My daughter has a milk allergy and we are waiting on a GI: Advice?

My son had the same and I put him on Simulac Isomil which is a soy based milk. If you continue to breast feed maybe change to Almond milk instead and try keep your diet diary free as every thing you eat / drink comes out in your milk. All the best for you and baby xx

Also if you need to go with one of the hypoallergenic formulas,ask your pediatrician if they have samples. Mine gave me case’s of it

My son had this and we switch to a soy formula and no problems

My daughter had the same thing. GI put her on Elecare formula. Very expensive put does not milk protein. Her symptoms are all gone.

We had to put our daughter on soy formula that helped a lot and mixing in a little bit of rice cereal in her formula a couple times a day. The gas from it was horrible but she’s now the strongest of my kiddos.

I cut dairy out of my diet and my son did fine. When he was old enough, we switched to almond milk. We tried cows milk, but he still couldn’t do it unless it was cooked into something.

My now 18 months old daughter had a milk allergy. Mucus in her poop as well throwing up every single time she ate (not acid reflux) I stopped all dairy from my diet and in about a week or so she was much better. I went back to eating cheese one day and same thing happened so I just cut dairy out of my diet completely. I guess she had a sensitivity to it. Like I mention she’s 18 months now and she can eat dairy and it don’t bother her no more. I on the other hand can’t go back to dairy I got use to my nondairy substitutes! :woman_shrugging:t2::upside_down_face:

My brother was allergic to breast milk and cows milk. We had to get a goat and give him goats milk.

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From what I remember it takes a few weeks to get dairy out of your system?
If you wanted to still breastfeed you would just need to pump and dump until the lactose is out of your own system

Rice milk. My granddaughter has milk allergies! Try rice milk. You can find it in the health section at Freddie’s, Kroger, etc

My daughter had that problem and drs tried numerous formulas only one that works is ellacare ! I swear by it !!!

Might get constipated easily too. Mine does. So be careful with foods that bind. Like bananas, etc

Try nutramigen formula. The only one that worked for my son. I tried breast feeding, reg formula, soy formula, etc…

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Almond milk is great- but if ur looking to still have more protein, stay on soy milk. Some have about 8g of protein per serving. N there r a lot of alternative cheeses to add to ur diet if u have to get off animal dairy. Cashew cheese is delicious. And I’m not vegan by any means but I am a chef n I can personally vouch for these products

From experience my son had the same exact issue& we switched to lactaid but they suggested almond milk too but my son was 1. He was just lactose intolerant

My son had this, milk protein allergy. He had to go on Neocate formula

Same happened to my daughter. So scary to go though. I had to put her on a special formula. Nutamogen ? I think is what it was. She is now 2 and only drinks lactaid. She does fine with that. I’m to scared to try anything else. She stomachs cheese ok and yogurt too.

My son had that experience.
Was breast fed first 3 months and then placed on soy formula. // Very $$$//hard to find 15 years ago.
He outgrew it after his 5th Birthday

Both of mine had cow milk allergy. Soy can act the same way as milk. We had to do alimentum and mix it with lactose free liquid formula. Neither could take powdered formula at all.

My kids were allergic to cows milk, so had them all on goats milk, which at the time Joppe’s delivered. I think Meijers carries it, or they did at one time. It

Both my kids had an allergy to the protein I’m the cows milk they both eventually out grew it but yes I had to stop breast feeding at 1 year for both or stop drinking cows milk
Also lactose free milk was not a choice
Um you can try cashew milk was a good alternative it’s sweet like cows milk but the lactose ( if that’s the problem ) is not there and the protein ( if that’s the problem ) is not there. So maybe a nut type milk if you want ( all for you if you choose to continue to breast feed )

If you formula feed similac was my go to when I started going low on breast milk and was transitioning to no breastfeeding

My baby was diagnosed with milk cows milk protein allergy at 4 weeks old. She had lost loads of weight. Because of the protein part she couldn’t have soya milk, goats milk or ewes milk. We are in uk so not to sure what milk they would but her on but mine was put on nutramigen. They said if she could have tolerated the soya she would have had that.

As far as breastfeeding I was told the same to stop. My little one was rushed in with a bad case of whooping cough at 6 weeks old. That doc said I could have continued but I would have to stop drinking all that stuff too and not to eat products with it in. I wasn’t happy as wasn’t given that info the first place. By then it was too late x

My son is allergic to milk and the doctor recommended rice milk.

My son has a milk allergy and had to be put on EleCare infant formula. After he was on that for a couple weeks he didn’t have any other issues

My pediatric suggest me Till one year u should not give cow milk for babies since it contains protein rich, for babies it’s very difficult to digest. So better give breastfeed or formula milk… So my kind advice stop cow’s milk till one year.

My son only breastfeed up to 6 weeks if that. All the other formulas made him spit up. Try soy it saved ME

My grand daughter is allergic to milk…was as a newborn…finally grew out of it. She was put on spy milk as a baby…expensive but it sure helped her.

