My childs teacher did not let him use the bathroom and he had an accident...advice?

I received a message from my sons teacher stating how he peed himself at school. He is in kindergarten btw. It was odd for me to hear to so I just waited till he got home to talk to him about it, turns out that his activity teacher didn’t allow him to use the restroom after he asked twice. Idk if I am overreacting, but it made me furious. How is it okay to deny a child permission to use the restroom after he expressed how badly he needed to use the restroom. I’m upset honestly bc he was so embarrassed.


I always tell my kids to just get up and go if the teacher doesn’t acknowledge your raised hand, so long as you’re really using the bathroom and go right back to your seat I will not be upset with you if they were to call home. It’s not disrespectful to use the bathroom, it’s disrespectful to deny a child access


This happened to me before, I brought my little girl to the pediatrician they gave her a note and from then on they made it a point to let her go whenever and even remind her throughout the day…sorry that you’re dealing with this


A letter from a lawyer would fix this real quick!


I told my son, to inform his teacher and go even if she says No. Tell them cal me… they know that won’t be nice :unamused:


I would be having a meeting with all his teachers and the principal. No matter what she this is not okay. And I would make them explain themselves and let them know moving forward he will be allowed to go after asking once. Asking is the polite way of telling them. As adults we are allowed to go when our body’s need it should be no different with children. And have the child present when this meeting occurs. And also explain to the child if they abuse the system that is being put into place that things will change back but this is hope this will work for the moment. If you need a doctors note then I’m sure any pediatrician could get you one. And if they are not willing to put a plan of action in then you go up and go to the school board. Don’t stop until you are satisfied momma. That’s how I would handle it. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.


I’ve told my son the same thing my parents told me; you raise your hand or go up to the desk and ask once, just to be polite and so the teacher knows where you’ll be for safety reasons. After you’ve done that you go to the restroom if you need to go, you don’t need “permission” and won’t be in any kind of trouble at home for walking out.


Go talk to the teacher ask for a parent teacher meeting immediately and then tell the teacher you have instructed your child to pee at her desk where she has to sit. Every single time she says no he gets to use the bathroom at her desk if this teacher lets kids sit in their bathroom she gets to sit in it too.

I tell my 6 year old son that he asks once and if they tell him no he goes anyway, if they request he wait a moment as to not miss something important he try to wait, but if he can’t hes to tell them he cannot wait and go anyway. It’s against decent human rights to tell someone they cannot go to the restroom. I won’t have it.


I told my daughter that not using the restroom can cause medical issues so using the bathroom is considered medical. She was allowed by me to get up and walk out of class. If she felt uncomfortable she could ask to see the nurse, go to the nurse and tell them she had to potty, get the note she had been to the nurse and go back to class


I told my daughter if she is ever told no to go anyway and I’ll deal with it . She now has a doctors note so she can whenever .


I’ve always told my kids, that if they ask to use the restroom and they need to go really bad, if they say no, then to POLITELY say “I’m sorry, but I really need to use the restroom.” And then get up and go to the bathroom and then right back to class. If they have a problem with it and try to punish my kid, then they need to tell the school to call me.


First, I would ask the teacher what happened. I teach that age group and sometimes they don’t tell us they need to go. Sometimes, when asked if they can hold it until the activity ends, they say yes, but really couldn’t. And sometimes we have kids that have been in the restroom most of the day, and we have to use our judgment to decide if they are just playing in the bathroom. Talk to the teacher before you decide what to do.


Tell the school what I told my kids school:

These kids do not have to ask your permission to use the bathroom.

They only need to raise their hand and let you know that they’re using the bathroom and then they can go and come back.

They don’t need a teachers permission to use the bathroom. It’s a basic body function and a necessity.

Also, I’m not having my kids get made fun of because they had an accident due to these teachers being on some kind of power trip.


I told my kids to ask and if they’re told no to get up, walk out and go to the bathroom and then if there’s a problem to tell them to call their mom


My kids NEVER ask to use the bathroom. Regardless if they are in school or not. They just say I need to use the washroom I’ll be back. All my kids do this. That is completely unacceptable! I’d be extremely mad!


