My daughter has expressed that she likeds girls: Advice?

I’m 27 mothers of a six-year-old girl and three months pregnant right now. My 6 years old daughter likes girls. I have noticed this since she was four years old. She likes boy toys and clothes and liking spiderman iron man and sonic. Well, I let her choose what she wants anyway. For me, I feel like I want to let her have that freedom to do what she wants and like what she wants. But never thought it’d turn out too that she’ll like girls. When she was four years old, she told me a secret that she liked this girl in her class. It all started when this girl held her hand during their activities. Now she’s in kinder she told me another secret that she likes this girl and she told me she told her other friend, who is a girl, that she has a crush on their friend. btw, I used to like girls too when I was 10. that’s because I hated seeing women getting hurt by men (just what I would see in tv shows or movies), so I decided to act like a boy, then have crushes on girls. “So I could show to boys that this is how u supposed to love a woman.” my parents didn’t like it, though. My mom, because we were poor before, everything my brother didn’t use anymore was handed down to me, like boy clothes and toys. So for my parents, it was ok to wear or to play boys’ stuff, just stay as a girl. But when I turned 16 little by little, I started liking boys and now in love with my husband. What’s your opinion on this? I don’t know what to feel about this matter. I feel like I guess I’ll be ok with it, but at the same time, I feel like I’d like to change her.


Never change your child because YOU want to. Could be a phase she’s 6. Let her be her.


That last sentence. Don’t do that.


Don’t try to change her. She is 6. Let her keep on coming to you with secrets. Sounds like you have open communication with her and she trusts her mama soooo much. This is a critical moment on the trust front. Just keep going forward. No matter what. But lord dont try and change her.


“CHANGE HER”… Let her grow to he who she was born to be…rather it be liking girls or whatever. Changing her will basically tell her “I love you, but only under the condition that you date boys”.


Let her choose…it may just be a phase…
Don’t let bother you


Just be supportive. If it’s a phase or not, her happiness is more important. Don’t try to change her or it’ll adversely affect her self esteem because you don’t think she’s “right”


Advice? Act exactly as you would if she liked boys. She either will continue to like girls or realize she likes boys or maybe she likes both but one thing she will know (hopefully) is that her mom loved her through it all, the same, no matter what.

My 7 year old told me he loved a boy because it was his best friend and he just liked him SO much… I never respond with anything other than “your young now, but when your ready, love who you love as long as you treat them right and they treat you right.”

I am in a same sex marriage so people assume I want my kids to be gay. Would I ever want my kids to be gay, no way, not in this society. Will I support any decision they make and do my best to raise them to be loving partners? Absolutely.

Leave her be. Maybe she’ll do exactly what you did, maybe she won’t. Sounds like whatever she decides, you will be loving and accepting of it and that’s all that matters.


Let her be who she is and support her. Otherwise you may regret it as she ages. She may actually like girls. My nephew was 5 when he told me “I already know when I grow up I’m going to be gay, because I don’t like girls.” Low and behold he finally came out to everyone in the family that he likes boys. I was just like I’ve known that since he was 5. He’s still my nephew. Don’t make a huge deal over it or encourage it. Just ignore the situation and encourage her to try “girly” things too. She may be or may not be. It’s too early to stress over. She’s a kid. Let her enjoy what she likes doing.

just let her be. she’s going to have some sort of sexuality, whether she’s gay, straight, bi, pan, etc. anyway, no matter what anyone else wants & you won’t be able to change it in the future. just let it happen. if it’s a phase then it’s just a phase. if not, she’s still your daughter, so just love & support her as a person, as her own unique individual self.


You wont be able to “change her”. When I was 4 I told my mom I was going to marry a girl, I turned out to be bisexual. Theres nothing wrong with her liking girls. She could end up liking boys too later down the road. I wouldn’t stress it or try to stop it. Just let her be and see what happens down the road. If she does turn out to like girls when she gets older, so what? You cant help who you have feelings for. Just support her.

