None of your business
He has no reason to add you to social media. If you want to keep tabs, ask him to send you updates via text.
Lol. Are you serious?
He might get anxiety when you have her but dosent feel the need to stalk you, give it a rest, you don’t need to know his every move with her
Oh wella, you’ll just have to accept that.
Social media didn’t exist what would you do ? Let the dad be a dad. Honestly it is not up to you it is up to the courts. What happens on his time is his time what happens on yours is yours. Back off.
In high school we would just look at our exs profiles on a friends account who is friends with them
No reason you guys need to be friends on social media.
If she is coming home fine, mentally and physically. It’s just you girl. I get a break up is hard and having to let your baby go somewhere you’re not, is harder. But set healthy boundaries, show her a good role model.
Childish fucking bullshit unless ur child is in danger or being hurt u have no business knowing what he does with them that’s his time he doesn’t know what u do with them all the time it’s a 2 way street u have ur privacy he has his acting like this is what’s wrong with the world. Also if he has a shady past hate to be the bearer of bad news so do u
Just use someone else’s account or make a fake one
Unless he has or gives you legitimate concern and your daughter says something inappropriate or irresponsible is going on—than it’s on you and your own issues/insecurities or whatever that’s making you feel entitled to “keep tabs.” Also, the approach of “I want to be added to ‘keep tabs’” is exactly why he’s not. My 15 year old daughters father and I took 8-10 years to finally get to a friendly place and truly care about each other as people and friends and co parent and be cool. He trusts me enough to leave his beloved and new Harley Fatboy in my care to do work on it i the garage with my boyfriend. I used to be crazy and put him through shit as a 19-25 year old mom. He owes me NOTHING. We’ve briefly been friends on social media before. But of recent as we’ve been consistently good and respectful of each other—he still doesn’t accept my request and that’s ok…I don’t ask of beg or pester.
It seems your ex has a reason to be concerned that you’ll take a post or photo wrong and it also seems you’re just waiting or assuming or convinced he’ll he “shady” or do something wrong and use it against him when in reality—it’s unfair to do so. If your daughter can speak and knows right from wrong—that’s all you need. Stop obsessing over what you cant control.
You don’t have that right. You think if he is abusing or neglecting her, you’ll see it posted? No… you’re just trying to be nosy.
Get ya @$$ off social media all together & maybe go meditate to help with your “ anxiety “
If you’re that concerned for your child, deal with that side of things. Don’t use your child safety as an excuse so you can stalk your EX. He might have a shady past, but he’s got some sort of intelligence to know that having your EX on your social media is not a good idea
Maybe because you sound like a sticky beek… why would your ex want you to know what he does especially when he doesn’t have your child.
If you feel you feel the child is unsafe with him, take it to court, not social media. Even if he did add you, he can filter you out of some or even everything he post
Sounds like you just still wanna be apart of HIS life. Move on girl. You have a cell phone, contact him that way!
I don’t blame him tbh. His parenting time is HIS parenting time. I know it can be hard at first if the split is fresh but you’re gonna have to learn to let go. At one point you trusted that man enough to have a child with him. You’re gonna have to trust that when your child is with him, she’s in good hands.
Um he’s your ex, he doesn’t have to have you on his social media. If your concerned about her well being the deal with that. But no he doesn’t have to have you ok his Facebook page.
Theres no point of him adding u as he can limit what u can see under the privacy tab
How old is your child? Maybe you can get him a phone & text him while he is with his dad.
W*f… sounds like ur just a jealous ex and wana c what he posts about him self. He does NOT need to add u! My kids go w their dad every other weekend, andddddddd he is SUPER blocked from ALLLL my social media. I don’t need to see what he does!! Sounds like ur bitter🤷♀️
If you have legitimate concerns about the safety of your child, seek legal counsel. If not, leave the man have his privacy and time with his child alone.
