My daughter gets horrible stomach pains that her doctor does not seem concerned about: Advice?

My daughter, nearly seven yo, gets a horrible upset stomach every few weeks. She’s so nauseous and has spent nights by the toilet scared to leave it in case she gets sick. Her Dr. doesn’t ever seem to take it seriously. This has been going on for almost two years pretty regularly. About every other month, she’s miserable for a few days. We’ve taken her to the ER, and they always say she’s constipated but never do any tests. I’m sure she gets backed up sometimes, but this doesn’t seem like just that alone. I’ve tried limiting milk products, but that hasn’t seemed to help or change anything. Sometimes she’ll run a slight fever, sometimes not one at all. Has anyone else experienced something like this?


Have you taken her to a pediatric gi


Has she seen GI? Sounds like she needs to see a specialist. Also she needs a new doctor who will listen


Go see a Gastreonologist dr.

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How old?? Sounds like what i get at pms time… if she 9 or older get her lady parts ultra sound.


Anxiety often presents as stomach aches in children


Could be find allergies…my daughter had stomach pain is allergic to eggs and sesame seed…got diagnoised by a GI doctor

CVS. (chronic vomiting syndrome)

Does she ever actually vomit or have diarrhea? Have you tried a diary… food and events to see if something triggers it? I say events because anxiety/nerves can cause horrible nausea. Also when she has had it and taken to the ER have they ever done a CT scan to actually prove she is constipated? Is the pain in one area? Or “all over”? Keep a diary and document all these things. It will not only help you to remember from one event to the other but will give you something to actually show the doctor.

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Rendy Munson does this sound what you went through?

Stomach aches in children are often headaches. My son had this for a short time. Every test including stool sample was negative. He eventually out grew them but gets headaches now.

My daughter was like that for months . I would take her in to her Dr. no concern after taking her to specialists the said it was IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) . She is now 21 and occasionally good but as a child she was in constant pain doctors would give her medication just to subside the pain

I agree with seeing a GI.

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Sounds like gastritis … My oldest had it and it was awful… They gave us liquid heart burn meds…

Have her pediatrician run blood test. Also see that she is tested for Sickle Cell disease. Cut a lot of meat out of her diet until she is diagnosed. Praying for her :pray:t5:.

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Yes we have. And yes it’s chronic constipation for us, as confirmed by X-ray. Miralax, fiber supplements, water and a lot of talk about our poop and toilet habits.

It has also helped for us to listen to positive meditation in you tube at bedtime.

Look up low FODMAP foods if you want to start getting handle on her diet and what’s likely to trigger upset tummy.

And journal her daily. Ie…symptoms, emotional health, any tests coming up at school, what did she eat that day.


Change the doctor as this one doesn’t seem to care enough to order test done


As a youngster no dr knew what was wrong with me. As I got older, I was diagnosed with IBS.

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Insist on a CT scan!

Has she been tested for Crohn’s disease yet? I would rush to a GI ASAP and get some testing done


You needed a new doctor like yesterday.


She needs to see a children’s specialist as this could be pms, anxiety, uterine, gastrointestinal, or any array of illnesses. And get a new pediatrician/primary who won’t ignore your child. Most of all be strong mama cuz that is definitely scary and heartbreaking.


Have her sugar checked

Find a new doctor. Get a ULTRASOUND, CAT SCAN or MRI this is serious condition going on for two years.

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CT and ask about IBS or leaky Gut

Pancreatitis, when my son was growing up I took him to so many Doctors, he was finally diagnosed in his 20’s. Find a Doctor that will listen to you like I should have

Ask them to check her liver pancreas and gallbladder and be firm that you will NOT leave until they do.

I would recommend a gastroenterologist to help with gut issues. They can test for specific allergies and diseases. And go from there. And i would also suggest seeing an allergist who can test to see if allergic to anything else. I recommend both specialists.


Intestinal infection
Get her another Doctor

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This happened to me. As a kid I had these issues and they would get more frequent each year. I can’t diagnose your daughter but I can tell you what rare thing they found out I had. Turned out I had an ovarian cyst and with puberty it increased pain. Before puberty it was bad. They didn’t find it until I was 14 and it was 35 pounds by then and had destroyed my left ovary. I was diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome and I was told the cyst the size it was was probably at birth. My mom said I had a hard time eating as an infant I had to lay a certain way and I had digestive issues. I know endometriosis can be something too. She could have anxiety issues or really so many things. My mom never got a new doctor for me until 14 and that doctor made sure I got a diagnosis so I recommend finding a doctor that will fight to get answers.