My thought is why a child that young even knows what a crush is ???

My daughter has been saying this since she was 11 she is now nearly 13 she like girls she has lost so many friends including the parents i haven’t encouraged anything i’ve let her be who she wants to be and she seems happy.

Don’t change her, that’s a horrible thing to try. She’s herself, love her for that. It’s bad enough the world is gonna be against her and will want her to change. Be her safe place, not another person saying what she feels is wrong.


Relax. She’s still learning and figuring a lot out at 6. Either way, she’s still your child at the end of the day, and deserves to be loved unconditionally.


She tells you her secrets because she feels safe with you. If you try to change her she will never trust you again.


There is really nothing to “change”? She is who she is or will be. Just because she likes spiderman, etc doesn’t mean anything. She is 6. Let her love, like who she is going to. You trying to “change” her isn’t going to help nor will it “change” her. Support her. She needs to know you love her, regardless!!


Listen, she’s going to be who she’s going to be. My daughter holds other little girl’s hands. She runs up to little girls and introduces herself and asks them to play. She also does that with boys but a lot of boys shy away from her. My daughter is also very much a “tomboy.” But I don’t read anything into it because she’s little. I do not sexualize my child. Clothes are clothes. Toys are toys. Friends are friends. I let her be who she is even when she’s choosing spider man boxers and a dress with bows in her hair to go dig in her favorite mud puddle and to hunt bugs. When she’s older and tells me that she has a romantic interest in boys, girls or both it will be ok because I’m her momma and I love her exactly as she is. There’s nothing to do or to fix. Just love her.

Leave her be she’s a little girl unless she’s doing innapropruate things to girls at school and stuff I’m sure she’s very normal as a teenager she may well love boys get ready for that one lol👍

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She is too young and exploring. Just let her. But at the same time when you are together, tell her your story and what your realization was when you were young. Try to secretly change her mindset through your stories. :blush:


Just let her be :woman_shrugging: you’ll probably cause more damage by trying to change her to who you want her to be.


Be supportive and let her find her way and express what she needs to with whom ever she chooses. She will love the way she wants you can not change her. Just love her and support her choices unconditionally


Be supportive. Never try to change her. She’s telling you these things because she feels comfortable. Don’t break that trust.


Love is love, support her, let her feel free to openly express herself. If she feels like she can’t be open with you, that can hurt her in many ways. Be a proud Mom always, as we are who we are based on our heart, not who we love.

Don’t try to change her, if this is who she is and what she chooses be there as her mother and support because it won’t be easy for either sometimes . My daughter is 13 and when she was 11 she told me she liked girls and wanted to be a lesbian . I’ve been supportive and I told her Love is love and whether you are with a man or woman , as long as there is respect and loyalty all else will work out

Shes 6. Let her be a kid…


start praying over and with her…


I’ve been through similar. Please don’t act like it’s a big deal either way. She’s quite young yet and as long as you always keep the lines of communication open throughout life with her, it will all be just fine regardless if she ends up always liking girls or not. Love and acceptance is key.


Let her be who she is !!


SHE IS SIX!!! Let her be six! You are reading too much into the situation. She trusts you with her secrets. Dont ruin the relationship with your daughter because of YOUR fears.


All we can do as parents sweetie is support our children.
Prayers for you and your family too. Just keep pressing forward

No need to change her,she was too young.she will outgrew it abd it will be fine.nothing to worry.

Advice? Support her in every possible way. That is all.


They are young yet. Don’t over react or make an issue out of their preferences as things tend to change as they mature. I would talk with my pediatrician if I were you. My daughter was 8 years younger than her brother. She grew up boating, hunting, fishing, mudding, and climbing trees! She enjoyed the cool toys of the older boys. She also enjoyed dance, gymnastics, twirling, and later as she grew older beauty pageants! There are A lot of factors that can influence a child. Try just talking to them. I find a relaxed conversation with a lot of listening on my part very informative no matter the age of the child. Most love to share with a truly interested and tuned in listener!!

