My daughter hurt our dog and needs help

My daughter is almost 13. She has anxiety and some depression. She is quite intelligent and I love her to pieces. 6 months ago she tried to kill our family pet. While my partner was on the treadmill (10 ft away in another room) my child got our dogs insulin and injected him, causing an overdose of medicine. When she finally(after a hospital stay and begging for answers) told us why: it’s because we had to leave our friends house and miss the fireworks to go home & give the dog his medicine. We were shocked, hurt & in utter disbelief. We spend time with her, communicate and try to understand why she carries a dark cloud over her head all the time. She’s in therapy but it hasn’t seemed to work. My partner is low key terrified of her because every time my daughter doesn’t get to do something or whatever- she retaliates in some form or fashion against friends, myself and mostly my partner. Crazy thing is, they used to be so close and with her trying to unalive our little special needs dog, things haven’t been the same. It’s driving a wedge between my marriage. My kid never apologizes when she does bad things and always refuses to take responsibility for anything! Idk what to do.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter hurt our dog and needs help

Maybe a new therapist. Definitely scary.


That’s psychotic. She needs thoroughly evaluated :neutral_face:

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The only advice i have, would be to have her talk to a new therapist or some other type of therapy.

And I just want to say I hope things get better for her, you and your marriage! Sending love your way!:heart:


She’s quite obviously a sociopath and only ‘gets her way’(to her) when she forces negative emotions on others. Straight up psych ward for at least a 2 month stay with daily therapy sessions IMO. This is coming from someone with bipolar 2 disorder who has been locked up. I knew a girl in my psych ward that killed animals/hurt siblings to get her way. She herself admitted she probably would be better suited to an institutionalized life. I don’t think your daughter is anywhere near there, but if she isn’t put up somewhere where she gets 24/7 supervision and help, she could end up hurting people.

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Sounds like a new therapist and possibly medication. My daughter and I both have Anxiety and Depression and we are not like that at all. But everyone is completely different. That’s extremely scary she sounds very dangerous.


Your partner has a right to be lowkey terrified, this behavior is horrifying. I know you said she has a therapist but that’s clearly not cutting it. If I were in your position I’d be seeking further psychiatric help, possibly medication. This seems like a very serious situation and I’d be super concerned as well.

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Sounds like psychopathic tendencies. If she lacks empathy towards people and animals, I would highly recommend getting her evaluated by a psychologist, not a therapist!!! She needs Psychiatric help! If she can do that to an animal then what’s stopping her from harming a human next time? Need to take action now to prevent anything worse from happening.

Maybe some good old ass busting is needed.
Any kid that injects a dog trying to kill it needs more than threats.

Sociopathic tendencies; needs immediate evaluation and therapy.

Be careful. My son was like that as a child, now he is a n arc and treats me like sh**. He abuses me and lies all the time. Just like his father.


Killing animals or attempting to kill them is never a good sign, your daughters old enough to know right from wrong. I pray you get the help she needs

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I recommend a psychological evaluation…asap…has she ever had one of these before? And is she on any type of medication? need immediate help from some professionals… have you reported this behavior to her doctor? And what is the therapist saying about this recent ordeal? So much info left out…but immediate professional help is needed right away…this does not sound like just depression and anxiety…anyone who does that to animals will also do it to another human being. I cannot express enough that you all need some help…but your daughter is a danger to others…this is going to require way more help than. You as a parent can give her…many thoughts and prayers for all of you…

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She tried killing an innocent dog and you think she’s intelligent?! I would have her out of my house, yes she needs help but she wouldn’t be anywhere near my pets after that!

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I would say spank her, but she’ll probably kill your dog to teach you a lesson :sweat_smile:

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You need professional help.

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Your daughter has more than anxiety and some depression. She needs more than therapy. She needs to see a psychiatrist. In the meantime, you’ll need to fully supervise her and never leave her alone with any vulnerable people or pets. I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you get some answers and the help that’s needed.

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Well… by no means am I a professional, however, it certainly sounds like a little more is going on with your daughter, other than the “depression” and “anxiety.” I would find a new therapist asap…

Edit: ideally a psychiatrist, as she needs psychiatric help! And I wouldn’t have her anywhere near my pets after that…


Hurting animals is a red flag and needs to be addressed by a professional. I don’t know her history but I would be very worried about any underlying trauma. Take her to a child psychologist who is knowledgeable about this type of behavior and is trauma informed. Please monitor her with other pets, younger children and vulnerable people. I don’t mean to scare you but she has things to work out. Using physical discipline will likely worsen the situation.