Celiacs disease??? I would take to a GI for some further testing…

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Get blood tests done immediately!!!

I had stomach problems for years since I was a kid and nothing worked. Had a doctor diagnose me with HPilori. The treatment was worse than the problem but once I finished it no more problems

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Used to happen regularly with my son, I worked out on my own and then had it confirmed that he is allergic to hormone feed chicken. We only eat free range now and he hasn’t suffered for a while

Try getting a second opinion from a different doctor or if there’s none tell your doctor that you need them to take her concerns seriously and test her for food allergies or other things.
Does she drink water?

Is it stress or anxiety?


Could be IBS…I too agree to see a GI. Our clinic doesn’t have a pediatric GI doctor so we had to go to a Childrens hospital (Milwaukee WI) to get the help we needed. That was like 11 yrs ago. But her regular pediatrician wouldn’t do much either I finally had to take the next step myself. So glad we did. I’m thinking IBS but I’m no dr just years of no answers for myself until I wss 18 and then my daughter after getting her to pediatric GI. Good luck to your daughter

First of all she needs a new doctor and secondly she needs a GI specialist to give her a good looking over because it sounds like a lot of different things it could be her gallbladder as well as a host of other things too.


Demand x-rays, then Cat or MRI, my son had twisted intestines we didn’t know about. I thought appendex. Thank God, the Emergency doctor got X-rays. He called a doctor in Portland that had just came back from Stanford U. and had the answers on what to do. My son was 7yrs old he is now 38.

My daughter is 7 years old and experience the same thing. She also don’t eat alot of meat so I didn’t understand the constipation. We do slightly warm Apple juice, Miramax and plenty of Pedisure and water. We also do almond milk with her cereal. I feel your pain with this…

My son has stomach migraines. I wonder if that’s what she might has. We learned his triggers and now we’re ok. But if he goes too long without food he throws up for hours and days. It took some time for the doctor to figure it out.

Gut health is so important… she may have leaky gut . Constapation is painful and may causes of this are over growth of yeast called Candida . I have a suggestion if you want more info please message me .

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My 9 year old too, until we began taking probiotic gummies called Happy Tummy, by Olly sold at target, cvs, grocery stores… take 1 each night after dinner, haven’t had any problems for a year💓

Find out if this physical symptom is the cause of something bothering her or she’s upset about.

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Celiac get tests done GI doc start there!

New doctor and diary her food. See if there is a pattern. Kids can get abdominal migraines, which can cause nausea, and other systems.
The food diary could help track a pattern .
Put a bucket by her bed so she can at least feel comfortable. Anxiety can cause a lot of issues. Hug her lots and reassure her a little bit of sick on the bed or floor isnt an issue.
But a new doctor ASAP.


New doctor asap and also get her to a G.I. doc.

Does she have IBS thats how I was

Go to another doctor. Ask to see a specialist.

Needs a better pediatrician and definitely a bowel workup etc. she is telling you the truth! We just need to find out why she hurts!!

I’d say it’s anxiety or panic bouts. I had them when I was growing up and my parents were convinced there was something wrong with me. I wouldn’t eat. Was nauseous, even feverish. They always said I was constipated but that wasn’t it. It was straight up anxiety disorder which I was diagnosed with while in the military. It’s amazing why our own stress and minds can do to us. I’m a nurse so I do know a little about this stuff.

I’m wondering if it might have something to do with hormones. I know nothing, it’s just my first reaction to your description of how it’s happening once a month regularly. Like maybe her little body is getting ready for when she gets her future menstrual cycles? That’s certainly a mystery, though. Hope she feels better soon :purple_heart::bouquet:

You must demand that the doctor send her to a Gastroenterologist. If you have to get a referral. If not start looking.

I would request a referral for a GI specialist

Keep a food diary. Everything she eats, time and date. If it is after a fatty meal or a late meal then it could be gallbladder attack. I had this pain in my stomach, more to the right and straight through to the back. Excruciating. Sometimes vomiting too. I used to roll on the floor. Turned out to be a huge gallstone in my gallbladder. I had my gallbladder removed. If its just the stone removed it happens over again so removing the actual gallbladder was the better option. Pain stopped.

Yes get a new Doctor and get this Child out of pain…2 years is way to long…


My daughter gets like this, and we give her miralax. Yes being backed up can make you feel like everything you described… Hope she gets to feeling better

I think you need to get another opinion. Kids don’t do this for no reason. It sounds like your dr isn’t listening

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Get a doctor with an operational brain…
A child with a reoccurring problem should be thoroughly checked out.