I’m a teacher. An activity/specials teacher.

If there is already a student in the restroom I ask the student to wait until the first student is back. This is a safety thing for me, if the fire alarm or any other drill comes on and I have 2 or 3 kids down the hall in the restroom then I can’t keep them safe. If they say they can’t wait or I can see that they really need to go then I send them anyways.

Other than that I never say no. Students should be allowed to use the restroom whenever they need to.

I would call or email about your concerns.


Yes this would absolutely upset me. I’m so sorry your boy went through this. I’d be at that school first thing Monday morning demanding to speak to the principal and the teacher that refused a bathroom break. Tell him next time to simply take himself to the bathroom if they keep saying no and that you’ll deal with the repercussions later on. That’s so embarrassing for a child at any age and it teaches them they should ignore their body rather than listen to it. Hold the school accountable!


This happened when I was in 1st grade and the teacher was ignoring kids on purpose so they would have an accident cause we would have to walk around the school to go up to the nurses office and it was so embarrassing. She ended up getting fired cause parents complained. So yes be furious and complain girl.


I always tell my babies if you need the toilet and are told no, go anyway! I was told the same by my parents.
I’d bring this up with the head teacher of the school and tell them your concerns and show them your anger!!


We tell all four of our kids (especially the girls) if it is really an emergency, and you know you’re going to have an accident if you don’t leave right then, and they don’t get permission, you get up and you go. Mommy and daddy will deal with the teacher or school later. So I’d be contacting the school and giving them a wake-up call.

I cant imagine a teacher saying “no” to a kindie needing the bathroom.
Talk to the teacher. Get her side of what happened.

Definitely not overreacting, it’s not healthy to force people to hold it. I’d request a meeting with the school principal.


I’ve had my sons teacher with hold water to avoid bathroom use. The school system is out of control. Don’t let this one slide. Advocate for your child. Stand up for what is right. If the kid needs to use the bathroom let them. It’s a basic human right. I’d skip the teacher and go straight to the higher ups. If we don’t address the disfunction it will continue. The amount of b.s. I’ve had to tolerate this year ( kid is in 1st grade) is out right ridiculous


Tell him in the future to just pee on the floor then. That’s ridiculous. He should be able to relieve himself whenever he needs to. It’s proven that refraining from using the bathroom especially for young boys causes utis.


Complain to the principal and the school board. Demand that teacher be reprimanded!! My son came hours from dying of a kidney infection because he has kidney reflux that we didn’t know about at the time. No kid should have to hold it!


Not condoning not allowing a kindergarten age child to use the bathroom. But when my son was in kinder he would always ask to use the restroom as soon as his lunch break or recess was over. My son came home one day and told me he wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom during class anymore. I was mad at first but I chatted with his teacher and found out why. He wasn’t using his breaks to use the bathroom. So for weeks we went over it everyday. As soon as you are let out for recess go to the bathroom first thing. As soon as you are done eating lunch go to the restroom. It helped!


I would simply state, “when my child says he needs to go to the bathroom, he’s not asking for permission. He’s telling you he has to go.”
I don’t think it’s acceptable for a teacher or anyone in that case to determine if a child can or can’t go to the bathroom. If a child has to go, they go.


I would want to have a conversation with the teacher and principal if necessary, but I would also go in with an open mind and make sure you have the whole story. Not saying your child lied, but not letting them go could mean she couldn’t right that second or there was another child in the potty - so many possibilities of a misunderstanding being a factor.


No not overreacting at all! My kids are older in middle and high school and get told no or if they do they have after school detention! Which is bull you shouldn’t be able to deny a child for using the restroom! I told mine to pee theirselves and when I got the call I was coming after the school!!!

I always tell my children if they ask to go to the restroom and they get told no, go anyway. They will not get in trouble and best believe I’ll be having a talk with the teacher and principal. Making a child hold it is so wrong. We as adults don’t hold it and go when we need to go, so why is it ok to put a child in that uncomfortable position? Now if it becomes a habit, then maybe a sit down with the child to figure out what’s going on.


