.


So petty. Stop it. She’s mothering the kids so she is “mom” in that home. It’s not easy raising another woman’s kids! But the fact that she devotes herself to it & stays at home tells me she wants to make it work. Don’t try to mess the kids heads up with your politics over what the correct title is & let them call her whatever they are comfortable with calling her.


If they MAKE your kids call her that, it’s very wrong. If they choose to, that’s different. Establish that you carried and birthed them, but that their stepmom is a bonus.

My grandpa married my grandma when my mom was 13. She calls her mama. Like, I’m not going to call her Mary just because she isn’t my biological grandma.

With all due respect, involving a social worker makes you seem really bitter. I’m sure it isn’t easy being a step parent as it is. Don’t be that woman that makes being a step parent a living hell.


I hate this post so incredibly much. I am the other woman in this scenario I am a stepmum to 2 beautiful boys. You cannot control your children and this woman must doing something right espeically if the children aren’t complaining about being asked to call her mum. You trying to control this will alienate them and push them further away. When it came up calling me mum the only time I pushed it is when I had a baby with their dad and they say “go to mum” “where’s mum” not “where’s Emily” but outside of that we have always said you can call me Emily or mum I’m still going to be here for you regardless as you guys are my children too. I am a stay at home mum too and in the same position as the primary carer but I have no rights like this woman so maybe by calling her mum it just makes her feel a bit appreciated you know? Makes her feel like she is actually contributing to raising your children?


She didn’t give them life
Carry them for 9 months
She is just a woman dad married.

She is not fuckn mom

Use all need to give your heads a fuckn shake and get the fuck down of this womans back

My kids have ONE mom, and ONE dad! Anyone else is just extra! Sorry, not sorry!


Put your pride to the side I used to feel the way you felt and my daughter is 3 and has a step mom she calls her mom be thankful you children have all the love from everyone. Calling a social worker is being petty

Childish much? Calling cps on them? shows who the bitter one is.

I wish I had something godd to tell you. I am 65 now.
I had 3 children with my exhusband, then 2 with my husband now. My experience was exactly the same as you describe. The new stepmom told them, yes…told them, if they would come live with them she would get them a hoese, then a pool, then a car…guess what? They went!
They had grownup with me being a stay at home mom, I loved it, I loved them, was devoted…we were close (I thought)
It broke my heart. I hung in there, kept trying, kept loving.
They are still closer to her now, I dont even see them!
There has been so much dirt thrown at me by her & over time, even them, seemingly brainwashed to me. I was so upset it made me sick, physically sick, throwing up, hair fell out, etc.
When we retired my husband scooped me up & we moved 550 miles away. He said he was tired of seeing me cry, ignored, disrespected, abused & used!
He brought me back to my hometown. It has taken much work, but for me I had to walk away. Im happy, we go anywhere we like. My husband spoils me so much & I, him also.
Our 2 children come & we enjoy them & their children.
I pray all of this does not happen to you, but please do not become so sick over it all.
Do whaever you have to do to be as happy as you can, whole & laugh & take nothing for granted. If you remarried make it great, hold fast to each other. Be “FOR” each other.
Message me anytime, you are in my prayers!


Speak up and voice your opinions ultimately be grateful another woman loves your children

So long as the children are comfortable. It sounds like you’re the one with the problem, not them? I think it’s stupid that they would make the children call her mom, but it’s just a word and your kids know who their mother is. There is also that chance that she is more of a mother figure than you as well? I’m not saying that is the case, but if they feel comfortable, let them be. They are eight years old and have no business being told anything about anything.


Its wrong the children were told to do that and at their age they don’t really understand why it hurts you. My advice is to stop giving it attention the kids know you’re their only mom right now its confusing and the fact it keeps being brought up is probably harder for them.


Sounds like all you are is jealous. I’m pretty sure thier not “making” your children call her mom but rather they are doing it on thier own. Shes a bonus mom. I think the real issue lies in the fact that you can not get over what happened between you and your ex. And for that, I’m sorry. Just be glad that woman loves your children as if they were her own.



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I would tell them not to call her that. Period. I dont care how much time she spends with them. She isn’t their mom and you are not okay with it. If their dad has an issue with it, oh well. I bet he wouldnt like them calling another man dad.


My granddaughter calls her stepmom “Mama Sue”. It works.


Your child will always know that you are the main mom. However, you do need to realize that they are married which makes them a team. That means they both parent your child/children on their time. It hurts every time I here my daughter say mom to her stepmom, but I will never shame my daughter or her bonus mom for my jealousy.


