My daughter has expressed that she likeds girls: Advice?

She’s just a little girl it’s normal. Nothing to worry about it .

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What’s the problem? I’m trying to find it & all I’m reading is that you might be it because you’re way over thinking it. Your daughter is fine. She loves you, she’s safe, she’s cared for. She likes what she likes. Toys are toys, clothes are clothes. As long as she likes it & wants it, its OK.
Don’t change her, don’t pressure her, don’t tell her its bad to like girls or boy stuff. You do that, she will remember it. Just let her be happy. If she’s happy, healthy, loved, safe. Does it matter? No it doesn’t!


I have one daughter, and when she was a teenager I said hey as long as I get a grandchild some day. I don’t care, one way or another! I just love and support my child, like you will do too.

She is 6 yrs old. Let her be a child. A happy child.
She will decide later on in life what she “is”. My daughter played with hot wheels and made ramps over the barbies and dolls… likes guns and 4 wheelers… Loves to work on the truck… She is now 14 and has her nails done…wears make up and Still does all of the above.
And as time goes on if your child still likes girls well… As long as she is happy I would just support her.

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I think that 1st of all “boys” toys are girls toys too and vice versa. Plus it’s ok to like girls. Plus she’s little still, my daughter is 5 and wants to marry her best friend who’s a girl, but I can tell my daughter likes boys. Either at it could be a phase, or not. Is it really a big deal if she is gay when she’s older?


She’s only 6 yrs old! I was a major tomboy too growing up and at 6 yrs old I sure as hell didn’t like boys! Let her grow up a little like 13 or older then u know for sure if she’s going to be gay or bi or whatever. Ur her mother and she’ll always confide in u I just think 6 is a little early to be worried about that kind of thing

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They don’t know at this age they change there mind so much just love and be there no matter what

A real mother would not think or even try to change there kids ur supposed to love them for who they are and not try to change them to fit what u think they should be

Sexuality is not taught, it is innate.

Why do you need to feel anything about it? The only thing she needs you to feel is love.

I was about 6 when I realised I like girls, I’m 35 now and I’m Bisexual. In all honesty who cares who she likes. As long as she is happy with a supportive mum that’s all that matters. If it makes you feel better for her future I have been happily married for almost 14 years to a man who is happy for me to have a girlfriend. I also have a daughter and I hope she is comfortable enough with me to be honest and tell me about her crushes so I can be a supportive mum too

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She is 6 so it can change. I have liked girls since I was 7. I figured out I was bisexual at the age of 14…

Let her be her. Just love and listen to her. Dont change who she is. If she is bisexual or lesbian. It’s not like she can’t give you grandchildren if she wishes or that she will love you any different. Let me tell you if you try to change her then she will not love you like she did and will never open up to you about anything. So please just let her be happy and love whatever gender she wants.

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Dont think about you…let her choose her own happiness

People really don’t know what they prefer in sexual oriantation till they mature. Everyone matures at different times and the brain and hormones don’t start to settle down till 23 to 25. Expectations on how to act and react can have a person confused a lot longer. Roll with her finding herself out. She’s not going to figure this out at this age. Love her and support her. Tell her that you can change your mind multiple time and just learn what she doesn’t like.

Just love her and listen to her.

Don’t make a big deal out of it. Yes it may be true but could also be a phase. Kids go through so much and nowadays because being gay is more accepted you’ll see it around more so it’s easier to see it and think you are. Kids get easily confused. Not 100% saying she is I’m just saying it’s not a big deal. If this was my little girl then I’d just carry on like normal and make no fuss. If she grew up liking men, great! If she grows up liking women, great! As long as she’s happy and finds someone who loves and adores her and treats her well, I don’t honestly care who she loves! Same with my boys. I want to be a granny, if my grandkids happen to have two mummy’s, or two daddies or are adopted etc I don’t care! They’re mine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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You’d honestly be a terrible mother and person if you tried to force your child to be what you wanted. If it’s just a phase, let it run its course. If that is what she prefers, then you let her know she’s your child and you love her no matter what. Create a loving and open home… a safe place for your child / children… not a judge-mental hell hole that they don’t deserve. I don’t even know how this is a question. How does looking at your sweet child’s face not automatically make you feel like you’d accept her no matter who she loves?


