My cousin doesn't make her child wear her prescribed glasses: What can I do?

My cousin will not enforce her daughter wearing her glasses. Every time I see pictures of a cousin’s daughter, , she isn’t wearing her glasses, and half the time, she is squinting. I have approached it by reminding my child in front of her to wear his glasses. She is in grade school, and I really think she needs to be wearing them…ideas?


Just worry about your own kid. If it isn’t life threatening, dont stress about it.


All you can do is make a suggestion :woman_shrugging: ultimately, it’s her child and choices.


You can remind the mom and the child to wear their glasses but at the end of the day, it’s not your business. Stay out of it.


Just come right out and tell them that the kid needs to be wearing her glasses. All they are doing by not making her wear her glasses is making her vision worse. They’re, in a way, hurting their child by not making her wear her glasses.


Is the only time you’re not seeing her wear her glasses in pictures? She may wear them, but just take them off for pictures. I mean, if you’re not around them 24/7 to see that she truly never wears them, then don’t worry about it. She’ll pay for it later on in life when she has constant headaches (I know from personal experience), but it’s not your kid and there’s only so much you can say before you’re overstepping your place so…I’d just mind my own business :grimacing:


Not your kid, not your problem :woman_shrugging:t3:
She’ll kick herself later in life for not making her wear them.
You do you. She can do her. :upside_down_face:


My son doesn’t wear his glasses for pictures but he wears them every other time. Does your cousins child do the same? It is bad for them to not wear glasses bc it just makes their eyes worse and the straining isn’t good. Sadly, there really isn’t anything you can do since it’s your cousins child. :x

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Yeah mind your business this is not your child pretty simple it doesn’t matter what you say she isn’t going to make her child do something because that’s what you want them to do.


Sorry I am going with you can remind the child and parents but it is not your child
My son refuses to where his glasses and no I dont make him

My eyesight is shot due to not being forced to wear my glasses when I was younger, and I have constant headaches due to it, now. The moms an idiot If she is really just not making her child wear them.


Nothing. Not your kid

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Not your kid not your problem.


There is nothing you can do I never wore my glasses as a child even when my mom would tell me plus she’s not your kid

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Why has it got anything to do with you


Not your circus, not your monkey.


In the grand scheme of things I think your cousin making her daughter wear glasses is a miniscule issue. They will likely regret it later in life, but it is really not your concern

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Not your kid, not your problem…


Mind your own damn business … Ta da. Maybe she Only needs them to read or electronics ffs.

Get her contact lenses

My mom told me i only had to wear my glasses when i wanted to see! I thought when wouldn’t i want to see?

Repeat after me: “Not me circus, not my monkeys”. It’s not abuse, neglect, or life threatening. Mind your own kids.


When i was younger and first found out i needed glasses i refused to wear them, even going as far as dropping them under a truck tire so i wouldnt have to. Once i got a little older and realized how much easier everything was when i was wearing them i started to actually wear them all the time. My parents tried and tried to get me to wear mine but i did everything i could to avoid it until i wanted to.

Its not your business


It’s also possible that the kid just doesn’t wear her glasses in pictures. I wear glasses, but take them off all the time for pictures because I hate the glare they create.


Mind your own business…boom…simple


Not ur monkey not ur problem


Mind your business I guess? Unfortunately it’s not your kid, though you may be concerned for the well being of the child, You still get no say.


Leave her alone petty Betty. Sounds like maybe you are mad about something else or jealous of her or idk just feel inferior and want to pick at her. I agree it’s important, I have terrible vision and it’s likely from not wearing my glasses as a kid but this isn’t your business so stay out of it. Maybe offer the kid a compliment like that hen she is wearing them day “oh you are sooooo adorable in your glasses” when she isnt say “oh girl where are those glasses, I LOvE those glasses on you.” Other than that leave it alone.


