My childs teacher did not let him use the bathroom and he had an accident...advice?

That is NOT acceptable. If it were my child i would be having a talk with the principal

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A kindergarter?! Oh, I’d be LIVID. Kids can’t hold it!!

I would raise hell. If I l9ved by you I would rally the people. That is beyond messed up.

Not OK. Time for a talk with them.

All my kids have permission to ignore anyone prohibiting them from using the restroom
They are allowed to just walk out and go If they are told no

WOW, some of you are the reason there is a storage of teachers in this country. Making a mountain out of a molehill. How about just starting with a conversation with the teacher? Typical……’not my kid’ response.

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It’s sad that they lock the bathrooms at the schools so the kids can’t go when they need to.

This happened to my son and I straight up lost my shit on his teacher n told her I’ma keep her from going to the bathroom when she needs to n make her piss herself. I then got my son out her class and into another one.

I told my kids to notify the teacher and if the teacher says no, to tell them to call me and go. My oldest a kinder teacher did the same, she regretted it when I ran into that office. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I told mine to go. If you can wait a minute, cool. If not, you go. They can call me.
I’d be at the school in the morning having words. Deny my child again and I’d show up with news crews. :tipping_hand_woman:

Ugh, I had a middle school teacher like that and she would deny us using the bathroom and my friend needed to because of that time of the month and she didn’t let her and she went through her pants and just imagine what that does to a middle school girl, she was bullied for it to the extreme. Then she didn’t let me one day and I went anyway and she screamed at me in front of everyone and sent me to the office and I got detention

My son would be devastated if he asked to go and his teacher told him no and he had an accident. In kindergarten if a child needs to go potty, they should absolutely be excused to go. I also know some hyper kiddos who get preoccupied doing things and don’t even think about going until it’s almost too late, if the teacher tells them to wait that can lead to accidents as well. I would think the child having an accident in their pants would be more of a ‘disruption’ than just allowing them to be excused for a few minutes. I’d definitely be making sure I spoke with the teacher and made sure it didn’t happen ever again.

I always tell my kids they can use the bathroom even if the teacher tells them no. The teacher told my 13 year old no & she went anyways. The teacher tried to give her detention I called the school. No detention for her. It’s crazy to me how they think they can deny these kids the use of the bathroom. Sorry this happened to ur kiddo

I always tell mine to let the teacher know there going to the bathroom… not ask…after my oldest kept getting denied toilet breaks right up until he left at age 11/12 and all those “accidents” caused bullying really bad bullying…he was so scared to just get up and go to tje bathroom incase he got punished by the teachers no matter how much i told him I would sort the teachers out he would not be doing no punishment or detention so now with my youngest I make sure he knows he goes to the toilet regardless of teacher saying no

This happened to me by a music teacher in 2nd grade. Refused to let me go to the restroom when I asked and I ended up pissing my pants and being incredibly embarrassed. It’s a core memory for me. I’ve told my children if you need to use the restroom at school and the teacher says no, you go anyway and tell them to call me.

Stop teaching kids to be like this. There’s a fine line between well mannered and people pleasing. Stop raising your child to be a people pleaser and teach them to advocate for themselves politely.

Definately talk to the teache than if needed talk to the principal. There was no cause on her not letting him go. Shame on that teacher

Honestly I would tell my child that if they really have to go and the teacher won’t let them then she will not be in trouble if she just gets up and goes anyway. If the teacher tries to be some type of way about it. Me and that teacher are fixing to get ugly with each other because that’s absolutely not okay. It’s one thing if a kid uses it to get out of work or go goof off. But if they really really have to go. Then they should be able to go and not be put in a situation where they have an accident and no one should ever just assume that the child is just trying to get out of class or doesn’t actually have to go or can hold it. I would be talking to that teacher about my concerns and letting them know I am not going to tolerate that and it better not happen again. If the problem still doesn’t get resolved, I would be setting up a meeting with the principal to have a chat about this. You have every right to be angry. I would be too. I do understand that on the teacher’s part it may have just been poor judgement and they did not mean for that to happen which is why I would go speak with the teacher first about it because I do understand that they really may have just been unaware that a child actually had to go and it was urgent. But at the same time, it’s still not okay. If they are not willing to acknowledge that they messed up and fix the issue. Then that’s when I would escalate it because at that point, how I see it is it’s not the teacher just gauging the situation incorrectly. It’s them being sh!tty.

