You need to tell him to back off. Communicate that it is a hard no on making fun of, humiliating, belittling, and treating differently. If he can’t so that, then he needs to go. That is so toxic for her. Breaks my heart for her. She is at a time where she needs support and nurturing.
Protect your child at all cost. Men will come and go but it’s up to you to support bad protect your children. Seek therapy. Always helpful to navigate through uncharted territory. If he’s not willing to better his relationship with your child, kick him to the curb
He’s a Bully. Loser. I mean lose him.
Treat him like he treats your daughter .you better let him know to stop that if not leave never allow a man hurt your daughter put her first period!!! It’s gonna a affect her.
divorce no one disrespects my kids.
These posts will never make sense to me. So, you know he’s crushing your daughters feelings and making her feel rejected and now throwing gay remarks in her face to make her feel even more shit about herself. There’s only one option here, talk to him. If it doesn’t change, leave. Protect your daughter
Your daughter’s needs come first and abuse is abuse. Emotional is just a detrimental as physical and you are straight up describing emotional abuse. Get her out of there and make sure she knows she’s loved no matter what or lose her forever for choosing her abuser over her.
That’s bullying and you need to stick up for your child!! Kids these days commit suicide over being bullied. Keep him the hell away from your daughter because no child should endure that crap from a grown man!!
LEAVE! your child comes before anyONE! I wouldn’t let it go not even one more day!
Chose your child. Why is this such a hard concept? No sex, money, or whatever a partner gives you is worth more than your child.
Counseling - for you, for him, for her and together. Go from there. If he chooses not to then at that point you will need to choose your next steps for your daughter’s sake. She will start resenting you and feel just as hurt by your lack of action to protect her. I am so sorry you’re going through this.
Hell to the no! He is bullying a child! He is disgusting girl!! Leave him.
protect your child you are her mother your job is to make sure she is healthy and happy and not being mistreated by anyone
Oh hell no. That’s unacceptable to me. If it’s unacceptable to you as well you tell him that and he either stops or you walk. My daughter is gay and I think it’s great. My husband has no issues with it either. I’m also Bi
Leave him. No way would I accept someone who treated my child love crap.
Step 1. Get a heavy pan.
Step 2. Beat sense into him with said heavy pan.
Step 3. Put make up on him and keep pic as evidence.
Step 4. Hit again with heavy pan.
I would never choose a man over my kids. That is absolutely disgusting of him!!
YES…do whatever u need to do to protect ur daughter…this will damage her whole life
He’ll be a Jerk and Keep his Mind That Way, might as Well just Leave him
Take children and leave… It will only get worse.
That is verbal abuse and is against the law
If any other adult was doing this to your child would it even be a question to not expose your child to that person? I know I wouldn’t! It doesn’t matter who the adult is!!
She said he started being hard on her when she turned 8/9… not that this was her current age. She said they have been together 10yrs and if I’m reading this correctly this is her child from her previous relationship. Do the math people
I’m sorry you are going through this, I’m sorry your daughter is going through this and I’m sorry your whole family is living through this dynamic. It can’t be easy on the other kids either. No one here can know if there other matters at play worth saving this marriage or not. Only you. If there is, I would say therapy would need to be done to make it work. For you and your husband, you and your daughter to remain close after this ordeal, him and her to move past this (if he becomes capable) and your entire family to heal from the damage he is causing. If you feel or know you will never see the day that he will accept this, try to work on the relationships he has damaged then I suggest finding a therapist for yourself and perhaps your daughter individually and then find a divorce lawyer. I can feel the pain in your post, you don’t want your daughter hurting like this. And she doesn’t deserve to be. But there is obviously an entire family here. … you need to decide, only you know your husband. Best of luck
How does an 8 year-old “come out” bi? Does she even know what that word implies? Is this mother encouraging her sexuality, at 8 years of age? As for the husband. He needs to back off. The kid is 8. (Of course, we are getting only one side to this story).
Bye husband
Hello to a healthy mental health for your daughter and hopefully no long term issues in the future.
Talk to him tell him whatever is on your mind weather he likes it or not tell him if that’s the way he wants to be towards her that you don’t need him either how is he towards her when your not around I would be so worried and scared for my kid that is not ok can’t help she was born that way
I’m sorry you’re having this issue !Your daughter deserves more love by your x that’s not very nice of him !Good luck !
Girl, run. Your child’s mental health is at at stake.
So she’s 14 now
And he started treating her different at age 8 or 9.
Then at 13 she came out as bi and it’s gotten worse?
Girl, run. Your child’s mental health is at at stake.
Good for the husband !!
He’s voicing these thing TO YOUR CHILD for being Bi?
Ahhh tell him to leave?
You are putting your daughter in this situation. The longer YOU allow him to do this, the worse YOU are too. Get your head out your a$$ amd be her mother. Protect her
Time to go. Kids come first.
Keep encouraging your daughter to be true to herself and (I’m not saying make excuses for him) but I had to talk to my father and her father about how she should be loved unconditionally… and I had to tell her that it may take some time for them to get use to it . Now as far as bashing and name calling you let him know it is not ok and you will not stand by him if he does so…not saying leave him…but if he keeps at it you may not have any options . The suicide rate is high in lgbtq community let alone in children and young adults. Remind him she needs to feel loved and in a safe place .
