My children call my husbands wife "mom": Thoughts?

My step son calls me by my name mostly, sometimes he calls me mom, shoot he even slips and calls me dad and his dad mom :woman_facepalming: lol , he’s 10, I’ve been apart of his life since he was 5. I’ve even told him he could call me whatever he wants, it don’t have to be mom, to which his response was “well you take care of me just like my mom does so I love you “ :sob::sob: how do you argue with that. Whatever makes the kids comfortable I think should be accepted


If they’re being made that’s not right! But if they’re willing you may just need to get use to it, yes you’re their mother but regardless they’re her stepkids now. Sounds like y’all dont get along that sucks for the kids when adults cant act right.

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I hate post like these!!. Let the kids call her mom if they feel comfortable. The more love the merrier and they will ALWAYS know who there momma is! Ugh…grow up.


Heaven forbid she actually loves your kids as her own and treats them well. Woe is me right? Sounds like you’d find something to complain about no matter what. Enjoy the time with your children. Stop worrying about everything else. They aren’t being beaten and abused, they are being loved. Is that so bad?

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Your all adults. Time to start acting like it for the sake of the children


Be happy she is good to your kids. My almost 11 calls his stepdad DAD 90% of the time and it melts my heart. He chooses to nobody ask him.

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My son, now 14, calls his step father, “daddy”. He was 7 at the time. We never forced him. At first he called his step dad by his first name. About a year later, it was “buddy” then one night, he asked “can I call you daddy”? His step dad got all teary at the question. He quickly gathered himself and responded “if you really want to, sure you can call me daddy”. It’s been 8 years now and “daddy” it’s been. Kids need to say and do what they’re comfortable doing. I am not the type that believes in forcing kids into a certain way of behaving. You’re don’t raise independant adults in this manner.

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I have never agreed with kids being forced to call a step parent mom or dad but have always said that if my child chose to call the other parent mom or dad that I would be find with it because the way I look at it that means the step parent makes the child feel loved and protected and cared for just like their biological parent does but if my child was ever FORCED to call his step mom mom I would flip out and I would also tell my child to look at his father and step mom and tell them flat out that he doesn’t have to call her mom unless he wants to that is his choice and if they dont like it they can take it up with me

My kids got forced to call my ex husbands GF mom … it literally ripped my heart out. I ripped my exes ass and his GF for it and said absolutely not ok. And then got told I was being over dramatic and that it “wasn’t that serious” al because they call my BF dad. My BF has been in their lives almost 2 years. Spends everyday with them. His GF has met my kids 3 times for a week each. So 3 weeks altogether.

I knew getting divorced this would be something I faced. BUT I figured later in life after he remarried or even had someone in his life longer. Or even seeing his kids more. But :woman_shrugging:t3:

I will also add, when I was this age my step mother stepped in and became my mom. My real mother was having life issues so my step mom was the only one mainly there. So that’s what happens


Don’t even get me started.

You’re getting jealous and you’re wanting to be heartbroken because you don’t listen to your fucking kids when they say they want to spend more time with you?

You need to to make time for your kids or just deal with it. It’s not a fucking competition.

Well, she is being more mom than you are, so whats the problem? She takes care of your kids. They know who their birthmother is, so just let it go. Feel blessed you have other people love your kids like their own! You’re just bitter, and will ruin the relationship between you and your kids, and the relationship your kids have with their father and mom#2.


… she is mothering your children and if THEY want to call her mom you need to be supportive. If she’s going to be married to their father and involved in them growing up then she DOES get to parent them because she IS their parent.


I dont see the issue. If they are comfortable let them b. My daughter used to call my younger daughters father “matt dad” or dad. Everyone was just fine with it. If she loves them like her own then be happy she isnt an evil stepmom. Situation could be far worse


I had a student who said his 2nd mom. Adults have messed up family’s. Be an adult and let the children handle it the way it feels right to them.


Who asks a kid to call them mom! That’s strange by its self.

Im divorced. My ex is remarried and my kid now has a bonus mom… if he calls her mom, that’s an honor… that means my kid is being treated well enough and feeling loved enough to be able to call her that…we are all in this together to raise the kiddos… sometimes it just isn’t about us. As soon as you give birth it becomes about them… buck up… pick something else to put your energy in to… best of luck with whatever your soul is battling.


She is playing the mother role to them . If they love her and she loves them then you shouldn’t be interfering with their relationship it’s none of your business not your house not your problem. I can’t stand insecure jealous woman .


