My childs father refuses to add me on social media: Advice?

I called my childrens father out on his bull shit and tagged him in the posts until he deleted me😅 girl your child is fine. Word of advice… coparent with her…it’s probably easier then him unless jealousy issues are involved.

Stop being nosey. Simple. Like… It’s seriously that simple. I’m so glad I had a kid with a cool sane person lol not tryna be offensive… I’m jus slayin

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He absolutely owes you no rights whatsoever when it comes to adding you. Like damn I’d be adding my ex so he could see everything I do/everywhere I go :sweat_smile:

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…it’s his social media not yours. It’s not just your kid it’s his too. Grow the f up. Jesus

Sooo…u basically told him that u want to be on his social media so ur able to check up on him…& u really don’t understand why he said no :thinking::upside_down_face::woman_facepalming: I mean…being on his page isn’t really gonna tell u much, so it sounds like u just wanna be in his business. I don’t see him making a post about abusing his child or anything like that, so all you’d find out is maybe who he’s with or where he’s at. Again…sounds like u just wanna be up in his business. While it might would be nice if he’d add u…he absolutely has every right not to have u on there. His time is HIS time. Same as u when it’s ur time. If ur genuinely concerned, you’ll have to take him back to court & plead ur case. Otherwise, I’d suggest trying to find ways to curb ur anxiety the best u can.


He could add you and block you from all posts. Is that even something you’ve considered…? Also, please do not bring this in front of a judge! You will regret it and most likely piss off your judge and ruin your position.

1 more thing, shame on you for usin the kid as an excuse to be all up in that mans business LOL


If you feel you child is in danger, take him back to court. Facebook friendship won’t protect her


I am not friends with my ex on social media and I still seem to know my kids are okay. They have cell phones and I do too.

Then don’t send her he doesn’t have to ad u on call on the phone to check your her

Lmao I don’t have mine(yes I have more than 1) on social media. There’s this thing called BOUNDARIES. Chill out.

Ummm no- you don’t need to be social media “friends” haha

Maybe he doesnt post his business over social media lol. So u dont need to be on there lol

I think there are some super rude comments on here, people can be such jerks. I think she is desperate to keep her daughter protected. Whatever she needs to do that. And that part is understandable, and tugs on my heart for her. I could be wrong but pretty sure you can’t just take someone to court or back to court unless you have money to do so. So if someone isn’t in the financial place to do that and shw is afraid of drugs around their child ( guessing drugs?), then what other concourse does she have other than desperate attempts of a watchful eye.

However I don’t think it would help regardless. You can still block certain people from individual posts :roll_eyes:

Oh my lord :roll_eyes:
Your his EX.
I wouldn’t add my ex even if I had kids with them.
Your not together anymore so you have no right at all to ask.
If you think your child isn’t safe then do not send to daddy’s.
Seriously you sound very very young. Just hope you grown up and get over the playground games


Hes not obligated to ad you its persons choice i dont see what the big deal is you need to address your anxiety stop being noisy if you feel your chid is in harms way you have evidence of it they go to the police about it

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Because he doesn’t want too nor does he have too… you can’t control who is around your child while he has her.

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He has a shady past. You dont trust him = ye ill have a baby with this person


My ex and I are not friends on social media. We have one way of contact (technically 2), calling and texting. I wanted it that way. My daughter always tells me what they do, without me asking. He does not need to add you.


If you don’t trust him then your child shouldn’t be going there at all him adding you on social media won’t make any difference


My lordy no he doesn’t have to add u at all, let him have his privacy without u being nosey and going through his stuff…
U can contact her via messages or phone calls.

If she was really in any danger u wouldn’t let her go to his in the first place :woman_shrugging:


Lol he doesn’t need to and if you wanna know what he’s doing text him , you don’t need to keep constant tabs on him , you need to learn healthy boundaries and honestly he could use that against you in court cause that’s stalker behavior


I doubt he’s going to add you on social media so that you can check up on him. I know it’s nerve-wracking to have your ex have your kids, but you have to whether you think they’re trustworthy or not. They’re the other parent. It’s bad when you don’t choose the right person the first time in a relationship and they turn out to be someone you would rather not send your kids to. When they’re hard to co-parent with. I know, I’ve been there and done that. Before cellphones and social media. I hated it. Just remember, your kids will grow up and then the worry will be over in that regard and then you’ll worry about other things. Hang in there.

