I am just curious how others feel!! If your son or daughter was in school and using the restroom and a teacher was looking for another student, called the students name she was looking for and no one answered, so the teacher began to peep in a bathroom stall crack and make eye contact with your child and say" Susie q " is that u? And ur child is like Ummm yes, I’m Susie q feeling like her privacy was violated literally with pants pulled down using the restroom, would any other parents be upset !! And just because it was a female looking thru a bathroom stall crack at someone’s female minor doesn’t mean crap . if it was a male, we wouldn’t just be having a “meeting” please feel free for advice or if u would be upset or what would u do ? I do not believe that just because students go into stalls to vape means teachers should have the right to look in on minor children using the restroom PERIOD. Susie q had never vaped a day in her life btw!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter feels her privacy was violated at school
I thank God I’m not a school teacher I think there job is one of the hardest in these times
Okay, well you can’t know your child has never vaped, because if they did they wouldn’t tell you. But I’d definitely be going to the school, and maybe even calling CPS.
No no no no no no no. Wrong. 110% wrong. If it were my child I would be pressing charges. There are stall doors for a reason. That teacher had zero right to be peeking in that stall door at that child. Zero.
Ooof, yeah I’d be down at the school SO FAST!!!
yeah hell the fuck no. this is absurd and i’d be pressing charges for whatever i could. unnecessary and violation of space/privacy
Nope, I would for sure be taking that further, complete lack of respect and a violation to her privacy. Especially at her age she could even be feeling a bit embarrassed. I would be raising hell fire
She didn’t answer,the teacher shouldn’t have peeked through the crack, the child could have answered they were both in the wrong
I’d report her to the school board and police for voyuerism. There is absolutely no reason for a teacher of any gender to be looking into bathroom stalls for a child. Idc if they think they’re vaping or not. That’s a complete disrespect of your child’s privacy
Just put an adult in that situation, in the stall. F no. I would not be cool with anyone peeping in at me. Bitch her out
Why didn’t your daughter answer would be my first wuestion
Definitely don’t think it’s appropriate that she looked in the stall. But if your child was the child she was looking for, why didn’t she answer when she called in?
No one has the right to peek in between the space between the door and the door frame. You have the expected right to privacy behind the closed door, and I’d be bringing this up to the principal, the school board, and anyone else who might make a difference in your complaint.
What didn’t she answer yes when the teacher asked if thst was her?
Could have saved the awkwardness of her being looked at through the gap and therefore no need for you to post this
Regardless of what they may have been doing or not doing, the teacher in question didn’t have a right to be peeping in doors especially in the restroom. HOWEVER there is always 2 sides the the story(well, almost always). Was your daughter or “Susie q” actually doing something wrong in the bathroom and got caught? So she came up with a story about her privacy was invaded? Because there were ALOT of things I did at/in school that were against the rules and my parents never really knew. Until I got caught. I think it’s something you need to go in with an open mind with and address a meeting between you, your kiddo, the teacher in question, and the principal and call out the issues face to face to know the true story.
You got this mom follow your gut instincts because they are never wrong. I would be down there already sitting down with the teacher and principal.
I would straight up fight the teacher
IDC if it’s another student or siblings even that is not okay
I’d be making a police report… That’s disgusting and disturbing
Not cool! I would be pissed and would be in the principals office, calling the teacher in for a conference! You’re so right, if it were a male teacher, he would have been fired! The teacher was very wrong here!
I’d lose my cool. Using the restroom is a private event, no audience needed. This actually angers me and I think I would have been at that school ready to chat.
Umm that’s very inappropriate and she should be charged.
Well as a substitute teacher, I never go into the bathroom. If I need anything I send another child from the classroom who knows the child to check… or I stand outside the bathroom and talk into the restroom. I don’t know any teachers myself that would do that. Not ok… certain boundaries for sure are definitely crossed. Make a report.
There both in the wrong, child should have answered when called, and teacher shouldn’t have been peeking.
FYI most kids that vape use the big vape pens that produce alot of cloud, witch means she could have smelled it they do have a smell fruity etc or seen a cloud, she didn’t have to peek.