He doesn’t have to have you on his Facebook I don’t have my daughters dad on mine because that’s her dad and I trust that our daughter is safe at all times with him if you was debating on your daughter going to her dads because of this and I was him I’d definitely block you what he does in his time online is nothing to do with you mind your business and worry about yourself
Because you are no one to keep tabs on him. Unfortunately you can’t control what he does or who he hangs with. As long as your daughter is safe and healthy mind your own business. You sound toxic
This is your issue, not his. He doesn’t owe you unlimited access to his life. If the child is comes home with signs of abuse call the police. Do you think he’d post on Facebook that he’s abusing his child? This isn’t about the safety of your child, it’s about your need to stalk him.
His personal life is now none of your business so he doesn’t have to add you to social media… Try not to let your personal feelings rub off on your child no matter what you think of him.
Lol you are definitely a jealous ex. If it’s a legit concern, talk to a lawyer otherwise mind your business.
Just because you share a child and coparent it doesn’t entitle you to his personal business.
My ex husband and I are not on each other’s social media. Our personal business is our own. If im concerned for my children in his care I’d be taking them to a child psychologist then straight to court. Otherwise my nose belongs in my business not his.
You need to stop obsessing over this man and let him move on. What am I even reading?
You are overreacting… Let it be
Yeah… That’s not up to you. Like at all. Zero say so in that.
Honestly it’s for the best. There’s other ways to get in contact with him.
My son goes to his father every second weekend… I blocked him on all social media… he is my ex so I don’t need to see what he does or about his personal life nor does he need to see mine…
If I have a concern, I will address it or make arrangements to confirm my suspicions…
Even if he were to add you, he could still post without you seeing it so there’s really no point. If you think something is going on you’re not comfortable with I’d say do something about that. But the social media aspect…idk too many people who are on terms like that even with coparenting. I’m certainly not and like it this way.
Ummm, mind your business, perhaps. You have his number, you don’t need to be on his social media. Weirdo.
Her post is the exact reason he’s not adding her on social media.
You cannot do that. If you want to make sure your daughter is safe, you have to go through the courts, and have supervised visitation.
I wouldn’t be adding my ex. The last thing I would want is for my ex to be snooping my social media.
They’re an ex for a reason.
Because you are childish if you really think your child is in danger you would refuse visitation and take him to court or whatever. You sound petty you sound like you just want to keep tabs on him or dig up dirt to use against him
Yaaa no. Keeping a child from their father bc they won’t add you is super weird honestly. He doesn’t have to and you honestly have no say in regards to that. Sorry Charlie
You are being petty AF why does he have to add you on his social media for him to get his child honestly that’s none of your business what he posts on there
He could add you then restrict you so all you can see is public posts whether you’re a friend or not!! Why do people think fb is the place to run instead of the proper people who can assist if there’s really any safety issues. You just hate the ex having a life without you. I’ve got my children’s father blocked, once divorced, my business is no longer his business.
Talk to your kid, do they feel safe when they are there? If they say yes then I don’t really see an issue. The whole keeping tabs thing on an ex is kind of toxic. Ask your kid questions if they feel unsafe then talk to a lawyer and police. Let the man have his social media.
Ur way tooo extra lol i wouldn’t add u… Sounds like ur wayyy to obsessed wit him and only want to spy for him not ur kid!! Grow up, move on and get over yourself!!! Go ask a Judge to ask him to add u on social media and see what a judge says … Plz record it for us!!
His business is none of your business.
It’s always helpful to be linked on social media for many good reasons so I don’t blame you at all. Hope one day he will change his mind.
That’s controlling af, plus what is that even gonna tell you? He can just not post when he has the baby, or just block you from the posts. It’s a pointless battle, you’re just struggling with being out of control. Seek a therapist (no really).
Sound jealous to me and nosy. You can’t control him now he’s not with you. You’re looking for anything he does slightly off so you can run to the social work and show them
If your child is in danger then why aren’t you working to make sure they don’t have unsupervised visits? You aren’t entitled to be on his social media for any reason by the way and I’m sure your ex bf wouldn’t be posting the “danger” on his Facebook anyways.
Some of these comments are so horrible to this women, calling her names, being nasty to her, honestly you all say shes weird for what shes wrote because shes worried about her baby, whereas I see the nasty people as odd because your here being nasty to someone you DONT even know, your the ones I feel sorry for because your lifes must be so bad that you have to bully people online , just remember be nice or just dont comment at all
Nope just nope. Sorry.
