DD is 15 months old and hates to sleep. I have tried everything to try and get her to bed early. She will not fall asleep before 11 pm-midnight, and I get her up at 6 am for daycare every morning. We have a nightly routine of dinner, bath, brush teeth, book, nursery rhymes, and waiting it out. I have tried letting her cry it out, and she screams until she is hyperventilating then screams some more. I am exhausted and am averaging between 4-5 hours of sleep a night. She only naps once a day from 12-2. She is healthy, with no ear infections, no plausible reason at all. Does anyone have any ideas?
Melatonin, a natural ingredient that some kids do not have enough of
I would tell daycare to cut out the naps or get some melatonin drops or gummies for kids they work
Have you tried cutting the naps?
Melatonin liquid drops
Maybe try stopping naps and put naps to 30 minutes and see how that works
My grand daughter was the same way.We fixed that with melitonin. Promise wont hurt them
My 2 year old was the same way. Cut naps to no more than 30 minutes. Dinner, bath, bed. Routine is huge for them ive came to learn! Melationin is a life saver also.
Letting her cry till she is hyperventilating? Wow
Just let her sleep with you maybe that will work
Some kids just don’t need that much sleep my 15 year old was like that as a infant
No more naps. My son was 10 months old when I cut them out. He wakes up at 7am & stays awake all day until 11pm.
My kid didnt sleep until she was 3. We were all exhausted except her. Lol nothing wrong with her. Her dr said some kids dont sleep. Lol
My 2 year takes melatonin. But when she gets to the point where she is crying so hard she’ll make herself sick we stop and go for a walk. Last night she cried and screamed for 3 hours… (I tried everything.) She had stayed at her godmoms house the night before and kept screaming stay here. Usually it doesn’t take long for her to get her self calm once we start walking.
maybe she’s just not a big sleeper… my kids if they are asleep by 10 it’s a miracle … i haven’t slept more than 5 hours in 4 1/2 years
I let my son run wild outside for awhile then we do dinner then our nightly routine. Melatonin is also an option, research it for yourself and you can decide. I’m hoping you both get some rest!!
Melatonin for sure…
I get being frustrated but cio can be damaging. My toddler doesn’t sleep without being rocked, have you tried that?
You should cut the naps to 30 min, if that doesnt help cut them out completely
I agree with skipping naps for a week to see if that makes a difference
Cut the nap for sure thats a long time
Maybe your waiting too long… she should be in bed by 8… if shes over tired it will be hard to fall asleep… and still nap in the day
My second son was and still is like that, he’s 9 now. He runs full force after only 5-6 hours of sleep, he’s been like that since he was a infant. Some people just don’t need much sleep, my hubby is good on 6 hours I need atleast 8-9.
My daughter has been that way her whole life, we’ve been to the doctor, tried everything, she just doesn’t sleep
Wear her little butt out play ALOT… Swimming works too…
Have you tried the lavender baby bath soap? And lotion after? It calmed all my lil monkeys down. My mom used to rub my daughters legs as she laid on her belly. I only do the sleep meds as a last resort. You can try getting her belly full about an hr b4 bed as well. Helps alot too
Ugh mines the same age and she hates to sleep too!! We have a routine as well and no luck! Good luck!!
Bath time with lavender and chamomile, soothing music in the background during story time. I’m a true believer in the idea that when you are stressed out, your baby/toddler picks up on the energy. When you’re calm and soothing, it helps them to calm down. I use to sing to my boys, and play music. More activity during the day to help wear out all that bundle of energy will help. Reduce or illuminate her nap time.
Some kids/babies just don’t sleep as much as others.
My baby boy was like this. I gave lavender baths and lavender lotion after. It made a huge difference
My daughter went through a sleep regression at 15 months. She went from sleeping 12 hours a night and 2 hour naps a day to only sleeping about 5-6hours a night and 45 minute naps once a day for about 3-4 weeks. Sleep regressions at that age aren’t super common but they do happen!
