My daughter feels her privacy was violated at school

I wouldnt want anyone doing that to me so I’m say its wierd they would peek instead of waiting by the sink or door.


I’m sorry can’t blame the teachers.
Student are different than when we went to school
Their is no respect.
Go to your school and for a day with out anyone knowing
Is it right no
But what the students do isnt right either


I have say that looking in towards child you dont really see as much as looking out the way the crack of door is. So seems worse for the person in the look. Honest.
However i feel the teacher could used bit more tact. And knocked on door asking who was there. However depends way its seen. Teacher was looking for a child so time was of essance too. Incase child excaped school.
I get why she didnt answer as teacher wasnt calling her name.
Think lessons could be learnt by both sides.
Perhaps a chat with teach can clear this up


Sounds like a teacher looking for a child that didn’t answer. And teacher was sure someone was there so checked as is her job. I wouldn’t be upset personally. Your daughter you deal how you see fit xxx


I’m sorry but who in the hell looks thru the crack in the bathroom stalls?! Like seriously! I feel that is most definitely a violation of privacy. No different than if she would have looked under or over the door. Not right!


Years and years ago I had a situation in a public stall where my privacy was completely invaded- I was 18 but it still sticks with me- I avoid stalls- if I have to I go to the biggest one where the toilet isn’t right by the door.
What the teacher did is NOT okay

For all those parents saying the kid should have spoken I actually feel extremely uncomfortable having a conversation with someone while I am in a public toilet unless I am drunk and also the teacher could have knocked on the cubicle door directly and spoken to the child specifically rather than calling out in a bathroom


Stupid - your child is in environment that has reasons and means to protect all. Get over it - would you rather cameras be in there- come on - grow up


If student missing and looking for student and no response there gonna check bathroom and yell for said child don’t answer there gonna check if child in there I work in school in elementary end of a middle/elementary school campus. And we take small kids to bathroom and let little older ones go on own but also double check see if still in there or not and make sure not in there especially if there is safety drills.


The boys bathroom I find a male teacher from middle school side to help and mostly female staff on elementary side

The teachers in schools today are permitted to get away with entirely too much…people in America have very few rights anymore anywhere not just in schools…


I would go to the school and cause a scene honestly youre a bigger person than me having a meeting. No one should be peeking in on your child while she’s using the bathroom.


I would be pissed and I would make sure something is done to the teacher. Very inappropriate by the teacher. You wait until the person leaves the stall. You don’t peek in. That’s just straight up creepy and wrong


I personally would not be ok with that.

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I have nothing nice to say so I’m not going to say anything at all… Except for, this is NOTHING new teachers have ran kids out the bathroom for smoking and vaping for years! Said teacher didn’t open the stall and walk in like they used to, teacher didn’t make comments or do anything to break the law so I’m confused as to why this is such a big deal…


It’s absolutely not acceptable behavior.

I’d be pissed off. She called out another students name and was surprised when a different student didnt answer to that name? Took it upon herself to violate the privacy of a minor child in an indecent manner and then attempt to hold a conversation with her as she’s actively using the bathroom- while looking in on her! How utterly humiliating for that kid?! And definitely unacceptable. Hope you’re involving the schools resource officer and principal in this meeting! I’d be absolutely livid.


Actually disturbing…

Maybe teach Susie Q to answer when being spoken to. The reason the teacher checked is bc someone was in there and didn’t respond whole thing could of been avoided of all she said was no so and so isn’t here but I am.


Give the teacher a break. She could have asked who was in the stall but please don’t make a federal case out of it. Talk to the teacher, but why in this day and time everything has to be blown out of proportion??


I’ve made awkward eye contact with strangers in bathrooms. I’d rather it been my teacher. These kids do dumb ahit in these bathrooms. No harm was done. You and little Susie need to calm down, and maybe tell her to answer when someone speaks.


Immediately going to the school. My kid wouldn’t even be in the school until I dealt with it.

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I would be livid unless they thought my child was in immediate danger of hurting herself or someone else at the time.

