My childs teacher did not let him use the bathroom and he had an accident...advice?

I had this same thing happen to me. The teacher had said it was because he wanted to get out of work and learns if he says he has to go to the bathroom he can dilly dally and get out of doing things. I said “Hm, in the future if he asks to go to the bathroom for any reason or theory you have- you will let him. Are we on the same page?” And that worked enough to never have an incident again. If it didn’t I would be throwing a fit.

Absolutely talk to the teacher and principal. No excuses for that. I have told all my kids on multiple occasions if they need to use the restroom and are getting denied or no responses from teachers to just get up and go. I’ll deal with the teacher when they have a problem with that. No child should ever be told no for the restroom.

They just don’t care the same way they use to back in the day. Nowadays, you have to pay them even more to care for the basic needs of your children :roll_eyes: Australia is the WORST place for daycare/kindergarten. A lot of places don’t tidy your kid through the day. Let them roam around with the snottiest nose then says to there mates “I don’t get paid enough to watch dirty Lil kids”, or they leave your kid in the car on hot days and forget they had responsibility. Too many incidents is enough for me to say these fellas are useless. They don’t care and they just want your money.

I reckon, go in there, rip all them adults a new one, and tell them the wellbeing of your child and every other child in the school, ARE the priority in schools, and he has made it clear he needs to go toilet and they are denying him his basic HUMAN RIGHT. Girrrrrrl, run a muck and tell them how your mind, body and soul is feeling, and I’m sure they won’t deny him his rights to use the restroom again. Especially when it was as simple as saying yes you may use the toilet, now he had to sit in his Mimī all day, poor mamas, I hope he has a better week next week xxxx

A couple weeks ago, my granddaughter who is In Kindergarten, raised her hand to go to the restroom. Guess the teacher told her no, to wait. Granddaughter got up anyway and went to the restroom. Don’t blame her a bit. When you gotta go, you gotta GO!

This happened to me as a child in gym class and I was made to finish class with wet pants and my sweatshirt tied around me. Because of my own experience, I’d probably tear that place up because I still so vividly remember that day :confounded:

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Not over reacting at all
.i would tell him to just go n write a note to the teacher .and if she has any questions just to call you …just so wrong to say no to a child that asks to use the bathroom

I would be at school. The teachers and the principal need to take care of this. Small children don’t always need to go to the bathroom when everyone else goes. Give them a little slack.

Talk to the teacher… maybe there is a reason. Young kids are hard. Sometimes they will ask over and over and over. Sometimes at that age someone walks them down to the bathroom. Hard to tell until you go in and sit down and figure it out.

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We had a issue like this and when we had a talk. She said she needed a paper saying she needed frequent bathroom breaks. She is in pre K. Full trained and all but accidents happen. She has had like 3 since August. They happen. But also depending on how long is left in class I would brush it off if passing to the next grade. Thats just me tho. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would tell the teacher when my son states he needs to go to the bathroom let him go. Say it nicely

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I’d be pissed off, no excuse for that. I subbed K-12th, granted they do certainly get potty breaks, but I have never said no to a child that has to potty

If I was you I’d demand a meeting with the teacher the principal and explain what your son said and don’t tell them exactly what you want to discuss so they can’t have a meeting to do damage control prior to meeting with you. Also explain denying a young child bathroom breaks can cause bladder problems and medical issues along with skin issues from having urine on them. I’d also ask the teacher be written up and it be put on their employment history that they have done this. I’d also call cps. Because that is child abuse. Ppl don’t know they can call cps on schools.

Tell your child to ask, and if he’s told no, walk out. & you can deal with the teacher later. This happened to me as a kid & that’s what my parents told me to do.

After our oldest got a uti I have told all 3 and the teachers… they will not be in trouble with us. But if they ask and they have to go really bad then they walk out and go. If it’s a problem then they can call me. So far we’ve only had a sub tell them they can’t go. They then get up and walk out to go potty.

I’d call the school and make a thing about it. But I also told my children to go if they ask and are denied. That’s NOT ok and can cause an infection if it happens regularly.

This isn’t okay they’ve done it to my son too and I went up there and I let them have it because if a kid in second grade even third grade and lower says they need the restroom I believe it now if you know your kids misbehave then that’s different but let them go

Most classrooms in lower grades have a restroom in the classroom. In our school district, if a child needs to use a restroom in the classroom they just go. If it’s outside the classroom, 3 children must go. The one who needs to go and 2 others in case one child is injured, one stays with the injured and one goes for help. If going to nurse, same thing. 3 students. One will stay at clinic and be escorted back to class by an adult and the other students go back to classroom. That’s a lot of kids out of the room if it’s instructional time. Most teachers have bathroom breaks for younger students to help students not miss instructional time. Activity teachers, like music, p.e. Etc often request teachers to have students use restroom beforehand because they only have 30 minutes with students and very rarely have easy access to restrooms.