Think about the animosity and issues you may cause by going down this road. You are caught up on a word. Nothing will change the fact that you are their mom. You gave them life. Their dad remarried and they now have a stepmom. She’s a bonus mom. She is also a parent to the kids the day the father and her became serious and more so when they married. That doesn’t change who you are to your kids.

In my opinion…Those children should call her by her name. A few years just grants possible trust…not being their mother.

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Do they want to call her mom? I know you said he’s making them, have they said they don’t want to? If they don’t want to I’d tell them they don’t have to, no matter how much trouble they get in. Then if they get corporal or extreme punishment (my step kids mom grounded him from everything for 3 years and we used it in court) then you have grounds for legal action you can take, and then TAKE IT. And legally if you get a good enough attorney it can be done, because that can be portrayed as a form of mental abuse. Talk to the girls and see how they feel, then make a plan

My stepdaughter calls me mom we didn’t force her. She is 4. She knows my name to sometimes it’s angel then some times angel mom and then she sometimes calls me mom. Her mom told her I’m not her real mom and to stop calling me it. Witch I totally understand. I just tell her I’m her stepmom and I help take care of her and she can all me whatever she wants just now that I love her no matter what.
I will say we have 3 other teenagers in the house 2 are mine and 1 is my other stepdaughter she calls me mom. She lives with us. So I think if your kid wants to call another parent mom let them. It gives them more people to love. And just be great co-parents together


No offense but it isn’t about you… how do you know they are forced to call her mom?? She helps take care of them… yes you are the mom but they have a bonus mom who also loves them and takes care of them… it’s not like she’s just some girlfriend your ex just got with it’s his wife… sorry but I grew up with a step(bonus) mom but it’s moms like you that mess up the relationship with the kids and step parents… been their my relationship with my step mom didn’t get any better until I became an adult because of other people’s feels when my step mom helped raise me


I think what’s truly bothering you is that they spend more time with her because you work. Try to look at things differently, they have an extra parent that loves them. Nothing will ever change that you are their mother. Holding onto this will never help you feel better :frowning:


They shouldn’t force them to call her mom but if they want to they should be allowed to because she in fact is their step mom now


I could see how that would be hurtful…But when you can’t control a situation try and change the way you think about it. Be grateful that she loves them and helps raise them. Also I wouldn’t worry about the amount of time she spends w them. It’s about quality not quantity. When you’re w them really be present. That will mean more to them. They didn’t chose the situation and they will resent how you made them feel. Try and look for the positives it may help you feel and react differently.

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Maybe it’s time for you and her to team up. If her name is ann have them call her mommy ann and you mommy. It’s obvious This Woman’s not going to go away she’s going to be parenting with you so why are you fighting with her. Write her a heartfelt letter let her know that you do appreciate the time she gets to spend with your children instead of resenting her for it. Let her know there are moments in your life were you wish you could be the person staying home with them continuously. However since you’re not if you would her around the same page it could be beneficial to both of you. You can help her and she can help you. Sounds like you guys are in a parenting power struggle. Nothing is more important than putting the kids first. Sounds like she resents you for being the X and you resent her for being the present. What it’s not about either of you. Good luck honey I know it’s hard dealing with the new wife. But that’s exactly what she is the new wife. You have been in their life from the, minute they were born just know nothing can take that away from you. She is going to do everything in her power to step up to the plate she has something to prove you don’t your mommy. Don’t let people sabotage their children or plant things in their head. Every time you have a free moment read a book go for a walk with them you’re the only one who can make more time for them. Regardless of rather you work or not

You have a social worker out in a woman who is taking care of your kids that well?


How do your kids feel about it? My daughter absolutely adores her step mom. Her name is Melissa and my daughter calls her Mom-lissa. Sure at first, I tried to pull the whole “I’m your mom, not her” deal and it didnt work. If she is contributing to your children’s lives, and they love her, as hard as it is…you gotta let it go. Be thankful your children have two moms that give a crap. Most dont even have one.


I don’t see an issue. Shes married to your ex husband so why not call her mom. I’m sure your kids know who birthed them. I think your ego & selfishness is getting in the way of seeing how special that is for them.


My bonus daughter has two mom’s I understand your jealousy but how can more love be wrong. She started calling me mom when everyone was mom lol it was just never corrected and for me mom stuck

Make nice and get close with her. Be friends for your kids’ sake and start doing things together. Ensure your kids aren’t worrying about adult issues. Their happiness should be the highest concern.


Explain to kids situation and it’s ok to say mom to both.