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Absolutely a big NO! If the child didn’t want to answer because she was doing their business they didn’t have too… I would be very upset & I would make it a big deal. I’ve always told my kids nobody if allowed to see your private parts!

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Just another teacher overstepping

Not ok. I can’t stress it enough to my babies about their privacy and personal parts of them!!! I’d be flipping on accident and never would be ok with that

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This sounds more like the teacher walked past the stalls to see if they were occupied. Considering plenty of kids hide in the bathrooms. If the teacher stood at the door and tried to look in sure that could be an issue, but not if just walking by.

There’s not a damn thing in school policies that states a teacher can do that, nor should they. That’s disturbing. Your daughter was minding her business and didn’t have to answer, considering the teacher wasn’t looking for her. That is a big no no and violation of privacy. I’d be speaking with the principal and superintendent.

Oh I’m getting the sense that you’re trying to defend your kid’s vaping by playing she’s a victim. If she had answered then the teacher wouldn’t have had to go further. Now let’s hear the rest of the story.


It’s not right but Susie Q should have answered when the teacher called her


It probably wasn’t the best thing for the teacher to do but it’s not the end of the world. Kids vaping in the toilet is a big deal and teachers obviously need to keep an eye out for it. At most I’d have a phone call to the school but I wouldn’t be out for the teachers job or anything. She didn’t open the stall to let everyone see your daughter with her underwear down. A phone call and move on I’d suggest.

This is why no cameras are allowed in restrooms if the stall is closed they are suppose to be safe from prying eyes that includes adults no matter the reason

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Male or female its still a violation of her privacy. Def take this to the board of education

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Yes I would definitely feel violated!!

Of your daughter was innocent then she would have spoke up when the teacher was looking for someone. Stop making this more then it has to be…


Feet! You look for feet!


If your child is old enough to vape they are old enough to answer when someone calls for them. Sounds like they were both in the wrong that day.


No that’s not right. I can’t believe the amount of people that are saying otherwise. There are other ways to catch kids vaping. Ya’ll sitting here acting like your not parents and don’t know there are other ways.


I put myself in the shoes of the student and remembering myself as a teen.Mostly a well behaved teen but I sure had my moments. If I wasn’t doing anything wrong the minute I heard Teacher call Suzie Q. I would say, right here Mrs Math Teacher, I’ll be out in a minute." Or, “it’s me Sally Student, Suzie Q isn’t in here.” If I was doing something wrong I wouldn’t respond at all or I would certainly hesitate to figure out what to do. Now if I was a Teacher (which I have been and worked with youth most my life). I might do the same exact thing. If we was talking the crack underneath the stall…hell I do that almost every day at work. It happens. The problem with today is parents often jump to conclusions. Their Sally or John would never do anything wrong and these Teachers are terrible people. Wrong answer. There are good and bad teachers and their are good/bad behaved students. Take a look at the whole picture. When an adult or anyone asks hey are you in here. Freaking answer for God sakes. Sheesh.


Looking into the stall is definitely a violation.

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There are times when I go to use a public restroom that I don’t even know if anyone else is in there. I wouldn’t answer to anyone else’s name either. The teach could’ve easily said, “I know someone is in there, please respond!” I don’t care if the teacher said “I see your feet, who are you?” I don’t even have daughters, but if a teacher did that to my son, I would be livid.


It seems like everyone goes a little over board now a days I know what they did when I was in middle school and high school was completely unconstitutional considering how things are handled now a days .

That’s not ok. Vaping isn’t an excuse either, if your looking for kids vaping, look for a cloud of smoke you don’t need to be anywhere near the stall. Absolutely not okay.

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If I’m understanding this correctly the teacher wasn’t looking for your child. She was looking for another child. She then peeped( cause no one answered) through the crack and asked your child ( using her real name that you sub Susie Q for). No that is wrong. She could have seen a child in the stall and asked without peeping


You look for feet, and push the door. If it’s locked and no feet than someone is in there and you wait. You don’t look through the crack.