Ok some of you are acting like she did something bad! She is asking for advice she said she feels like she’d like to change her. She didnt say she was a homophobe or didnt accept her daughter she literally said right befor that she was fine with it. Maybe she would only like to change her because she knows how cruel this world is and the struggles it Carrie’s. Anyways your doing great mama you keep doing what your doing it warms my heart that she is happy to tell you this but to be honest I dont think she understands what a crush is yet maybe she just really loves her friend? But who knows kids change their preference even throughout highschool just remember yourself how many of your friends ended up coming out later in life or were hooking up with the same sex in highschool but stookey with the opposite its life.


Why does it matter? It doesn’t. If she is lesbian, bi sexual or straight it’s not your job to feel a way about it. You love her no matter what. Also liking “boy things” doesnt make you a boy, girl, gay or straight. Stop before you damage that kid by making her think its something that should be a big deal.

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At six she just feels drawn to whomever is kind to her, be that boys or girls. In my High School, it was all girls, so it was quite common to admire or have a crush on an older girl. Never amounted to more than the fact that we never mixed with boys. I certainly would not be concerned about your daughter’s sexual identity at six. If it does turn out that she identifies as male and prefers girls in future, would you love her any the less?

Go for it, let her express herself. At her age she’s still fairly asexual and won’t necessarily know for sure for a few years if she’s a lesbian or not. I’ve got a 9 year old son who loves playing with barbies and putting makeup on in the house. Fine by me - there’s more harm in trying to squash a child’s interests than in letting them be who they are. The way I see it: if she’s a lesbian at least you’ll have already created an accepting environment where she feels secure enough to tell you. Better that than so many runaways or suicides that we read about because a child felt they’d be rejected for who they are.

you can’t change her. :woman_facepalming:t2: how dumb is that. you need to be supportive, and be greatful that she feels that she is able to have a relationship where she can talk to you

A 6 year old doesn’t have concrete sexual orientation. Talk to her and hear what she has to say. Don’t be quick to label a baby as a homosexual or anything else for that matter. She might have a different understanding of what a crush is and it might not even be truly sexual in nature

Smh not a comment you should post because the world is afraid of the lgbt and all comments are gonna tell you to let her be gay when in reality the kid saw something on tv or someone did something in front of her or letting her play with boy things and act boyish put that spirit on her and t can be corrected . You are her parent so step up and do what you already know is right and not what society is trying to force on the kids because if it didn’t bother you as a parent you wouldn’t have to write about it. Run your home don’t let kids little kids make grown up choices :wink: I have a 7 year old daughter an one daughter on the way. My seven year old thinks boys are grosss but she isn’t thinking about girls at all. She is a kid who like most kids who weren’t tainted thinks kissing and love is nasty and she just wants to play all day so keep watch of what’s influencing your children. A child that should only be focused on having fun.

“I feel like I’d like to change her” YOU CAN’T. It might be a phase or it might be who she is, but if she does turn out to be gay, you must accept her for who she is. Serious psychological damage is done to children who’s parents try to “convert” them.

What is the problem? She can like whatever she wants, you don’t have saying about that, accept her and be there for here, support her and make her strong enough to endure the homophobic pricks she gonna have to endure in her life. Please don’t be one of the homophobic pricks.

She is gay. She was born that way. U cant change it nor shoukd u try. Its just who she is. I have knkwn a handful of kids and watchem grow up and yes be gay. Its not a choice. Its hiw shes wired. So embrace her. Let her knkw she is accepted and loved because shes a child she only knows love she doesnt know how ugly this world is yet. I have gay friends and it made me sad when i kearned hkw they lost years of their life because they had to hide and couldnt be open about their prefsrences and it was damaging to them. Just love her. And let her know ur gonna be there no matter what. She didnt choose it. So dont try to change it.