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As a person who was forced to call her stepdad dad for years. It all depends on the situation. I know you must hate it and its okay to have those feelings. But theres nothing you can do because it’s not your household. Unless you have great communication with him in which you can bring up whether the kids are okay with calling her mom. But make it about the kids not you. If they are okay with calling her mom then, as much as it hurts your ego, you have a blessing in disguise. At least she can be there for them when you cannot. But also have the conversation with your kids that you will always be there mom first and you love them just as much and explain why you have to work. So they understand it’s not that you don’t want to be with them all the time or that your choosing work over them. It’s all about communicating effectively for the kids. At this point do what you can when you have them that’s meaningful to them. They will remember it and always be there wh,en they need you.


You have a social worker involved? Are you fucking crazy?

Sit down with your ex and the new wife and tell them this is unacceptable. I hope you get child support to help you with your kiddos. And definitely ask your children how they feel about being made to call her mom. I know it hurts your feelings, but no one can take your place. Just love them and do the best you can.

Yalls children should be able to call her whatever they feel comfortable doing. As long as it is respectful. She is now married to him. I think you should get over the jealousy and yall talk together and raise the children together. The kids will be stronger for it.

Sounds like u havent gotten over your ex at this point. U stated, sounds like jealousy to me… that he stopped her from working. That shouldnt affect you as that’s their household business and life! Your failed relationships are not his or her fault. Look at yourself more deeply and see why they failed. Take some time to yourself before starting another relationship. And if you have to work, many married and unmarried parents do the same! Seek counselling for yourself as that’s the first step to accepting what your life if and how to move forward. She not hurting them or abusing them so I dont know why u r so bothered.


You only get 1 Mom and 1 Dad. Stop making them call someone else mom! Grrr

Are you sure they’re the ones insisting? Because I have a blended family and my step sister use to call my mom “mommy michelle” even though she knew that wasn’t her mom,she grew out of it a little while later but kids are so innocent they don’t know much better.


I call more than one person mom. :woman_shrugging: I’d never make my step daughter call me mom but if she chose to I’m not going to hurt her feelings by telling her she can’t call me mom. She is more then welcome to call me by name tho to. I would never try to replace her mom. Luckily me and her mom are good friends so her mom is okay enough whatever to because she was raised the same as me with multiple moms but only one momma

I’m a step mom to a beautiful 6 year old girl. I’ve been in her life since she was 2 years old. She calls me mommy, mom and all of the above. No, I didn’t make her call me that. She decide to call me mom on her own. I’ve been a stay at mom with her since she was 2. She knows I’m her stepmom, but she knows how much I love and care for her, and sees me as a mom. With that being said that doesn’t mean she loves her biological mom any less or different, because honestly she loves her so very much. Just because they call their stepmom, mom doesn’t mean they are making them. Maybe they see the love that you have for them in her. Don’t take that away from them. The more people to love your kids the better. Just be happy that she loves your kids enough to take care and love them. There’s not a thing in this world I wouldn’t do for my stepdaughter. As long as they know that you are MOM, than I don’t think it should matter what they call her. I w,ould just be happy that someone other than you and dad are good to them. If the roles were reversed and they called their stepdad, dad. Would you have a problem with it? Probably not.


How do your children feel about it? Do they mind calling her mom? Is she nice to them? If none of this is a bother to them it shouldn’t bother you. It takes a village to raise a child. Just keep doing your part and they will understand on day. I have been a co-parent for over 6yrs. My children are 10, 15 and 17. At one point they have called their step mother mom and my husband dad. All on their own. I can tell you eventually they stopped. Not because they were forced. They just grew out of it. They know who you are and what you do. Just love them. They love you!


I am a step mother and also been a step daughter. I have never called my step parents mom or dad but I view them as such. My step daughter has the option to call me mom or by my name. Somedays it’s my name, somedays its mom. Thankfully her mother understands that love is love. Be thankful a woman loves your children like that. They’re not being treated poorly and that’s what truly matters


I mean personally I’d be bitter as fuck if my kids called someone else mom especially being older, but being a step mom I know that when you love and care for them as your own hearing them call you mom knowing that they love you a recognize you for what you are is amazing, my sons mother walked out a few years back so now I’m mom but when she was involved he used to call me by name in front of her because I explained to him that it bothered her and why and what goes on in our house is our business and what she doesn’t know doesn’t hurt. He was also always given a choice but we have 2 other kids and mom was so inconsistent that we’ll :woman_shrugging:t2:

I gave my kids the choice. My husband is their bonus dad. My oldest calls my husband dad, my younger 2 dont. Stop being a brat about it.