I feel like you should talk to the school, no one and I mean no one talks in a bathroom it’s always awkward and for this teacher to come in and look through is something inappropriate, if she was vaping and the teacher thought she was she should have called you not go in and look threw the stale door, now if she saw smoke she definitely should have called the principal down and waited out side the restroom with that said principal, if I ever had someone do this I would have told my mom, it’s not right when I was in school teachers were not allowed to enter bathrooms of the students

ewww no that’s weird behavior. i’d definitely make a big deal over that.

I would file a report with dcs.

Let any adult, or hell even child for that matter, look into the stall my child is using and there’s going to be an issue. I don’t care who is vaping or who isn’t answering. On the hierarchy of wrongs peeping is way worse than vaping therefore suspected vaping isn’t an excuse for peeping. That teacher was on a power trip just trying to bust a student for the sake of busting them and your kid got caught in the crossfire.

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I’d be pissed and be throwing a fit to that school!! Completely unacceptable!

I would be contacting the school that’s bull. They should have knocked on the stall doors instead of peeping

Daughter should have said yes I’m in here. Either she was copping attitude or hiding.

Teacher should have *STOOD in bathroom and waited if they’re concerned about illegal use in the bathroom. She would have seen or smelt the vape. I’d have been like okay ill be here when you get out kid!

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Look, idk who raised those of you saying it’s ok for the teacher to look at a half nude CHILD, but it is NOT ok. I don’t care what the child is suspected of. Period. What if a student did the same to a teacher?? There’d be a different reaction here.

Why didn’t your kid answer and say who she was? Then the whole situation would of been avoided? Sounds like your Susie Q isn’t so innocent either. THIS is why teachers quit! These shady ass kids & every one on here goes right to threatening the teacher!

Unless their was a severe safety concern for the child and thats why the teacher looked through the crack of the bathroom stall, the teacher should NOT have done that period. However, the child should’ve responded that she was in the bathroom when called for Just in case their was a safety concern.

Hell yeah I would feel violated! The door is there for privacy, that teacher stole your child’s privacy.

Happened to me in hs… I dropped out the next week

I’d be mad! Make some phone calls.

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The only time that would ever be permittable in my eyes would be if my child’s health or safety was at risk. Period. The teacher could have checked underneath her feet or tried to push the door or something to see if it was locked. Peeping into the crack is 100% a violation of privacy, and that teacher should get in trouble.

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That is extremely inappropriate. I would lose my shit if a teacher did that to my child.

when I was in high school, the bathroom stall doors had entire windows cut out so you could see in.

in saying that, she has a right to feel whatever it is she feels. I dont think theres anything wrong with asking the teacher about it too. I dont think there was any malice involved, but worth bringing up.


All of you people saying this was okay because the child didn’t answer are gross. First of all, the teacher was calling for a DIFFERENT child so of course her child didn’t answer to someone else’s name. The teacher had literally no need to start peaking in CLOSED stalls. If someone was in there vaping she would have smelled it and seen the cloud. She could have waited until the child came out and questioned them at that point. The fact the she peaked through a stall door (that is there for the purpose of privacy) makes her a preditor and I would be throwing a fricken fit. Wtf are some of yall thinking?!


I’d be so pissed, that is NOT ok. There is no reason anyone should be identifying children while they are inside of a closed stall. Even if they WERE vaping, no one should be looking into CLOSED AND LOCKED bathroom stalls. That’s when you wait and see who comes out.

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I would address with school to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I would address with my kiddo now too and say if someone “an adult” comes in asking for a student, say- I’m not them but I am using the restroom. I don’t think the teacher should have looked in the stall. She could have waited outside the bathroom, people come out at some point


I would be upset too. The teacher could have waited till the girl came out. If there was vaping going on, you could smell it and see the vapor. If the teacher wasn’t even calling for this girl, that makes the peeping even more unnecessary. A complaint is in order here and the teacher needs to apologize.


I work at a middle school in my town and do security and that is VERY INAPPROPRIATE, contact building principal AND superintendent immediately


While they’re at school is the administration’s responsibility to keep them safe. Would you be upset if the teacher peeped in the bathroom stall and the child was having a medical emergency?


