My daughter scares away anyone that I bring home: Advice?

Very smart child you have .


You need to sit down and explain to her you all deserve happiness in your life and her behavior is unacceptable. He will never replace her father and you don’t expect him too but she needs to be respectful. Because someday she’s gonna move out and you will be alone and you deserve to have somebody with you that you care about and will love too. Obviously I would give the guy a heads up so he is prepared with the situation. And when she starts doing that send her to her room and discipline her for it. Why keep letting her get away with that behavior that’s not right or fair for anybody.


Have you had a genuine conversation with her without getting all mad? Truly have a conversation with her and ask if there is something more she needs from you or why she behaves that way when you bring someone your serious about home. If she doesn’t know why you and her dad split maybe communicate that too


Counseling??? Also try sitting down with her and talking with her. Ask her why she’s acting so childishly? Does she not want you to be happy? Ask her if she could act like a grown up for a few minutes. Then, listen.

If the relationship was serious your bf wouldn’t leave bc of it.


Stop bringing home randos.


Been there. She is jealous that you’re giving attention to someone else instead of her.

Who’s boss u or her???

How many women has her Dad been involved with? Is his house a revolving door? As for your dates, before you introduce him, warn him of her behaviour ahead of time. Tell him what she tends to do and to not take it personally. This way he can prepare not to react and who knows if she doesn’t get a rise out of it she may just stop. Then again you could tell her if she continues then you will do the same when she brings a boyfriend over lol