My daughter is in menstral pain, what can I do?

Get her on ‘the pill’ but explain it’s for her periods etc nothing to do with sex at her age to make her feel more comfortable.
I was the same as her my whole teenage life and young adult life…I suffered on thinking this is how it had to be …but it doesn’t .I take a low estrogen pill continuously so I don’t get a period at all and it’s changed my life!it’s perfectly ok to do and when she’s ready to have children she can stop and her period WILL return.honestly google it.good luck

I had these issues , I have periods that put me on morphine drips when I was younger , I got on birth control and it seemed to help a little bit , I noticed it’s worse during times of stress

Honestly, for me, warm anything on me during my period is (and always was) soooo uncomfy! My mom used to give me the heating pads but I hated using them lol, so I stopped pretty quickly. I later found out that there are some people that react negatively to the heat when on their period, especially when you’re already nauseous & hot from feeling sickly. Ibuprofen (like 1000 mg) works for me most times, and some comfy sweats or pajama pants so I don’t have all the tightness cutting into my stomach, snacks, movies, and relaxing. I don’t have Endo as far as I know, just really really bad cramps and a super ass heavy flow. I hope this helps a little!

Take her to see an obgyn!!! I have ovarian cysts and have the same symptoms. I get HORRIBLE cramps that nothing helps, diarrhea and puking.

Endometriosis is what I have , swme when I started I would cry and lay on my moms heated water bed. But try an ice pack. That actually helps me more. Ice on the front and heat on the back

I did and they were ovarian cysts. It was awful she needs a gynecologist if her regular doctor won’t help.

I go through it personally having endo, hot showers or baths are the only thing that can really soothe me when its bad and when I was young it was horrible


My daughter buys her the menstrual patches at clicks

After having my tubes tied and way before that I suffered horrible cramping take alieve it helps with the swelling, drink plenty of water.

Fresh papaya helps - eat or drink it when she is a few days premenstrual.

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I’m the same as the start and still now.

Take midol. Put legs up on a wall(mostly in a hot shower) . Oranges. Coconut water. Peppermint. All that helps with diarrhea and cramps.

Banana and papaya helps

Evening primrose oil was my saviour

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I dealt with all of those symptoms until I went on birth control at 17 or 18. It not only reduced my symptoms, but it also changed my period from 5-6 days to 1-1/2 days. I went abroad for 15 months at 24 years old and had tampons left in the box of 36 when I returned home! I usually only used mini-pads on the 2nd (1/2) day.

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A hot bath works the best for me. But I’d definitely take her to an OBGYN

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Apparently buscopan- usually used for ibs cramps - works wonders in period cramps. And can give to 12 year olds.

Stop red meat 2 weeks before the period and during

Diarrhea and pooping on your period in general is pretty normal cause the uterus is contracting, especially nausea… I know a girl who would throw up cause of how bad her cramps are. Hot tea, ibuprofen, a heating pad, or you can get the heating pads that stick to your stomach, that’s what I use. There’s a lot of remedies for periods!


I had them so bad that I’d have to take time off from school when I was a kid. The only thing that helped even a little was Motrin and soak in hot tub of water and lay with a heating pad. The heat helps it to flow easier. Prayers for her. I know the pain. Also maybe add Epsom salt to her bath water.

I went through that when I was 13 when that time came I was in and out of a warm shower to help and Panadol helped me

Take her to ob. But this is what worked for all in my family…Call me crazy…my kids did…until they figured out it worked for everyone whose tried it. Real aspirin, you can get it at Walmart for a dollar. Real aspirin is a natural blood thinner, and helps break up the clots. Our bodies cramp to break up clots and fluff out uterine lining, the aspirin breaks up the clots, and cramps are gone. Ice chips and peppermint can help with nausea, and if the cramping and pain stops, she may not be nauseous anymore. Good luck!!

My Mom gave me a mixture to drink of ginger, hot water, lemon and a little whiskey. It worked better than anything.

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My daughter is 13 and we use a heating pad and midol.