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I think you’re being petty and want to spy. Can’t you just have him text you pictures/updates?

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He doesn’t feel you you should need to know , who is he on communication outside social media?

Is he keeping tabs on you? Be fair and let your child enjoy time with dad without your paranoia

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His time with his child is for him and her, just like your time with her is your time. Unless you have reasonable doubt on why you feel the way you do while your daughter is there then you wouldn’t even get far in taking him back to court. Anxiety is not a nice thing to live with, it really isn’t, but at the same time you also have to find that healthy balance for yourself while your child is with her father. He has every right to refuse to have you on his social media, and even if he did add you, you’ll make your anxiety even worse by constantly checking it and he may not even post when you look. Find something you can do to have time for yourself, let your child be happy with her time with daddy, just like I’m sure she is happy with your time she has. Don’t let the emotions of how you feel when she with him show infront of her as she will pick up on and think she’ll be in the wrong for going to daddy’s. The way I helped my daughter when me and her dad split, and help with my anxiety, I don’t look at it as in I don’t have my child for a few days what am I going to do, I look at it as in so my child has gone with her dad, now is my time, now is my time to do what I wanna do, everyone deserves that time, you just need to try and get past your anxiety. When my child is with her dad, that is up to them on what they do and if they/she decided to tell me, otherwise its her business.

Do specific meet ups if he’s shady not trustworthy or have not good people hanging around. I would meet at a motel get them a room next door maybe. Wouldn’t worry about being friends on social media that maybe asking abit to much. If you don’t trust him I wouldn’t be dropping my child off

:joy::joy: sorry this is my first response :joy::joy:

Seriously??? You want to keep tabs on your ex and your upset because he set boundaries? Ummmm hunny relax as long as your child is happy, healthy you have no reason to even ask him. Let him enjoy his child when he has her. If you have a real reason such as (she’s in nasty poopy clothes) or she’s not eating anything or she’s coming home with bad bruises, just let the child have her time with daddy. You do not know how important it is for a child to have BOTH mom and dad in their lives?

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Ok… first things first… we should be concerned about your “PEACE” of mind not a “PIECE” of your mind :woman_facepalming:t3: … As far as adding you on social media… no ma’am! He is your EX. Sounds more like you’re not ovee him and you’re trying to be nosey about who he has in his life and what he’s doing… if you’re legitimately concerned for the well being of your child… that’s one thing… BUT don’t use your child as an excuse to spy and be nosey!


My daughter’s dad is blocked on my Facebook. He has a shady past as well, oh well. We communicate only though phone calls and text(mostly text). My daughter tells me everything I want to and don’t want to know.
Sounds like you are a control freak.


Your best bet is try to effectively coparent w/him!!!
After all you thought enough to have a child w/him !!!
If you in fact do have ligament safety concerns -seek an attorney & go to court!!!
Best wishes to you all …

If you feel she is in such danger have police do a well check. If he has left marks or other evidence call cps and make a report. He is not obligated to add you on social media. However if you withhold visiting from him he can take you to court if you have a court order and not only get awarded more time but have you in trouble for contempt of court. YOU are stuck with the burden of proof. YOU have to be able to show what danger your child is in.

Are you joking? You can’t make someone add you on social media.
If you are concerned don’t send her and contact a social worker.

Im sorry but I wouldn’t add my ex to fb either I probably would block him. U split up for a reason move on


If you can’t trust him and you have proof of why he’s a danger to your child then go to the court for supervised visitation for him. Otherwise you are not entitled to be added to his social media. You are his ex. I wouldn’t add any of my exes. He has every right not to add you.


Lol I agree with everyone else


Lol get over it? It’s social media he doesn’t need to add you, you’re not together. If your that worried talk to your daughter every time she comes back and record it so if she says anything concerning you can take him to cpurt


Why should he? Just so you can keep tabs??? He’s no longer with you. Let him enjoy his time with his child and do what he wants.


Lmao he has no obligation to do that and for you to even think about withholding the child because of it makes you petty as hell he wasn’t “shady” enough for you NOT to have a child with him. Only once y’all split huh? Typical…Grow up.