My kindergartner also tells me she gets told to wait (sometimes with a “5 minute”) response which I don’t agree is right. they are still young children and restroom is a right not a privilege.


That happened to a girl in my class when I was a kid. We told our parents and they told us that if the teacher say’s no, just go to the bathroom and tell them they need to call my parents if it’s a problem.
Personally, I would March down to that school first thing in the morning and have a meeting with the teacher and Principal.


Teacher here as well… Speak with the teacher. This is NOT something you need to speak with the principal for, unless it was reoccurring. Students should always ask permission to use the bathroom, as it a safety concern incase of an emergency. No student should ever “tell” their teacher what they’re going to do! Respect should be taught. Permission should be granted . There is no reason why you wouldn’t let a human being use the bathroom. Speak with the teacher, as he is only five years old.
Get the adult story and then voice a complaint.


First, before getting angry, did you ask the teacher what happened? Or are you just going by what your child said? There are a number of things that could’ve prevented the teacher from taking him to the restroom immediately and instead of flying off the handle, I’d talk to the teacher (because kindergartners and small kids in general notoriously exaggerate and leave out details). If it hasn’t been an ongoing problem all year long, there’s no reason to be upset with the teacher. It sounds like an isolated incident that could have happened for a number of reasons .

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I’d ask how she would feel if she had asked twice and pissed herself how she would feel? I’d be visiting the teacher for sure.

I told my babies don’t ever “ask” to go, Let them know you’re going but that’s it. & if they try to stop you go anyways & I’ll handle it .


I’d make the teacher stand in a corner and pee on themselves in front of the class to see what it’s like.


Oh no no no! Power trip for sure! (I work in a school so I know this issue all too well!)
If a child asks and is told no but needs to go, tell them to go ANYWAYS to avoid an accident and embarrassment! When the teacher/school official calls, you’ll handle it. I’m so sorry this happened to your child! It’s completely avoidable


I would go OFF and report the teacher to principal and higher. I had teachers refuse to let me go to the bathroom then shamed me for having an accident or bleeding through my pad/tampon. It can negatively effect your child to not go to the bathroom when needed so I’d tell my child to just get up and go, you’ll deal with the mess afterwards.

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I would be very livid also! Holding it could cause bladder infections! Poor boy I would definitely be talking to the teacher and principal.

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I’d be demanding to meet with the principal. You’re absolutely right to be furious and your poor kiddo has to carry the embarrassment from something that wasn’t their fault at all. I don’t care what anyone says, no teacher has the right to say no bathroom to a small child. I can understand asking high schoolers or even middle schoolers to plan and use them during class switches but a kindergartener? Absolutely not. Especially after that second ask. I’m telling my kids that then can politely inform the teacher they have to go if they can’t wait and that they don’t need to ask anyone permission to go pee. So sorry to you and your little.

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Please get this teacher side of the situation before you overreact… I definitely understand the frustration, but I am a preschool teacher… Yes, I know not kindergarten, but we take potty breaks together and not even 5 seconds later I have several kids asking to go potty again In the middle of lessons… So please just get the teacher’s side as well before Jumping to conclusions…but as a parent I tell my kids if they need to go, get up and go unless there’s a reason the teacher isn’t allowing it within reason


When my daughter was in school, she had a teacher who wouldn’t let the kids use the bathroom. She stated it disrupted class. So, my daughter sad on her desk and peed. I got called in and I explained the situation. My daughter didn’t get in any trouble but the teacher did. It against a students rights to not allow them to use the restroom and can be considered abuse


I had the same kinda thing happen to me in high school. My art class was exceptionally bad students (loud, didn’t always listen, obnoxious, etc.). We weren’t allowed to leave the class except for fire drills.

Lo and behold one day i had my period and after going from the complete opposite end of the school from my last class, i didn’t have time to stop in between. About halfway through class i got that feeling that i needed to go change my tampon (I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about…) and i went up to the (female) teacher and explained and asked to please use the bathroom. She said no.