Have you tried moving her dinner or late snack even earlier? I’ve found my son does waaaaaay better if he eats around 4:30-5 and no snacks after 6ish. He used to eat late because I did too, and would stay up until midnight. Since moving his meals up earlier he’s been falling asleep at 8!!! Also try some good old “hard play time” an hour before bedtime routine, or even right before. My son is 14 months and I make him climb the stairs and walk around chasing a ball before bed. It helps!!!
Try buying her one of those oversized dogs…she can cuddle it just like having a person beside her…worked for our grand kids…" doggie" is so tired can you pat his back and lay down beside him…before you know it she will be asleep…
What I learned from having 4 kids and owning a daycare-the more they sleep the longer they want to sleep. Get children in the habit of sleeping (their bodies and mind needs it for development)
Take away her nap.
Take her for a run after dinner.
Maybe nursery rhymes should be before book. So the book settles the fun
Read a boring book.
Try two naps a day. My son was giving us night troubles so we made sure he gets two naps, not just one. Works a lot better. Sometimes a kid is overly tired when bedtime comes around and their brain keeps working overdrive
My son did this for a short period of time, but I would try to cut her nap out, if she’s in daycare at that time maybe talk to a teacher and see if they’ll let her play quitely in another room. If you can’t do that, maybe try letting her snuggle with you at night for a little bit. I know it can be exhausting but you’re her comfort. So maybe a little snuggle time with mom will help calm her down and get her more ready for bed
Some kids just don’t need much sleep. My daughter was the same way. Didn’t start sleeping through the night until she was 2 and I had to cut naps out of her day to make it work. Even now at age 5 she only sleeps 8 or maybe 9 hours a night.
Daytime sleep leads to night sleep! Adjust the nap schedule. Try CIO again but make sure you are going in every few mins (3min first time, then 5min, then 7, 10 etc. never let it go past 10-12 mins before you go in.) that might prevent the hyperventilating. It will be hard- she won’t like it, but you have to stick to it and stay consistent!
I wouldn’t take the nap away until you try everything else first. I’d also start bedtime routine by 7:15/7:30 at the latest.
We used lavender oil when my daughter was young. She was the exact same way!! Rubbed some on her feet and a little on the back of her neck and it worked wonders! That in addition to running her out of as much energy as possible during the day…she eventually started sleeping. Good luck momma!
No naps period.Keep her awake and occupied then at 9 give her a teaspoon of meletoninđź’™
My daughter is 5 and still struggles with sleep, when she was younger I would average maybe 2 hours a night, now I get about 3-4. I’ve learned that a steady routine helps, but it’s not the answer and honestly the only thing you can do is try to get sleep when you can. My husband has never been a good sleeper, to this day he will sometimes only sleep 2 hours and is fine. My husband has learned that with me being chronically ill and in constant pain, sleep is important for me. So he tries his best to take over dealing with daughter when she wont sleep. A tip I do have though is, say its 8PM and she should be sleeping but she isnt, sometimes a change in setting will help them get to sleep. I used to take my daughter on a “walk” around the house, cradling her and softly telling her about different rooms, then we would walk back to her bed and i would do 1 more song and then lay her down. I did CIO with her and she would do what yours does and hyperventilate, that’s when we would do the walk. Although the first few times she may get upset because she thinks she got her way, consistency in this is key and it will hopefully reduce her crying to a point where walking isnt needed anymore.