As a mother to a gay son. What the hell!! “Change her”. Really. I knew my son was gay from the time he was about 5 or 6. When he came to me and told me I was so proud!! He knew what he wanted and what made him truly happy. Once she feels that you are not supporting her your gonna loose her and she might loose herself in the prosess it might just be a phase like u went thru and she might grow out of it ya never know. Besides. She can’t get pregnant with another girl… just saying. Lol.

She’s how old?
Calm ya farm and if she decides oneday it’s girls she’s into don’t be a hypocrite :call_me_hand:


You CAN’T change ANYONE just let her be who she is and don’t make a big deal out of it or you will make her feel as if she can’t come to you… Support your child through everything!!!


I’m 24 years old. I came out to my mother when I was 14. Looking back, I always liked girls. I was never the tomboy type of girl. I never hung out with the boys or enjoyed what they enjoyed. I was always really close with my friends. My mom believed that it was just a phase. It’s been 10 years. I understand that it’s hard to accept, probably devastating as well as she is your little girl. Trying to change her though, you can’t.

I’ve known my daughter liked girls from a young age, even before she did. We love her regardless of her lifestyle choices and support her 100%. Not following the “norm” can be traumatic enough for a young person. They end up with a lot of emotions and insecurities without parents or family trying to make them what they aren’t. I don’t really think what you went through or how you feel about it is as important as what she feels and could possibly feel as a teen if that is indeed her choice.

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You have absolutely no right, at all, to decide someone else’s sexuality. None!

Keep your opinion, and your preference, out of it. Completely, and always! With literally everyone.

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She’s too young to date, so I don’t think it matters much right now. Make sure she knows girls aren’t allowed to touch her private parts just like boys.

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Let it go. She’s a child and has no idea about that stuff yet.

she’s 6 years old for petes sake. you know what i thought i liked at 6?! power rangers and my little pony… shes going to change. shes going to grow and shes going to learn and experience new things as she does grow. at 6, i thought boys were gross, but i married one when i turned 20… she doesn’t have to decide now. you get absolutely no say in what she is attracted or isn’t attracted to. the only thing you have a say about is how you react to what SHE chooses. and ultimately that will decide if your own child wants anything to do with you when shes older, so i would suggest to choose wisely. otherwise your going to be that mother that your daughter talks about 15 years down the road who couldn’t accept who she is while shes sitting in a AA/NA meeting.

Change her? From being a kid??? That’s normal… I wouldn’t be worried about her sexuality at 6. Kids that age aren’t thinking about who is heterosexual and who is not. All they know is love. Period. And I still like “man” movies etc, despite wearing dresses and makeup and being straight. Worst case scenario, your child may or may not be attracted to the same sex one day. Even if she is, does it matter? She is always going to be your child. We raise them to be respectful, loving and good people, that’s all that should matter.


When I was a child I like playing with boy’s toys than my own toys. I like playing with boys than girls my age. I like riding a bicycle, running around, and being one of the boys. I turned out to be a STRAIGHT WOMAN. Even now that I’m married and pregnant, I’d still pick men as confidant than women. I trust them more with my secrets. I’m more comfortable in my skin when I’m with them than with my female companions.

She is SIX. Come on. I wanted to actually BE a boy, up u until I was about 13. I even stuffed my underwear with socks. I am commenting in love with my husband of 25 years. Many kids outgrow this. And if my chance, she doesn’t…love her anyway! She is STILL your daughter, and still has the same heart. Be supportive

My 10 year old just told me this yesterday. I feel the same way! But I never hit that phase

Then love her an who she chooses to love. NO MATTER WHAT!!


Support,support,support her in every way imaginable & give her lots of love on the way.No matyer what your daughter chooses always remind her that you will always support her & love her no matter what.Our world these days is very cruel to all.Just don’t ever give up on her.You got this momma!