I would be contacting your local news. And your attorney. Immediately.

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  1. when there was no answer the teacher could have easily asked whoever was in the stall to identify herself. If the teacher was suspicious that the student offered a misidentification, she could have looked at shoes or waited for her to come out.

  2. if the teacher suspected vaping was happening in the bathroom, could she not smell the presence or absence of it?? I’ve been around enough people vaping to know that it leaves a very distinct smell in the air, one that doesn’t linger very long so it’s easy to tell if it’s currently happening.

  3. anyone peeping through the crack in the stall door deserves a squirt of hairspray to the face.


Some of you are not reading the post or are not understanding! The child’s name that was being called WAS NOT the child that was in the stall that the teacher was looking at! After the teacher look at the child in the stall she asked the child if they were “child’s name” & she answered yes! BUT IT WAS NOT the name of the child the teacher was looking for!


So, from a different perspective, when I was in middle school a kid tried to End his life in the bathroom stall. He sat on the toilet tank with his feet on the seat so that they couldn’t see underneath the door and cut himself. When his mom came to the school it was “I don’t understand why no one just looked in the stall! This all could have been prevented if you guys watched him!”

Do I think that having a conversation through the door crack while a kid is pooping is a bit far, yes. But I wouldn’t go so far to say this lady is a pedophile like some people are. She was literally doing her job. Her job is to make sure that she knows where all her students are and they are accounted for during the 8 hours that she has them.


I’m so sorry your daughter feels violated. I remember those moments in school; the doors had a nice 2-inch crack anyone could see through, and I absolutely hated it. There was ALWAYS someone looking in the crack, mainly kids waiting for an open stall. It made me so uncomfortable and gave me anxiety. I feel this should be changed immediately.


That’s a peeping Tom situation. That’s a problem. If any adult at my child’s school looked into the stall at them it would be a huge deal.


I think everyone’s overreacting and it’s a bit ridiculous.


VERY INAPPROPRIATE! That wouldn’t fly with me, with my son or my niece. I’d contact the principal and if that does nothing go straight to the school board!


Wtf?? They couldve just walked into the batgroom and announced themselves. There was no need to peer in through the cracks of the stall at a child!

Oh no, I’d be furious . That is DEFINITELY violating and I’d be upset as hell .

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Yeah I’d be tearing that place apart. My one side says it was probably a dumb thing for the teacher to do in the heat of the moment; she was looking for someone else and didn’t fully think things through. I also don’t believe this teacher is willfully perverted or having pedophilic urges, I think she was just dumb. On the other hand, my mother side is saying to go full bear mode.

If we didn’t have a crack in stall doors in America this would not have been possible. I have subbed at all levels, beyond 5th to 6th grades, it really is a legal risk for a teacher to go into student restrooms unless it is to break up a fight, provide some assistance if a student is unwell etc… there is an unofficial rule, typically you ask another student that is trustworthy to find another student. Unless there is an emergency, as a teacher you have to be super careful. Yes, it is your obligation to check on students not in the classroom but they even as young adults are granted privacy. But if there was any suspicion of vaping, the teacher has to check that out but she should have got a female administrator or another staff member to go with her and not peaked through stall gaps. That is a violation of student privacy.


That would upset me majorly!!! I’d have a serious talk with the school and school board!!

Yes I would start a sexual harassment case.

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I see it both ways. A bit over the top yes but at the same time if something were happening to the child in the restroom stall the teacher would be catching hell for not knowing where her students are.


Speak to teacher and or principal

I taught elementary for several years. Teachers weren’t even allowed to go into the student restrooms. This is way over the line to me. Certainly a violation of privacy.

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Make a formal complaint in writing to the school district. Really, all communication about this incident needs to be in writing. You’ll want a record of everything.

