My daughter is in menstral pain, what can I do?

This is how mine are, when I’m not on birth control. I started BC at 13. I still occasionally have days of severe pain and nausea. Excerise helps a lot (even though it SUCKS), during the pain, Tylenol, hot tea, lots of rest, bath, heating pad and sleep are the best remedies. Definitely have her see a gynecologist though, because it generally does mean something is wrong.

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Put her on birth control I started at 14 not sexually active but it worked

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I went through the same thing.! Same symptoms.! I ended up getting my uterus removed . Take her to they can figure out what’s best for her. It’s very :persevere: painful.!

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I was put on the pill at 14 for that reason and it helped a bit, also they make those heat patches (I think it’s Thermacare) that you can put in the front of your panties which are pretty helpful, but maybe talk with her doc first. Poor kid that’s no fun :frowning:

Birth control. That’s the only thing that worked for me.

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Check with a specialist she may have Endometriosis or Adenomyosis both of which can be debilitating.


My daughter and I go through that. Midol, Ibuprofen, pepto chewables, and Epsom salt baths.

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I feel for your daughter :heart: I went through this with my periods as an adult. There was a span of 2 years where I would throw up on my period every month. I thought there was something wrong with me. When I had my twins, those symptoms disappeared. Zofran helped for nausea and midol. The heat might make her feel worse if she’s nauseous. Maybe try an ice pack that’s soft and can bend a little instead of a heating pad. I would talk to a gynecologist. They may have some suggestions. This is more common than you might realize. I would not suggest birth control. It might help this issue, but it comes with other side effects. Hopefully this is something that she grows out of.

Pamprin and the heating pad!

My daughter goes thru the same thing. Her Dr. Told her to track her cycle and 2 days before she starts that she needed to start taking ibuprofen or naproxen and continue to take it until her cycle was over.

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Excedrin is what helped me midol made things worse. Get small bottles of various pain releif have her try the different ones until she finds one that helps. Once she finds one she likes have her doctor write instructions for the school since girls in schools are not allowed to keep pain meds in their purse or locker, girls have been kicked out of school for having Tylenol in their purse.

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I did. Turned out that my bowels was attached to my uterus. And I had many cysts. Also found out I have endometriosis.

My daughter whos 10 goes threw the same thing. I just gibe her children’s Tylenol a heating pad and some water and shes sleeps alot the first day of her period.

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I had to go on the birth control pill to help mine. In the beginning I did heating pads and elevate legs above heart. Midol.

Tylenol, Midol, Pamprin, and Ibuprofen are all good meds to help with cramps. Heating pad.
Also, ask the doctor for some Zofran to help with the nausea. It should not make her sleepy, and will work pretty quickly.

Pamprin and maybe a hot bath

Pamprin and a heating pad

She might have PCOS! Light Stretching or walking, EXTRA water, hot bath/ shower, and a heating pad were always my saving grace when I was her age. I got mine on my 12th birthday. And by 15 I was being hospitalized for cyst ruptures and to manage pain and symptoms. It was a really horrific experience and was told it would only got worse… which it did. My body would go into shock, and I would get nausea/ diarrhea/ breaking to a hot fever sweat. My body was basically going into shock with the ruptures… its more common than people (even women) would think. Its a long road ahead. Tell her to keep trying different things and to try and relax. Keep at the heating pad. It doesn’t help with pain immediately, but soothes all the muscles and helps with lining shedding at one point. B vitamins as well.

Unfortunately, my periods cause the same kind of symptoms! I swear by Naproxen and Midol, but I also get a lot of relief from a heating pad.

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Yes , pain medicine , warm bath and resting is the only thing

I would get it bad when I was a kid. I elevated my feet and use a heating pad. I ate crackers and ginger ale.

A few drops of this DōTerra oil on her stomach. Me and my daughter use it.

They also have in pill form. Try organic chamomile tea as well.

Midol or Pamprin with a heating pad will be her new besties

Lots of water, ibuprofen, and heating pad is what I did for myself who was a heavy bleeder and bad cramper. My daughters the same and it seems to help. Also make sure she’s active it helps too.