She’s 6. I wouldn’t do much, except remind her of boundaries with other people. Whether she likes boys or girls she needs to learn boundaries right now. If you try and change her, she’ll stop confiding in you and you won’t know anything. Right now don’t say anything. In favor don’t ever say anything about who she likes. She may or may not change. Heck she could be bisexual you don’t know? For now don’t worry so much. What will be will be. Just remind her of boundaries.

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Let her be herself! She is young and trying to change her may actually hurt her. Be patient and supportive always. :heart:

Crushes aren’t uncommon at that age

Just go with the flow.

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Let her grow up. She is a baby. What in the world can u do? There is no advice other then wait and see she’ll figure it out. Let her be able to still confide in you. Dont sway her either way or she may get the feeling that you disapprove. Long as mama loves her- she’ll be fine. RIGHT?

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I think you might read more into it due to the way society is today. Leave it and her alone. I too grew up playing with boy toys, more then girl toys, I grew up a tom boy. Never once dabbled in the lady pond. Shes 6, let her express herself in her own way, and grow in her own way. If she grows up to love a woman and you have no problem with THEN ALL IS WELL. As for now …shes 6. Leave her alone.


I dont see the problem???

That dont mean nothing lol SHES 6 …i was obsessed with TMNT and gi joe and here I am engaged with 2 kids lol

My 8 yr old daughter told me she likes girls too. I’m letting her figure out who she is. I’m super proud of my kiddo for telling me :heart:
Way to young for labels in my opinion, she may like boys in 5 years… little humans are unpredictable

6 is young for all of that…she has no idea who she is attracted to for real yet.

She will decide on her own who she wants to become. If you try to push them be way or the other, and whichever way you are pushing doesn’t feel natural, or right, to her, she will think there’s something wrong with her. She would also, eventually, push against you out of spite.

Let her be who she wants to be. Let her know you love her, and celebrate who she is! Let her know you are proud of her always. Let her know you are on her side, always, in all things.

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Just cause u feel u had to change for your mom doesnt mean you have to change your daughter. Dont be a shit mom and make your daughter unhappy in her young life. Accept her for who she is, what she likes and I guarantee you if you dont, you could lose her. Times are changing and so should your mindset about girls liking girls or boys liking boys.


Its a phase… Childhood… I went through that too and i like men… Normal…

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She is only 6 she still has her whole life and as she gets older she will discover her self let her be for now my daughter was the same she kissed a girl in pre school now she is 9 and tells me she has a crush on a boy and she likes to wear dresses now

My best friend at 6 was same way, grew out of it

Little girls have girl friends and thats normal. I wouldnt put any emphasis on anything.


She’s 6 let her be a kid

I liked girls when I was little. My dad was homophobic and explained what lesbians were and that that was bad and so I thought I was bad and should run away. I had a bag packed and was walking out the door and my mom asked where I thought I was going. I told her I had to leave because I was a lesbian. She cracked up and told me to go unpack my bags and that she liked girls when she was little too but not anymore and to not tell my dad❤️ I got over my sexual interests in girls when I got a little older. Oh I also liked to pretend I was a boy sometimes too but grew out of that. I am honestly not even the tiniest bit interested in women in that way as an adult. Not that I shame it if that’s your preference but I’m am pretty straight☺️ I wouldn’t worry❤️

Prayers for you and your daughter


I don’t know why you thought your life story was relevant but I don’t see a problem here

Please don’t let anyone convince her that her sex is determined by what she likes!! PLEASE.

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Kids will be kids it’s a phase. If it doesn’t pass on well love her for who she is and will become

My girl likes girls and she was very girly still Kinda is. Her choices make who she is and I wouldn’t change her at all. I’m not choosy of who my children will love I just want to ensure they are safe, protected, and that I can rest at night knowing my kids are happy and as successful as they set it to be.

She’s 6 for goodness sake. Leave her be. Why would you want to change her anyway??


Best thing to do is support her in whatever life choices she wants to make at whatever age and don’t change her, just respect her choices and love her for who she is, the world is tough enough at least she will always have someone on her side.