I got my stuff together and when she asked what i was doing i told her i needed to go to the bathroom then I’d just head straight to the office and i did just that. No one, including the female principal cared and i ended up getting detention.

I will say, my whole grade was a hot mess and we were almost not even allowed to walk for graduation so I understand where they’re coming from sometimes but that’s not the point…

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You are not overreacting at all. Using the bathroom is not a privilege it’s a human right.

I’d report the teacher to the principal a child should be allowed to go to the loo after asking or showing signs they need to go … disgusting behaviour from the teacher I’d go marching up there 1st thing in the morning on Monday and demand a meeting where I would tell the teacher to let my child go to the loo or else I’l remove my child from there care and find somewhere else that will let my child go to loo

I would make the biggest stink about it. Probably even put my child in a different school. Now all the other kids are never going to let him forget it.


I told my daughter to go anyways just let them know you’re going to the bathroom

I’ve had to deal with this one time; with my second boy in like second or third grade. I was livid. I had a conversation with both the teacher and principal that it is one thing to deny bathroom in highschool, when the student has had YEARS to adjust to school schedules and to train their bladder to hold a little longer and can better time their stuff on breaks but in elementary school and for children who have grown up through COVID so not actually went to public school?? I don’t think so. Denying bathroom breaks leads to accidents and bladder infections. Not happening. I explained that my child could either ask to use the bathroom or he can just get up and go and then they wouldn’t know where he is. Which would they prefer because he will be using the restroom when he needs to. We’ve had conversations with all our children about not playing in the restroom or betraying the trust we have put in them.
I understand there is a safety aspect since no one’s really in the halls during class. I understand that they remind the kids to go during breaks. But they are LITTLE and their bodies are still learning too

Please set up,a meeting with the principal and the teacher and then inform them this will never happen again. Your child will most likely remember that incident the rest of his life. I remember in 8th grade being called on to stand up in front and recite a paper I had written……my dress caught on something on the seat and ripped and stuck….! The female teacher helped me get it unstuck and told me to go to the Home Ec room….i did and the teacher put this 6 inch rip in a machine and sewed it….it was visible and embarrassing and when I went back to class, I STILL had to give my presentation! It was embarrassing and I’ve never forgotten it, 54 years later!!!
Self esteem at your little guys age is nothing to fool with……please give us an update how this was handled.

I’d be at that school raising hell! I know he’s only in kindergarten, but that can follow him for the rest of his life! Kids can be so mean about that type stuff! I’d also let my child know if he has to go & the teacher won’t let him that he has my permission to go & I’d handle the school if they tried to punish him!

I’d tell the child to threaten to pee on the floor in front of whatever teacher tells him no :woman_shrugging:t2: Kids need to go to the bathroom, that’s a need and warning.

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I would to momma
My son is in the same grade level
My son could be very shy and scared to ask for help!
So I reached out but also emailed the teacher, nurse and the principal and reminded them of this and he has extra clothes in his cubicle for him!
Reminded them I’m at work all day and his in their care all day! Highlighted what’s to be expected to avoid accidents :blush::two_hearts:

This happened years ago when my son was in 1st grade. There was a bathroom in their classroom too! He had to call me & tell me he had an accident🤬Teacher said he went to the bathroom too much🤦‍♀️Sent his dad up there with a change of clothes & told him to still follow rules of raising his hand & if she doesn’t let him after asking twice, to just get up & go! Teacher was pisses but it never happened again! That was the one & only time he ever had an accident.

My son is in kindergarten and he’s on the spectrum. Before we had to put him back in pull-ups he had a few accidents. Anytime he had one they immediately called me. I would come change him or pick him up.

They always allowed him to go, even if it was in the middle of something. So your child should’ve been allowed to go. No questions asked. Activity or not. Holding it can eventually cause medical issues.

A meeting would be my next go to, and I’d make sure he was never in a position that he had an accident and became embarrassed. My momma heart hurts for you and your son.

Two things I alway tell my kids
You have every right to defend yourself if you are put in a bad situation. Especially if you made it clear you’re not comfortable and have asked them to stop.
If you ask to use the potty and are told no and need to you go. You get up and go.