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Thats what killers do :neutral_face:


She might need medication. Therapy and talking isn’t always the way.

Take her back to her GP before she really hurts herself or someone else x

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Your child needs to be in a long term facility in my opinion. Choosing to overdose the dog knowing the repercussions solely because of a tantrum is sociopathic behavior. She needs intensive treatment in my opinion.

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Trying to harm animals and her terrifying adults is not because of her depression and/or anxiety problems. That’s more like a severe mental illness. She needs real psychiatric care. See a psychiatrist, not a therapist.

Please get her help. It’s hard to take the blinders off when it’s our own children but you obviously know deep down something is terribly wrong and looking for a conformation to push you in the right direction. This is it! Please call for her to be evaluated. She will most likely escalate with her being almost a teen and hormones changing etc and you really don’t want to be in a place where you wish you’d found her the help she needed sooner. It sounds like she could be a sociopath and even though you love her and don’t want to believe she is capable of horrible things, you need to do what is best for her and for your family even if that means putting her away for a little while. You won’t regret it if you do but you might regret it if you don’t.

They always start with animals… they are easy targets to practice on. Seek psychiatric help for her IMMEDIATELY and do not leave her unattended.

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I might also suggest locking up medicines, knives, etc. while she’s in the house. Full psychological evaluation is in dire need.

She needs a psychiatrist. Now.

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My heart goes out to all of you… It sounds like she needs some psychological help . She is very clearly retaliating and as a dog lover that scares me. You should seek help for your daughter immediately… I can understand your partner’s apprehension but you need to work together to make this girl better

Please send the dog away to live with someone else for a while, the dog cannot tell you what she is doing to it when your not looking.
Your daughter like everyone else has said needs some help. Don’t be scared to ask for the help she needs and also the support you need.


That’s a serial killer in the making chick. It’s literally a matter of time before she moves from animals to people

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The retaliation mostly toward the partner and how the daughter and partner used to be so close needs to be examined further.

If you plan on keeping your daughter in the home and not in psychiatric care, please find a safe home for your pet. She doesn’t need to be around any living person or animal that is unable to defend itself.

I’ve never came across a situation besides death where I thought rehoming an animal is the right call, but my advice would be to keep that dog safe solely because your not going to rehome your child. I definitely think she needs to see another doctor, she needs more help then what she’s currently being medicated for :pensive:

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Psychopath behavior! Usually they start hurting animals and then humans. Not normal behavior at all.

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She really needs help "

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Um, yeah, your daughter is a sociopath…

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Get the dog far away from that child!!! OMG

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F*** therapy she needs a psychiatrist. Your kid is gonna grow up to do worse things if you don’t get her the right treatment. Hurting animals is something a lot of serial killers did as a child. You need to rehome your dog. And your child needs to go to a psychiatric hospital. Not therapy. A little fact, therapy does not cure all mental disorders. It just gives them more tools to better manipulate people. The therapist isn’t going to work in this situation. ESP narcissist. And she sounds like she def has a narcissistic personality, with the not apologizing because she doesn’t feel like she’s the problem. Get that dog out of that house before she kills it. I would have put her a$$ through a wall if she harmed my dog in any way.

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Well, for starters. You have to try not to turn it into a YOU thing. I think it’s natural for us to feel that way, human nature. But she has a mental health issue. And presenting this “we love her” “we are doing everything we can” it’s not about you. It’s not about what you’re doing or not doing, she needs to get this mental health issue sorted out

And don’t listen to the people above who are saying hurtful and horrible things

^THAT SHIT is the reason people don’t get fkn help. That’s the reason mental health issues are so taboo. :roll_eyes:

Psychopath characteristics

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Raised 7 girls and they all seem to go through a neurotic stage around that age. Church groups for teens was great for my 4th daughter, and a county youth center was also a big help through those years. The counselors were great.

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I am outraged that you still have the dog at home!!! Send the dog to a rescue and since therapy is NOT WORKING TAKE HER TO A PSYCHIATRIST ASAP!!! Your partner should be terrified of her because one of you is next!!! Knives and anything sharp should be out of the house


Ouch that’s heavy…
Hope she finds the help needed
And the dog is ok


Sounds like a future serial killer

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Place dog in new home or rescue and get her help!!! :100: not ok or normal