When I was in first grade, my teacher did this. She took it a step farther by telling me to open the stall door, stand up with my pants down, snd peaked over to see if I had used the toilet.
Any behavior of this sort is unacceptable for a teacher. Let the principal know immediately and if they don’t take it seriously, take it to the school board. Teachers like that absolutely shouldnt be teaching. Their job is to make students feel safe, not violated.

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Regardless of who the teacher is she shouldn’t be peeking under what she should have done was chap the door and ask if anybody was in there and wait a few minutes until she was finished doing the toilet then she would have seen it wasn’t who she was looking for

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Vaping causes a cloud . You dont need to check inside a cubicle to find the person responsible.
If a teacher suspects a child is in danger or self harming in some way…maybe its acceptable. But knocking the door and asking who’s in the cubicle would be a better way to start. If you don’t get an answer and are worried for the child’s safety then its permissable to peek
Personally I wouldnt be happy if someone peeked through or under the door if my child was in there and not in danger .

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That’s creepy. I know as an adult I would have an issue if someone was peering through the cracks to look at me.


So while I agree it is totally wrong, and your daughter totally valid for feeling the way she does! For me the situation would depend on the staff member. And what kind of person they are. I work with children and as a mother I sometimes do things out of instinct that I would do for my children. Although not inappropriate at all, some other parents wouldn’t do it the same way I do. So maybe just let the staff member know that she felt violated. Maybe the staff member didn’t realize the harm the situation could cause. However if it is a staff member who is entitled and feels like they have the right because of the vaping Etc then I would not be with okay with it at all

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Omg, it’s a crack in the door. Teacher just looked to see who was there (because kids are so honest) she didn’t hover over her. I’m sure she will survive her awful bathroom experience. Or you could home school her and save her from years of therapy.


If my child came home from school and told me that while they were using the toilet a teacher (of any gender) peaked through the crack (for any reason) I would be furious! I would go striaght into the school and cause war!


Regardless of anyones opinion.

Your child said she felt violated. Therefor her boundary was crossed no matter if we think it’s a big deal or not. You must stand behind her and you must ruffle feathers if the teacher dies not naturally apologizes and help her heal from the trauma. she will never come to you again with any issues or feelings if you don’t take her seriously and this will teach her that her instincts/ morals are wrong and this is where she will start not to trust herself and for go her boundaries to please,

If it was my child he’ll would be upon them.

I know someone that was unable to pee in a public bathroom for 25 years from an incident at school when said person was 5!


I actually had a female pe teacher my freshman year of high school demanding I change into my pe clothes while she stood there and watched me. She claimed it was because I was taking too long. I refused to change unless she left the locker room and she end up sending me to the principals office for it. And yet I was the one who got in trouble for not getting dressed. If that happened to my children I would have handled it differently than mine did. I would be having a talk with the principal and that teacher.


I’d have a problem! A big problem! :eyes::eyes::eyes:

I guess I would t have made eye contact, but if a child is in there and not answering I’d be worried something happened to that child. I guess I would have checked for shoes. It seems like the teacher wasn’t trying to be creepy, just trying to make sure the child was ok.


It’s not right at all but why didn’t Susie just answer when her name was called or respond in general so nobody peeked in at her.:confused:


I feel you’re reaching. If she had responded when called that wouldn’t be a problem


Not y’all blaming a child. I’m sorry but regardless of what the child did or didn’t do that teacher should not having looked at an indecent child. Have you thought that maybe she should have just asked who was in the stall instead of peaking in? Oh of course not, let’s blame the the child instead.

Momma, if she feels violated she was violated. It’s not up to us or anyone else to say whether it is or isn’t. I would have a meeting and calmly try to let said teacher know that wasn’t okay.


If she felt violated, then she was. It’s her personal boundary. I hate those cracks. My friends and I used to go to the restroom together, so two of us could stand on either side to block the cracks. Now, I don’t use public restrooms at all🤷🏽‍♀️
Your daughter trusted you to stand up for her, so do that. My grandmother and I didn’t agree on much, but she always went to bat for me in every situation. I’ll always be grateful that she listened to what I was saying and didn’t tell me I was wrong; she simply stood up for me.