My sister has bad cramps and her doctor prescribed her naproxen for her periods you could always ask your dr

I went on the birth control pill at 13 because my cramps were so bad I would throw up and or pass out from the pain. (No I wasn’t sexually active) It was the last ditch effort after nothing else worked and I missed school again due to menstrual cramps again.


I got it super bad.the doctor gave tablets that made the shedding quicker. Instead of 4 days it was only 2 but i was super sick for those days. Also anemic. It was awful but at least shorter

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter is in menstral pain, what can I do? - Mamas Uncut

So I had the same thing growing up, I’d be off school almost every month for a day or two because of it. Id be ghost white, nauseous, high temps, the pain was unbearable. I’d have asprin, then 2hrs later ibuprofen then 2hrs later panadol. The heat pack and laying still for me helped as well as the pain relief bringing it down to a more manageable degree of pain. I’d lay and watch TV and sleep.

I couldn’t drink water, it didn’t sit right so I’d have cordial.

A warm bath or going for a swim helped a lot. Laying still is still something that works so long as there’s something else to focus on.

But really no one will know what will work for your child. Everybody has different things that works for them.

Take her to the GP. I started mine at 12 and they were always really heavy and painful, nothing eased the pain. I also suffer sickness and diarrhea plus a long list of other symptoms. Back and forth to the doctors since, ultra sound scan after scan, blood tests all clear, tried every form of contraceptive and a whole host of other tablets…sent on my way with no explanation everytime. 4 children and 23 years later they finally referred me to the gynecologist and I’ve endometriosis on my bladder and bowel!


I was extremely lucky my mum was pretty clued up as she has endometriosis. I was prescribed mefenanic acid by my gp. I have also tried 3 different pills however I was suffering from migraines, mood swings and vomiting :sweat: I suffer sometimes with 8 day periods , For me iboprofen only made my stomach worse. So stuck to paracetamol. Stay hydrated so lots of water, and keep moving. Once I sit still for me it gets much worse so I try and stay active as much as I can. Heat pads can be great, you can also get disposable ones that stick to underwear which I swear by when I’m at work. Xx


My daughter had
Bad cramps too and the doc suggested the mini pill, she was 13 at the time and it’s seemed to of helped

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Book in for a gyno. May be endometriosis. Got mine when i was 8. Was told i was overreacting to the pain. By the time i was 14 i passed out at least twice a day. I was 19 when they took me seriously and found i had extreme endometriosis and pcos. 2 laparoscopies and 8yrs on ‘the pill’, 5 miscarriages and 1 baby later… I’m still having ridiculous, crippling pain and clotting. I started taking maca powder tablets in February of 2020… balanced my hormones and now my period is on a semi regular basis.
If its crippling your daughter this bad this early. Dont take “its normal” if that doesnt feel right to you. Keep pushing until someone takes you seriously.

Firstly, im so sorry to hear she is experiencing this.
I would take her to a gyno… I have severe endometriosis and these are common symptoms I experience. That is not normal for periods, please take her to get tested and monitor because it can take years to properly diagnose and treat (16 in my case) and it affect all abdominal organs not just the uterus.

For the pain, sitting in child’s pose with a heat pack on back and ponstan/naprogesic (period pain medication) and sitting in the hot shower so stomach is exposed to stream of water may help. Perhaps look up physiotherapy stretches to reduce period pain, sounds odd but they have worked for me too as they help the uterus and pelvic floor relax which reduces pain a little.


When I was 13/14 I had really heavy periods and the pain was excruciating (ill never forget it). In later years I was diagnosed with endo but at that age they put me on the pill (took a few cycles to make a difference though) and I had an extra medication for pain which was a prescription and I believe it specific to period pain. Im now 28 and get very little pain and no heavy periods but I have been on the pill that entire time. May be worth booking her in with a gyno

You have to hit the pain before it gets properly started. Once it’s got it’s claws in, it’s so much harder to bring relief. Depending on where you are, i would suggest Feminax, or paracetamol and ibuprofen. When your daughter starts to feel the niggle of pain, hit it with what you have. I suffer like your daughter, sending hugs x

Literally my symptoms! Unfortunately you just have to push through it, it’s horrific I’m not going to sugar coat it, hot water bottles and I mean like 2or three, cold water and flannels for neck when she’s sat on the toilet sweating and wanting to throw up and remember to breathe! Also if she gets really sweaty just tell her to strip down to be more comfortable I know you can’t do that unless your at home, hope this helps!