As a veterinary technician, this breaks my heart. Your pooch is very lucky to be alive (and if this was my kid, she would also be lucky to be alive), and very fortunate to have a family who is willing to leave an event to care for him. Your daughter is a deeply disturbed and psychotic human being, and if she were mine she would have been shipped off to a youth detention centre the very next day, to learn what it’s really like to have a ‘dark cloud’ over her head every day, except the dark cloud will actually be a correctional officer setting her little delinquent ass straight. And when she returned she would be under supervision so strict she’d have to ask for privacy to use the bathroom alone. Every door with medicine would be locked. The fridge would be locked. The pantry would be locked. Every sharp kitchen utensil I owned would be locked up, and she would be reduced to a toddler plastic spoon and bowl to eat with. Her room door would also have a lock on it, so I could secure her at night when unsupervised. If you want to act like an animal, you will be treated like an animal. Your daughter is an attention seeking, dramatic little brat, and I fear one day I will watch a serial killer documentary featuring her. I hope for the best for you and your partner, and especially your dog.

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I’d send her off but hey that’s just me


Is it possible she feels jealous of the dog? That maybe she feels like you put the dogs needs over her own(not saying you do). Maybe removing the dog from the situation would be best.


Definitely, rehome dog! Definitely get more help! And definitely lock up anything that could harm herself or anyone else. School needs to be informed as well.


Anxiety and depression are irrelevant…your daughter is a sociopath
I would honestly have her committed because she’s a danger to EVERYONE


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:Your daughter used to have a close relationship with your partner and now she is acting out, particularly towards them :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Behaviour is communication. She’s communicating in this way because she is crying out for help. She needs to be seen and heard not sent away.


Please remove the dog from your home. You state she is in therapy but doesn’t seem to help. Find a psychiatrist that deals with this type of behavior. It would also be helpful for you and your partner to go to counseling to learn how to cope with her and learn to identify her triggers. I wish you all the best of luck! :pray::pray:


Definitely psychotic and if this isn’t kicked in the butt now, I fear for more than just your poor dog :pleading_face:

I can’t believe the Vet didn’t call the police and DCF!! I would’ve in a heartbeat. Serial killers abused animals as children


That really sounds like some cereal killer type shit not gonna lie. She needs intensive therapy I really hope she is getting that everyday at this point. I don’t have experience with that kind of stuff I’m so sorry you are going through this. Please never leave an animal or small child around her. Hopefully it’s just a phase but damn that’s scary.

I’m sorry, but that’s fucked up. She needs like major help. That’s crazy, my 15 yo bio and 13 yr old bonus would never think of such a thing. That’s psychotic behavior, I’m sorry o don’t have anything better to say.

Rehome the dog before she kills it


I’ve raised 7 boys & 5 girls and not one of them have hurt another human being or animal.
That child needs help. And never leave another child or animal alone with her. Get answers ASAP before something actually happens where you’ll be burying someone.


Get her better help for sociopathic characteristics, that’s heavy I hope all turns out well :crossed_fingers:t3:


I would probably try too find her a inpatient program. It sounds like she needs extensive help and therapy. I wouldn’t try to do this on your own. Killing or trying too kill animals is a very bad sign. Please be careful it doesn’t escalate and look into inpatient.


She needs more of assessment re mental health issues she could also be autistic. Adhd, bpd,asd,odd these all can habit these as I have delt with with my own kid. Get her proper help and assessment

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You are your daughters biggest advocate and I would start with finding out why your daughter and partner are no longer close. What happened to separate their relationship? Is this also the same time your daughter started acting out? I agree with what others have said, take your daughter to a child psychologist that has dealt with trauma issues. Your daughter may be a sociopath like other have said yet at the same time something else may be going on and your daughter doesn’t feel like she is being heard or does not know any other way to get her feelings out. Please get her the help she needs. I will be praying for you and your family.


This is something her therapist needs to advise you on. Tell them your concerns, ask them how to handle it. The Internet is the wrong place to get this advice, this requires a professional.

It seems as tho your daughter is hurting the dog to punish your partner because you said in the post they were very close before the dog had come along. I think your partner and your daughter need quality time together xx