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Call a meeting asap or go straight to the principal. I would be furious as well. My daughter has Encopresis so they made it so her classroom either has a bathroom or has one close since kindergarten, even before she got a 504 for medical. School needs to do better regardless of a medical issue. Especially in kindergarten.

I would honestly be acting ridiculous over this. That is crazy to do to anyone much less a child. I’d be raising such a stink that teacher wouldn’t think to deny another kid using the bathroom ever again. You are definitely not overreacting.

Same thing happened to my son in kindy.
I was furious!

I told my son that if he really needs to go and is told no, to just go and I’ll deal with it.
I told him if he needs to go he TELLS the teacher he’s going doesn’t ask IF he can go

I also told the principal as it had happened twice and she spoke to the teacher about it.

It wasn’t his normal teacher it was a sub (same sub both times)

My kids had the same problem at school before. They weren’t allowed to use the restroom because of other kids misusing it. I told my kids that to ask politely and if not given permission just get up and walk to the restroom no matter the consequences. But they better only do it if they really had to use the restroom if not there will be a problem with mom

This happened to my daughter when she was in kindergarten on multiple occasions the last time the office lady told her “now ur not gonna make dad leave work again for this right?” He went off. Told my kiddo if you have to potty and they don’t let you get up and go idc if you get in trouble they’ll deal with me.

I picked my son up twice from pre-k and he was soaked. I confronted the teacher and she said she didn’t know or she would’ve changed his clothes. I called bs. I asked him the second time why he didn’t just go to the bathroom and he told me the teacher said no. As i noticed more bruises and more breakdowns in the mornings with no explanation, It was at that moment I pulled him out of school and started homeschooling. The school system had been so broken more so after covid started. It’s like majority of the teachers gave up cause they realized that parents can teach their own kids since they had virtual during covid. It’s sad and pathetic. At that young of an age if they need to go they can’t hold it, they’ve been holding long enough to say hey I need to go now! I’d be livid and definitely be talking to the principal and if that doesn’t work, go to the board, and get a doctor’s note.

Honestly you need to advocate for your child. Tell the school they cannot refuse to allow a child to use the restroom period. Tell your son not to ask but to inform them he’s using the restroom and to just get up and use the restroom if he needs to and you will handle the school if need be. It’s unhealthy to hold in your urine and can cause issues medically.

You are definitely not over reacting and I hope you confronted the teacher and principal about this. My children are now in their 40’sbut this problem has existed for years. I taught my kids to ask twice and if they weren’t given permission to get up and go. I had numerous teachers and principals call over the years to only be chastised by me in their disrespect towards my child. This is not acceptable and no child should have to deal with the embarrassment, teasing or trauma this could cause.

My daughter is in second grade and came home, upset that this happened to a little girl in her class. The little girl told the teacher multiple times and ended up peeing her pants in the middle of class and they did not inform her parents.

I would absolutely go to that school and lose my mind over that on the teacher and principal. That is totally uncalled for. I’d be telling my kid to go anyway when they say no.

I have a hard time with this as well. That teachers can say no to using the bathroom. I understand some kids use it too often but when a child has to go they have to go. I always told my daughter if they say no then you raise your hand again or speak out and say I really have to go. My kids school teacher also only let’s them drink at certain times.

I’d be pissed too, kindergarten is supposed to have a learning curve. More so that any other grade. Get a Dr’s letter next year stating he needs reasonable access to bathrooms due to a kidney/bladder infection frequency from holding his urine. Save yourself some trouble. If they violate a medical request, that’s a lawsuit.

My kiddo has bladder and bowel issues. So if he has to go then he has to go. And he had been denied several times and it resulted in accidents. He was told to walk out of class and go. If he got in trouble to let me know. I got a phone call from his school letting me know he walked out of class and went to the bathroom located in the nurses office. I told them to keep him there and I’ll be right there. I think they expected me to yell at him. Instead it was me yelling at them with him standing there. He saw me defend him and we got the desired result necessary. Now he says “I need to go to the bathroom” and when they say “no you can’t” he says “I’m going to the bathroom and I’ll call my mom at the office”.