My daughter is 19 now … been a long road … at 3 years old she began to have unbearable stomach pain … constipation… too much to type … I got accused of munch houser syndrome … my husband did not take that well lol… we continued… ended up in emergency when daughter was 7 (in an out of province hospital )got referred to a doc … diagnosed with extreme ibs… a few prescriptions later she was on the mend… now ! Along the way recommendations of marijuana came and went as she was not of legal age … at 15 we couldn’t see her suffer any more … started small … NOW SHE IS THRIVING!!! Has gained weight … CAN EAT… NOT PERFECT …BUT … SHE IS HAPPIER… stress and anxiety and depression play a role here as well … not saying this works for everyone but … it’s been a long hard road. What I saw her go through was horrible from a mother’s eyes !!! I was willing to go wherever I needed! AND I DID! … never give up!

I have similar issues I was getting horrible gut cramps almost once a month so bad I I went to the er all for them to tell me I’m backed up I stopped eating meat and most dairy now it happens every couple months I get filled with gas and have horrible cramps for a couple days I know this wasn’t informative but I feel her pain and 2nd going to a gi dr. I have an apt setup for the end of the month

Yeah my sons pediatrician and nephrologist dont listen either he recently started having seizures and they dont take it serious at all and I have 2 epileptic daughters . SO I’m pretty sure that I know what a seizure is and that you dint always convulse sometimes you gotta call the hospital manager and call the office and refuse to see that doctor and demand another one that listens . Mine disregarded alot of things I had been reporting . Possible seizures at 3 months old , stop breathing in her sleep abnormally to the point of turning blue and coughing till she cant catch her breath by the time she was 3 she was diagnosed with epilepsy sleep apnea bronchial spasms , VSD, a leaking heart valve, unexplained high heartbeats

Cutting out most dairy isn’t good enough if it a dairy issue… Please get her a better doctor. They are out there…

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Anxiety? Have you noticed if it happens when she’s around someone in particular? Any triggers? I hope you find answers soon. My heart hurts knowing she’s in pain and you don’t have answers. :pray:t3:

Maybe she has anxiety or maybe it’s ulcers or IBS, in the meantime they have nausea medicine for kids at the store


What about GI doctor and have her tested for Helicobacter pylori Bacteria my son had it around that age…

Get a new doctor.
Pay attention to get diet.
Review family medical history.


Get a new doctor! Period!!!


Sounds like she needs to poop more regularly

Definitely get another doctor… but in the meantime… make her chamomile tea every night. That will help with both her achy tummy and bowels. Theres also some kids gummies I’ve seen that are probiotics… try them. She should also try to drink more water.

Any dr that dismisses pain in a child needs to be reported!


Check for endometriosis in the family. I took my daughter to the pediatrician a few times and decided to go to the ob/gyn after finding out my sister had it. We already tried prilosec etc. She has terrible anxiety and has since grade 3. Puberty started at age 8. Don’t take no for answer!!

It used to happen to me at that age. Looking back, i realise i was totally stressed. Check that she is not being bullied

Has she been tested for celiac disease?

Is it upset stomach or stomach pain?

Osmolax helped my daughter. She took it for six months.

Have them check for eosinophilic esophagitis as well. If other tests come back normal it’s possibly something else to look at. My daughter was diagnosed after similar issues. Find a good gastroenterologist, the ER is ultimately going to seek only emergent situations and not always look for an ongoing underlying issue. It sucks that it’s that way, we attempted the ER before with my daughter in the beginning and they told us she was just having an anxiety attack 🤦. If one doctor is not giving you answers and solutions definitely seek out someone who will. :heart:

My 7yo gets constipated too. Exact same symptoms. Lots of water and Cheerios (fiber) Helps the pain to massage his tummy too.

For you might start giving her probiotics, but definitely you need another doctor and when you go over there tell exactly that you are there because you need someone who can listen to you and test your daughter…


I would get her check for a hernia. My daughter is 19 and they keep telling her that she’s constipated even though I demanded that they did a test on her stomach. But get ready cuz they told me my daughter’s wasn’t big enough and they won’t do anything till it gets bigger. It’s BS

See a gastroenterologist. I take a candy like product found in the health section called Gin Gin. It gas ginger in it and calms the tummy.

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Get a second opinion. Mine would get pains that would keep her bed bound during the duration. She ended up being put on prevacid. Had to be the powder form for her because she was still to young for pills. One of my others would get stomach pains when anxiety would get the better of her. Get a second opinion.