That is not how it works. He’s not obligated to give you his socials. And you can’t just keep her from him. You have to prove that she’s not safe with him. You have to do that. It’s not easy proving a parent is unfit. Everyone has a past. My own is probably what you’d consider “shady” and despite that, I’ve managed to grow and raise some wonderful humans. People change, especially when kids are involved. Maybe don’t be so judgy, after all you had a child with this man.


He doesn’t have to let you what they do on his time with y’all’s daughter. He doesn’t have to add you to any type of social media especially if you’re trying to stalk him. And if there’s a court order set in place on visitation you legally have to let him have his visitation with y’all’s child.


Social media is not the answer… Just call and do FaceTime…


Because it’s not your business anymore


He doesn’t need to add you, you’re not together anymore. Tell him to send you pics.

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He won’t add you cause you nosey and prob messy too. It’s not like he’s walking around on live the entire weekend he has his child so :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: what would him adding you on his private social do to help your anxiety about your child being with him? Not a thing. Call or Text to check in. His past doesn’t determine his present.


Oh please! When he has her, that is his time with her.u ex and I are not friends with each other in real life or in person. Sometimes he tells me what his plans are l, sometimes he doesn’t. I don’t tell him every detail either.

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You can’t look to him to give you peace of mind. He isn’t gonna give it to you, so you have to make peace within yourself. You can’t control what happens when she goes to her dads, and he doesn’t want you watching him and then following up on what you’re seeing on his page. You have to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to parent his way and there isn’t anything you can do about it. If something happens and you have proof of wrongdoing, take him to court.

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Because he doesn’t have to and legally you can’t keep her from her dad and you said shady past so leave it in past but he absolutely doesn’t have to add you on any social media


How would you feel if he asked for you to add him so he could keep tabs on the child’s location??? Big red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:!!! If he isn’t a good enough father for your liking go to court and get supervised visits

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Im glad no-one backed this bs up.


Good Lord :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: He doesn’t have to add you. My ex not on my Facebook.

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So clearly he is a narcissist you need to set clear boundaries and if your that uneasy go back to court and ask for supervised visits / no overnights etc


That’s his child too. He owes you nothing including making you happy……

Edit: Legally you also don’t get to dictate who and where he takes HIS child. What if the shoe was on the same foot?


U r not together, what he does on his time is none of ur business, the only thing u should be worried about is if ur kid is coming back clean, fed and happy


Because what he does is none of your buisness don’t blame him

are you talking about your ex ? u know the meaning of ex right lol :joy:

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Out of 200 reactions there are 142 haha.

Yes. You are overreacting.

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Make a fake Facebook and add people over a few weeks and post things amd add him on that.

If you feel your child is at danger over there then do that, get your evidence, take him to court and be done with it.

But if she’s not in danger then you really can’t control what goes on when he has her.


It’s hard not having control- you’ll get used to it.

Because its none of your business, thats why he wont. And legally there isnt anything you can do about it.


The consequences of having a child with a crappy person you aren’t married to are anxiety when that person has the child. Being added on Facebook isn’t going to resolve that.


If you feel she is unsafe she should not be there. The only way you will get evidence is if shes hurt in the process. Not worth it!!


He’s not obligated to be friends with you on social media, and he does not need to be in order to co-patent with you. He can just as easily send pictures to you via text while he has her. Since you are no longer together you can no longer expect things like this.


My kids dad has me blocked on everting bc of the sketchy shit he was doing that I was asking about… let shit go. Not worth stressing over someone that’s a sketch bag.

He doesn’t have to add you, if you are worried about him like that, why did you make a child with him!?? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::face_with_monocle::flushed:


He is under no obligation to add you. You need to get over yourself.


He doesn’t have to. Are you a stalker? If he is bad father, go to social services or get a lawyer. Smh
You tell him your every move on your time? Every person your with or around?


You need psychiatric help girl


He doesn’t have to add you if he doesn’t want to. He’s entitled to have whoever on there. In saying that. If you are worried for your child’s safety while she’s there, seek mediation or court orders


He doesn’t have to add you on social media. People parented before it …


your child’s father doesn’t have to add you to his anything if he chooses not to … you don’t want your child around certain people, you aren’t with your child’s father so not your biz unless your child comes home with bruises etc… you don’t control the world…

You need to stop right now, he doesn’t have to add you for any reason.