The best thing u can do is support her and love her and let her define herself…

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Don’t worry about it it may change when she older it may not !

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Love her, support her, encourage her. She is perfect and she has a beautiful soul.


Normal behavior… just let her be a kid…

She is 6! She has no concept of gender norms. Leave her be, and whatever or whomever she is meant to be or love is only deserving of your love and support!!!


Who cares if she likes boys girls or both lots of people do

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She’s six let her be six .:persevere:


Change her? Really? Why would try to change her?? There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s your daughter. That’s the only thing that should matter to you. This breaks my heart.

Just let her do her thing, let her feel you love her unconditionally, however she chooses to be. It might be a ‘phase’ or it might be her discovering herself. Let her explore her options, and support her decisions. At 14 my daughter told me she was bi, I replied “that’s nice darling what do you want for tea?” Because it matters not to me so long as she’s happy.

I feel like if she feels this way at 6 she’ll feel the same at 16 and still at 26. :woman_shrugging: Just love her for who she is.

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I’m shaking my head when the hell did society become this way like omg she’s 6 years old like seriously. Why in the “now normal” thing to do is to put people in a category?
She’s 6 years old.
Let her be who is she, which guess what??? Is a child.

She’s 6. Have this discussion again when puberty kicks in, then you’ll both have some sort of idea where she’s heading. But just let her be and support her.

At 6, I’m sure a lot of us believed in superheroes and unicorns :woman_shrugging:t5::joy:


Shes a tom boy … give her time. Let her be a kid. Worry about this stuff later. She will come when its time

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I had to read her age again. She is six years old. When since a six yesrs old is …?

Always be there for her regardless it’s wonderful she can confide in you , don’t ruin that !!! :purple_heart:

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She’s SIX !!! SIX YEARS OLD FFS :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:


That last line that YOU WANT TO CHANGE HER That’s the most evil vile thing on the planet. What kind of behavior modification treatment are you ready to inflict! Are you going to shame her? Beat her? Lock her in a room with no food each time she expresses these sentiments? Think on that a bit first then don’t put much thought into it. Let her do what she does. I loved playing with cars and Gi Joe’s Riding bikes and playing Tarzan as a kid. As a grown woman I like fixing cars, and building stuff and playing sports with my kids. I’m also happily married to a great guy. It’s society that plants these standards don’t let the need to impress the outside world take over your life. Worst case scenario for you, she was born with this predisposition and when she’s 16 she will bring her girlfriend home to meet you. Worst case scenario for her when she’s 13 or 14 she thinks she is some freak of nature and tries to commit suicide.

Just ignore it. Don’t push her one way or the other. She’s still too young to know which gender she can fully identify. All children go through this phase. If she was born a girl, she’s still a girl. Don’t let modern “gender speculation “ confuse you. Just continue treating her like a daughter. Remember, she’s only 6 years old.

I feel like who gives a shit if she likes girls?!? It’s 2020! Let her be who she truly is. You’re her mother n you should love her no matter what her sexuality is. There’s no “changing her” like wtf is wrong with people these days?


If she likes girls she likes girls I don’t understand what the question is here or why there is even a question. Be a mother, support your child and let her be who she is. This is nothing to worry over.

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Just let her be whoever she wants to be. There’s zero wrong with her liking girls. Things may change as she grows but if it doesn’t just support her and luv her for who she is.

She’s 6! She likes this girl not because she’s a girl but because she’s a nice kid and they get along. Period. Stop putting sexual spins on every single little action. SHE’S 6!! And even at 16 or 26, it’s not your private areas not your business as long as her partner treats her right.


Also to the people who keep saying shes 6. Yes she is 6 and at 6 you all knew if you liked boys or girls. It doesn’t have to be a sexual thing you just know what you like. My kids had little “boyfriends” in preschool. It’s not a huge sexualized thing like everyone’s making it.

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Be glad she feels comfortable enough to tell you, dont take that away by wanting to change her.

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