I can only say that my daughter (almost 8) calls her step dad ‘daddy’ SOMETIMES. Like when he gets home from work she’ll run up and hug him etc. But mostly she calls him by his name. She knows hes her step dad, she loves her real dad also, it just comes out sometimes. He and I have a son together too and I think that contributed to that

He “let” her stop working…
You’re bitter. I get it. But you need to get over it. Your kids are being taken care of while you’re at work by someone who loves them. I’m sure it’s hard. But you’re saying you’d prefer a stranger take care of your kids? Just bc you resent her? Resent her for loving your babies?
…my ex has a girlfriend and I’m just grateful that she seems to enjoy my kids.


I have a step daughter that in 27 years never called me mom . I am now divorced from her father and still have a great relationship. My son has a step mother and does not call her mom. Calls her by her first name. I have never called my step father dad.

Is she awful to them,does she. Beat them…if not I do not see a problem … if she spends more time with them than you do of course she mothers them …maybe try mom.a then her name (example momma mary)

Be thankful that your kids have so much love. As long as she’s kind and good to them shouldn’t that be a wonderful thing? I don’t understand the hostility I get the sadness and not being able to be with the 24/7 cause of work and whatnot but love is love and some step parents are awful be thankful you got a good one


And I hate to say this but she isnt trying to parent them. She IS parenting them. They’re married. She is a parent.


It sucks that they force the children to call her mom. It really does and I’m sorry about that part.
However you’re going to have to try to look at the positives here.

  1. They don’t have some random stranger taking care of them while you are at work.
  2. I’m sure if she is staying home to take care of them she loves them and wants the best for them.
  3. The more people your children have that love them and they can depend the better.
    Also they know who their real mother is and as they get a little older they will understand the fact that you have to work.
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My children call their step mom “Mimi” it’s their choice and at first it hurt but I’m from a split home. I love my step mom amazingly just like I love my mother. The way I see it is it’s another person to love very much and to love them back. They know who mommy is but they know they have her also. I also refer to her as their Mimi. We all have a good relationship tho


I would talk to them and say if I get remarried can they call my husband dad. I think it’s sick when people do this and it confuses the children. Let them call her whatever THEY want to call her. I call my stepmom by her name and would never call her mom. Also talk to the kids and have them talk to their dad them calling her mom may make them uncomfortable.


If the kids don’t want to call her mom, then they shouldn’t have to. That’s stupid to force them.

Praying for y’all

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I’ve called my step dad “Dad” since I was about 10, he’s been with my mom since I was 5, and my real dad was in my life until I was 13.
What’s the big freaking deal? Get over it. You sound jealous. Be grateful she loves your kids and wants to be around them and treats them as part of her family. Take a step back, put your feelings to the side, and think about your kids.


My former step kids called me mom, my kids call my husband dad. It’s whatever the kids are comfortable with. Not us.


Your children are allowed to love another woman that isn’t you and see them as a mother figure. Your children will also tell you the adults in their life tell them to call someone else mom so they don’t get in trouble with you, and I see why. If you’re this uncomfortable and insecure with another woman being an active caretaker in your childrens lives, then you need to take some personal inventory and figure out why you feel like your mothering isn’t adequate enough to cause this extent of jealousy over something like this. Take care of your kids, be a mom, and be happy that someone loves your children as their own because they surely aren’t obligated to.


My husband has two kids with his ex gf. They live with us because their mom wants to enjoy a single life. The kids want to call me mommy but their biological mother refuses to accept it. I told them I wish to respect her as their mother and they could call me tita mommy instead (tita means aunt in the Philippines) they’re fine with it. I guess I just want to respect the biological mother despite the fact that I have been their mother since they were 3 and 2 years old (now 8 and 7 years old)


Lot of insecure women here. I used to be one of those women. Know what changed it for me? Classic case of shoe on the other foot. I’d be livid at the thought of another woman in my kids lives. Now I am the other woman in a kids life. And now I made it a point when my ex got with someone seriously to be sure to let him know that she is welcome to be involved. Some caveats. Not to force a relationship that the kids dont want. And no physical punishment. Which I myself adhere to with my bonus loves.
Ladies…you’re still mama. That doesnt change until you make it change by drawing lines in the sand.


I’m not reading any indication that the stepmother is inappropriate, nor malicious.

That being said, it is is a blessing to have more people in the world to love your children. It is WONDERFUL the children are comfortable calling this woman mom!!