Keep doing what you’re doing! It takes time and routine! My guy struggled too. One big thing that did seem to help with him was after doing all the above you do, is I had a music box with a projector, Gave him something to focus on and calm down. As he got older and box stopped working we invested in a lava lamp and a radio. Works like a charm
Cut out her nap and try to put her to bed around 7 or 8
My wee boy used to do this from a year old and he only started sleeping thru night all night himself at age of 3 but now he sleeps 7-7…he didn’t have any naps during day either but he always needed me in bed with him during night
have u tried co sleeping it’s only thing worked for my wee boy
I just let him scream. He falls asleep. I leave his sippy cup with him cause he’s thirsty from screaming. He takes drink then goes to sleep
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Try to get her tired by taking her to the park or for a walk. My son was the same around the same age. I also ended up using essential oil for sleep for babies at Walmart. The essential oil helped so much. Also try to cut her nap to an hour.
No nap or just a 45 minute nap instead of two hours, fresh air always helped my kids sleep better, can you take her to a park ? Or let her play in the garden ?
I never recommend stopping naps that young. They need them. Likely it’s a very bad habit and lots of overtired everyday. She is missing half the amount of sleep she needs every single night. Probably having night terrors causing her to scream as she does. I’d start the bedtime routine and really drag it out right after dinner. Dinner, wash up long bath, long lotion massage, lights low, some reading and quiet play in the bedroom if need be… lay down and watch a movie if you have to. Anything to get her in the mood to lay down anything that shows her it’s bedtime and stick with it. But drag it out in the begining and then shorten it up (very slowly) as she gets used to it… she is too young to not have a nap and is only getting half the nightly amount of sleep she needs. She is likely extremely sleep deprived and that is why nothing is working… Her nap sounds great for her age though. Just seems like a very bad habit at night and finding the right solution to get her to go to bed 7/8ish so she can get a good night’s sleep… good luck I have an 18 month old, a 5 year old and I have a home daycare and many children that stay the night… I have zero long standing issues. Not an expert at sleep just lots of experience
Maybe it’s a phase. My daughter is doing the same thing and she’s almost 15 months old.
no naps and get her outside in the evening to run pkay whatever b4 bath time. that might help
Give up the nap…my granddaughter was like that…gave up the nap and she was ready for bed by 7pm
It’s those naps … my oldest stopped napping about 2 while my youngest did not …
She stated the child goes to day care, so eliminating naps are probably not feasible. Consult with your pediatrician before giving any sleep aids, as some are not recommended for children under a certain age. You may need to change up your routine a bit and add activities that will make her more tired. Also, try the oil diffusers from Walmart with the lavender oil.
Might be a separation issue, maybe a pack n play next to your bed ?
My middle daughter no longer got naps at 2, for that reason, she wouldn’t go to sleep at night, if she didn’t get a nap she was down by 9:00, if she did get a nap it was midnight easily before she went to bed.
My niece in Finland had the same problem with her son. There was a program she went to with him, and they spent a couple of nights there. Once she put him into bed and the routine was done, she was not allowed to go back. It took 2 nights, and then it was over. No problems since. Talk to your pediatrician. Maybe there is something similar where you live.
I had this problem with my son. It turns out he does have ADHD, but I’m not sure if that’s the reason. My father also had a difficult time sleeping, and so do I. When my son was very little I gave him a bath in Johnson & Johnson’s lavender bath soap. I actually made it a little bubble back to. That helps. I did eventually graduate to melatonin, but I really wanted to do the least that it took at first. He’s 20 now and he sleeps fine, but that doesn’t help me now LOL
.…….My chiropractor would tell you the child needs a treatment. He and his wife had several children and he would give them a treatment when they were born.(child birth is rough on their body, as well as Mommy’s) They would sleep through the night from day 1. I know I sleep better after a good treatment on my back.
My daughter was the same. And cry it out doesn’t work if they never stop! I gave her melatonin gummy, half of lowest dose I could find which was 3 mg and got rid of the naps. Finally got to where she would sleep at app 10 pm every night. You want to give the melatonin early, by 6-7 pm.
I hate to say this but my daughter NEVER took naps and would go to sleep after 12 then up by 4. Taught her at an early age to watch tv and fall asleep and she did. As she got older she even learned how to make her own cereal. It took her to have one of her own to sleep normal but her daughter does this also. Good luck. Don’t fight it embrace it and make it work for you.
