My daughter is a wild child: Just needing to vent

Have you tried the star board for every time she bahave and listen she gets a star and at the end of the week she can pick an activity she would love to do.

Some kids just do that stuff. Give yourself some more credit, and don’t worry so much about what anyone else thinks.


My son was like this but he finally grew out of this phase. Just keep loving on her and it’ll get better, I promise.

My 4 year old listen but when dad is around he doesn’t so I know your frustration.

Baby leash that’s all I got for ya


My son was like that when he was little, always on the go running everywhere… what a handful he was… Now at 18 you can’t get him to run a bath :rofl:

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Maybe to much sugar.

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I thought w my 1st 4 kids that those uncontrollable children were a result of bad parenting. Then my 5th came and is wild as hell, there’s no telling her anything, no stopping her, distract her, deterring her, etc so I definitely don’t judge anymore lol

If you think one is bad, when that second baby comes, YOU’LL want to pull your hair out

My oldest daughter is like that. When she’d give hugs she’d slam into people, I lost her in multiple stores she was just gone in one second. She would hit me and throw massive tantrums in the store. She was just crazy constantly. I felt like the worst mom. I finally had to decide I don’t give 2 hoots about what people think because I know her and I’m doing the best that I know how. They don’t live my life so they don’t know that I’ve literally tried everything. Idk how old your daughter is but it was about 5 years old that a light bulb seemed to flip on and she started catching on quickly to the rules and how others were feeling especially me. She’s still wild but much more manageable. Keep going and ignore everyone.

I have 1 calm soul, and 1 wild child. I feel you momma💙


I have one, you aren’t alone mama. And you are NOT a bad mom. I bet she’s smart. My 17 year old was such a handful, I cried and thought I was a bad mom for years. He’s such an amazing young man now.

Get a harness and lead. I had one for my first who was the same way. Saved him from charging off the curb many times. I never picked him up by the lead or anything it was just a restraining device.

A chore chart of behavior with gold stars or other stickers can help. Also be sure she is getting enough physical activity in her day. Maybe a mini trampoline with handlebars? Enrolling her in gymnastics or martial arts and providing a safe space at home for practice?

I got a book from the library called “Your Difficult Child” which described my kids to a T and provided helpful ideas.

And yes, many of these kids are whip smart and will do amazing things as they get older.

Hard at this stage, but hang in there. As someone who worked in pediatrics for years, I know there are moms out there who will never see their child run away…know you are the best mom you can be.

Sounds like my life. My 3 youngest are 2,3,4. Exact same way times 3. I feel like everyone stares wherever I go which they do. I have a hard time doing anything with them from trying to get them all in the car to going to the grocery store etc its always a complete nightmare. :frowning:

The thing that people can have the kids where it’s not a leash it’s like a backpack they wear and it has a long thing that you hold on to so they can’t go too far and take off and maybe that can teach her a little bit of calmness unless it’s something going on inside her or she could just be acting her age with a little extra hyper who knows.

Get some neurological evaluation before leash. Many times they want to be good but something in the brain isn’t connecting as it should

Baby leash and I’m not kidding it’s better then her being hit by. A car

YES! I was the wild child! Still am I guess. I have been called a leader, an innovator, an inspiration among others. I have won a National Award. After being denied at a local level. I never give up. If you can you will, if you say you cant then you wont. I am talented and a thinker. Just think what you are creating. Or diminishing. Although I am still surprised my mother still claims me. I spent time in the hospital many times. Never felt fear until I was 39 years old. I have been thru the school of hard knocks and I survived. It makes you stronger and a survivor! Hang in there you are raising great kids!

Spankings by the time they’re walking .

By the age of 3 you’ll be able to look at them the second they’re getting it of line and they will straighten their ass out .

( this is coming from someone who never got spanked … but should have … and now has 3 teenagers that are literal saints compared to me at their age )

Yhoooo my one is like that too.

I. Am. Old Fashion. I. Spank. I. My. Sons. When. They. Misbehave. I. Started. Popping. Their. Hands. When. They. Were 6. Most. Old. Telling. Them. No. I. Had. A. Babysitter. Tell. Me. When. My. 3rd. Son. Was. 2. He. Was. The. Most. Behave. Child. She. Had. Sometimes. The. Old. Way. Is. Best. Not. For. All. Children. But. It. Might. Be. What. She. Needs.

My youngest, was/ is the same way. Opposite of my twins. He made twins look easy. He still challenges us but the sweet and humorous side has grown to be more of his personality than the 'wild child’s as you call it. He is 8 now. Lol. Hang in there mom!

Watch Super Nanny she always gives good and sound tips!