I think it’s beautiful how much my daughter loves her Dad’s girlfriend.

I’m sorry this is a struggle for you, but I trust you’ll continue to work on your feelings, as I believe you are with this post!!


Is she good with your kids ? I completely get why your feelings would be hurt. But you should just establish at the end of the day im your mom i carried you and have loved you more than you ever know. But should also think of the other side if your kids like her and they get along I’d let it slide but if she doesn’t treat your kids well then I see why you would have a problem with this. Either way try to do what’s best for the kids but also your feelings do matter !! Try having a talk with this woman and explain your feelings deeply.

I do not see any problem with having a step mom or even dad I grew up a step dad and so has my daughter her “dad” isnt her real dad but hes been here raising her with me and she looks at him as her dad it’s a bonus parent. Someone to love them as much as you do you should be appreciate the fact that there is other people to love them like their own kids I’m thankful that my kids have bonus parents and as long as they treat them right there isnt one thing wrong with the situation

Sounds like you need to grow the fuck up. Maybe she needs to start parenting your pretty ass too.

That’s an absolute NO for my ex and I. We are both in relationships, he has been with his GF for 2 yrs and Iam remarried. Our son DOSEN’T reference our partners by anything other than THIER NAME, Iam MOM, and He is DAD. It’s Not a insecurity issue, it’s a RESPECT issue! We as OUR SON’S PARENTS have set clear Parental boundaries with our partners, A Disrespect to my son’s father is a Disrespect to me, and simply wont be tolerated. If you aren’t comfortable with it, its Dad’s responsibility to correct it!


I hate to break it to you but she IS a parent to your children. She is their stepmom.

You’re jealous. Stop.

Btw I doubt they are forcing the kids to call her that. If it has been going on for 3 years your kids obviously want to call her that.

Overall she sounds like good people. Get along with her for your babies and drop the bitter baby momma drama


My kids don’t call my s.o. dad and they are with us most of the time. They call him by a nickname. Being pushy about it is weird. But I think all you can really do is just let it go. Constantly insisting that YOU are the mom is going to make them feel like they’re in the middle. They already know you’re their mother. You can’t control your ex being a douche (or whatever the situation), you can only control you.

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I have dealt with it too.
Have them c as ll you mama.

Honestly u have every right to feel the way u do. I wouldn’t want my kids calling some random female mom. Me and my kids dad talked about that and agreed it wouldn’t happen.


If she’s doing a good job just let it go. My kiddo calls his step dad “dad” because he’s been with him since he was two. If my ex could maintain a relationship with someone who really cares about my son and she became step mom and just called her mom and she loved him like her own I would just have to deal with it. As long as your kids are loved this is not stuff you can control in the other household. Be secure in your relationship with your kiddos and the rest shouldn’t matter.

you honestly should just let this go . They have no right to make them call her mom and you have no right to tell them that they cannot. You also do not know which truly is the case since they are being bullied if both accounts are true. She is certainly not a random person she is a parent by all accounts. Time will figure this out just love your kids you telling them not to honestly I get it may make you sad but come on just have your own great relationship and let theirs play itself out hopefully for the best interest of your kids.Best to you

I chose to call my step dad, Dad. Because he was a Dad to me :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t see the problem.

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I think the main thing is. What kind of person is she? Everyone on here sounds like it would be nothing if it were your kids calling another woman mom. Everyone’s different. I don’t agree not disagree I just think you’d have to stop m actually think what would I feel if this were me. MY KIDS calling another woman mom. Again, I’ve called other women mom but I know my actual mom. Foster mom momma Sam. Ex mom in law momma Ang. If they told them to call her mom that’s not cool man. At all. Hell yeah they’re uncomfortable especially if they see it causes u to be uncomfortable. Talk to dad mama bear and stay strong much love :heart:

If they are being forced you should (very calmly) have everyone sit down and let the kids in thier own words tell the dad and stepmom it makes them uncomfortable. If they aren’t being forced then I don’t think it’s wrong if she is treating them right. BUT I do understand why that is difficult for you and I am very sorry you are hurting

Quit being petty and but your kids first. Be thankful she loves your kids and takes care of them.


Im sorry to say but if your children are calling her mom its because they want to i doubt that they are being forced to do so…also it sounds like you may be a bit jealous or bitter please dont get me wrong your feelings are totally valid and you have EVERY right to be hurt but as long as she is GOOD to your children thats all that should matter…at the end of the day you are still and will ALWAYS be their only mother

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Personally I would’nt like the kids being forced to call her mom, but if they want to do it then I’d be ok with it. My fiance and I have been together for 5 years and my daughter (from a previous relationship) calls him dad but my fiance’s son doesn’t call me mom.

