My daughter hurt our dog and needs help

Sorry to tell you, all these horrendous crimes are done by people who started hurting animals in their younger age. Seek for help immediately, she needs a psychiatrist, not a therapist. It’s deeper than that. It’s not too late!!


She definitely knows right from wrong at this age.
You need to take her to a mental health ward to get her diagnosed because hurting dogs or any animal isn’t a good sign. Does she have like anything that would of caused her sone kind of trauma ? All the best :heart:

ODD … it’s a defiant disorder.

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She needs a psychological examination this isn’t right . She needs to be treated before she tries to kill your husband or you ! Because the way she’s heading it won’t be long before she tries to proper budding psychopath and they have no remorse at all .

She needs help before she actually hurts a person never mind the dog she has a lot of problems and needs help . She needs a psyciatrist. Children who hurt animals often turn into psychopaths so get her help now before she does anything else

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Let me guess, she’s a gamer? Those games are killing our kids ability to have real kid experiences. People think it’s easy to throw a game to the babies for entertainment instead of loving them and entertaining them. I’m sorry if I got this wrong but it just sounds like so many kids that are too much into gaming. They want family, love and attention. It might be too late but prayer and God can change all


She needs a psychiatric consult.


Some people will crucifix me now. Obviously you need time alone with her and find out why she is acting out this way. Did something happen to her and your partner that you are unware of…now dont take me wrong i am not saying it is so, but molesting happens in families with close people, with people you think you know. If not that she might be jealous of your relationship with him, feeling you love him more than her. You need to let her know that you love her to the moon and back, but you also love your partner, and that one is not suppose to grow old alone. Explain to her He is not her biological father but her heart father, meaning he loves her from his heart. And that he will never try to replace her real father but he wants to be a friend and someone that she can talk to if she needs someone to listen and support her. Also try to make one day a special day with only the two of you. No partner and no dogs. Then also sit with her and tell her that cruelty to animals is unacceptable. She sounds like she doesnt know how to act out and get attention.


Are you sure she was trying to kill it though, or are you assuming? It needed medicine, she gave it medicine. Maybe she was trying to help and didnt quite grasp the danger in her actions.
This is worded in a very one-sided manipulative way, that was only ever going to garner one response, and you got it. She’s not a monster, shes a child, and is probably just crying for attention. Speaking to a professional who understands her will definitely be a positive step for her, if you havent already done so. If you believe shes a psycho and fail to see the good in her, she’ll probably become a psycho.


She needs institutionalized, she’s a danger to herself and others and behavior like that is for one criminal and for two a sign of a mich deeper problem, she will most likely at this rate harm a human


She needs some intensive mental help. I’d be terrified to be around her to if I was your BF. A few words because she is pissed off could land him in prison. You think she wouldn’t be willing to say those things with her being willing to try to kill the family dog? I’d be keeping her away from anyone and everything she could do damage to until she gets help.

“SHE did this wrong”
“SHE wont take responsibility”
“Something is wrong with HER”
This is looking like a case of learned behaviour where you are looking for answers anywhere but yourself. Looking elsewhere desperately to put the blame. This child seems frustrated. There is help for her. More importantly, there is also help for you. In order for her to be able to “take responsibility” and look inward, you need to set her a solid example and do the same thing. Just a casual observation…


You haven’t said what gender your partner is . None of my business but could be an important piece of the puzzle . Have you taken her to see a psychiatrist for an eval.? You need the help of professional(s) to get her to Not be a Danger to herself , your pets, or you and partner . Or even herself . Like does she do cutting ( self) or destroy stuff . :pray::pray:

Darlin you need to get professional instruction, she’s obviously hurting inside and doesn’t seem to know how to communicate it properly to you and your family except through anger and pain…I really feel for your family and sometimes you have to see a few medical people until your daughter is comfortable with that person to actually maybe be able to let out what it is that enragers her, :pray: I hope you find the right person for your Bub before she sinks anymore into the dark :pray: :purple_heart::purple_heart:

I seriously couldn’t keep someone under my roof that literally tried to kill your dog with an insulin od… idgaf if its my kid or not… she needs to be evaluated & away from the living till you get her appropriate help… if I was your partner, I would move out now…


Its kinda odd how your partner feels terrified of her… Did they use to spend alot of time with her and now does not… Did something happen to her that no one knows about. Did she tell you something and you didnt believe her??Theres alot of questions that needs answer… Once children start turning for negative attention its because the attention went somewhere else and she feels left out. You do need to reach out…and not just therapy… I know its hard but try giving her more positive attention and resort back to rewarding her for doing good things… See if that helps…good luck momma :heart:

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Honey she needs a psychiatrist/psychologist. I see both of these drs too. Mental health is just as important as physical health. My best to you


Sounds like she needs what we use to get as children when we done something wrong and needed to be corrected, a good old fashion ass whoopin

She is in therapy but are you guys having any FAMILY therapy? How can she work through her stuff if she isn’t working through any issues she’s having with the family dynamic. Our home and family life during childhood plays a huge role in our behavior and mental health. She isn’t just acting out for no reason and the first thing you should analyze should be the people places and things around her. Also, she’s a child. As the parent you should be working with a professional on strategies to manage the situation as the adult and caregiver.

I hate when ppl immediately say, is she being molested?! Oh poor thing :roll_eyes: NO some kids are just little psychos. It starts with hurting animals and she legit said it made her mad they had to leave somewhere for the dog.
Nope my kid would be locked up. My sister in law put her son in the psych ward when he went from the family pet to trying to kill her.
Good luck


Anxiety & dpression don’t cause attempted murder.
If therapy isn’t helping she needs a new therapist/psychological test.
Those are sociopathic & psychopathic behaviors. Please gave her checked by professionals before she really hurts someone.

No offense - but she is a future serial killer.


Serial killer in the making. Most serial killers start off with pets or neighhood animals


Question has your daughter been like this all her life or did it begin when you remarried? Good bless you and your family

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Since she tried to kill the family pet what was her punishment? Why not tell the police so she has to do community service? If there is no punishment why would she stop doing anything destructive? Where’s the discipline here?


Mom, first of all, you stick with your child, all the way. She needs some psychiatric help, ask your psychologist what she thinks is the next step. There are obviously huge problems but please don’t reject her like many of these moms mentioned. She can still be helped, might get admitted but there is always a way.


While this is extremely troubling and heartbreaking, I believe you need to reach out to a professional, or link up with a group on Facebook that caters more towards mental disorders. I say this confidently, after reading many of these comments. My advice, above. Unsolicited advice, take many of these comments with a grain of salt. Having a child with a mental disorder(s) is taxing. Don’t give up, and don’t give in, momma. :heart:


Mental health is important… she felt she missed that fun part because of the dog and that is why in future she should miss her happiness she wants to kill it… That is bad. For now its the dog, later it can be anyone… Now someone should make her undeestand that sometimes we need to forgo few things in life because something else is the priority… That way. If you cannot handle the situation, then you should consult a psychiatrist. We as parents are scared of that name, but to fix ur daughter u will need that support. For physical health u go to a physician, for mental health a psychiatrist… Its that simple, u first clear the blockage.


Psych evaluation urgently .


You need her psychiatrically evaluated. Depression and anxiety that is spiralling to this level at 13 needs help now.
Sending love and strength to you.

Has she suffered some kind of trauma? I’d say you need to contact your local camhs (if not already) and let the professionals assess why she’s behaving like this.

That’s not good at all and even worse that she shows no remorse I would be speaking to her therapist and telling them what she did they may think it’s better for her to live else where as she’s a danger where is all her anger and this coming from child hood trauma? I mean I had childhood trauma and it messe me up but I’ve never tried hurting an animal what would you have done if your dog died? I think you need to go to your doctor and be honest about how your daughter is at home its the only way you’ll get the correct help do you spend one on one time with her behavour always stems from somewhere can you go right back and rem how if all started and what was happening in her life then is there anything you and your partner could change sometimes it’s because of us parents are kids are a certain way so maybe you all need to do work on yourselfs perhaps but you defo need to get to the bottom of it all before she seriously hurts an animal or another person i mean for a kid to try and kill their own pet isn’t good at all

Have her evaluated . Like yesterday !!!