When I was around the same age I had the exact same things. My first couple of nights were the worse! I took pain relief before bed or I couldn’t sleep. She may not feel like it is possibly but exercise helps with cramping, maybe encourage her to go for a walk and see if it helps, I feel for both of you! Not fun.

Could be endometriosis! I have it and I get those symptoms! Started my period at 12 and didn’t get diagnosed til 19! taking the pill to stop your period is an effective way to manage the pain and was recommended by my Dr! Maybe ask your doctor about endo next time you see them?

I’ve heard incredibly good things about the BeYou period patches. I have severe cramps and I try to do some yoga poses like child’s pose with patches and a hot water bottle, I also take ibuprofen.
Definitely check the gp too, it’s horrible to think she may miss out in school or life because of this pain :heart:

I had this when I started my periods as a teenager. Hot water bottles and painkillers worked a bit but some days I just couldn’t get out of bed during my period because of the pain. Finally got diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 22, after years of my mum saying it was that and the doctors saying I was too young to have it :roll_eyes:

Naprogesic pain medication is aimed at period pain. And hot water bottle or heat bag on her tummy helps as well. At least it doesn’t last past a couple of days normally.

I would give her some Panadine forte…only 1 though and maybe take her to a gyno…I was in bed screaming in pain and turns out I had endometriosis!

If heat doesn’t work try cool products. Deep freeze is really good for pain relief. And I know my doctor recommended eating things with alot of protein in them.

Please go and talk to a medical health professional, everyone experiences different period symptoms. I get diarrhoea every time! (Boo) But it doesn’t happen the same for anyone!

I had severe craps with my periods when I was younger. The doctor tried me on some meds but didn’t help then went on the pill. ( I was only 13-14) but it helped a bit. I could function without collapsing in pain.
I hope you find something that helps her soon. Xx

For early periods like that, those symptoms are extreme. Being completely honest, I’d look to speak to a Gynecologist for further guidance

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Hot baths are a LIVE SAVER. Still to this day I will wake up during the night in severe pain and have a bath at 4am. Just run the water midway- don’t care about bubbles or anything, just get her in it. It immediately takes the pain completely away.

Also follow everyones advice re going to the GP. I am now on Methaphemic Acid for the pain xx

Magnesium is great for period pain. Foods like avocado have lots of magnesium in them.
Periods can mess with lots of things within the body. Diarrhoea and constipation are very real and common symptoms of periods. I suffer with both. Just try and keep a healthy diet will help.
For nausea, I also suffer from, and regular light meals can help.

I had really bad cramps and starting menstruating at a very young age. Although I wasn’t having sex I did find the pill helped me created more regular periods and less pain

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Drs is a must, but as far as a pain management tip, wierdly buscopan helps! But yes, Mefanamic acid, buscopan, paracetamol and ibuprofen!

Warm bath helps me sometimes i also use heatpads & take ibuprofen (paracetamol dont work for me) i have horrendous pain. Also hot water bottle in bed

The doctors can prescribe mefenamic acid tablets I swore by them x

I’ve always been the same and all I can say is you get used to it. Hot water bottle is better than heat pads, hot baths help a lot and panadol extra advance works amazing! It’s made for period pain. As for the runs, don’t take any Imodium to stop her going because it’ll make the cramps worse, mine lessened as I got older.
Lastly, ask for a low hormone 21 day pill, makes periods less heavy and with it being low hormone it never affected my moods, weight or any of the usual side affects you get from a pill. I’m on mercilon and have been for nearly 12 years x

Dr told me to give my daughter ibuprofen from 3 days before due on and whilst on her periods.
As it is an intiinflammatory and will help loads.