People may say how does she know at this age ?? She doesn’t just yet without literal experience (keep that in his ear too) but especially in these days and with social media …our kids are confused and trying to figure things out as we all did at that age. Thus world is already hard enough. You need to tell him to pick his her…pick his family …or you will not subject her to bullying.
Leave, it’s that simple. You’ve seen this “harder on her” sh;t since she was 8-9 an did nothing? That’s gotta be hard on any child an now it’s worse? Smh, nah, we don’t let our babies be miserable with other people.
Why are you even asking this question if my Husband was treating my Child this way I would leave my Child comes first
Sounds to me like your husband’s been treating her this way for a long time ( years like 5 - 6 or more years…) and only now that she has come out does he have a reason to not hide it as much. Personally I think you’re better off without him . Leave for you and your kids.
Let me do the math,the child was 4 when they got together,they been together for 10 years, the child came out as bi last year,by my math calculations she would have been 13,I might be wrong
Um leave. You are allowing him to bully your child
Nope. Don’t let your child be mistreated and live with that the rest of her life. I always defend my child and we have an understanding, he’s got something to say he needs to say to me first. If it’s an issue I feel we need to get on to her about, we do it together. But never is my husband allowed to talk down to or belittle my daughter in any way.
Have a talk that he is never to make snide bi remarks EVER. Zero tolerance there. And ask him to let up on her and if he gets upset and doesn’t apologize to you and her, decide if you will stay or go.
Advance tell him to kick rocks and support your daughter
Choose your child EVERY time, and always without hesitation. You chose your partner, she didn’t get to choose her parents.
You have a choice: husband or child. I know who I’d choose
That is completely unacceptable. Please, protect your child at all costs. Every part of them.
Your daughter is only 14 she doesn’t know if she’s by her if she’s upside down right now but there are hormones going crazy she can’t even decide what she is Judge her right now is unfair for her she’s a teenager hormones raging you should tell him all about this maybe he doesn’t understand just putting that out there
Nope, absolutely not. You live and breathe for that baby… Not him…
Choose your child. Make sure you make the right decision now, if you want a relationship with her later on in life. What you do now will determine that.
This should not have ever been allowed from day 1.
I know I’m gonna stay with somebody who’s emotionally abusing my child.
I swear there’s not a soul on these posts with any sense of priorities at all.
Being hard on a child to have them grow as a decent adult is different then mocking there sexual preference and demean who they are as a person. I would definitely start out with a talk and see what his reaction is like maybe he’s just trying to make jokes thinking he’s funny and he’s not definitely not some people just say things and don’t realize that it’s actually hurting somebody else not making any excuses at all but if you address it or have addressed it in the past and it continues then I personally will let him know that that’s like a deal breaker whether it was your child or his no kid deserves that no person in general deserves that even if he doesn’t accept it morally himself he needs to treat your kid with respect !
Bye Felicia. Why is this even a question?! Kids before boyfriends/ husband’s ALWAYS.
She’s only 8/9 now ?
If I were you I would tell him GOOD BYE !!! And get a DIVORCE
Idc how long I been with someone. Or if we have a kid together. I protect all my kids at all costs. Do not let him make her feel like that. EVER
Y’all can’t read. She’s not 8,9 or 10. She is 14
If he can’t accept her as she is then its not for u to leave
That would be a deal breaker for me. I will protect my children no matter what. I would have already left.
My son is first every time
Your daughter is 14/15… you said he became hard on her and ONLY her when she was 8/9 and now it has gotten worse that she came out. Out of 5 kids, he chose to “be hard” on only her. You have had this feeling that he dislikes her… why did you stay? Why did you chose him over your child? You allowed her to endure his abuse (yes it is emotional and mental abuse!!) for 5-6 years now. She is a strong child and she needs you to be strong and put an end to his abuse or leave him, something you should have done the moment you noticed it. You condoned him to treat her that way. I hope she doesn’t resent you in the future if you do the right thing by her now. He is your husband but she is and forever will be your child, a part of you that you protected for 10 months within you before she took her first breath… you need to keep protecting her
It shouldn’t matter, her sexuality is non of his business to start with, second. Never let anyone disrespect your child.
You don’t need advice, you already know you choose your flesh and blood over some dude.
Maybe you should watch prayers for Bobby and keep talking
I would bring up the issue in a non-confrontational way and ask him to educate himself more on the subject. Spend some alone time with her, spend time with her and a friend of hers even. Join a support group for parents that are learning to deal with this themselves. Any or all of these if you can. Being a parent is hard in general but when kids get to the age of dating and exploring their sexuality - just trying to gather who they are as a whole, especially in this day and age. As a parent of a straight kid can be extremely trying at times. Add in a major shift to his child of this nature and gosh. But you know he loves her. Idk if it’s him possibly holding back his real emotions and simply not saying what he really means. But if it is, it’s worth discussing. Both together as a couple and as a family. Let him say how he truly feels. However it angers him. Then remind him of the point in being a parent. Thick and thin baby.