Sounds like conditions like social path or R.A.D serial killer she may have depression nd anxiety but can have other things nd has to have other things goin on coz depression nd anxiety don’t cause tht

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Get her to a phycolagist one with good degrees she has some kind of diagnosis

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Get her checked for mental health

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13 and poisoning a dog/ family pet in retaliation!!! That’s psychotic the family pet didn’t deserve that. She literally took the steps to inject the dog with a deadly amount of it’s insulin. You need to do more than ask Facebook how to parent. Hopefully there isn’t other children in the home they would be at risk of the 13 year old and her psychotic episodes of trying to kill.


You guys need to become a safe space for her to honestly share how she feels without judgement. That way you guys can help her redirect those emotions and be there for her. Encourage her to express her needs and frustrations with words and come up with action plans for different situations.

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Get her checked she could have bipolar


Red flags big time, signs of a psychopath. They always start out killing animal’s then move on to human’s.


Your kid needs hard core psychological help immediately. Not just a counselor… I’d be hiding medications, weapons, etc. and the dog and your partner need to go somewhere safe. Or your daughter needs inpatient care somewhere. She has psychological issues that are far more advanced than just a therapists please get her real help.


My 8 year old step son tried to kill our dog this last summer too… he was in process of suffocating her with a couch cushion while she was asleep when I caught him… he has zero remorse and just giggles it off like “oh ya I forgot about that” so I kinda understand what you’re going through


You need to fight for her. I’ve seen that professionals don’t take child psychiatry seriously in some places, and she needs you to fight for her wellbeing because something is definitely not right.


Um…. When I was a danger to myself and others as a young teen…, they put me in a psych ward and got me evaluated. Therapy is only part of what your kiddo needs. I’d get the dog out of the house even if it’s just temporary.


Take her to the ER and tell them what she’s doing. Let them know she’s a THREAT to SELF and OTHERS and they’ll admit her on a PSYCH hold!!! Do it!! Good luck and prayers to you. Speaking from EXPERIENCE :hugs:


Shes clearly feeling very left out and like she doesn’t belong and looking for attention in extreme ways by lashing out at the people and things that you put more energy and possibly love towards more than her. Somewhere along the way she has felt very neglected and that’s sad. This is not okay but I can see how things can lead to the extremes in some cases


Sounds like she needs some holy water


She legit needs inpatient treatment…it starts off with things like this and before you know it shes injecting yall with insulin


Sounds like obstinate defiance disorder. My 8 year old has it. Get her to a psychiatrist who can diagnose her and level her out with meds.

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Put her in a mental hospital . Anyone that could do that to a selfless animal is not all there .


Facebook isn’t the place to seek answers to serious problems. Please consult professional help for your child since this is a matter that needs immediate concern!! I wish you luck and peace!


This is very very serious and you need to get her help. It might not be the help you want but she is going to hurt someone.

Scarey stuff! To plan & execute a plan to hurt the dog, takes some planning, & shows a lack of empathy. Serious help needed ASAP. Traits associated with antisocial personality disorder, as horrifying as that sounds….:fearful:


Just therapy doesn’t work. Trust me, same boat. You need dialectical behavior therapy (dbt) and cognitive behavior therapy (cbt). These will teach her coping skills and the ability to regulate her emotions. Meds for the depression and anxiety also. They won’t diagnose her buy could be bpd. Check it out on Google and see if she fits the traits. Also might want to check ASD traits. Girls are very difficult to diagnose as they mask very well. My daughter finally was diagnosed ASD at 11, then persistent depressive disorder. Kids with ASD have other mental health issues that come with it. Good luck.