Sounds like a you problem. He doesn’t owe you access to his life.
Depending on the age of the child, get your kid a phone so that you can message your child for piece of mind… I got both my kids phones so they could message Me as we have IVO in place so I wanted to know my kids were safe when in his care as I have him blocked on all social media and was only allowed to text me only (no phone calls) but both kids could tell me they were ok or when they wanted to come home
His life is his life …and what he does in his time with his child is his business.
Your being ridiculous
Y’all aren’t together and who why does he need to add u he could feel the same way about u. He doesn’t know if u bring a different man home every night and his child is at ur house social Média doesn’t say who is in ur bed
You can’t dictate or basically spy while it’s his time. If you feel your child is in danger or coming back sad then go down proper channels. I dont mean interigate your child, a kid will talk if want to or something is up.It doesn’t sound like that’s the case though, you’ve maybe some separation anxiety, or if to keep tabs on ex then you possibly need councilling to help you.
I’ve socials my personal life isn’t really on it so you’d likely not find out anything anyway.
Sounds like u are the problem he has his daddy days what he does is his business not urs so u have anxiety so u can’t see what he’s doing all the time not everything is posted on social media
If you’re that scared, speak to your child, try to change custody. You don’t need keeping tabs on a grown man.
Wow just wow she isn’t just your child mind your own business for god sake. Enjoy your weekends off.
It sounds like you are trying to justify your want to know what he’s up to by using your child. Even if he did friend you, just to appease you, he could block you from posts. Social media should be the last resort if you are truly worried about your child.
Unless your child is in any sort of immediate danger so have no right to know what he does when he has his child and he doesn’t have to add you to an social media if he doesn’t want to just for your own piece of mind….that’s a you issue you need to get over hun
Yea his time w her is not your business. And no you can’t keep tabs on him or her.
Back off mom
You can’t control every situation and he’s an ex why would you have him on social media just because he has a shady past has nothing to do with him being a parent all parents have rights takes 2 to make a child and those 2 should be parenting it’s not about control and your making yourself sound controlling just saying long as your child is looked after how they should be then let him be a dad your own issues with eachother has nothing to do with the child
I can see why he doesn’t have you on social media I want to want you on it either
Create fake account
while it would be nice if that were a requirement, his personal life is none of your business. i doubt you’d like him keeping tabs on you the same way, seeing as what you do is none of his business either. as long as you have a way to contact him, leave it at that.
have supervised visitations get the child services or the court involved protect your daughter…
I came name lots of reasons why he doesn’t. I would suggest going back to court if u feel that strongly
Alot of men don’t even bother. Sounds like he’s trying to be around for her. That’s rare. That’s your daughter’s Dad. My Daddy was my everything
No he doesn’t have to add you on any of his social media. That’s not going to help you keep track of your kid. Mine has me blocked. I could care less. As long as your kid is fine and doesn’t tell you anything bad happened then let it go. You’re just making problems where there doesn’t need to be. Let him go and move on.
Jesus women like you piss me off, You can’t control what he’s doing or who he has around on HIS TIME, you are overreacting 100% and sounds like you’re trying to be controlling. He doesn’t owe you anything realistically and absolutely has a right to refuse to add you on social media for “your peace of mind”.
Obviously none of these commenters ever worried about their child with their father. Honestly if the child can’t tell you what’s going on I would reconsider allowing visits if his past is that shady. I wouldn’t want to have to watch Facebook to know my kid is ok. If his past is that shady take it to court.
Your so ridiculous
If you have concerns call the police or take him to court for full custody. You don’t have a right to be on someones social media because you’re a nosey bitch
I don’t have my sons dad on social media. But he also doesn’t go over there cause his dad does sketchy stuff
You just wanna spie on him
I have a shady ex too… but I don’t want him on social media. He isn’t obligated to feed into your crazy.
You are overreacting. You are overreacting. You are overreacting. Do you need to hear those words a few more times?