My brother got glasses very young. They actually corrected his eyes completely. He is 31 and does not wesr glasses. Please make your kids wear them :blue_heart:

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If the child has prescribed glasses he/she needs to be wearing them. :roll_eyes: As for you I’d mention something but just casually. Don’t make a fuss. If the child goes blind or somethin in later years it’s the moms fault. Not yours.

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If it’s your cousin and yall are close enough to worry like that then just say something. Like speak up say your peace and move on. If she listens fine if she doesn’t then not much to do from there. Maybe she has her wear them at school all the time.

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I get not saying anything but on the other hand, when she complains later bc her child is half blind, you can nicely say,
“Well, this was preventable” 🤷

Its not your job to care for that child. Tell the child to ask for their glasses, remind the mom shes kind of a piece of shit for making her child struggle. If it doesnt happen move on and forget it.

Yup. Mind your own business


Kids have a great ability to focus doesn’t make your eyes worse by not wearing them nice you are concerned but you can’t make them do it they will wear them when they want


Butt out. NOT your kid.

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Tell the mother it’s important

Mind your own business


My daughter has prescription glasses but isn’t required to wear them all the time. Only for certain things. MIND. YOUR. OWN. BUSINESS.


I don’t think it’s really any of your business, and honestly, if I were your cousin, I’d be pretty pissed off about you inserting yourself into my business :woman_shrugging:t2:


You need to mind your own business. Odds are you do not know as much as you think you know about their daily life. Have your own baby and then you can be in charge but until then leave your cousin alone lmao. My Lord.


You’re serious? :joy: mind your business


My youngest step daughter has needed glasses most of her life. When she was little, she only wore them to school because she was irresponsible and played rough.
There’s probably a reason.
But it’s not your kid, so leave it be.

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I was always told it takes a village to raise a child. This is her cousin that she is obviously close too. Maybe just keep giving little reminders to the child. Nothing to drastic. Kudos to you for caring about her vision when her own mom wont. Kind of a waste of money to get ur kid glasses and not make them wear them.


I thought simmilar way i need my glasses for distance my daughter got glasses at 15 and was told she only needs for school seeing the board or driving she wouldnt need all the time even though its the same as me. Times have changed i was told to wear all day she was not… maybe the child doesnt need them all the time either?

It’s not your kid. Why are you so concerned with what other people are doing? Unless a child is being abused or mistreated, it’s not your place to question how someone else is raising their children.


I would just casually bring it up by asking if her glasses are broken or something of the sort.

It’s not your kid, not your problem! My oldest is supposed to wear hearing aids. He has a mild hearing loss and needs them in school. I don’t make him wear them at home. I dare someone to confront me OR my child saying he needs to be wearing them! I also have prescription glasses and guess what… I don’t wear them all the time :woman_shrugging:t3: butt out!


Um do you not have anything going on in your life right now?? Mind your own business.


If she enjoys having blind children, let her. People are stupid. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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I would say something straight out eye sight is important in school and can affect her learning

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My daughter is supposed to wear glasses all the time, she wears them to school but 9 times out of 10 as soon as she walks in the door they are on the counter till morning. I’d LOVE for someone to tell me my child needs to wear her glasses.

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It’s not ur child or ur rules. Back off leave it alone. Do the best U can with ur child.


None of your business if she wears them or not. Maybe the child doesn’t like them? If the mom was keeping the child from wearing them then you would have reason to worry a bit, but if the child has the option and doesn’t take it then it’s not anyone’s business but the mom and child’s.

The daughter will eventually realize that see can see better with them and will wear them.

My son wears glasses. He takes them off for boxing and recess there’s been several times I’ve taken pictures after boxing or after playing when he’s had them Off. Doesn’t mean he never wears them because he wears them more then he goes without them

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Not your monkeys, not your circus


Not your child. Don’t get involved. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Man so many negative comments! I get the whole it’s not your kid but what if its ruining the child eyesight for ever and someone could have helped her if they would’ve said something!!! Idk it’s a hard place because as you can see so many people are not accepting of anyone else’s input into raising their kids.