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Take her to a doctor, if it’s interfering with her activities and her life, there are prescription painkillers, iron supplements (for the diarrhea), or hormonal treatments that work! Don’t make her suffer because “all women do” or some other outdated nonsense.

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Pamprin works really good

Midol!!! It is amazing along with heating pad. You can also buy heating pads that you can put on inside of underwear on the tummy area.

I would also take her to the gynecologist and have them make sure she doesn’t have endometriosis, PCOS or fibroids that would make her period be so awful.


My baby started at 10 almost 11…birth control has helped her…also used Tylenol warm baths…

My first period I was so sick is seemed like the flu, it got better over next few times. I think it’s just the hormones going a bit crazy. Tell her to take a hot bath with Epsom salts and peppermint tea bags and see if that helps

Chamomile tea ibuprofen warm bath :bathtub: loose PJ’s gentle foods rest and feet elevated. If not take her to Doctor. Hope she feels better​:heart:

I suffered my whole dang life!!! I finally had the devil removed last week. My doc prescribed naproxen a few years back that I took for the first couple of days. It was the ONLY thing that helped me.

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Midol or Ibuprofen and a warm bath should help, but make an appointment with a Gynecologist for her, not her general Dr!!!

I had 25 years of the same symptom. I also had terrible leg aches. Hot bath, hot tea (I like my with sugar and milk) decaf, heating pad and Ibuprofen. Try and stay as warm as possible after hot bath. My granddaughter is 1. My daughter ordered her Preteen All Natural Cramp Relief. I think from Amazon. I can ask her if you like. Believe me I understand. I had a hysterectomy at 36 because of the painful periods.

Yes, probably clotting give her a baby aspirin to thin out blood should help

The Midol Cramp Formula. Was told it’s the best.

There’s over 300 responses, so I’m sorry if this has already been said… however, for the nausea I was use Dramamine or Benadryl (was told this was safe to use for nausea when pregnant)… obviously both will make her drowsy but they work for me. I’m a type 1 diabetic who get nauseous when my sugars are too high and use these to counter it. And for the most part the only thing that helps me pain wise (that a 12 year old can take) is Aleve.

Vitamin b1 helps with cramps. I used it often for my terrible cramps.

Oooo😖! Poor girl! We have a long family history of terrible symptoms.
Most of us have found that midol or vanquish work the best for us, along with a hot rice pack infused with lavender oil. And hydrate well especially during that time. Best wishes for her. My heart goes out to her.

Does she have anxiety? It made mine do all that when I’d get nervous. It got to where someday I’d only have a few small snacks a day because of the cramping, nausea, and diarrhea. Nervous stomach with periods are bad.

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Midol is the only thing that has ever helped me and I use it with my 13 year old also

Heating pad my daughter uses it

My granddaughter uses cinnamon pills and she says it really helps.

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Take her to a female doctor!!!

Pamprin and hot coffee with sugar is what my stepmom gave me. It’s still my go to honestly.

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There’s a newish midol made with acetaminophen that saves my life. My cramps get so bad I literally can’t move. I find the one that says Menstrual works better than the PMS one. Good luck Mama!

Midol, I know it may sound weird but for me caffeine helped. Also see a obgyn about it. She may need to be on a birth control even low dose just to help. I would be so bad I couldn’t get out the bed. Birth control was a saving grace for me

I was the same way… Midol cured it all.

I used to vomit my head off and I still have both issues, the nausea has gotten easier through the years but ibuprofen was a life saver.

I would say see her OBGYN. From personal experience I had horrible periods and nothing over the counter helped. And they did not improve with time.

I would take her to an ob as soon as possible, however I know in my area, they are booked out like months for new patients. If she’s using the heating pad on her lower stomach, try having her put it on her lower back instead. I also find that walking helps me with cramps. Not like intense walking, but just moving around. It’s not pleasant at first, but it does help.

Midol, heating pad and take her to the doctor (female) and they maybe able to put her on a low dose birth control. Yes , I know she is young but she doesn’t have to suffer thru it.


Also laying on the floor or her bed with her legs and feet resting on the wall. It helps with blood flow. Only things that helps besides anti nausea meds and over the counter for the pain. Also bring her to an obgyn. Good luck!