It’s NOT about you…it’s about your kids! I was once that kid, and let me tell you, I grew up with resentment against those who made me feel bad for calling my step dad, “dad” I loved him, and he was/is my dad! Yes, I also had my biolgical dad, but a dad is so much more than biology. My dad is the one who was there for me when I had a nightmare, first date, laughed, cried , etc etc. Thankfully BOTH of my dads were mature enough to realize they could BOTH be my dads. Unless she is verbally or physically abusive towards your kids, then be happy that she loves them like you do. A kid can never have too much love


I’ve had a step dad since i was 5 yrs old i call him dad and i also have my bio father in my life and now my daughter calls my stepdad pawpaw cuz he has very much taken on the role hes nothing but good to me and paid for alot of stuff for me growing up he is a parent too

My ex is married and so am I and that just means my daughter has two moms and 2 days she knows who her biological parents are but that doesn’t make a different we all care about her and honestly in the end that’s all that matter is that tour child is loved and cared for

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I was heartbroken at first when my kids called their stepmother mom I hated it. Slowly I got over it. I came to realize lots of people call their step parent mom or dad it doesnt make me any less their mother it just means shes their mom too. They love her but to this day my kids are adults now and they still call me momma because I’m their momma shes just their mom

I am a mother of 4 and 2 of them are from my husband’s previous marriage and they call me mom. They came to me and asked me if they could call me mom after 3 years and I told them yes but I would prefer for them to ask their mom and dad first and they have been calling me mom every since. I think you should talk to your kids they are old enough. Do you have custody or the father?

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Be happy another woman loves your kids that much that they feel comfortable to call her mom. Children are not stupid.


It’s one thing if they’re MAKING the kids call her mom. But it sounds like you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.


It doesn’t like they’re being forced.


I can understand your feelings are hurt but I don’t think there’s anything that can be done. I can also tell you feel guilty for having to work. Don’t. Your kids will understand one day what you had to do to them.

Ask the kids if it’s awkward calling her mom or that’s why they preffer. If thry feel pressured tell them they shouldn’t if that’s what they want to call her then that’s their choice.

My children call my ex husband’s ex wife “mom” I always think it is cute and makes me giggle. Specially because I helped my ex husband raising his first children and I love them so much. Also I realized that his ex wife treats my children REALLY good and I love it. I don’t care what they call her I’m just happy they are being loved!


I’d ask your ex husband how he would feel if they referred to another man as dad or started addressing him by his first name.

Fight fire with fire.

Way to many I and my. Children are not possession

Your way overacting to this, it’s their step mom and who can they say they can’t have 2 moms as long as they know who their real mom is!


I cant imagine making a child call me mom if they didnt want to. They both have serious issues. Your children will remember all you sacrificed for them. Try not to worry about, and just be the best mom you can be.

You should be happy that she is willing to watch your kids. Maybe she is not a bad person, just cause she married your ex. I do feel as your post has a lot of resentment and you worry about losing your kids to her like you lost your husband.

You will always be their mom and they know that. You are also stressing your kids with this and they will torn to be in the middle. Co-parenting would be so much healthier for your kids. Chances are your kids may like this person and if you had social workers involved and they did not find anything wrong you will be noted as jealous. I am sorry you are feeling left it.


Just let it roll off your back and dont worry about it…your kids know who their mom is…the more you go on about it the worse you will feel.

I’d be raging haha. They will probably stop it when they are older and can understand :slightly_smiling_face: look on the bright side- she must love your kids

My kids call my ex wife mom i called my step mom mom. Its not up to you tp de ide who your kids view as a perental figure. Shes a perental figure, you shoulf be happy your ex found someome who loves your kids like her own to a point where they willing call her mom.

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Hell today i still call my step mom mom


Step momma here! And a stay at home one at that. If the kids want to call her mom thats non of your business. Being forced to do so is different (if they have small children together this might be the reason why) and her staying home is non if ur business either. Its their household not yours to dictate. Child care is hard to come by and expensive. If THEY made that choice for her to be home so be it. U dont get to tell them how to run their lives. And life isnt fair. Work ur ass off and show ur kids hard work and dedication is important and pays off. Being petty is waste of time.

My kids will NEVER call someone else MOM!! I am the only one !!! Over my dead body ! He’s probably making them do it to brainwash then into hating you and loving them.