My childrens dad's girlfriend tells my kids they can't stay the night at their dads: Advice?

That’s horrible. My be has a son and I have a baby, I can’t imagine him not being a part of our lives. She’s a horrible person!

He needs to grow a pair of balls and put that gf in her place. If he cant…not a weak roll model id want for my children. Even worse…Hes DADDY!

It just goes to show who wears the pants in their relationship and he is dumb for letting her tell HIS kids they can’t stay the night there with THEIR Dad… stupid people!! Stupid girl for doing that to those kids too, he needs to tell her to kick rocks :v:t3:

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theres a few issues here. you need to sit down and talk to the dad, tell him his ‘‘other’’ kids need to be important too. perhaps she has ppd or finds it hard to have them around right now? so perhaps the dad needs to take them out somewhere to spend time. just for now.
communication is key here.

if needed, you can get a court order with specific times that he HAS to have them.
if shes not ppd and he wont come to the party then imo they are better off without someone who wont prioritise them in their life.
with my daughter if she asks questions or asks to call him then we call him, i get her to ask HIM why, let him see how its affecting them (video call is good for that). and just be there to support them and say youll always be there etc afterwards.

Just think this is not about u and him it is about the kids u need to tell the kids the true because they already know and they just what to be by mom or dad best wishes may god be with u

In all honesty you should hold hourly outings with him and your kids. Not overnights he sounds like he’s not maturely ready for these kids and there little hearts are getting broken…maybe don’t rely on him so much…treat him like a babysitter until he proves he can handle that…babysteps to a better life.

That’s horrible. I couldn’t be imagine treating my stepson any differently than I treat my own. Once you’re with a man who already has kids, if you’re not going to be the mother figure you should be to his kids then you have no business being in a relationship with the kids father.
As for their father, he should really man up and do something about it. It’s not fair to your kids and they don’t deserve to be treated like that. If you and the kids father are civil I’d suggest talking to him about it and explaining the part he doesn’t see when he drops them off, how hurt they are by his GF’s actions and how hurt they are that he allows it.

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I wouldn’t want my kids around a person that is unwelcoming! If she is resentful of his role as a father before she was in the picture, I’d hate to see how she treats them behind closed doors. This is something your ex has to decide to do for himself. He is the one allowing this woman to push his kids away and that should not be tolerated. However, I think you a doing a good job of showing how the kids will have a half sibling to love, to them it is their baby sibling and nothing else matters. You are not to blame for her misdirected hate. Keep your babies safe!

I mean if dad isn’t man enough to put her in her place and remind her who tf she is then you should. Kids come first, all kids. gfs, ex wives, everyone else is second third and fourth ect. When it comes to the gifts I’d wrap them up with a pretty bow give them to your ex for the baby.

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Yes new mother is probably tired…but also just being a bitch taking out her feelings, tired, jealousy, whatever on a kid…
Dad is not being a man…
Sooth your kids… don’t ever tell them they are going with dad or staying until you are 100 percent sure…save their feelings getting hurt… nothing matters but the kids

I’m so glad my days of this kind of drama is over lol…