Advil and a heating pad! Midol always made my cramping worse for some reason (maybe some chocolate too :wink:)

Omg… you are not alone! Same for my mother, me and my daughter. Midol does work and my grandmother used to tell me to curl up in a ball with my knees to my chest and relax. I would get cramps so bad, I’d throw up. It really worked. A soak in a warm bath too.
I feel for you and your daughter :pensive:

Mine were so bad at that age, I’d miss school for 2-3 days bc of pain, nausea and super heavy flow. My gynecologist put me on birth control to help ease the symptoms and heavy flow. It helped a bit and reduced the suffering to a bearable level. Good luck momma. :heart: Hopefully you can get your baby some relief soon. Oh and maybe some Zofran for the nausea.

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I had to end up putting my daughter on birth control. Her were horrible and she was so sick. She is fine now

Pamprin is better than midol. I had periods like that as a youth and midol helped a little but pamprin worked amazing. It has a diuretic which helps flush it out. Exercise also helps but I absolutely couldn’t exercise when I was young and on my period. :heart:❤‍🩹 hugs for you both

I use excedrin for my migraines but also for my periods because its one of the only OTC meds that helps ease my pain. I also use a heating pad on my abdomen & back, drink alot of cold water & eat light, always seems to brings me some relief when it comes to the nausea/irritable bowels.

Call on, mines had to go on birth control to help ease her pain

Hi, I don’t usually comment, but your kid sounds like she’s going through much the same as I did. My mom ignored it until I was 16, then we found out I’m polycystic and have thyroid issues. The only thing that helped was being put on birth control to regulate my hormones. Please don’t ignore this, she needs to see a gynecologist.

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This was ME! omg I really did think I was dying and still experience those symptoms.

Nothing works for me. I just curl up in a ball. I bleed so heavy I have to wear a super tampon plus a pad. I hope you get answers. :heart:

My daughters doctor gave here ibuprofen 800mg for hers. She has bad pains an nothing else worked but they do

Get her to a new dr.

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Warm up a towel in microwave dip in lavender oil also pressure points in the ear help with cramps warm bathtub CBD oil rub on abdomen

Birth control. Mine were 13 when they were put on it for menstrual reasons only. My younger one was the worst and it has changed her life.

Flo vitamins!!! I swear they are awesome

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I did at 11 to 14. Mild advil, room temp water (helps the nausea part,if too cold she might throw up) nice warm bath or shower, and when she sleeps she should be stretched out. Shes gonna want to curl up but that’ll make the nausea, diarrhea, cramps even more painful. Maybe a hot water bottle instead of heating pad might help

Midol and a hot water bottle

Put her on birth control. It WILL help

Tell her to be strong do not out your 12 year old.on birth control that is absurd


I used to get terrible periods. My parents put me on b/c to help.

i don’t recommend birth control as that messes you up so much.
i have this same issue. get a livia device, helps a lot , go to doctor to see about getting laparoscopy to look for endotromirosis or anything off in there.
take “leefy” parana. heating pad. iubeprofen then after 4 hours tylenol, then iubeprofen after 4 hours and just keep rotating it like that. excersizing helps. hot hot baths with magnesium flakes.
i’ve learned that eating anything but fruit/veg or healthy food will mess me up in my stomach really bad and make my period cramps intensified. drink lots of water. CBD cream on the stomach. arnica.

Thats me now. I take tums for the diarrhea and drink a lot of water. If she drinks a lot of sodas and coffee then it’ll just make it worse

Midol helped my daughter with her first cycle last month. Just be aware that the pink box has caffeine and the blue does not. We figured out why she couldn’t sleep the first night real fast. She’s 4’11” weight roughly 83 lbs and her pediatrician said she was fine and safe to take it even though it says a different age on box. She’s 11 yo. Hope it helps.

I only had bad cramping as a kid and was all ghost-white like and was basically comatose. My parents put me on birth control. I was not sexually active at all but it certainly helped me. Cramps were minimal and even non exsistant some months. I did midol in the beginning and it helped. As I got older and they progressed I needed the birth control.

On etsy there are weighted heating pouches? I think is what they’re called. They are the ones with the little things in them you just put them in the microwave to heat them and they actually put pressure on the area. They are great.