This may be long and I normally wouldn’t put this out there but this is the first time I see something that you can’t overlook. My children loss a sibling whom they were all close too. Neither of them grieved in this manner and on the 4th will be 6 years. That day they loss their older brother and parts of both their parents. They all Have anxiety and depression. On the other hand, I have a step son. Been married to his father for many years and the children we have together are younger, actually my step son was the oldest of all, even our deceased son. I remember when he was 11 he killed his first animal and his mother didn’t see wrong with it. By 15 he was skinning pets that our children loved alive. By 18 had a criminal record and was doing his first prison sentence by 22 because he was abusing his 3 year old step son. We got custody of him 5 months Before he turned 18, it was too late. That baby boy, his step son was burned with a meth pipe, had bruises on him with cuts and was peeing blood by the time my son and husband went to see where they had been LITERALLY 9 days we didn’t see that baby. My step son took off running because he knew we called the law and his dad tracked him down and put him in the cop car and gave full statements. Walking into that home, my stomach turned, when the detectives said it seems like torture instead of abuse, that’s exactly what it was. There are issues that therapy can help and their are issues that need psychological attention ASAP. Don’t wait to distinguish the difference and be in denial. Those comments above about being intelligent so they should know that is wrong behavior isn’t true at all. Being intelligent has nothing to do with mental illnesses. My stepson acted out each time he wasn’t given what he wanted. His mom let that work, his dad didn’t. Today his son is now my legal son and he is back in prison. Impulsive silent acts to relive his inner anger, the worse of its kind. Get her checked and definitely don’t be low key of being afraid of her acting out, you need to treat her accordingly. Many prayers. :pray:t3:


It’s obvious this mum knows her daughter needs help… she’s not defending her daughters acts… at the end of the day this is a little girl who is troubled. Some of your comments are not helpful and just plain awful!! If U don’t have anything nice or productive to add keep scrolling!! This poor mumma is already beyond stressed!!


Serial killer in the making


Brittany White bizarre story

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Talk to her teachers too see if she doing it a school also?

You need to get her some professional help NOW!!! She could hurt you, him or anyone else just bc she feels like it. This behavior needs to be stopped immediately bc if not you better believe it’s gonna get worse. I’ll be praying for you & your family. But yes don’t delay… get her help now!


i’m not sure people telling this mum her daughter is a sociopath or will become a serial killer is that helpful :confused:

i would get her assessed by a mental health team rather than a therapist, maybe consider finding someone to take the dog for a while until you sort out whats for the best.
must be so hard for you i’m sorry you’re going through this xx


Oh no! I feel for you, must be so hard not knowing what to do next. But never leave her with the dog again!

You daughter may have anxiety and depression but you need to have her committed as she knows what she is doing and doesn’t seem to care. There is no excuse for this behavior. Can’t call it attention seeking either. And bare in mind she may be only 13 but if she’s trying to kill the family pet, that’s alarm bells right there what if next time it’s a child she hurts. Take action now more so because you care and want what’s best for her


Kinda sounds like a future serial killer😬


Jealous! Maybe one of you should of you should have left to sort the dog out. Not all of you. This is the point where hormones make everything worse. And she will leash out and maybe remove stuff from her room, phone laptop tv, etc. until she can apologise. Then, one thing back at a time, once she does it again, start all over.

Who knows what’s going on but a few things that spring to mind - 1. Is there other things going on for her is she maybe neuro diverse? And it’s being over looked and marked as depression/anxiety?
2) has there been neglect or abuse?
Maybe the partner and her relationship needs to be looked into further.
3) she must be going through some heavy stuff, communication with schools, doctor’s and every other professionals you can, now.


I highly reccomend seeing a psychiatrist. Only a psychiatrist has the proper training to diagnose more complex issues . I spent my whole life being told I have depression and to pop this pill by doctor after doctor till I finally saw a psychiatrist and was properly diagnosed with bipolar . Im 46 and my entire adult life has been a battle which could have been avoided with the right treatment. Yes you can see a doctor but if you want the best chance on finding out the deeper reasons behind the behaviour it’s a psychiatrist you want to see.


Take her to a Psych-k therapist they will be able to help .

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She’s about 13 and knows what she’s doing. She needs professional help. For now I wouldn’t have the dog in the house


DMDD is what that sounds like. I have known many children who do not get their way and do stuff(not as drastic) but they have a severe disruption mentally going on. Evaluate, psychiatric evaluation and go from there.


From reading what you posted and I’m not excusing what she did to the pet at all so please don’t misunderstand me. But I think you may look into further what may or may not have happened behind closed doors between your partner and your child. Hate to say it this way but the way I read being a childhood trauma survivor myself when you said that your partner is terrified of your child where is the concern of if your child is terrified of your partner??? Just something to think about I think your focus should be getting your child some type of help and not being concerned about other people
In the situation your children should always come first. Sorry just my opinion.


You will need to get professional help for her.meantime try being friends with her but don’t force her because those who have depression tends to be by them selves.try to understand her and get immediate help.she seems to be going through a rough time.