Uhh…mind your business maybe? That’s probably the best idea. Not your kid, not your problem. Unless a child is being abused or is in a bad situation, mind your business about other people and what they’re doing with their kids. Lol they’re glasses…it’s not like she’s denying her kid some life saving meds or something :woman_facepalming:t2:


All three lf my children wear glasses one all the time 1 when he needed (his vision is corrected only wore for school about 6months and rarely he says now he only wanted a pair cause his friends had em) and the other only for school.

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It isn’t your business. This seems small to most, but its little things like this that people involve themselves in, make comments talk about and suddenly someone misinterprets the conversation and BOOM DCF is called. Suddenly your cousin is being accused of neglect when in fact children, while requiring guidance are still human beings and do things they are not supposed to. (Take the cookies from the jar, play with Mommy’s shoes sneak out of bed at night, take their glasses off and hardly wear them) should the child wear the glasses SURE absolutely ~ but it is not your job to enforce it. Raise your children your way, let her raise her children HER WAY and I will raise mine, my way. As long as the child is not abused or neglected this is making a mountain out of a moe hill.


It’s child abuse and neglect if parents don’t follow what Dr says if need glasses wear when they supposed to my daughter wakes up puts glasses on and wears them until bed unless running around playing or gym class


It’s one thing if your cousin’s daughter needed glasses and your cousin refused to get them for her. It’s entirely different if she has glasses and just doesn’t wear them, which seems to be the case. Worry about you and yours


Well my son has glasses and he’s only supposed to wear them when hes reading or watching tv. So mind your own business you dont know what the doctor told them.


Mind your own business.


It’s probably the kid not wanting to wear glasses because that’s just kinda what kids do


My daughter has disabilities and she is losing a lot of her vision. Wearing glasses won’t stop that. She has very thick lenses and she started out with them being that way because her eyes went from perfect to horrid in less then a year. She doesn’t wear them all the time. They cause her migraines to be worse. I had a family member make a comment about her glasses and I understood the concern. But I also know what is best for MY child. With her disabilities its a losing situation either way. Her eyes will get worse with or without the glasses. So why make her suffer. She wears them at school for the majority of the time. But at home she doesn’t always wear them…
Your cousin has instructions from the eye doctor. They may be different from your child’s instructions. If it bothers you talk to your cousin. Out of love and concern. Don’t approach in an accusing demeaning way.

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Shit. That reminds me my oldest needs an eye doctor appointment. It’s not your business.

Glue them on… Cut her ears off and then she won’t be able to wear them ever again… :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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Must be nice to have a child so perfect that you have the time to focus on something that is entirely not your business :smirk:


Wow, Some of these people who are committing sound a little unfriendly. Whether you agree with her business or not maybe you could say it in a more positive way. I have a close family and if they were in your shoes they would ask what did the doctor say about wearing them all the time ? Then just pray. Good luck.


I was given prescription glasses in third grade and wouldn’t wear them. Yeah my parents told me I needed to wear them and would send me to school with them and still I wouldn’t wear them. Maybe she does tell her child to wear them but she won’t so she just leaves it alone. Eventually the child will decide when to wear the glasses. Don’t worry about it.


Maybe there is a reason. My 4 yr old doesn’t wear his because all 6 pairs are scratched up he cant see out of them. The last pair lasted one day. He was just walking down the sidewalk and tripped and face planted on the concrete ruining his brand new glasses. Glasses are expensive and we can’t replace them every week.

I never wanted to wear my glasses when i was younger. It’s not really your place to say anything. You just have to let them handle it. Eventually I’d get in trouble at school for not wearing them and started to regularly.


My almost 8yo has had “prescribed lenses” in her glasses for 18 months but she doesn’t have to wear them unless she wants to… Her prescription is so minor that the eye doctor said she honestly didn’t even need them but she was so excited about getting glasses like her big brother that they did the prescription anyways.


I have prescribed glasses and never wear them other than driving at night because the feeling of them on my face drives me nuts. Maybe she’ll do better with contacts once she’s older.