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It’s a statement not a question. I am going to use the restroom. I’m informing you about my body and my needs.

Unfortunately this isn’t uncommon a lot of teachers deny bathroom rights I delt with this when my son was in kindergarten.

tell your child to politely inform the teacher they are going to use the restroom not may I but I am going I need to statements.

If it continues to be an issue talk with teacher, then go above them to the principal and so forth to the higher up if needed. In desperate cases have a Drs note.

My daughter isn’t in kindergarten yet but I do plan on telling her to ask nicely once and if she’s told no then to go ahead and go. It’s the bathroom… adults aren’t made to hold it so kids shouldn’t either.

I’m so sorry your son had to go through that. Maybe have a chat with the principal and the activity teacher. Making your child hold their urine is a UTI waiting to happen. This makes me so sad knowing how horrified he was to have a accident in front of other students.

Have pediatrician write a medical release note stating that your child needs to be allowed to have free access immediately when needs to water and bathroom. If they have an IEP make sure it is written in the IEP.

This happened to my son in kindergarten. This momma went through the roof. No kid should be denied going to the bathroom. I told him from that point on tell the teacher. If they don’t respond walk out. Teacher was reprimanded.

That’s so messed up. At that age, or at any age really, you give people leniency and the opportunity to maintain their dignity. At no point should they be denied basic human rights. I’d be asking questions sunshine

My sons teacher told my son because of how shy, to just walk up to her and say he had to go. He had so many accidents & now he’s done so much better! I’d flip out if I was in that position just because our kids don’t need to grow up with bad bladders or have many accidents due to carelessness. Just tell him to go anyways , they have no right to deny a bathroom break! Period

Ugh my school was like this I wud get wrote up for walking out of class to use bathroom went right there and back after several calls to my parents they came to the school told the principal if my daughter has to piss she will go piss how dare someone deny someone to go pee do not call me again unless she does something wrong. She sat and told me it’s not a game u don’t leave just to leave you raise ur hand and let the teacher know ur going to the bathroom across the hall :person_shrugging: never had a problem again.

It’s a human right and that teacher needs to be dealt with, also the fact they weren’t completely upfront with you about why or how. My Daughter knows if she needs to go, she goes. She has to let a teacher know but she doesn’t have to listen to no and if she is told that to let me know. We have never had an issue though, she is in sk and is always allowed to use the bathroom when needed

They did this to my son when he was in the 3rd grade. I went absolutely ape shit on the teacher. I told him if it ever happened again to just get up and walk out. His dad told him to pee in the garbage can in class🤣 (btw I told my son peeing in the trashcan was not appropriate)

Yeah that teacher needs to be pulled up.
Going to the toilet is a basic human right.
Give the teacher a serving in front of the class & parents if she wants to humiliate kids like that.
See how she likes it.

Usually kindergarten rooms have a restrooms off their rooms. Least mine growing up did and my kids school does too AND my kidd teachers have always told me they never tell their students no when they need to use the potty. They don’t even have to ask they can just go. So yes, if I found out my kid peed themselves after asking and teacher either ignored them or outright told them no I would be mad. Also I would be telling my kid not to ask to just go and I would be talking to the principal if my kid got in trouble for going to the bathroom.

I tell my kids if thier teacher won’t let them go and they have to seriously go or have an accident to get up and go and tell them to call thier mom. Bathrooms are a right not a privilege especially at that age. I get some students mess around but idc if my child has to go thier going to go.

That happened to me as a child and it was traumatic. I think I was in the first grade and in PE. I ended up sitting in a puddle of pee after begging to go to the bathroom and being told no. It was terrible and embarrassing. I always tell my kids if they have to actually go, then just go and I’ll deal with it.