You can’t control what he does n who he has around her unless it says in an order


Unfortunately you’re going to have to suck it up buttercup.

I’m not even reading this all, he does not need to add you on social media. Grow up.


All this ‘his time, his business’ OhhMyyFrrkingGoSshh…

Um, No… His time with THEIR Child is Exactly HER Business…
No, he isn’t Obliged to have her on sOcial media, hOwever she has Every right to knOw who is arOund her kid while in the Dads care…


Ok. No… but what would that even accomplish? Even if he added you, what if he doesn’t post anything? What if, like many people, he only shows the good parts of his life on social media? Not only does this seem like a strange request, it is also useless. If you feel the child isn’t safe there are other better ways to address that


Because that sounds controlling (sorry I’m trying to sound kind) :joy:


I feel sorry for him having a child to you, you sound like a control freak. What he does is none of your business get over it


I specifically do not want to be on my x social media. If it is really unsafe then call cops or cps


Ugh please dont be that parent that prevents your child from having a relationship with the other parent because of your emotions towards them!!! The framing of you’re post indicates that…
Dont be that parent


Unfortunately this is what happens when you choose poorly and have children with men you don’t stay with. You chose him and now you don’t get a say nor are you entitled to know his private life. I feel for you but this is all the results of your choices.

lol i was you when i was 18 with a 1 year old who is now almost 14. grow up and get over yourself. sounds like he needs peace of mind from you.

This is just crazy to me … sorry but wthhh is up with these posts lately coming up

When the child is with your husband unfortunately it’s just none of your business what is happening and the same goes to you when you have the child

You guys really should have the least amount of contact there is …. A friend of mines judge said it best …. If you couldn’t get along enough together then you certainly aren’t going to get along apart

It’s vile … it’s toxic and he’s doing you a HUGE favor

You don’t need to know what’s going on

As long as your child is in no harm , is being bathed , fed and loved …. Then the rest is out of your hands

This is why it’s real important we as women make SUPER thought out decisions of who we choose to lay down with

These are commitments that last a lifetime


Let him go! You guys aren’t together anymore he has No Obligation to you Personally other than the fact you share a child, Your lives are separate and he doesn’t want you to be a part of that and that’s OK, You have to accept it, His personal life none of your concern and if you had true legitimate concerns about your child’s safety you would be taking advantage of the proper resources not social media, So honestly I think you’re just being nosy and you need to let it go you don’t have control over him so you need to move on with your life,Let him try to be the best parent he can be without you micro managing him the important thing here is your child Being happy and enjoying the time she shares with her father,


Modern times have their sad moments
So sorry for seperated parents

Youre not entitled to shit when it comes to his social media. Next time pick someone you trust to have children with

because HE DOESN’T HAVE TO AND U CANT CONTROL WHO HE HAS AROUND THE KID. . literally. u can not. take a chill pill and enjoy your kid less weekend

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Wow! Really? I can see why you and the baby daddy aren’t together !


His social media is none of your business. You are being petty. Please grow up for the sake of your child. Yes her safety while shes with him is your business I agree…but that does not mean he needs to add you to his social media just because you say so. You sound so controlling.


It’s his child too you didn’t make her alone and he doesn’t have to add you to social media. You can easily text or call


Seriously ??? It’s none of your business what he’s doing . You just want to be nosy period .


He won’t add you because you sound like a controlling nutcase!

It’s one thing to be concerned for your child’s safety, but you’re trying to control the situation. Since you don’t want your child going with him, I’m assuming a court ordered his visitation. That means a judge deemed him fit to care for HIS child. 

Sorry my dear, but that’s as much his child as your child and just because you don’t like who he hangs out with, doesn’t mean you have any say.


I feel like you just wanna be nosy and know everything even what doesn’t have to do with y’all’s child if I was him I’d add you to keep you from nagging but then I’d block you personally from seeing anything I post :woman_shrugging:t3:


l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17684 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Sorry but you’re wrong

His shady past was not enough to stop you from sleeping with him risking the possibility of getting pregnant… so don’t go cry about it now! (But I’d be petty and add you on fb then share to "everyone except (insert baby momma’s name) lol