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That happened to my dad when he was in kindergarten and he still remembers it. :disappointed: Terrible teacher.

Get to the school! And you talk to that teacher! That is absolutely disgusting behaver of that teacher!! Love too see her piss herself the cow!!! And if nothing has changed id change kindys ect…

As a teacher we cannot deny a child to use the bathroom. If it’s something important we are going over we may say “can you wait just a moment, if not, go ahead. But they don’t necessarily have to ask at that age but more so let us know that they are going to the bathroom because we have to keep an accurate head count at all times for safety.

Not overreacting, I’d be furious

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Did you also ask the teacher what happened aswell? It’s great you asked you kid what happened (as you should!) but you should also ask the teacher their side of the story too, in order to get a complete picture! Yes we all want to believe or kids 100% but we also need to ask questions from the adults in charge to paint a full picture of the situation!

A teacher always asked me “is it an emergency?” If we said yes we were free to use the restroom if we could hold it then that’s what we did.

I would ask for a meeting g with the teacher or a phone call. Get both sides first and then you will be able to express your concerns etc. there could be a possibility that your child keeps asking to go and this was the point where it was disruptive. Typically in kindergarten there’s a bathroom in the classroom so easy to have a child go to the bathroom. If that isn’t the case and it’s in a different location there may have been a wait for someone to bring students to bathroom depending on school policy or practice

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I would be in Mama mode. You are allowed to use a bathroom at work as an adult why do they suspect/force kids to ‘hold’. Not only that it’s actually unhealthy to hold on to your bladder or poos.

I would be making a complaint and following it to make sure this does not happen again to any child.

I always tell my kids if you need to go then, go but, be polite about it and ask first. Wait a few seconds then, walkout with our disrupting the room.

I tell all 3 of my kids if you have to go and the teacher denies, go. If the teacher has a problem with it they can take it up with me and the principal.

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It’s not okay and you have every right to be furious!! It a basic human need ! I’d take it further

I had meet that teacher in the parking lot off hours and show her how it feels to be embarrassed

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I would be absolutely livid. I would call the principal right away. This is not acceptable at all.

I told my kids if it’s an emergency to just go and even if they get in trouble at school, they won’t get in trouble at home. 

Set up a meeting with the teacher and superintendent. I don’t know how they expect kindergarteners to hold their bladder for so long.

I would be livid. You’re not overreacting.

I will have a talk with the teacher but I would also advise my son when you have to go let them know and go. I never understood having to ask to use the bathroom especially t that age since the bathroom is typically in the classroom

That should be considered abuse. Try calling Department of Children and Family Services to report. That can damage a child’s self esteem for life.

It’s all well and good event be comments say “I tell my kids to just go” bc I would do the same however when I was in high school the toilets were locked so that wasn’t an option :upside_down_face:

I honestly don’t understand why they need to ask to use the restroom in the first place, but this also is due to my daughter’s school having bathrooms in each of the rooms.

I always told my kids what my parents told me, if you need to use the bathroom and the teachers tell you no walk out the class and go to the bathroom :woman_shrugging:t3: I also told the teachers that I told my kids this my kids will not be bullied because they had a accident nor have bladder problems from holding it in.

They shouldn’t be able to deny a child (especially that young) going into the restroom

File a complaint

I tell my children if they ever need to use the restroom and the teacher tells them “no”, to go to the nurses office and call me.

My kiddos have permission to walk out to use the restroom if they need to. It isn’t ok for teachers to make them hold it until they have an accident!

My kids go regardless. If teachers say no, they go. It’s abuse otherwise. Don’t care wat anyone says

When it happened to my daughter in kindergarten. I flipped so bad it never happened to my Daughter again

This happened to my daughter when she was in kindergarten a few years ago but they didnt tell me about it. My daughter did when i asked why she had different pants on both times. I honestly talked to the teacher the first time but when it happened again with the same teacher, I went to the principal because kindergarteners are very still likely to have accidents when denied a bathroom at the time they ask. My daughters principal agreed with me that the teacher should not deny children that age the bathroom and she actually ended up having a meeting with the teacher about it. It never happened again.

I have instructed my daughter if she needs to use the bathroom to go and if there is an issue the school can call me.

My 13 yr old started her period and they wouldn’t let her go :woman_facepalming:t2: for the SECOND time I’ve told the kids many times just to walk out

She will hear some words in a very unkind way

Growing up I was taught that if I really had to go to the bathroom then just go and that my mom would deal with the teacher later. That’s exactly what I teach my kids…
That teacher needs to go down for this.