Family therapy and psyc meds

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I’d seek Professional mental health for your daughter


That’s not normal behaviour, I wouldn’t want her around me my family or my animals. You should get her sectioned


I am a professional in the behavioral health world and have a child with similar behaviors. I would definitely recommend a psychiatrist (not a psychologist as they can not prescribe medications should that be the route needed). Follow their recommendations. In the meantime, should these types of behaviors continue, please call your local crisis line and speak to a trained mental health crisis worker to get the best advice for that moment and your present situation. Lastly, I would not continue with therapy if it’s not working- some disorders only respond to specific and specialized approaches. If she were to have one of these disorders, and the wrong type of therapy approach, it could certainly be counter productive, making matters only worse. She’s still young. There is still hope. But please continue to advocate for her and get the appropriate level of treatment to do her justice. Feel free to PM should you need help with linkages to additional resources. Always remember- Stay consistent. Stay present. Stay together and on the same page with your approaches and interactions with her- not to let her triangulate. And try really really hard to NOT be reactive, especially in incidents like these as she’s likely seeking a reaction and by withholding one, it will not reward or validate her behavior choices. Hang in there… hugs! This life isn’t easy. I see you. I get you. I hear you. You’re not alone!


Well first, talk therapy can only help if the person going wants help and does the work. She may not be getting the level of professional attention she needs. I would suggest seeking out a psychiatrist and behavioral therapist who have worked with kids that exhibit similar behaviors. If things continue you may need to consider longer term commitment in a proper facility.
I would look into if she has been abused or neglected, behavior like this typically doesn’t come out of nowhere. I know a woman who is diagnosed with anti social personality disorder (formerly known as sociopathy) and she was severely abused and neglected as a child. She is now high functioning and even has a daughter that she takes excellent care of because she sought therapy to learn how to empathize with her when she pregnant. She put in the hard work because it was important to her to not continue the cycle of abuse. She still definitely has symptoms, but she manages it.
With your daughter being as young as she is, there is still lots that can be done to help her, as long as she is willing to get help. I’m not saying that she has anti social personality disorder, but it could be a possibility in the future.
The biggest hurdle sounds like will be teaching her empathy for the people and animals around her.


The first signs of a psychology is hurting animals she needs a psyhitrist


Yikessssss don’t normally comment on these type of things but will just throw it out there that the #1 sign of a sociopath is animal abuse :hugs: those who harm animals will inevitably hurt humans. There truly are evil people out there and you might have one of them :sweat_smile:


Child needs put on medication. Personally, as someone with depression, anxiety, bipolar and the whole alphabet, I don’t think that is her proper diagnoses. Take her to a professional and have her looked at. There is definitely more to it than that. My brother is schizophrenic. HE harmed animals and told people what they wanted to hear when he was caught. She needs medication. Not therapy. Dog needs to be rehomed for a little but until she is stable. Depression and anxiety, animals are well loved and 9 out of 10 times NEVER harmed.


Until you can figure out what is going on you should not allow any animals to be in your home. I hope and pray she can get the help she needs.

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Most people will say that it’s her being a teenager.
She needs extreme help before it’s too late. If you and your partner fear for your safety in your own home you need to have her placed in a hospital. The number one key is consistency. Do not let her come home because she’s guilt tripping you. Do not let her come home until you see an actual change in her behavioral patterns. It won’t be a short process but it will be the right process.
There isn’t some magic pill to “fix” someone’s mental chaos. But there are medicines to help and combined with the help of a child psychologist you should be able to find a solution that is life long.

But if you keep allowing her to guilt trip you and make you feel bad she’s going to end up doing something to someone else and spending the rest of her life behind bars. If your partner fears for their safety she shouldn’t be in school around other kids because she is a risk.


She isn’t a little child, she’s thirteen. She knows right from wrong. You already have her in therapy it’s time to up the therapy.


Definitely speak to Dr’s and explain how serious this is I’m wishing you all the luck in world your a fab mum seeking help and not burying ya head I the sand :heart:

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You need a proper diagnosis. Sounds a bit more than anxiety to me. You need a good psychiatrist as hurting animals is one of the first signs of a psychopath and serial killer!


This isn’t anxiety. Get her into a mental home and have her properly checked. Therapy alone isn’t enough


Animal protection should’ve reported this act of cruelty and she should’ve been charged as a minor and put in a mental institution and locked away so she can’t hurt anything (or God forbid anyone) else unless deemed fit to mix with animals and the general public again


Sorry but you got a psycopath on your hands she needs to be in an institution where she can get psychiatric evaluation and help.


Have you thought about taking her to the doctor to be seen for any hormonal issues? Is she menstruating yet? I know there is a disorder of some sort that caused huge emotional fluctuations before your period comes.