I had a mean teacher back in elementary and she wouldn’t let anyone use the restroom. She would act all nice to the parents and other teachers

I’m sorry that happened and I would be upset as well! So not ok. My son has kidney stones not using the bathroom is an issue. I give a doctor’s note and let the teachers know in the beginning of the year that he needs to be allowed to go. If he’s denied then to get up and nicely go to the bathroom anyways

This happened to me in 5th grade. I had to pee so bad and my teacher wouldn’t let me go. We even walked past the bathroom while walking in a line to go back to our classroom. I literally peed myself right then and there. It was mortifying. I think I blocked the whole thing out because I do not remember what happened after I felt it run down my legs. I have no idea what happened to that teacher but this is one of those memories you look back on as a child and literally wish that it did not exist.

You’re not overreacting. Your son’s teacher is an asshole and should absolutely have to answer as to why she denied both attempts from your child to communicate a personal need. After what I’ve been through, I’d never let my child go through it without seeing their mom light a fucking fire under someone’s ass.

It’s school policy to encourage children to use the restroom during breaks so they don’t disturb class or miss part of the lesson. When one asks out it starts a chain reaction
I always told my children to ask and if teacher refused permission they were to excuse themselves and leave the class. I would fully support them when they refused to do any punishment but they must always be polite . I would phone and make an appointment to see the teacher involved and the head teacher informing them that my child would be going to the restroom as required …if they tried to stop them I’d be contacting the education board .
Imo it’s child abuse to refuse a child access to the restroom

I’d personally be at that school demanding answers the very next morning and I wouldn’t stop until I got them ! A teacher broke my special needs son’s wrist in the first grade i sued the school district and the teacher and won , shes no longer a teacher !!! and he had teacher’s treat him like shit off and on until he graduated and I had to fight for him until he graduated but now I’m starting over with my 5 year old and I’m dreading it NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR HIM OR HIS RIGHTS

I sincerely hope you reported this to the school and not just fb! Unacceptable for this to have Ever happened to a child in kindergarten! They don’t understand how to hold their bladder like older ones and this teacher Knows This! Outrageous!

Had this happen in 3rd grade… My teacher wouldn’t let me pee. I had an accident. Well it happened again a couple weeks later. I peed in her trash can. I had a dress on that day. My whole life I’ve never been about to hold it long. Needless to say. When I asked to use the bathroom… I got to go. I’ve told both my girls… If this ever happens to them… Just walk out the class. Use the restroom. And have the teacher call me and see what I have to say about it. Lol.

Unless there is an emergency protocol in place No child should be denied the restroom. If it’s an activity teacher that would be a call to the principal to have it dealt with, Unless the main teacher was there and also didn’t allow it.

My son has a IEP and a 504 for functional constipation. New teacher told him no to go to the restroom and my son ended up pooping his self. I was pissed. He was new and didn’t know about the IEP excuse. No one should need a IEP or a 504
I tell my kids walk out and I will deal with it. This was when he was in elementary. He is in high school now

It’s not okay it’s actually illegal. They did that at my children’s school. They would take five mins off their recess when they needed to use the bathroom and it wasn’t a “designated” bathroom time. Like you can tell someone when they need to pee. So not only were they not letting them, they were punishing them for it. That stopped really quick!! I told their teachers I better not find out they used the bathroom at a non designated time :woman_shrugging:t4: my daughter had peed herself and after that she got a pass to go whenever she needed without asking

I would be upset too. Talk to the teacher sand maybe the principal.

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I peed my pants in first grade for the same reason. Even though the bathroom was attached to my class, it was against the rules to use it during ‘in class lunch and recess’. I was so embarrassed. My mom picked me up when she brought me dry clothes she saw me sitting in my class crying with my head down. So she brought me home.

I had this happen as well….I told his PE teacher he has always been a kid who drinks a lot of water, (not diabetic) etc and if he asks to go and is not goofing off or something, then I expected him to let him go. I didn’t have any issues after I spoke with him

I’d be flipping out going to that school demanding an answer from the principal and if nothing is done the board of education


UNACCEPTABLE on the teacher’s part!!!


Same thing happened to my son at school. He shit his pants. I spoke with his teacher the next day and told her it’s a right not a privilege to use the toilet.