My son had the same issue. First of all it takes 2 weeks for any milk to leave their system so they will have issues for that long. Secondly you can try nutramigen if that doesn’t work you can try allimentum. They are suppose to be the same but they are not. My son still had issues on nutramigen but once we switched him to allimentum and gave him 2 weeks he was like a whole new kid. Now he had a milk protien allergy, not just a milk allergy. He out grew his issue by age 1

Try neocate formula. It can be ordered through amazon. My son has been on it with no issues for a year.

My son is 6 now, had same issue as an infant, was out on soy formula.

We had to switch our daughters baby to soy milk. It took care of the problem.

Their are two types of formula i used for my son he was allergic to a compound in milk theres one formula for sensitive stomach and then theres soy

Try soy formula! My son had galacosemia and would have died from dariy, we switched him to soy and he’s a very healthy 12 year okd

I was allergic to cows milk when I was a baby but could drink goat’s milk. We had goats that we milked but I have seen it in Walmart. Maybe try that?

Go to a naturopath my daughter was the same Drs couldn’t fix her within a week of going to a naturlpath cured

My daughter did this it was the protein in the milk. She had to have nutramogen.

My boys were allergic they had soy milk formula and did great but outgrew it by the time they were 1

My grandson has an allergy, makes her m poop baby crap green. I have him silk chocolate milk at my house …no issue

Goats milk my aunt was allergic but could do goats milk

My daughter could only tolerate soy until she turned 1.

Try maybe powdered milk with maybe a natural extract for flavor

Try goat milk. I was allergic to cow milk as a baby, but goat milk worked well for me.

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My son never could drink regular milk. Soy as a baby and rice milk at 1. Hes fine now but doesnt drink alot

Mine had to be on something super expensive. Like 35 a can… that was 20yrs ago

I’m confused. Your breasts put out cows milk? Sorry Mom who did not breast feed

Same as Christie. They also make soy based formula

Are you a cow milk from human and cow I’d quite different

Try soy milk instead of cow’s milk.

Why did you have to stop breastfeeding?

I hope you are able to find an immediate solution that will help your daughter.

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My son was allergic to my milk. He had to have sow milk

I’m wondering what a cow milk allergy has to do with breast milk tho :thinking:


Same thing happened to me and we use similac alimentium also

Stop the dairy in your diet and resume nursing

Stop all dairy products and resume nursing.

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My son was allergic. We put him on Nutramagin. At a year old we put him on Almond milk.

Nutramigen was a life saver!

2 of my grand daughter had to drink Nutramigen

Nutrimagen is what we got put on and the only one that works

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Two of my children were allergic to milk when still on formula. My pediatrician put them on soy formula till they were two. They put grew it

My son had to drink elecare

My oldest had to be on similac alimentum.

My cousin was allergic to cows milk

My nephew drinks goat milk.

It isnt rocket science Try a different type of milk

What about farm and fleet

We had to feed Alimentum

Used neomulsoy (soy based formula)

Milk allergie? How about not your mom, not your milk. Choose a plantbased milk you like. I recommend Oat milk

Nutramigen is what I had to use for mine

My son had a severe milk and soy allergy
Elecare was the only thing I could get. GI doc gave a script for insurance

My middle daughter had the same milk protein allergy. Once we discovered it at almost 3 months, I went off all dairy, it took a good solid week for my system to clear it out, but after that she was fine. I was very careful, checked labels and she breastfed until she was 2 and 1/2. She outgrew her allergy and at 8 years old has no issues with dairy. Good luck with your babe!

1st off NO BABY UNDER A YEAR SHOULD HAVE COW’S MILK. 2nd How the heck does her allergy mean you can’t breastfeed. Last I checked human breastmilk and cow’s milk are very different. If I misunderstood the post, Im sorry. But you sound like a dumb mother who shouldn’t be raising a baby

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All 4 of my children had/have dairy allergies. You can still nurse! Just stop eating ALL dairy products. I also gave/still give them goats milk when milk is needed.

If you don’t want to stop breastfeeding you don’t have to! My son had the same dairy allergy and I just became dairy free myself to protect his tummy. He grew out of it just after he turned one and I continued to nurse him until almost 2!

It’s hard to get into see a pediatric GI. When my son needed to see one, it was like a 3 month wait! We ended up in the ER with him & the GI we wanted to see was on call that night. He had an appointment 3 days later. Not sure if you are having that issue.

My daughter was the same way and her doctor told us it is normal - our bodies are not designed to digest other animals milk and our digestive systems need to learn how - some systems are more sensitive than others and that is were cows milk allergy comes in (typically outgrow between 12-15 months). Breastfeed but cut dairy out of my diet then moved to nutramigen - the formula is a milk based but proteins are already broken down so body doesn’t have to process and at 14 months started with yogurts then introduced milk after that - she is 12 and milk is her favorite thing.

Nutramigen is for infants with cows milk allergy. My second baby could not tolerate regular formula and soy bound her very badly. She did very well on Nutramigen for about 9 months and then we eased her back to a cows milk formula which I don’t think they make anymore (carnation good start). However, now Nutramigen is available for up to toddler ages. Should be able to find at Walmart or Target. As an adult, she still struggles with milk…about the only thing she use is rice milk.