Pain relief and got water bottle

I have been the same for my entire womanly life!
I am now 26, and am pregnant so thankfully I haven’t had a period in 7 months. I am dreading their return!
I was vomiting, having diarrhoea, taking routine nurofen and panadol and I don’t know why it never helped. My gp prescribed me with codeine and that was the only thing that took the edge off with a heat pack.
Once I have the baby, I will have to be checked for endometriosis. Maybe your daughter has that too?
I found chocolate helped me, like a hot chocolate in the fetal position with a heat pack.

There are nurofen tablets that target period pains, hot water bottles, chocolate bars (or what ever her comfort foods are), comfy stretchy clothes around her tum. Bless her heart periods aren’t easy :pleading_face: if these don’t help I’d have a little chat with the Dr to see if there are any medications that could help (I used microgynon- it is a birth control but I didn’t use it for that as I was only 11/12, I used it to help control my periods and that seemed to help).

If you/ anyone other mums need support please don’t hesitate to join our page, lots of amazing mummas that can guide through many questions :heart: Mummies Support Group xx

Naprogesic helped my daughter.
She had very painful and irregular periods. Our doctors suggested this before trying the pill as they don’t like the pill to be used for long periods of time! It did the trick. Goodluck x

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter is in menstral pain, what can I do? - Mamas Uncut

I was terrible like that as a child and now I’m 35 and still have the same issues. There’s only two options that work 100% for me…PMS CBD cream A+ and or Aleve. For me it’s important that I start something as soon as it starts if I wait to long and get cramps nothing stops there path.


Ibuprofen, Tylenol, rotating. Warm bath with candles and bath bombs, pepto chews, heating pad but she has to give it time and relax, hot tea, her fav snacks or drinks, and maybe climb in med or on the couch and binge watch her fav shows.


My daughter was in tears when she would get her cramps. She would be throwing up, diarrhea, etc.
We decided to be proactive. When she was about to get it, she would drink hot tea and get xtra strength Tylenol in her system while she could keep it down. It helped along with the heating pad. She also would keep her legs raised on a few pillows.
Hope it helps your baby girl :heart::heart::heart:


I used to have these same pains. However I would pass out and be in bed from the pain unless I was throwing up or on the toilet. My mom never believed me… the pain went away after the birth of my first baby. Endometriosis!!! I would highly encourage you to take her to a gyno… my sister also has the same problem but my mom just told us to work through the pain :woozy_face::flushed: obviously i survived but I wish she would have listened and taken me to the doctor to check it out because the pain was literally the same as labor.


My daughter and I both got cramping so bad we end up double up in pain, diarrhea and vomiting and only thing that help either of us is BC.

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Midol hot shower lots of water. Walking helps it hurts but it helps. When she goes to bed give her extra pillows so she can put them under her knees to elevate her so it will take pressure off. It works trust me. Possibly could b endometriosis I have that and I was a muscle relaxers during my periods when I aged. In my teenage years the birth-control worked in pill form but keep in mind some birth control young girls will gain weight. Have a talk with the OB if it’s unbearable for her then that could be a high problem like PCOS OR Endometriosis


My niece did and she had a terrible time. Cramps so painful she even passed out a few times… I would still speak to the doctor or go to a Gynecologist to get specialty help for this.


I would give her pedialyte to keep her hydrated. The dehydration made my cramps worse and also rotate Tylenol and Motrin to take the edge off. If she hates pedialyte get some Gatorade or Powerade. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


I always had it so bad all my life and turns out I had endometriosis.
But same here, my only help was a heating pad extra strength Advil.
But also, don’t hesitate to bring here to Emerge…my dad would take me if I was in severe pain and most of the time they would give me a shot if strong painkillers…


Midol. A lot of water. My now 13 yr old daughter started hers at 11 and the 1st year was horrible for her like that!! It kind of calmed down. I was the same and I have endometriosis!