Older kids I understand. Some use it as an excuse to get out of class. Kinder? That’s insane. They can end up with a bladder infection, definitely not over reacting and would have a talk with the teachers and the principal.

I would absolutely fly off the handle. My daughter has been in a similar situation, and I have told the staff working with her that she WILL be using the toilet if needed and I have told her that even if an adult at school says no to going to the toilet and she needs to go, then she has my permission to do so. She’s already on long term laxatives for toileting issues. Holding the toilet in can cause medical problems. I find it disgusting that human functions like that can be ignored.

This happened to me in first grade and my dad cussed my teacher out so bad she apologized to me the next day. I’d be having words with the teacher.

I told my kids ask to go to the bathroom and if they don’t let walk out go to the bathroom or at that age we had one in the classroom I told just go and then I told the teacher the same thing. That’s so wrong in so many levels and especially at his age. I’m so sorry that happen to your child

I taught my older son to tell the teacher he needed the restroom and ask for a pass if needed. If the teacher ever says no, you go anyway. I don’t think it’s right to tell someone they can’t use a restroom…

Call the school office and ask to file a formal complaint as it’s actually not legally okay for teachers to deny bathroom breaks just as an employer cannot deny an employee their bathroom breaks

If my son’s teacher did that I’d be marching right up the school and demanding an explanation on why that teacher refused to let him go

I’d be pissed ! Shame on the teacher . :confused:
I would definitely call the office and talk with someone.

This happened to my son in kindergarten too. I was furious esp bc he had a belly ache and it wasn’t pee

I would be so mad and talk to the principal about it. I told my daughter if you have to go then tell your teacher if she says no and you have to go then walk out

The schools are ridiculous about not letting kids use the bathroom, I have told my kids If they have to go and they ask and are told no, just walk out and go to the bathroom.

That’s why they’re called accidents.Their may have been a good reason,ask the teacher.

I’ve told all my kids if they don’t send u then u don’t in the classroom… u pee in the classroom n my kids will n I hv also made clear to teachers n principal…

I never understood that at all in school or with jobs having to get permission to use the facilities.
Go! You have every right to be upset!

Ive told my daughter that if she has to go to the bathroom to go tp the bathroom. I tell her she doesnt have to ask she does have to notify the teacher tho. And if they tell her they cant to tell them to call me and to go anyways

Mine have been told to ask, if they’re told no to tell them “ok, call my mom” & to walk out, use the bathroom & I’ll deal with the school

It happened already. Address it and see what happens next. What else can you do :roll_eyes:

Like I told my son, if you have to go and they don’t let you, get up and leave. Have them call me if they have a problem with it.

My son had to have it added to his 504 because he is a type 1 diabetic

Tell your son to go to the bathroom if he has to go cause you said so

I told my 5yo if he’s ever told he can’t go, he goes anyways.

I totally agree with you mamma​:blue_heart::blue_heart:

I would be pissed the #*$&( off! Tell that teacher next time your child tells then they need they restroom he will walk out no matter what. That’s bull shit.

If the child ask to go to bathroom.They said no walk out and go tell him/her it’s ok.No teacher or anyone should tell them they can’t go.Walk out that’s terrible.

Witholding bathroom access is a strategy used in interrogation of prisoners and hostages. Because going on yourself is so demoralizing and dehumanizing that it causes grown men to crack. I hate when teachers did this when I was a kid and when it happens now. I had one teacher refuse to let my then pre K son to use the bathroom and he’s my most well behaved school loving kiddo who has never been in trouble (I have 4 boys), and I told her flat out my son will use the restroom when he needs to, he will not ask permission he will inform you of where he is headed and check in when he comes back. She was gone the next week.

Why not ask the teacher what happened? :woman_shrugging:

I would’ve been mad too. I have two kindergartners and a 4th grader and my niece (4th grader) told me she has to use the bathroom so bad one day she almost had an accident and the teacher wouldn’t let her go. I told her she can get up and go if she had to that bad that she thinks she may have an accident, and that they can call ME and talk to me, same with my other 2!

Unless he had abused going and not really needed to, that teacher must let him go. Period.

Nope me and miss teacher lady gone have a come to Jesus. You can hit all the power trips you won’t but it won’t be with my kid…

I’d be livid. We always told our kids if they have to go and a teacher says no, they have our full permission to go anyways and will not get in trouble as long as they go back to class right after. If a teacher or principal has a problem with that, they know how to reach us.