My kids all call my mother mom because that’s what they hear my brothers and I call her, my nephew also calls me mom and his mother mom. I see nothing wrong with it at all, they all know who there mom is. But on the same hand my nephew calls my husband dad and his bio dad flips his lid and in all honesty the only one ot is hurting is the kids not the adult that you really upset with.

Technically ur not the only mother they have. But u are the only MOM.
The only thing that matters is that she cares for and treats the kids as her own


This is so sad I have a step daughter and I would never have her call me mom the most is probably aunty but that’s it lol for me not even that I tell her that her mother works for her to get the the things she needs some people are so selfish and manipulative


Maybe she’s a nice lady and the kids feel comfortable calling her mom. What’s import0ant here is that your kids have a health and peaceful relationship with their dad and new wife. Don’t stress. :blush:

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Tell your kids that it hurts you, they are old enough to realise that words hurt and that mum can be hurt by word too, your ex and his wife are pigs


Your children are trusting her enough to call someone Mum. They know the difference between mum and not mum. I call my step-mum mum because she has been in my life since I was 8 (I’m 22 now). That’s my second mum and no one can change that. My mum tried to do everything bad about it and wrecked the relationship a bit so I got mad at her. Leave your kids alone. If they are doing it because they chose too then there is nothing you can do and you doing anything can/will wreck the relationship you have with them.

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I would let them know they dont have to call her mom even if the father and stepmother want them too. You are their mom and shouldnt be forced to call anyone else mom.


Oh no your children are comfortable with their stepmom and wish to call her mom" who has them more than you and shows an interest in their lives. :roll_eyes: seriously get a grip! :rofl: your children know know your their mother but also adapted to having an awesome stepmom by the sounds of it! :raised_hands:


It isn’t about you. It is about them children. She married their father and IS step MOM. So mom is allowed if they feel comfortable calling her that. She is with them often and raises them as a stay at home mom should. She earned that title. Doesn’t mean you haven’t. It means them children now have an extra person loving and guiding them.


I’ve been a child in this situation and it hurts! I called my step dad, dad. My real father would yell and get soooo mad/bitter. It made me angry with him. I found myself walking on eggshells around him trying not to slip and call him dad in front of him. Then it was just a down hill slope because I would slip around my real dads family and feel ashamed and angry at myself when I did. I also wanted both my step dad and dad to walk me down the aisle when I got married and my real dad had a temper tantrum. It ruined my wedding. All I could think about was my step dad sitting there and how he deserved to be able to stand next to me as well. Now, as an adult who is divorced if my ex husband finds a woman who he is with for a long time and who is good to my kids and they decide they WANT (not forced) to call her mom I will be silent. I don’t want my children to feel that hurt. At the end of the day I’ll always be their mom, the one and only, the one that gave birth to them, the one that’s there thick and thin, because I am more than a title! I’m their momma! (That’s just my perceptive on it. Doesn’t mean you agree and that’s ok. Doesn’t mean it’s the same situation BUT I hope it gives an insight that it can hurt children. )!


Sad for u as a mom it’s fine no harm

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Listen lady, grow up.
Jealousy is an ugly color on you.
Your children are comfortable to call this woman “Mom”. Unless she is physically, emotionally or mentally hurting your children you have no right to have a social worker involved because of your jealousy.
Do they not want to call her mom? Have they told you they do not wish to call her mom? Or is it you who is bitter?
I have two wonder step parents who don’t a great deal with raising me. My dad and step mom have been married 18 years. My mom and step dad almost 10 years. ( I am 26)
Neither of my biological parents where heartbroken when I referred to my step parents as mom or dad.
Because they were ecstatic that I truly loved and tested them enough to refer to them as that.
Your child will only ever have “ Mommy” but through life will have other “Moms”. Like a friend who’s parent they trust, love & feel safe with.
They may even one day have a mother-in-law.
But the fact i,s, your children spend all time with this woman, unless they are being forced to refer to her as “mom” they must love,trust and feel the same sense of security that they feel with you, that is why she is also”mom”


If the kids want to call her that let them They know you are the real mom…I would find it a comfort that when my kids,are,away from me they feel secure enough with someone else they can trust.Im sorry but mom’s and dad’s need to stop getting jealous of their kids calling step parent mom or dad if that’s what they choose.That means they feel taken care they know who mom and dad are that will never change.