Maybe her kid only needs them sometimes. It’s.reslly none of your business though so you should probably keep your nose out of it :woman_shrugging:


While it isnt your business…perhaps you could help educate by how important it is…and show the “evidence” of the child squinting aka needing help.


Not your child and not your place to dictate how things are done in their home. You really worried about it try having a honest conversation with your cousin instead of bringing it online to shame her.


I have 2 kids that have worn glasses since they was 3 and 4. It’s a struggle getting them used to them. It took months of working on it. My youngest is 10 and still doesn’t like wearing hers other than at school. We remind her often to put them back on. Forcing them to wear them can have the opposite effect. It does get better and I can guarantee that her mother is working on it. It’s doesn’t just happen overnight

My daughter “lost” hers less than a week after getting them… She never wanted to wear them

Mind your own. Her teacher will let her parents know if shes having trouble in school. Other than that its not hurting her.


Not your child not your business


You can’t do much, other than talk to your cousin about your concern.

They could be causing the child to have massive headaches when worn and momma don’t want to put her child through that. Sometimes the brain would literally rather not see than wear glasses. I know cause even though I get my eyes checked often thinking my eyes have changed, I get worse headaches every single time I wear glasses.

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Maybe mind your own family? At this point, nothing you do is gonna fix it.


My daughter is 11 and had an accident when she was 3 where she had to have eye surgery and her right eye is now lazy and she can’t see out of it. She has prescription based glasses and she refuses to wear them. It’s to the point she can go blind but she still refuses to wear them and has been like this for the past 5 years . She’s afraid she going to get made fun of . Her teacher even wrote a note home last year saying she had to wear them or she would get ISS so I made sure she took them with her every day and she still never wore them.

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My son doesn’t like to take pictures in his glasses. I finally convinced him that he looks great in them and somedays he gets headaches wearing them. But, my kid and we discuss it. Maybe allow the parent to be a parent and mind yours?


Many don’t wear their glasses for pictures since they can cause glare and depending the strength they may not be required for everything.


Worry about your own kid, let her worry about hers.


Not your child other then politely pointing out she may need them all the time there is nothing for you to do but mind ya business

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Ugh I really dislike all the “mind your business” comments. I understand your concern, maybe try talking to your cousin about the importance of wearing the. It can hurt the little one in the long run if she doesn’t wear them like she’s supposed to.


I had gotten prescription glasses at 7 years old, I hated them and neither one of my parents could “force” me to wear them. At 15 I ended finally wearing glasses because I literally can not see without them now I have 300 vision(as the doctor says), without glasses I’m blind basically, I can see up close like in my face but not over 3 feet away. Would they have helped growing up yes, but I was a kid and I didn’t like them! So oh well I can see great with my glasses now :joy:

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Mind yo own business.she isnt your responsibilty


Mine is 16 and refuses to wear hers, always has since she was little. You can’t force them to wear them, they’ll find a way not to. She squints and is near sighted, so yes, she should be wearing them but she doesn’t drive or anything. Thinking on getting her contacts, but until then, she’s a straight A student, with a 4.0 gpa and plans on going to college. When she’s ready to spread her wings, get her driver’s license, etc., we’ll look into contacts when she’s ready. 🤷

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I wonder if suggesting contact lenses if she doesn’t like wearing her glasses would help. I know my eye doc says as long as they can get them in by themselves with some cleaning help from mom and dad as young as 7 yo can get them.

Honestly its not really any of your business. She will do with her kid what she wants a d same with you. I get your concerned for her kid and that’s ok but I dont think this is something you should put your nose into.

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I’ve had glasses for years, I take them off in most pictures because the flash glares off of them. My daughter has been prescribed glasses for years, and she just flat out refuses every time I tell her to wear them.

It’s not like the kid has diabetes and the mom is refusing to give her insulin, these are glasses. Theres nothing you can do. It’s not abuse.

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