Why did you allow him to start “being hard” on her when she was 8? You have bailed then.
Babe, you honestly should have left when he started singling out your daughter in the first place, but now that he’s being homophobic towards her and bullying her, you NEED. TO. LEAVE.
You mentioned it’s making her absolutely miserable. That is something that needs to be your wake up call. I don’t mean to scare you, but LGBTQ+ youth who aren’t supported and well loved are extremely high risk for mental health issues and suicide. You need to get her out of this toxic environment ASAP, and you also need to get her into therapy immediately.
My daughter is part of the LGBTQ+ community too, and she is also in therapy. You are more than welcome to message me if you would like someone to talk things through/over with.
But it’s imperative that you put your daughter’s mental and emotional well-being first, and do whatever is necessary to get your husband out of her life. I know it will be incredibly difficult, it will not only be a heartbreaking decision for you, and a confusing and upsetting decision for your other kids, and will likely be difficult financially, but it needs to be done. She needs to come first.
Good luck, momma.
YTAH and so is your husband!
Throw the whole husband away. Choose your kid. Make sure your kid KNOWS you love and accept and will never be cool with anyone who doesnt feel the same. We lose way too many gay/trans kids every day to suicide for your choice to be any different.
Leave your child comes first. I’d never stand by as a grown adult bullied my kid what’s wrong with you
Kick that motherfucker to the curb!!
Your child come first if he cant except her and treat her right then he needs to hit ty he highway
Let the momma bear out and do whats best for her by standing behind her and telling him to cut the crap or get out
Leave him. Your child comes first.
Stand up for YOUR daughter!!!
Bring it up direct and honest w him alone one day. Not in an accusatory way but start every sentence with how you feel. When you treat her xyz it makes me feel…. See what he says. Honestly I could not be w a man or stay w a man that treat my child less than regardless of the reason. No excuse
Stand up for ur child ask him if he would like it if one of his kids come out gay or bi or whatever
Call your husband out for being homophobic and show your daughter some support.
Yeah here’s advice. You choose your daughter over a man who is making her miserable. Why do these mothers need advice on things like this.
If you don’t stand up for your daughter to her own step father, how do you ever expect her to stand up for herself or her future children. Put him in his place or make him find a new place to go. I wouldn’t allow any type of hatred to live at my house, especially directed at my kid.
Waffle stomp his phobic behind out the door…if you agree or not or have certain beliefs or whatever that’s fine…but what you’re not gonna do is belittle and hurt a child…I think tf not
You should leave and show your daughter it’s not ok for anyone to treat her that way
You are the only blood family she has besides her sibling and you’re going to let a man who is not her family treat her like that. Shame on you. It’s all on you. You are allowing it. She’s suffering because you’re letting it happen. Stand up for your daughter against that trash man. You’re supposed to be her voice and her safe place.
Leave your daughter needs love support protection. She’s YOUR daughter at the end of the day your responsibility is protecting her at all costs he’s abusive why bully her because of her sexuality then hard on her at 8 tell him to be “hard” on his own children. Sorry his behavior is unacceptable
Uhm stand up for your daughter. Like is this even a question. In my opinion your just as bad as him if your seeing your child getting torn down by this man, and your not doing nothing and you really need people on here telling you that you should pick your child before a man.
Stand up for your child.
Time to drop him before it goes from just slurs to something worse for how he treats the daughter.
Mental Abuse is worse than just walking up to them and slap them. My ex did that to my daughter and to this day she is very angry at the world. If you want to say something sit them down and talk to them as equals
Get rid of him. The longer you stay while he’s doing that crap the more damage it’s going to do to her and it sends the message you’re going to let him treat her badly
You better stand up for your daughter and DONT ever let anyone treat your child different
Needs more info for example what is he saying to her and what kinda things is she saying are they age appropriate have you sat down and talk to your husband about any of this . Wheres bio dad ? Yall quick to tell somebody to leave and not know the full story. This lil girl could be running around the house talking “adult like” infront of them and her siblings. Can’t solve the problem if you dont have all the variables
“Shape up or shop out toxic jerk!”
Tell him to stop or you want a divorce it’s that simple.
How old was your daughter when she came out?
pick. your. daughter.
Id suggest you urge him to talk to a therapist on how he can better learn to accept his step daughter and be a better more understanding parent if he wants your marriage to continue.
You can always replace him but she’s ur daughter for life
He sounds very immature Not what a man should be You need to throw the whole husband out
Sit down with him and talk this out. If necessary, go for therapy. Hopefully together.
Full stop. Your husband’s behavior is unacceptable and harmful. You need a family therapist to help you two with this.
Now, this could go one of two ways: If he’s always been homophobic, this probably won’t go well. He likely will refuse therapy. If he’s struggling because bisexuality is now in his home, rather than an abstract concept, then therapy could help.
At the end of the day, your obligation is to your daughter.
He’s showing you who he is - believe him. Then leave him. He’s an ass.
I’m sorry BI at just 10! Thank goodness my kids and now my grandkids have childhoods without any sexual orientation yet!!! Kids have no time to be kids anymore