My grandson was the same way they had to eventually give him a low dosage of melatonin and he sleeps through the night now, he is full of energy, so they let him run around after dinner take the melatonin do a bath and then read a book or 1 TV program and he was ready by 9 pm
I sat next to my kids so that they would fall asleep quicker. I did not talk to them. Just sat there. Slowly, I worked my way out of their room. But at least we all slept.
Slow back up her sleep schedule by 10-15 minute. If she normally goes to sleep at midnight, put her to bed at 11:50. Once she adjusts in a week, move bed time to 11:40pm, small changes in time her body should not notice
my daughter was the same way as a baby would stay up till 11 at night every night but she would sleep straight through till 7 a.m. then she would nurse and play for an hour and go back to sleep until 11 a.m. it was different for me though because I was a bartender and it was actually good for me. I would try giving up the naps, and just playing with her until she was worn out when it’s time for bed. Warm milk and honey can help. There is Sleepytime tea but I’d ask a doctor before giving that to her because she’s a little bit Young. Chamomile tea helps as well and a child at any age can take that it’s non-habit-forming
Talk to her pediatrician. If that doesn’t work, talk to a different pediatrician till you find help. Someone will turn you in the right direction.
Shorten her nap time and in the evening if possible before dinner,take her to the playground so she can play for awhile. Fresh air is always a good thing
She probably just doesn’t need as much sleep…my mom would sleep on the couch at night while I played on the floor because that was pretty much my sleep schedule and pretty well still is
Seriously check with her day care routine. I had the same problem and discovered she was sleeping though the day in day care. Once I addressed the day sleeping things got a lot better.
I absolutely do not Agree with letting a child scream and cry. I was told that I was spoiling my son. He didn’t sleep through the night for two years. Turns out whenever he laid down , he had terrible pressure in his ears which was detected at two years of age.
Quiet time for everyone one hour before bed starting at 9 pm, I don’t think she’s getting enough sleep! This can make you sleep less at night!
She has you trained. Just let her cry it out. As soon as she figures out that you won’t come to rescue her, she will stop crying and sleep. It is a control thing. Right now she has control and will keep it until you take the control back and prove that you are the parent and she is the child. I raised 4 and only one was like this. I learned quickly and the other three were angels.
What’s wrong with letting her cry for a night or two? She may make you think she is hyperventilating but when she needs to breathe, she will breathe. She’s got you trained so you need to train her and break the cycle.
Try keeping her up during her naps. That way her sleep is pushed back into what ever sleeping schedule you have, it won’t be precise but a bit better
Some people just don’t like sleep. My oldest (now 22) was exactly like this except he would cry until he threw up and we had to go get him Even now, he’s not a sleeper, too afraid to miss out on something. He hated napping too. In order to get him to sleep at night, we cut the daytime nap out. Good luck to you! This is common in ADHD individuals too, he has ADHD, so does dad and sister who are also not great sleepers.
My son has struggled with this and still does…essential oils some bible time and a calming night time CD in the background…even now if he. Ant sleep first thing he does is read his bible or listen to it on line…and will fall asleep right after
You’re just going to have to tough it out… everybody’s going to tell you these cookie cutter answers, and I bet you’ve tried most of them (like I did) to no avail, but the reality of it is, if you’re not suffering with medical/behavioral issues, it’s just the way things are going to be. My son was the same way, and you know your child best, do what’s best for you, you’ll catch up on your sleep in a few years…hang in there mom!
Talk to your dr about half a zarbees melatonin gummy to get her to settle down to sleep
Put her in a crib, shut the door and go to your room and shut the door. Go to bed…problem solved…she will learn to self sooth. At this point you have taught her that if she cries long enough you will give in…stop doing that.