Withholding restroom privileges is considered a form of child abuse

Not good you need to go to school and sort this out

I would raise absolute hell.

Oh man, Momma. The hellfire I would rain down upon that teacher… please keep us posted!!

I would be speaking to that teacher and letting her hear it.

I would be really mad and I would talk to the principal

Certainly you need to speak with the teacher and the principal

I have always felt this was abuse. File a formal complaint.

Call and let the teacher them know your not happy about it and that he asked, and if they brush you off go to the principal

I would make such a fuss over this, and I’d pull my child from the school.

My children have been taught to ask first to be polite but if told no, go anyways and hand my number to the teacher on their way out.

What an insensitive thing to do. Stupid person.

Ask 1st, then get up and go. That’s what my kids have all been taught.

I had the same situation and I told my son the next time the teacher says no just go and they can deal with me later.

You’re not overreacting. I would be furious too!!

If that was my kid Someone would be getting their ass busted for humiliating my kid

I would be demanding a meeting with the teacher

I’d go raise hell with the teacher, principal, even higher if needed…

Are you posting this from jail? Cuz i would be!

I would be making sure that teacher does not have access to the bathroom all day.

i hate this!! i tell my kids to get up and go anyways we cant control when we have to use the bathroom…

I would be fuming mad too mama. Definitely go light them up over it!

I tell mine, go when you have to go even if the teacher tells you that you can’t, then go up to the office and have them call me

The teacher needs to know those young kids have. Small bladders

I would be to. It is a natural thing.

They get bathroom breaks. Does he use bathroom during that time

I’d be blowing that school up with my answers

I’d be up at the school in a minute

This is specifically an American issue

why must children ask in anyway? let them just go. :rage:

I’m furious for him! Principal!

It not okay. Call the principal.

You’re right to feel the way you do. I’d be angry too but I’d be cussing the teacher out for sure.

Tell that teacher p!ss off, that your child will use the restroom when needed. I would be mad as all hell.

Outrageous!!! Make Principal aware!

I would be pissed off too

Oh no way! Go to principal immediately!!!

I reccomend a garden hose, probably in the backyard, to muffle the screams.

Take to staff meeting n principle

I tell mine to get up and go anyway

I would lose my mind and sue the school!!! That is unacceptable. Tell ur son same thing I tell my daughter, if your denied permission, you can go anyway!!!

Let him know that if he absolutely needs to go, to ask, then get up and go!

Instruct your child that you are in charge, always and your rules come before any other rules. Next time, he asks and if denied, just walk out and go anyway. If he has consequences, you fight them. Don’t allow the school to control your child in any way. Get a lawyer if neccesary

I’d be taking that higher bang out of order :rage::rage:

I would be at that school the first thing in the morning! That teacher would be fired for embarrassing my child like that ! Kids can be cruel and they remember that stuff ! He could be bullied all through school because of that 1 time in kindergarten!! I wouldn’t let it go until she was FIRED!!!

I would be furious! A child should never be denied a bathroom break, especially after asking twice! I would be having a meeting with the principal and teacher. So sorry your baby went through this

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Did he have to stay in wet clothes?? I sure hope not. I would be furious! It happened to my son during choir practice at church. She refused to let him go. I was lived. It was definitely a learning lesson for her. She became a wonderful teacher and never forgot. I’m sorry your little guy had to go through that.

Most schools, preschool thru 3rd grad have SCHEDULED bathroom breaks. Some kids need to have it explained to them. This “scheduled” break is when you have to “try” to go, even if you think you don’t need to. Never fails, they don’t try, and half hour later they need to go! Teachers may refuse d/t just having the break, or it disrups class, having kids leave during instruction
Then, you soon have multiple kids leaving the room. Mostly, they want out of class, or they play in the bathrooms. Talk to your child about the need to “go” at the break. Soon they adjust to the schedule!

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I’ve ALWAYS told my kids… if they have to go to the bathroom, they tell the teacher, if the teacher does not let them go, then they GET UP, WALK OUT AND GO. I’d be there so fast giving shit to whoever denied them and whoever thought it was against the rules/punishing them for getting up and going.

I’d be FURIOUS. That is NOT okay. What if a child has a medical condition? I would be reporting the teacher immediately


But why did you wait for him to get home? In sure wearing wet pants the rest of the day embarrassed him even more. Should have gone to him with clean clothes or brought him home.

I’m a substitute teacher, I always let a child use the bathroom. Especially kindergarten, I’m actually subbing in a kindergarten class for a couple of weeks and we have a bathroom in our room so convenient I tell my students go when they want. It’s there, they always raise their hand though. I would definitely say something, little children get busy then they need to go right away.

Lady I would call up there or go up there and go completely off on them let them know u mean business and your son and how u feel