Naproxen helped my sister. She used to throw up really bad from cramps. Try naproxen, I wouldn’t suggest birth control right now(unless she’s active) because I believe she’s too young for it


One thing that sometimes worked for me was to take an empty 2 liter bottle and fill it with hot water. Wrap it in a hand towel and this can placed on lower back, or held in lap. The weight, coupled with the heat always seemed to help with the cramps.


It could be PCOS or endometriosis, take her in to the doctor. Bc can help regulate things and elieviate the severity of the symptoms. Go for some CBD oils and midol :heart::pray: good luck mamas


It is something that really freaking sucks. Make sure there is a puke can or something when she has diarrhea it can often cause vomiting. A cold washcloth on the forehead or back of neck helps a lot during the hot flash episodes with nausea and diarrhea. The heating pad helps. Also eating super easy digestible food like soup or the brat diet helps


Midol saved my life when I was in highschool. I used to get debilitating cramps and heavy bleeding. I would get headaches, light sensitivity, so freaking sad I would just lay there in pain and cry. And I was so against birth control I refused that. So midol really was the only thing that helped me not want to throw up from pain. It does make you not so sick, gets rid of cramps and headaches. And bloating. There are different ones that focus on certain things more. Like back pain. My lower back would throb. So check them out!

Also, just make sure she doesn’t have anything like endometriosis or PCOS which causes extreme pain and bleeding.


I had bad cramps when I was younger and my mother spoke to a Native American medicine woman. She said to take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar the day I start and then another the day I stopped. It worked so good! Something you could try


Keep track of her cycle and start ibuprofen and more water the day before. Thermacare heat wraps.


I had issues and was put on birth control. Years later after some unfortunate circumstances, it was found that I have a hormonal disorder. I would be vomiting, horrible diarrhea, cramps that were horribly painful, and nothing ever helped. It took me quite some time to find a doctor that would run a hormone panel on me and when she did I was diagnosed and put on a medication to fix the root issue, not use a band aid of birth control.

I’m not saying that’s the issue here but it may be worth looking in to

Aleve, heating pads, and for me as a teen my mom would give me chamomile tea but not the tea bags it’s gotta be the actual flowers. They sell them in the spices aisle or Mexican aisle at your local grocery store. Sometimes she would ad mint leaves when I was balling like a baby. Till this day is what I use.


Arnica pellets would help (its a natural pain relief look it up!) or a cbd lotion for the uterus area!


Depending on where the heating pad is laying - she may be cramping in her back, rather than her front. Have her try different heating pad positions, eat bananas, take a walk - but a consult about birth control wouldn’t feed be a bad idea.


Nothing helped my cramps when I was young. My mom’s doctor told her to give me a half glass of warmed up red wine at bedtime to help me get comfortable enough to sleep. It worked! During the day I would take Mydol…didn’t always work, but the wine sure did! Yes…I was 12!

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I did the same at that age. I took "extra strength Pampren & Imodium AD as soon as I woke up (cramps or not) & heating pad if needed. Lots of water to keep hydrated

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There’s over the counters she can take for the diarrhea. They’re over the counter called Imodium. Always consult you’re doctor if you’re not sure the instructions will work for your daughter.

For the pain I agree with everyone else. Midol! You can always give meds an hour early to help with pain management as well. No need to wait until you’re in pain again to take something helping you with pain.

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I do NOT recommend the Depo shot due to her being so young. It can cause infertility and hair loss later on, plus a lot of women gain weight from it. You can ask her Dr about a hormone free birth control which will help with it all! I had periods like this a lot growing up.


Maybe have her see a gastroenterologist, could be that she has gut inflammation from a food allergy or sensitivity and the inflammation from her cycle is being exasperated by the underlying gut issues.