Maybe anxiety.Maybe food allergies.Watch what she eats & write it all down & when the episodes happen.My 7 yr old daughter goes through this to.She is also a sleep walker.We limit certain foods & she sleeps with a weighted blanket.It has helped some.Sometimes its her nerves working her up especially at night cause she doesn’t like to sleep when it’s super dark so we put Christmas lights up around the room as a nightlight.Sometimes it’s hunger pains & we will give her something small to eat.Lately at this age been hearing alot of kids dealing with anxiety

I have to agree w Mary Ann George, my son has a seviere allergy to gluten and wheat. Your situation seems to be describing exactly what we were going through about 8 years ago. He is missing only one pannel to be considered having celiac disease. Once we cut the gluten out, he started to slowly feel better. Good luck

Need to find another doctor,

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You need a new Dr. My young teen was having the same issues. Dr ran all kinds of bloodwork and had an x-ray done. Turned out she is having issue’s going due to being backed up and has anxiety issues. Things like this can be serious though. They should do an x-ray if the think she’s constipated and tell you the proper medications for her age. If not celiac disease is what i was worried about, so we had bloodwork done. Prayers for your little one.

I would get an appointment with a gastroenterologist asap. For the last couple years I have had issues with stomach pain and nausea. I see a gastroenterologist doctor and after an endoscopy and blood work, he says my stomach and lining of stomach look great. So much for medical help! Seriously, I would get her to a gastroenterologist as quickly as you can. Poor baby, she doesn’t, at seven years old, have to deal with this. Prayers and good luck.

My daughter would get stomach pain and nausea and after years of her complaining a new Dr finally did an ultrasound and they found she had a condition called ‘Mesenteric Adenitis’.

Worth looking into.

I have an egg allergy. Not dairy in general, egg. I also, as I have gotten older, discovered that I have many food allergies, but the eggs give me an awful, almost rot gut, stomach ache. Try to eliminate eggs for a while. Try taking her for allergy testing if you can. I hope she finds some relief soon.

Stress gives little ones tummy aches


I went through the same thing when I was young and they ended up putting me on nerve medication. My parents fought and argued all the time and that was my problem. Not saying that’s what’s going on with you but if it is you might want to look into that if a kid is under stress

Could possibly be a hernia

Same problems as my daughter have trouble food in her stomachache, she have allergy with milk, mayo, and any white stuff. Stop taking try mixed food with chicken or beef booth drink daily, she wil! Be alright. My girl was 8 years old. Now she is 14. Cause what can eat…

My daughter had excessive gas in her stomach. Have them do an x ray. The first E.R. I took her to didn’t even think of it. The second Hospital I took her to did it. And that’s how I found out what was causing such pain.

I have a. 7 year old who did same thing. And all the doctors kept telling me tje same thing she was constipated. After 2 years od this i took her to shands. They said she has separation anixety. She would be so sick throwing up every time we mentioned school or anything to do with me not bieng right there. Take her to shands. There’s been a world of difference since we did this. I also took her out of public school and homeschool her. We do counseling 1x a week and the change is wonderful for them good luck hope she gets better soon

Im a nurse and my daughter went through the same thing. Sounds like simple constipation. Start with a laxative to get cleaned out, then just increase fruits and veggies, Make sure you look at her stool. Sometimes constipated children have extremely large stools which can cause damage if left unchecked not to mention being very painful. If you need the laxative use Milk of Magnesia, it doesn’t cause cramping

I went through this with my son when he turned 10 last year. His brother was going to college and his father and I were getting a divorce. We were at Children’s hospital 3-4 times over 9 months. They said similar things-constipation, seperation anxiety, depression, etc. Then over spring break he went into renal failure. They ended up finding and removing a 4lb tumor from his bladder. This is most likely not the case for you, but I share this only because I wish I had demanded an ultrasound much sooner. I had no idea I could or should. Anyway, I hope this helps. :heart:

I was diagnosed after 3 years of this kind of pain. It wasn’t until I was brought to the hospital at 16 when a doctor saw my attack. The doctor looked at me and said you have gallstones. What? 12 of them one going into the pancreas. Emergency surgery 2 weeks in the hospital and a scar that is 9 inches long. It was 1975.
No one in my family believed me. Said I was acting out. Looking for attention.

Sounds like you need a new doctor. Not to freak ya out, but there is a tumor that can grow in the belly that is a form of cancer. So don’t play around with it.

Anxiety did it to me for years and years.