There’s no law and no judge that is going to order him to add you to his social media. He has a right of privacy. Your peace of mind is no reason for him to add you. If you are experiencing that much anxiety, you need to get into counseling asap. If your anxiety is affecting your child, please get your child into counseling. If you think your child could be harmed by your child’s father, you need to document those issues and get Child Protective Services to check on the child while she is with her father.
Otherwise, butt out of the father’s life. If you were this way with him when you were together, I don’t blame him one bit for not adding you to his social media.
Sis please stop it .
If you feel your child may be in harms way wth is social media gonna do to stop it.
He won’t add you because you are DRAMMA
If you don’t trust your child to be with the other parent, you need to have the court order changed to supervised visits, if your worries are valid, or go to therapy if they aren’t.
Call…facetime…txt and ask how your child is doing…how is being on his social media gonna help keep up with whats going on with your child for the 2 out 14 days they are not with you? Sounds like you are trying to stalk your ex on social media
The time to decide he would be a shitty father was before you had kids. He’s her dad and he gets to see her. He doesn’t have to add you to his social media. He has a right to his daughter and his life. As hard as it is, you do not control his relationship with his daughter. And you can’t restrict his visits just because you can’t snoop on his Facebook. Grow up.
Being on his social media isn’t gunna, protect your child… If your concerns are valid then why are you sending her there?
Have you any proof that he’s done anything wrong?? Is your daugher unhappy there??? Or are you just being controlling??? These are the questions you need to ask yourself
I don’t have any of my kids other parents in my social media. I dont wanna bitch about them being a lil bitch, and then hear them bitch about me bitching about them being a bitch. Their life is their life. I trust them to behave with our shared children. As they do for me.
He doesn’t want your nose looking around his business … you tell him everything your doing ?
Can’t you keep tabs via phone calls and texts?
You’re a nut job !!!
I have my kids dads blocked everywhere lol. No thanks
Even if he added you he could still hide posts from you that he doesn’t want you to see. If there are actual real issues that cause you to fear for your child, take it up with the courts, you being his friend on social media really doesn’t solve anything
social media? Really? There no need for you to be on his social media. Just have his phone number incase of emergencies
Yes you are over reacting. He doesn’t owe you anything for your piece of mind. Just like you don’t have to answer to him when you have the child, he doesn’t have to answer to you when he has the child. You have to trust that he isn’t going to put the child in harms way and if you have LEGITIMATE reasoning to be concerned for the welfare and safety of your child, then go to court. Otherwise you need to relinquish some control and let him be a dad… I get it, it’s hard. It took me a while to realise that I needed to take a breath and had no say, when my girls weren’t in my care…but I also understand that I don’t want my ex on my social media and he doesn’t want me on his.
God you people are rude. She came here for advice and all you people can do is call her crazy. It’s a legitimate question/concern.
She’s not crazy or controlling, see when my grandchildren were small, 2 and 6 their dad wanted to take them to Fl on “vacation” with his flavor of the month. My daughter said as long as it’s just you and the girls, not the new gf they don’t know. He said of course, I’d never do that. So off to vacation they go. When they get back during bath time one night the 6 year old says, I wish Miss So And So didn’t do on vacation with us because me and my sister had to sleep on the floor so Miss So and So could sleep in the bed with my daddy! So NO, she’s protecting her child from a lying father! Fathers lie, Mothers lie, protect your child! NO MATTER THE COST, NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK!
Oh wow tell the truth you want to control and stalk him. He does not have to add you to the internet
Your trying to control him. Get over yourself
No one needs to add you if they don’t want to! If you’re concerned for her safety then go through the right procedure by proving she is unsafe in his care… until then stop being nosey
If she’s in danger ho back to court.
adding you on social media ia a reach
Uhmm you do realise that you can message each other while not being ‘friends’ on FB right?? And another thing… ‘keeping tabs’ has MULTIPLE meanings to it…so be specific if she comes back HEALTHY and HAPPY then what’s the problem it sounds like she has gone with Dad a few times, so ‘cut the apron strings’ and let them be…you know a SHADY PAST does not mean that he is a bad father
You’re using your daughter as an excuse to be added. Let’s call this what it is - you just want to be nosy.