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All of that…start her on birth control. That is not just about sex…it can greatly help with her symptoms. Good luck :purple_heart:

I had this all through high school track the cycle and start taking Pain meds As soon as she starts cramping even a little if she keeps it up it will help tremendously! Try talking to a GP see if he can prescribe stronger Ibuprofen for her. I started on birth control at 16 to help with this but I regret it 1000% so I would avoid that but you both will know what’s best for her

I used to get like this before having my first baby.
I would get SEVERE cramps, so bad it made me cry. I didn’t/don’t have endometriosis.
I was on BC for 3 years but I hated the way it made me feel.
Only relief I could ever find was Tylenol and Midol together which my Dr told me was safe. Heating pad, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. Tv shows, staying hydrated…
Have her try a heating pad then curl into fetal position with a pillow pressed to her abdomen…may help hold heat closer and provide comfort…
Best of luck mama! Girls are tough!!

All these answers are good. Tough age because everything is cramped in there then you add swelling, oofff. NO female ever wants to hear this, (but it’s true), walking and a lot of water. I have always had ALL of the above symptoms and now in my 30’s, found out I have endometriosis around my colon. Won’t remove that tissue but got the rest. Good luck momma!

I hope your daughter knows how lucky she is to have such a caring and loving momma!

I used to get diarrhea and nausea as well as horrible pain. There’s nothing much you can do except extra strength pain relief, keep her at home. Make her lie on her tummy so as to relax her inner muscles and hot water bottle on her lower back. That’s what my mum used to do when I was a kid. Let her watch tv or listen to music. Wearing socks help too. Hope this helps x

The book Beyond the Pill by Dr. Brighten has so much good info on how to balance hormones & deal with symptoms like these! Her diet & supplement recommendations helped me immensely. I was on the pill for 15 years because of cramps & other symptoms. So much better now! Poor kid, hope she finds some relief! :heart:

Mine were awful! Doctors wanted to prescribe birth control pills for it but my parents refused. After i got older on my own I went on pill, so much better, I wish they would have let me earlier.

I used to get so sick that I had to miss school. Nause, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and horrible cramps and back pain. My doctor put me on all kinds of pain meds. If I knew then what I know now I wish I would have went to a gyno. I eventually was put on birthcontrol at about 14 when my pcp ran out of ideas. It helped alot. Cramps were still bad but I was able to function with midol, and a heating pad. I learned to stay away from foods and drinks that made my cramps worse. To this day I don’t drink anything with sugar in it while on my period or my cramps get bad.
I feel for your daughter there were days where I literally felt like nothing would take my pain away. I hated my period with a vengeance.

I personally went through it, and still do. Have her start taking ibuprofen or midol a day or two before she’s expecting these symptoms. That will help get ahead of it. I also used a heating pad for relief. It doesn’t bring me complete relief, but definitely helps!!

I would suggest giving acupuncture a try. I have had really irregular periods due to PCOS and have lived with emotional PMD (pre menstrual disorder) symptoms too. Although it took me a good few months to see the effects, with acupuncture I now have regular periods. And I know for others it has helped with really difficult period related symptoms. There is always a root cause and in my experience acupuncture helps achieve balance within the body internally, without injecting hormones into the body or creating ‘fake’ periods that come with birth control as well as the additional side effects which all further mess up the body’s natural rhythm and in the long term cause more harm. Especially as the girl in this scenario is so young, the more natural remedies you can get the better. Tbh I didn’t really believe in it until it worked for me and I saw it work for others. Wishing your little girl healing and comfort! x

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I go through it! Ibuprofen, a heating pad & maybe some tums or pedialyte for nausea as well as if you are comfortable give midol. It was helpful for me during my younger years.

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She can try Ponstan Forte for the pain and heavy bleeding. Birth control pills help as well but she should consult with an Ob/Gyn first. If she’s lying down she can also inhale through her nostrils and exhale slowly through her mouth. This helps the pain a little bit and the breathing exercise can also help her relax and fall asleep.

I suffered with this when I was younger and midol would help but until I went on a low dose of birth control nothing really worked . I vomited ,diarrhea huge blood clots .it would double me over to the point I couldn’t walk and would have to miss school .I pray she gets relief soon .

My daughter is 13 and deals with the same kind of things…I give her the heating pad, tea, and sometimes midol.

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Yes. I threw up every month and ended up in the emergency room. It wasn’t until my mom put me on birth control that it got better.