Children who intentionally hurt animals can end up being much much darker beings as adults… in fact it’s a tale tell sign… she knew what she was doing, she knew she could end that animals life, and she did it anyway. I don’t think therapy is enough for this. She’s most likely too smart. Children and adults with severe psychosis can outsmart their doctors… my mother did it. We had her committed and she conceived a panel of psychiatrists that the family who committed her were really at fault and that she was the normal one and we were all out to get her… when that is not at all the case. This is a sign. Don’t let your love for your child prevent you from making the hard decisions that need to be made for not only you and your husband but for her benefit and well being as wrll


:speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5: consequences! That’s how I’ll put it so I don’t get them (30) days mark be giving :joy::+1:t5::100: she needs to be t0re up though-and NEOWWWWW


If one therapy isn’t working, seek another and another and another. Until you find what works for her. Maybe research pediatric mental institution for a psyc eval. She needs help.

Get that dog there asap and keep smaller younger children away . Boot camp for her channel that anger and energy to hard core discipline. Kinda sucks where you are were people baby teenagers and repremanding your kids ks abuse. Also have someone take her on a trip to jail because she needs to know if she does not correct this now even you won’t be able to help her out .

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My best guess would be have her put somewhere get her evaluated trying to kill a dog is a big deal.
If she’s doing this now then it’s time too get options checked here.
Prayers but please do what’s best for her an you’re house hold.


This is something not left to facebook responses. If you dont have therapy for yourself and family seperate from your daughters, it may be an idea to look into it. This is not just an individual problem but a family problem. Its affecting all of you. Heart goes out to all of you.


If your going to allow your daughter to continue living in the home then no one should ever be left alone with your daughter in the house at all , atleast for a while … if she has any siblings , keep them away from her … keep the dog and any other pets away from her … lock up all knives , medication , scissors ( etc … ) … Also , please consider getting her evaluated and put into an inpatient facility … sounds like she needs major mental health help … please know that by doing this , your not abandoning her or giving up on her … your getting her the help that she needs while keeping the rest of your family safe … please think of your daughter’s mental health and the rest of your family’s safety … I’m :pray: for you guys


Some of these people can be so cruel bc they have never been through this with a child. I have gone through similar behaviors with children. Don’t give up your child needs you and you are all they have in this cruel world. However, as their parent, you will have to make some tough love decisions that will be tough watching them go through. You know what’s right for your child… mental placement, therapy, meds… so forth… but don’t be scared of sending them to a hospital. I was for so long but once in there the child only wanted to come home and be with family and didn’t like what they seen. Now we see a different child trying to correct her behaviors. All I can really say as a parent that’s been there is do what you have to do and who cares what anyone else thinks or says, you know your child and she needs you to make some tough decisions to protect her. Yes this is scary but you will make it through this tough time.

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Please re home your dog immediately.


She really needs inpatient treatment. Therapy isn’t a fix all thing! And if she can do that to the dog because you had to leave something she didn’t want to imagine what she can do to one of you! Inpatient doesn’t mean she stays there forever. Just long enough to figure out what’s going on and get her some help!


She should never have access to the dogs or anyone else’s meds!! But beyond that, I have noticed that some children, especially ones with high iq, have to be taught empathy. So try , very directly explaining her actions and the consequences of those actions. For example, her giving the dog meds when not needed and what that would cause in the dog physically. And then explain to her how the dogs demise would affect everyone in the household. Be very direct and put it in ‘worst case’ scenario terms. Then give a pointed question, “do you understand what I’m saying? Do you want your family to be sad due to something you did out of frustration or anger?” Try using thought provoking conversations with her.

Im so sorry you’re going through this btw and I in no way am trying to tell you what to do as I’ve never been in this situation. These are just suggestions. Take from it what you will. I wish you and your family ALL the best

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Time to get rid of the kid…

Chill out Karen, it’s a joke :unamused:

Meds may be helpful?


She needs help you can’t give her. Find placement for her see if she does better there


Time to get rid of the dog qnd husband and help the kid. She is a kid. No one knows the up bringing thos girl has had shouldn’t be so quick to harshly judge her she’s a child

This is dangerous sociopathic behavior. Please take your child for inpatient help TODAY.