Birth control was life changing for me as a teenager when I experienced menstrual pains. It use to have me in the fetal position for hours until I started the pill & couldn’t believe how much it helped me. I hope she gets comfort!!!

I suffered until my Gram put me on BC, there was nothing else that helped.

Seed cycling, chiropractic, and watch her nutrition (eat for cycle).

I suggest giving her advil or gravol things you would use when sick.

I personally still get periods like this. Midol helps take the edge off along with heating pad. I hope y’all find relief :heart:

I used to get all of that plus cramping so bad I would vomit. Didn’t know what to do then so I just took flu medicine. All of it went away after my first kid but honestly the only advice I have is bad advice or tall to get doctor

I had such terrible cramps (stabbing pain that made me gasp, double over and cry, diarrhea, dizziness moodiness) starting at 11. I had Darvon (muscle relaxer) prescribed, which did nothing. Midol is just aspirin or ibuprofen with caffeine which made my heart pound out of my chest, and only dialed things down from 11 to 10.5 pain level. When I was legal age I’d just drink red wine until I’d pass out, but don’t recommend this!

Finally after I practically strangled my Gyno he put me on anti prostaglandins. They didn’t take away all the symptoms but I felt human again and could function at school and work. But I understand those may not be prescribed anymore. Going on the pill made my life so much more wonderful. I felt 99% normal.

Exercise, especially Tai chi which is good for circulatory systems (blood, lymph, etc) can help some too. My fave is on you tube: Tai Chi Ch’ih: Joy through Movement. It’s easy to do and remember and takes about 20 minutes once you learn the movements. Done daily it made my periods regular for the first time in my life.

Calcium, magnesium and iron are all good supplements to take. Try to cut back on salt, eat easy to digest food like yoghurt, toast, bananas, oatmeal, herbal teas, especially mint, ginger, and raspberry.

Not having periods anymore is one good thing about being old.

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Hot water bottles and advil are the best.

Pamprin help my daughter she gets the similar to how I use to (where I couldn’t get out of bed ) hope it helps her

Some midol, a cup of hot tea with lemon, and this sounds nuts but have her lay on her bed with her legs flat against and up the wall, it helps with blood flow and relieves cramping…

I was like this as a preteen-teen-adult until I finally had my hysterectomy at 25 due to a dx of endometriosis.
I highly recommend having her see a GYN, try birth control to begin with (never worked for me but everyone is different), less fatty foods/water only/gluten free seemed to make a slight difference. And request a PRN prescription for toradol that she can take while on her period. It helped me tremendously be able to survive the bad days and still be able to work/go to school until I could be back home and make myself comfortable. Also, melatonin to help her rest.

Lots of water, warm baths nightly walks or treadmill walking will help


They didn’t suggest birth control? I got on it YEARS before I had sex to help with cramps and acne

Ibuprofen if she’s not allergic & if she can keep fluids down, water.

I take midol complete, but here lately it hasn’t helped. Sometimes i jump in the shower and let the water run on me.

You might have to put her on birth control. It help my daughter out a lot. Red raspberry leaf tea works wonders and Midol help. That usually comes down after a while. Hot water bottle also helps. Good luck.

My gyn recommended for me to take ibuprofen starting the day before my period (if she is able to track) to just get some in my system. I have had debilitating cramps in the past and it is the only thing that has worked.

A warm shower, lots of water or a warm green tea with honey in it or something alike, heat pack or electric blanket, pain control (ie: ibuprofen), take a walk when comfortable to do so, perhaps considering birth control as this is what helped me when I was young and passing blood clots the size of a baby’s head, the pain was unbearable but also as always lots of cuddles and chocolate :woman_shrugging:

She could have endometriosis. Please dont bypass it. I had it the whole time in my teenage years and 20s and had to have a hysterectomy because of it. Please have her doctor check for it.


Take her into see a gyn, when I was a teen I would miss 3+ days of school s month because I was in so much pain I could barely walk. I was put on medication and it helped.

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See a chiropractor adjusting the pelvic area helps. We went thru that also. You will see results.

Can she be checked for PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)or endo or those type things ? I was diagnosed at 14 with pcos my cramps were bad bad