You can still breast feed as long as you don’t eat what she can’t have. My youngest couldn’t have milk, soy, eggs, or anything high in protein…I basically ate like a rabbit for 9 months, but it is possible. She went 22 months with test after test. Finally as a last ditch test, her GI ordered a gastric emptying test and found out her body was taking 12-15 hours to digest food rather than the normal 3-5 hours. It’s called gastroparesis. Good luck. It’s hard, but you’ve got this momma.

Years ago, in 1942 my brother was allergic to cows milk. My parents and grandparents lived together and my grandfather got goats so the family used goat milk until he outgrew it. We lived on a 5 acre rented farm land, so we could do that. I don’t know any other things except about the goat milk. I didn’t know it was different until a guest one day said something about the taste of the milk. My grandmother said, “The baby is allergic to cows milk, so we all use goat milk so he don’t feel different.” see if you relate to these experiences especially if they don’t know what’s going on. My oldest had FPIES and it was rough but we kept him alive, he’s 10 years old now.

I don’t understand why a cow milk allergy would prevent you from breastfeeding you just need to supplement in another way for calcium or am I crazy

My friend’s baby had this problem and was put on a dairy free/soy free formula called Neocate which rectified the problem. It costs $50 a can but was worth it.

Stay strong
If that was me I’ll be terrified. I’ll be crying. I’ll be at every er everytime she pooped.

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Christie Duval Fernstrom yes! My 2 month old needed similac almentum too!

Caitlyn Cheyenne Cannon maybe you can help?

Nutramigen!!! God send!!!

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It’s not just the milk, it’s every single food the mother eats with milk in it. Reading food labels, it is surprising how many food have milk in them. The fastest way to start healing baby’s tummy is to temporarily stop breastfeeding and use formula. They still get nutrition without aggravating, and time for everything to come out of mom’s system.

Is it a lactose intolerance or milk protein intolerance? There are some excellent soy formulas out there…i used Infasoy…

Could be a starting case of piloric stenosis. It would be worth mentioning that could easily be the misdiagnosed as its more common in first born boys. I believe your daughter may not be allergic but may have a oncoming case of piloric stenosis. I almost died at two weeks old was vomiting everthing dehydrated went to 6 diffrent hospital before the figured out it was pyloric stenosis. And I had it from birth wich is uncommon because it noarmall happens around two mounths in age but mention it it couldnt hurt. Like I said I went to six hospitals before they figured out why i was vomiting like i was at 2 weeks old not crying tears anymore and very lathagic at that point my aunt had to ok the procedure as mom was home resting and showering to get back up to me.

Mushk Hasan check this

My son had this issue before leaving the hospital…he was put on similac allimentum formula.

My child had this it’s actually the inability to digest certain proteins because they like a certain enzyme. Usually outgrow neutramagen formula
Unfortunately its.pretty expensive

My youngest went through this. I had to feed him Enfamil Nutramagen. He out grew it, like the pediatrician said he would. He drinks a ton of milk now.

My now 3 year old has a dairy allergy but only in her intestines. We did blood tests for months to figure out why her face was swollen and blood in her stool and anemic and iron deficient. We finally went to children’s hospital after 8 months of seeing 8 different doctors and specialist. And running tons and tons of tests. Our first appointment the doctor was so helpful and asked way more and different questions that weren’t asked from the other 8 doctors. The next appointment was an upper GI endoscopy and a colonoscopy. We knew right away what was wrong. She had a ulcer and her intestines were red and inflamed. We determined her intestines go into anaphylactic shock. Her blood test for milk came back negative so it’s not her blood. Now after a year being dairy free she has no more issues

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My son was allergic to milk as a newborn as well. I had to eliminate all dairy in my diet to continue breastfeeding then eventually he went to soy based products until he out grew it when he was about 4 years old. The longer they are away from the allergy, the better chances they have to out grow it. Hope that helps.

My son had/has this. He is now 11. At just shy 3 mos old he was in the hospital for a week bcuz of blood in his stool and a 103 fever…spinal tap, blood tests, urine catheter. Milk protein allergy. They did not dx him until he went for his hospital follow up and they said to try Nutramigen. It was like magic! He was a different baby and no more blood in his stool. He drank Nutramigen till he was 18 months old. We thought he outgrew it but in March 2020 he had an EGD done and he is still having a reactive allergy to milk protein. He is also allergic to peanuts, treenuts, cats, dogs, trees, grass, and other things. Also he is ASD, ocd, adhd. When in the hospital at 3 months old he was on three super strong antibiotics that threw his immune system off whack. I believe that is why he has SO many allergies. Good luck!

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Try goats milk. My son was allergic to milk AND formula. Even the hypoallergenic kind. Goats milk worked great. And by the time he was 9 months on whole milk

Both my sons were allergic to milk, either you stop all milk products to breastfeed or switch to non dairy formula. My oldest out grew his milk allergy by 3 and my other son is only 1 so we are still dealing with. Call an allergist and get some food testing done. My youngest is allergic to milk, soy, banana, grapes and wheat right now until something else comes up, my oldest only has a peanut allergy left as he our grew the rest.