I understand how you feel. My oldest’s dad tried to force my son to call his wife mom. My son refused and to this day some 10 years later he still refuses to. I think that it should be the children’s choice. If they have that kind of bond and loving relationship with her then I think it’s fine. If the bonus mom is kinda and loving with your kiddos then I think you should leave it alone. Love your babies. Don’t cause them unnecessary stress because you are feeling insecure. If your kids do not want to call her mom then they need to tell their dad they are uncomfortable. You going all commando make you look insecure in your position and jealous.


My stepdaughter - doesn’t get referred as that she is my daughter :heart:calls me ‘nuther mother ‘ as I’m ANOTHER mum :heart::heart:

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I wouldn’t take it personally, at the end of the day she is there step mum. When there dad has them she helps take care of you children so there for while there she is technically mummy to them, they will always know who there real mummy is try not to take to personal.

I wouldnt be comfortable with that.

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Here’s a thought. Ask your kids what they would like to call her.


Absolutely the fuck not. Hell no.

Just a total lack of respect, and manipulative to make his children call someone mom. :roll_eyes: good luck


As a stepmom myself for 8 years now we have told the kids that they can call me mom if they want too. But their mom didn’t like it as well. Which was fine with us. We told them whatever was comfortable for them but since they didn’t want to upset their mom they just call me by a nickname. I don’t have no problem with being called by my name and I don’t mind that she got upset. She is their mother. She nurtured them when they were babies and carried them for 9months. I’m a mom to my own babies. I wouldn’t want someone telling me to get my emotions in check and to grow up. That I’m reacting irrationally. It doesn’t matter because they aren’t the parent you are. They should respect your boundaries. How you could make them understand that, no clue because a lot of people don’t imagine how they would feel in that situation they only see the logic.


All this “my step kids call me mom” is disturbing. My half-brother loves my father but has always called him by his name. My ex-step-daughter always called me by my name. If y’all want more kids then have them- stop poaching other women’s kids.


I do not agree with forcing kids to call step parents mom or dad… I will say I am lucky mine call me miss jo or mom and their mom is ok with it but we never asked them let alone made them… if children see a person as a parental figure then I’m ok with it… now my 2 kids were forced to call their step parent mom and now call me by my name… so stay on top of things… but do know if they are doing on their own it’s because she earned their respect and trust and you should facilitate that. Also kids at that age love to play games so they may tell you they are forced to say it bc they know you dont like it as well… but they may meet many people in their life that they could call mom or dad… I have had many “parents” in my time of growing. Try not to take so much offense… esp if your ex is doing it to be hurtful the more you show it’s a problem the more they will do it.


If your kids want to call her mom id let them(or maybe like a different variation of mom)
But let them know that they dont have to call her mom if they dont want to.

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Nope nope nope that’s crazy I wouldn’t be comfortable with that at all they only have one mom !

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If she’s taking good care of your kids, the kids know that you are their bio mom and you still see your kids when you can. I dont see a problem here. Its a sense of belonging to a family unit. If the kids dont mind calling her mom as well, they should be allowed to. You can be mommy and she can be mom🤷‍♀️ be grateful that at least your ex-husband wife is taking on your kids as her own.


NOPE absolutely would not be okay with me. My ex new partner and I will always get along but I absolutely draw the line their, he is my son not hers and will not be calling her mom ever, he can call her , her name but that’s it. Nope nope nope.


Of course CPS didn’t do anything. There is nothing TO DO. Grow up.


Sorry but that’s outta your hands n the fact you tried legal ways to stop it is just sad 🤦


Nope I never wanted to call my dads wife mom. I called her by her name. She too young to be my mom anyway. It should be what the kids feel natural saying. Your ex probably is doing this on purpose! My sons grandma (dads mom) would confuse him and tell him she’s his mom. He gets confused because yes they have a bond but there’s no bond like a mother. I tell him I’m his mom because he was in my tummy and that his dad came from his Nana’s tummy. He knows who his mom is so he can’t be confused. Just keep doing what u are doing and make special time with them. Don’t worry about what’s happening over there and if it becomes an issue save it for there therapist and or court.

Tell the bitch to get her own kids. Your kids are yours. Tell your dead beat ex she is not a mothers asshole

First… you are the mom and it does sting to have your children call another woman mom. But does the stepmom love and care for them? Perhaps try seeing this woman as less an adversary and more an asset to your family if she’s adding to it in a positive way.