A baby at the preschool I worked at was like this. The parents got a sleep trainer in and she slept through the night from 8p-6a from then on. I also cut out her after noon nap and put her down after her 11:00 am bottle, she’d sleep for 45 minutes and be fine for the rest of the day until mom got her at 5. Some babies just need a little adjustment in the routine to make it work.
My oldest was that way. Turned out he was done with napping during the day. His sitter who was told not to have him nap was doing so…as I found out from her brother who I’m now married too…neither of us have spoken to her in 20 years
Talk to your doctor. If she has no answers ask for a referral for a sleep study. If you have to wait to get in…start making simple changes. Someone recommended Chamomile tea with milk a good idea…cut out juice, and sugary snacks.
My youngest got cheerios (yellow box) as bed time snack because the other stuff has so much sugar.
Write down what you are and have done before you see the doc.
Give her a bath in lavender. Have quiet time about an hour before bedtime. Room darkened.
My son was the same way. I talked to the pediatrician about it. He flat out told me to put a lock on the outside of his bedroom door and let him scream. I felt like the most horrible mother on the planet, but within a week, he stayed in bed and slept through the night. No more screaming or getting up. He’s 37 years old now. Lol
My daughter is 6 now. She sleeps on the floor by my bed some nights. You might want to put a mattress in her room for yourself. Put her to bed shut the door so she’s safe and go to sleep yourself. I usually wake up around 1 am and my daughters asleep and I go to my room.
I did everything everyone is recommending for my grandson that I took custody of when he was 9 mo old and I was 45. He wouldn’t sleep, what worked was the melatonin, the night light, the white noise, the no naps, and I bought a rocking chair thing that I strapped him in with and rocked him with my foot while he watch tv 1 he before bed. When he was 3 yrs old I took him to a neurologist, cause I was still having to do this and now I’m approaching 50 and I was exhausted. Neurologist declared him severely ADHD and put him on meds. It’s very unusual for a 3 yr old to be on meds. He started sleeping when he began the meds and I got some rest, but my hair was almost gray by then. True story!!! Hes 16 now and typical teenager, wants to sleep all day.
My dtr was the same. It was horrible. She also didn’t sleep through the night. It didnt change till she started dance. It wore her out. Try extra curricula activities. I worked too. The local y is good
Stop the day time nap. And after talking to your doctor and making sure there a no medical problems. Put her to bed and let her cry it out for a night or two.
I have 3. My son was born early in the morning. He would go to be by 7. My girls were born late afternoon. I couldn’t get them to sleep early. I would put them to bed close the door and she will still be talking. I couldn’t let them cry. So, I did it a little at the time. If I had to go in I wouldn’t interact with her.
My mom had 8 kids and she swore by a radio turned on softly and the shut the door and leave the room. It might be to quiet at night
These usually end up being our doctors, firefighters etc. some people just don’t require a lot of sleep, which is a great thing when they get older.
Both of my kids were like this when they reached this age we gave them 1 mg melatonin gummy and forewent naps we are now in a routine where they eat dinner do bath take their gummies lay down relax with a story or a little tv and they are typically asleep by 830 9 at the latest
Let her cry for a night or two… Once she figures that you are not coming back in, she will stop… She knows what she is doing…
Children are human just like adults. If she goes to sleep at 11 put her to bed at 11 and stop the stress. Making night time stressful isn’t good for her or you. 15 months and a 2 hour nap??? I used to dream of those lol
Make it an hour nap, and put a night light in her room she might just be scared of the dark.
Ask doctor about melatonin. I gave my granddaughter the gummies made by Zarbee. They are excellent
I hate to sleep. I feel her pain. My dr. Told me not needing much sleep is not a sleep disorder.
Try massaging their back while laying down and tell them its quiet time maybe read a few books give them some water and stay in the room with them hopefully they will calm down some soft music might help or one of those things that show lights on the ceiling
I always sat on the edge of my boys’ beds with the lights out and played lullabies until they fell asleep. I am glad I could comfort them and make them feel safe.