That is the first trait of a serial killer most of them start out with animals before they start with people


She needs professional help, not Facebook help. This is very serious. Keep her away from kids and pets. Watch your back.


I’m sorry but that’s signs of much deeper mental problems then just depression and anxiety…. She needs extensive inpatient treatment if she’s going to have any type of chance at normalcy in her life…. Abusing and killing animals is one of the first signs of a sociopath…. Please don’t leave any defenseless animal or human alone with her as the next time you may not be able to help them!!

I would call her pediatrician first thing in the morning and get some sort of inpatient treatment started so maybe she has a chance to get help


Ummm I would be terrified too. She tried to kill a dog, what if she gets mad and tries to kill you or another person. I would be looking into other therapy or something.


One of the 3 pilars of the triad of sociopathathy is crimes against animals. Especially at a young age. You might be dealing with a lot more than some anxiety and depression. Most depressed people are too lacking in energy to do that and also they usually only want to kill themselves. Not others. This needs further evaluation than you can give her before one of you gets hurt. Possibly in your sleep. Very dangerous situation here. She premeditates her retaliation and its clearly very dark intentioned. Seek help immediately. Not therapy. Psychological evaluation.


Serious behaviour issues here!!! She needs immediate psychiatric assessment and follow up care.


I’ve been through this with my nephew who is 13. Momma, take that baby for inpatient care immediately!

With that being said, just know inpatient care may not help, it may do absolutely nothing, but don’t give up up on her as she needs you. There’s something in her head that no one knows and she needs help.

Please don’t give up!! We are still fight for my nephew and it’s been going on since he was about 6​:broken_heart::broken_heart:


She needs to be committed…and I say that with nothing but love and hope for you all. But that’s a huge red flag about something truly deeply wrong with how she’s wired. Out patient therapy alone isn’t gonna fix this.


“Crazy thing is, they used to be so close”
Sounds like there has been some type of abuse, most likely sexual. A lot of signs. Depression, anger, retaliation, entitlement & violence. Something changed in that relationship. Switch doctors and do some investigating. Sometimes we look everywhere for an answer that’s right in front of us, because it’s just not the one we want. Speaking as a survivor & advocate of child sexual abuse. I’d look closer at a lot of things, before locking my kid up.


I think she needs to have full time care, in an institution built to take care of her whilst being safe. She tried to k*ll your dog because she was jealous of it!
I’m so sorry, but I don’t think you can care for her, what happens the next time she’s jealous or mad at a a person?


LONGTERM Inpatient program ASAP


Ummmm it’s time to get professional help ASAP!!!

She needs to be committed to a facility and left there for help


She definitely needs some medical assistance ASAP! Make sure it includes a physical exam as well especially since the relationship between your daughter and your partner has changed….could have been some sexual abuse going on there. Good luck mama!

You’re not gonna like this but sounds like she has psychopathic tendencies. When my middle was 13 I was told I was raining a psychological sociopath. She is now 23, has two kids and while some of the behaviors are still there, most she outgrew. Keep anything and everything she could use to cause bodily harm (knives, tools, meds, etc) under lock and key that she can’t access. Prayers


Definitely investigate further into her psyche before she gets herself into bigger trouble and it’s too late to help her. Brave of you to put this on social media. A big indicator of “something going on” is the no remorse. Start doing research and get help!


I’m like trying to wrap my head around this. You came to Facebook for answers? She needs professional help. This is heartbreaking. I really have nothing. She needs professional help. Like yesterday.


Yeah, she needs to be taken to the psychiatric unit of a hospital. Normal people don’t do stuff like that, she’s going to “unalive” a human someday.


Maybe you are showing the pet more attention then her? Does she get to see her dad? Maybe your partner gets more attention? Praying things get better


I know you probably don’t want to hear this but she needs to be institutionalized for her safety as well as the safety of others. Get her help before she kills or seriously hurts someone.


Kids that intentionally hurt/kill animals are more likely to hurt/kill people. She’s likely going to need a lot more help than what you are going to be able to give her with her being at your home. Think about the rest of your family. No one should have to live in fear of their child just like a child shouldn’t be denied the real help they need.