I would show up into the principals office immediately, and I would be informing that teacher and the principal that I was filing a police report.
“why didn’t she answer when called?”
I think you’re missing the point. Regardless of whether or not the girl answered, the teacher should not have looked in between the stallls. Her privacy was violated. Saying she could have answered the teacher so that her privacy on the toilet wasn’t violated, is the same as putting the blame on the child.
My opinion, let’s not go overboard and make it into something it isn’t. The teacher is the disciplinarian, just like the babysitter, auntie, school nurse, aide etc. Nothing inappropriate was happening, nobody was hurt. The teacher was doing her job and yelled out for a student, problem is so many kids lack discipline and respect they ignore the person in charge. If it bothers you have a one on one with the teacher. Remember you both have the child’s best interest at heart and educators are not the enemy.
That needs to be reported to police. Sounds like some pedafile shit
I dont care who they were looking for, or why she didnt answer. No adult has any business looking into a bathroom stall while someone is using it.
I’d make a report and get my kiddo signed up for counseling after this poor little one, I’m so sorry
Yeaaaaah, I’m on the fence here! The teacher shouldn’t have looked through the cracks but she also did what she thought was right - kids these days are to quick too grow up and are now hiding away in school grounds doing it… why didn’t your daughter answer the first time? That would have prevented all of this
Whether your child vaped or not, knowingly looking into a toilet cubicle somebody is using isn’t ok behavior.
Definitely not okay! Absolutely Inappropriate. And so what if it was a female teacher. Same sex molestation and what not happens too!a
I think what bothers me most is that she was looking for another student… But proceeded to violate privacy of other students. Check the doors… Fine! But peeping. Wtf… I dont think so…
Her privacy was violated. And I would be having a meeting with the principal and teacher
To everyone saying the child should have answered…why TF is this little girl obligated to tell another teacher they’re using the toilet if they aren’t the ones being called for…obviously the teacher who’s classroom the child was in knew the little girl was in the bathroom, and that is the only one who needed to know. Stop blaming a child for a grown a$$ woman’s error, the child did NOTHING wrong at all
Pretty sure there is a door for a reason
Totally inappropriate.
There isn’t an acceptable reason to do that teacher could have waited. Unless there was serious harm causing death and minutes where life or death.
I would report it. No matter who it is nobody should be looking into a stall that’s occupied
She didn’t need to look through the crack and she shouldn’t have thought she had any entitlement to do so.
To me it’s a lot missing …we don’t know why she was looking for the other student and to me it had to be a serious or important matter that she felt the need to peek to make sure who she was looking for was not there … I’m sure she did not intentionally mean to make your daughter feel uncomfortable but her need to find this child may have been important…
That’s f***ed! She should have just waited for the student to come out!
The school won’t do a damn thing. Even though the teacher was definitely performing a perverted act. They don’t give a shit. It’s why I believe our greatest treasures (children) should be protected with surveillance cameras everywhere on school grounds. Except the bathroom stalls and showers.
If your daughter feels her privacy as been breached then you need to act according to how she feels…if you dismiss her now she may not come to you for things in the future. Hope she is okay
I would be furious.
And you’re very right… if it were a male teacher there would be way more than a “meeting”.
Nah I wouldn’t be happy if someone peeped on me. It’s rude and unnecessary. If they needed to know who was in the cubical they should have asked again if no answer wait for them to come out. Only reason to peep would be if you suspect self harming or can clearly smell smoking or drugs but warn you will look before doing so.
That’s a complaint filin’
They used to look through the cracks all the time see if they could catch someone smoking
Oh hell no. I would go berserk! That’s disgusting!! Would it be ok for that same teacher to be watching a parent have a piss? No!
To those who keep saying “why didn’t your kid answer when she was called?”
It clearly states that the teacher called out a different students name.lol
Idk about how long it’s been since some of y’all used a public restroom at a school, but generally there are quite a few stalls and there could have been other children in there. If I was using the restroom and heard a teacher come in and call another students name, my immediately thought wouldn’t be to say “no it’s Audrey” especially if there were other students in there. I would just assume she would move on like a regular human being and not start peering through the cracks on the fuc*ing doors. I would be disgusted if an authority figure did that to me.
Imagine your boss doing that to you at your workplace. Tf.
Nope. I have never even peeked through to see my children. Total violation…
That’s just way excessive. I understand they gotta watch out for kids vaping but these poor kids are treated liked prisoners with no privacy or respect at school. I would contact the school district , tell them you can report it to the local news channel if things don’t get sorted .
First off…what generation are yall from? I remember a time when there were NO DOORS on the stalls and when an ADULT called you answered and let them know "hey I didnt see her, but insert name is. Also I agree with the others when I say do not blow this out of proportion. Have a talk with the teacher with child present and let the child speak…not you, and if it happens again, then the principal.
Regardless it’s still an invasion of privacy and even more so she felt her privacy was violated which needs to be addressed no matter what. We shouldn’t just let it slide. If someone’s privacy felt violated as an adult in this way or whatever else then we would want them to speak up and I think kids should have just as much right to that as us.
Def would file sexual report!
She should have said no one is in here other than me that’s what I do like wtf I doubt they did it on purpose even tho it was wrong ur daughter should have answer saying I’m
Only one in here
Yes been there report teacher for tat
I would be driving in with my child. To the school board office talking to the superintendent. That was not okay at all.
I would be beyond pissed
That’s very unprofessional!!
I wouldn’t just be upset, I’d be going to jail.
Why bring up “vape” if supposedly your child has never done it?!?!! Next time a teacher calls out Jane Doe I’m sure she will answer “no it’s Suzy Q”
your child is the one who went through it, and if they say their privacy was violated, then it was. if it were my child i’d be going in to that school immediately. idc. if you’re wanting to take action, don’t let anyone make you think you’re overreacting. for all you know, you could go in and try talking to the teacher and they could completely lie lol.
I’d rage. Everyone would know about it too. If someone looked in through the crack of the stall and was able to identify who was inside they looked long enough to see everything. I’d have my kids back and make sure it never happens again.
Get a meeting with the school ASAP do not send her in till you have had the meeting, if they refuse to come to a conclusion, then school board, offered ands police it is. Xxx
For a normal person to check to see if the stall is occupied I usually look for feet, so I just look under and I myself wouldn’t feel comfortable making eye contact with the individual using the rr. Why doesn’t anyone else do this? Am I the only person that checks this way?? so strange… yeah that is just gross for even an adult to think that’s ok to do to someone else’s child
I’m a retired teacher so I see things differently than most of you. With so much going on in our schools today you truthfully should be glad the teachers are checking the bathrooms! It’s unreal what they deal with on a daily basis. 99.9999% of those teachers are looking out for the betterment of your child.
Not right. The teacher could have waited outside without looking in. The kid would come out eventually. What was so urgent that they needed to get that student asap. Not right at all
Hahahaha I’d be LIVID. Be ur daughters advocate and DEMAND more be done then just a meeting. You don’t go into a students bathroom opening all the stalls as an adult . That’s CRAZY. And if it were a male teacher ur damn right they’d be all over him. Nope. Fight it!
It was a violation of privacy and should be addressed. Granted, I wouldn’t get too heated and escalate things beyond that, unless I felt the school wasn’t taking the concern seriously. Utimately, I’d want it to be officially addressed, recorded so there’s some sort of paper trail and reassurance that nothing like this would happen again.
U know this is for an answer but I hate when people try that eye contact through the crack it truly pisses me off as an adult I bet she felt weird u can always look under to see shoes and no not your whole head looking under there
Based off the information given heads are gonna roll… However I think there’s some important information missing…
WTH . No way … I’d be making sure something more was done . She could have easily looked towards the floor , and seen her feet . But to peak into the stalls and directly look at your child through the cracks in the door is beyond violative and creepy . I’d be making sure the school is doing more than a “meeting” if it was a male teacher , he’d be fired and possibly charged .
Honestly, I don’t understand why the cracks in the stalls are still there and are so big. Many countries have wayyyy better bathroom stalls that people can’t peep into like that. The US is trash in soooo many ways.
I think there is more to the story than just this. A teacher is not going to peak in the bathroom unless there is a reason too. Something happen to make her……
Male female who cares that’s wrong I’d be getting a meeting with the education department !!!
I would be highly pissed !!!
No, you glance for feet, not faces, unless you’re some psycho rest stop serial killer. Hell, we did plenty of crap in the stalls when I was in school - smoking, drugs, sex…vaping is no excuse. Even in the 80s/90s (when I was in school) this would have been considered out of line.
My opinion and I’d be mad as hell.
I would be down at that school as soon as any of my kids said that. No matter if the adult was the same gender as the child.
That’s a MINOR you don’t go into the toilets. You wait till the beep is called for class and look for them their or if you suspect that they are in the rest room then you wait (respectfully away from the exit) near the exit to the rest room.
That’s inappropriate id be going to the school and talking to the principle or whoever to get it taken care of
Why was the teacher looking for her to begin with if I read that right. And honestly I don’t think it’s that’s big of a deal I remember in gym class we would get butt naked in front of the female teacher and the rest of the class
Definitely shouldn’t be looking through bathroom stalls.
I would be going to the school about it thats no right at all but that me
Minor or not you don’t do that to anybody. Meeting , make sure the other parents are aware of this incident.
Grow up, was she naked or violated in any way? No tell her to answer next time her name is called
The teacher blew this out of proportion by looking into a private setting at a potentially vulnerable minor child. If she was potty training or shortly after then I’d think differently as that age is still getting taught not to smear feces. This child is too old for that and the teacher needs informed not to cross that line regardless of the situation. The bottom of the stalls are open…
A toilet door was locked and teacher was looking for a child, called a name, yet no response? Teacher has a duty of care, your child should have said I’m in here, then the teacher would not have looked. I honestly can’t believe some of these comments, the poor teacher was clearly worried yet your making her out to be a pervert
Why wouldn’t she just answer??
Nope… never accepted
If she feels violated it’s a violation. Speak up before it happens to someone else. Even teachers (females) can be perverts or corrupt. I feel like your daughter knows why she feels violated maybe she does not feel safe with this teacher after all. Try taking a serious deeper look on this matter. Big ups to your daughter venting towards you!
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I worked as a custodian at a middle school. We have had to go get teachers to clear out the restrooms from kids hiding to ditch class and vaping too. I have had them never answer when asked if anyone in there. Also waited respectfully for them to come out and then had to go get the teacher too. They need to open their mouths that they know how to use so well or take off their headphones.
If that was her biggest mortification as a high school student I’d say she’s having a fantastic life. Suck it up buttercup. Much worse things are coming your way. Get ready and toughen up.
I’d be freaking out!! You better go up to that school!!
She should of answered , no matter what her name was.
The girl should of just said she’s not here I’m here and said her name then the teacher would t of looked! Not saying her name and staying quiet led the teacher to become suspicious and look and ask! That’s my opinion as they use to do it back when I was in school when we use to hide in the toilets and not answer but if you answered they moved on xx
Doesn’t matter how anybody else feels about it. If your daughter feels she was violated, then you go off that.
How old is your child? Did she have her feet pulled up hiding? She honestly should have just said I’m in here and I’m Suzie Q.
Teacher is absolutely 100 % wrong!!!
This seriously depends on age and relationships between student parents and teacher ect my son is in Kindergarden and his teacher his sons the same age very good mom she helps him when he can’t button his pants and stuff and I fully trust her she has had to track him down once as well for playing in the water lol I have no issue with this but if it was a male teacher and my 9 year old daughter seriously
hell no !!
I mean…half of today’s parents leave it up to pre school/early learning center’s teachers to potty train their kids. She is probably and overly motherly kind of lady or something. I’d make a simple complaint to let her know you don’t appreciate that stuff and so she’ll stop but don’t go trying to ruin her life about it! It DOES make all the difference that she is not indeed a he…