They love her or would not call her that, I would be glad she cares about them and not a wicked step mother


You are NOT the only mother they have. Shes married to him so that makes her step mom. Be lucky she cares n loves your kids. Be a family together. Dont be such a brat. Maybe grow up a bit then try to talk about it like adults. The kids should choose what they call her but no reason to act like a child too.


I know it’s heartbreaking, but if you are just a good mother to your children in the big picture they will one day understand. Yes time is important and it is hard thinking someone else has more time, but children will always bond to their own parent first as long as you not causing trauma to them. So head up shoulders back and make sure you house is their safe place. All will be alright

“let” her? Wtf is this 1950


I’ve been the kid in this situation. It’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal.


Actually my sister has it in court paperwork that the children are not to call their step mother Mom or any variation of Mom …it was ordered by the judge because the children didnt like it and they were forced to call her that… but heres a thought…are they being forced to say it? Are there other children there that call her mom so they call her Mom? How do they feel about it?..because that’s really what matters… you are always going to be their Mom


My husband and I have custody of my 5 year old step son and he calls me mommy… which he decided to do on his own. We never told him to, it is just what he wanted. If they are comfortable enough and love her enough to call her that, in my opinion you should consider them lucky. That means she is treating them as if they where her own children. He knows he has 2 mommies and tells everybody that. His biological mother and his grandmother both tried to stop him and you don’t understand how hurtful and confusing that is to a child. Just let them be and let them do what they are confortable doing.


Maybe your girls wanted too? Did you think about that? No, you’re being selfish.
You have a step mom who genuinely loves your girls. She takes care of them so you can work. You want to pay for daycare? Then pay for daycare!
Those girls have a bonus Mom, step mom, call what you will. She could actually hate them. You called CPS because she loves & takes care of your children. Think about that. Kids get abused in daycare.
You have 0 clue how lucky you are! Your ex husband wife could be a lit worse, really. And you’re complaining because your kids call her Mom. Stop being petty & say thank you.


I know it probably hurts like hell but they know you are their mom & honestly I would just try to look at the bright side , they’re comfortable enough around her to be calling her mom.


It’s just a name. You are their mother. Always will be. If she is good to your children, that is a blessing you should be grateful for. Look at it from another standpoint. Your ex could gave married an evil bitch, instead he married someone that loves and takes care of your children. You are lucky. Try not to be in competition with this woman. Make her a friend. There is nothing wrong with coparenting. The old adage applies, it takes a village to raise a child.

The answer is no she’s not mom you are she needs to accept that.


The kids should call her what they are most comfortable with. She is their “stepmom” so it’s not all that far fetched. No matter what they call her, I assure you they know that you are their biological mother. I can imagine why it might make you feel jealous, but I assure you, you will be showing them what a true mother’s love looks like by not trying to make them feel guilty or switch names for her. Never drag your kid into adult issues, and make them feel like they have to choose who they love or have a bond with. It is so extremely damaging. A real mother looks out for her child’s best interest. I hope that is true for both their stepmom and you!


Maybe suggest a name that’s still similar just not mom. Meemaw or something.

Girl I get what you’re saying. I would not allow them to Force my child into calling her mom. You tell them to stop it immediately!!! If they choose to do it on their own then so be it, They know who their real mother is either way. If they didn’t stop with the forcing crap, I’d suspend his visitation.

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Sometimes it’s just a means of respect. My girls call their stepdad my dad when their friends come over but I talked to him to just call him by his name or hun, and my stepsons call me by my name or sometimes they slip and say Mom, it’s not a big deal. Most of their friends call me Mom when they come home. I think it’s more of a thing of respect as to not call an adult by their first name.


She is a step mom, so calling her mo. Is fine. Get over yourself. She is willing to step up and take care of your kids. Be grateful she cares for them. Try reaching out in a sensible manner on co parenting.


My kids will never call anyone mommy as long as I am alive.


As frustrating as that probably is for you…it probably means that she treats them like a mother would.


They are acting as mom when they are with them so some people have a second mom my grand children are lucky enough to have my son whobstepped up and raised them and they call him dad and me nana we are proud that they love us enough to do that

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Sorry but you should be happy she ties to parent your children. I am a step parent also. I never asked to be called Mom but if you are I. My house you follow my rules. You are their blood mom and they should know that but, they are 8 give it time they will understand when they are older. Sounds a little like you are jealous she stays at home. Been there too. They will appreciate the fact later that you worked hard to take care of them. Let this go you are only fueling his fire to go against your wishes. It will work out.