She may need to be put away where she can’t hurt herself or anyone else


She needs the kind of help that only full time precessional care can give her. Intentionally hurting/trying to kill an animal is a humongous and terrifying red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:


All these doctors. Get off here and get some professional help lady.


I grew up with similar problems personally at the same age and am diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety depression and Borderline personality disorder. I am a functioning adult work full time, do a great job at being a mama and have a great relationship with my parents now. Not all behavior like that is psychopathic. The best thing to do right now is get her in with a professional that can assess her, get her on proper medications and get a treatment plan going. Im not going to air out my past problems to the whole public but I will say that if you want some advice or have questions please feel free to DM me.


Mom is leaving out a LOT of info here. This happened 6 months ago?? Child was hospitalized? For how long? Police and/or CPS had to have been called at some point with the dog incident. Whatever the case is here- psychopathic tendencies, child abuse- can’t tell me signs only started popping up at the age of 13. Let’s be real. This entire family needs some serious help.


Tbh this sounds like a disciplinary issue w/ a kid who doesn’t like not getting her way or being told no.


Take her to your nearest Emergency room ASAP! For a psych evaluation. They will determine if she needs to be hospitalized or not! Be completely honest about everything with them. So that your child can get the help needed! This will lead into an even worse outcome if not taken care of now! Best of luck!

She needs to be psychiatrically hospitalized.

Some pretty serious warning signs of potential mental health diagnoses. Please let the therapist know what happened. If they’re responsible, they will take the required steps. Also tell her GP.

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Okay everyone take a breather. I grew up in the system due to shitty parents and a seriously abusive family, those places CAN do further damage, alot of the places don’t care. I could tell you some horrendous stories. I had a child with severe behavior issues, I spent so much time crying and begging for help to anyone that would listen. I was a single, fulltime working Mom. I felt angry, resentful because she wouldn’t listen to ANYTHING she would hit her sisters, one of of went to the hospital with a serious eye injury , she put holes in the walls, refused to go to school. I was walking on eggshells in my own home to not set her off. From 2 -11 she was an absolutely terror. I had to leave work because she was flipping out somewhere. It wore me down mentally, felt like I failed as a mother. Let me tell you, don’t let people push you into JUST sending her away or locking her away. I had her put in day treatment at school, she did do 1 small hospital stay for 6 days, I found services that came to my house. We did 2 15 day rounds of intense inhome. Meaning someone was at my house 35 hours a week. It was very hard to open my home and feel like someone was looking at everything I did but I felt like my daughters life and future was on the line. But they got to see everything first hand. Eventually we got done with intensive in home and it was just 20-25 hours a week for am entire year. She met with her alone, they did stuff, we made plans together, it helped balance stuff and it was a HUGE help to me. I needed some help desperately. After that I contacted Horizon and got a case manager for her who has been an angel for us. We tried various medicines some didn’t work for her, you have to pay close attention to how they respond to it, for instance 1 medicine made her even madder. We found a medicine that worked, we kept on with therapy and case management. Fast forward she’s gonna be 14, I had to fight to keep her in my home and not sent away long time. I owed it to her to try everything first. She’s a totally different child now. She’s an honor student in all advanced classes, she has been discharged of in home therapy & day treatment at school. We are still on the 1 medicine and we check in with case management every few months via video chat. She’s the best behaved kid now, I look at her often and cry at how amazed I am by her and how much she has changed and grown. I went through hell and back with her and now I couldn’t be prouder. It can get better Mama, it may take alot more then what I described and if she does need to stay somewhere for awhile, do your research, be as active as possible, you can never ask too many questions. And please get someone to talk to for YOU. It drains you mentally and takes so much from you. You feel so many mixed emotions dealing with a child with metal/behavioral issues. Sticking to your plans and rules will help greatly. It may get worse before it gets better. You can do this tho Mama. Message me if you ever someone to talk too no judgement. Hang in there. Prayers for your family :heart: