My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?

that parent group (with Cath Hakanson) is a great resource on how to talk to little ones about this stuff


Little excessive to beat yourself up over your kid seeing something completely natural and normal. Don’t make a big deal out of it and answer any questions she has honestly (age appropriately also) and maybe explain knocking before entering your room too.


Gurl… everyone of my kids have walked in on me. Leave it alone. She will come to you with questions. Just be honest. And don’t feel guilty. That will make her think it’s something wrong. And don’t be mad at you or your husband. It’s love between you. And let’s be honest here. It keeps you sane. It’s okay to show love. ( next time double check your locks lol)


Explain to her that if the door is closed that she needs to knock before entering.


You have already explained to her now I’d just leave it and not make a big deal over it
She’s 7 she’s got better things to do she’s probably already forgotten about it .
You did the right thing followed her told her daddy wasn’t hurting you you explained situation I’d say leave it now as more info at this age is adult stuff not 7 year old stuff :slightly_smiling_face:
Happens to most of us lol


I am so tired I thought this said my daughter walked in on HER husband and I doing the deed. :sweat_smile:


Time for a light version of the sex talk. Being too vague about it might make things worse if it looked like he was hurting you and you explained it as that’s what people in love do.

It depends what she saw to be honest.
If it was a kinky session and she saw more than naked bodies having sex

  • yeah a little more in depth explaining may be needed.
    If it was just naked bodies then a mother daughter chat about sex & relationships without massive details is the way to go.
    It happens to almost Every parent at some stage, so don’t beat yourself up too much.

Don’t worry. That’s so common. Just don’t stress over that

Let it go…part of growing up🤣kids know more than we think…and don’t feel bad sure your not the first an won’t be the last muma to have this happen✌

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Just be honest and leave it alone. Its no big deal

have you’r husband talk to her as well it’s part of life but just so she understands and is not scared of her father thinking he was hurting you


Calm down… You handled it well. Just let it go n wait for questions. Remember, u r human…


I walked in on my.parents as a child. They didnt really say anything, I’m not scarred for life and have forgotten until this post.


Oh honey we’ve all been caught one way or another. My daughter is now 18 and still if she were to bring up when she heard her dad and I I get embarrassed. Personally I wouldn’t say to much. Maybe just talk about it if she wants to.

Happened to me when I was younger. I just never walked into my parents room univited again lol. I think she will be okay. You’ll just get a little more privacy.


Got to let it go…only address it now if she brings it up again. And double check the locks from now on😉
My mother-in-law walked in on my husband and I while we were on our family vacation, thru a shared bathroom once, we DID LOCK THE DOOR AND TRIED TO LOCK THAT ONE TOO…thank God we happened to be under the covers, or she would’ve been to red to go back out with the family🤣

Okay so first of all, you made it weird. You are even weirding me out leave that poor baby alone you dont need to say anything else other than please knock


There’s no explanation needed unless she asking

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Explain that you’re both consensual adults. This is a good time for the consent convo with your kiddos as well as body safety (we’re okay because we’re adults and love each other. But not ok for kids and stop means stop/no means no).


Do not feel bad. You guys still love each other and it’s beautiful. I wouldn’t try to over explain it. It sounds like you did what you should have. I would say just be prepared for follow up questions she might have.

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Dont make a big deal of it let it go.
It’s natural and believe me my kids have Walked in a few times too.
No one died, move on


Let it go. By trying to talk to her again and her dad talk to her…its just embarrassing for her. I know you feel bad but trust me she’s embarrassed as well. Just drop it unless she askes one of you about it. They know more than you think and they bounce back. If anything, it will give her cause to pause before walking in rooms that are not hers or public.

What you said was perfect. I haven’t had this happen yet, but I’d explain it the same way. It’s common and normal.


Your worrying way to much!! If she doesn’t re speak about it then don’t bring it up or make things awkward. She will notice change of environment and will think it’s not normal, when it completely is. Just tell her to knock and wait in future.

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Let it go if she’s that curious she’ll ask questions. Lol


I feel you handled it well. I’m sure alot of us would react in the same way. Maybe do a girls night. Paint each other nails and watch a movie. Sneak in a mom talk of “honey you know you can come to me if you have any questions, and that she won’t be judged for asking anything she may feel is silly” leave it open don’t bring up the situation. Maybe she will talk or when she’s ready she knows she can come to you.

Unless she comes and has more questions I think you explained it the best you can while you’re embarrassed.

well now she will tell the school mommy and daddy have sex then the school calls dss and from there your fucked


You’re good. Trust us all when we say you’re good. It happens. My kids walked in on us. It’s embarrassing but it happens. You’re not a bad mother nor is he a bad father. if they ask questions explain to them that mommy and daddy love each other.

" go away dad’s busy"

Let it go…our middle son now 27 walked in twice…once we didn’t notice he was so quiet (like 5) until I happened to look at the end of the bed. He looked super confused. I just took him back to bed (bad dream). Next day I called my pediatricians office, she laughed, I was mortified, she laughed again and said don’t worry he won’t need therapy. We never talked about it again until he was like 17 talking with his friends I heard him say "ewww man when I was alittle kid I walked in on my Mom and Dad…I asked Chad (older brother who was 8) what they were doing and he said eh, who knows their weird. LoL…he is fine BTW…no therapy LOL


Vaseline on the door knob works great lol

Be honest always the best bet

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Whelp- looks like your gonna have to give her a brother or sister now!
‘Special cuddles being what mummy and daddy had- is only done to bring about a new sibling. So wait 9 mths and we will give you a baby sibling’ lol

Maybe just tell them to that they need to start knocking on the door if they need anything during the night


“Daddy was knocking mommy’s boots, honey”

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Tell her to KNOCK BEFORE ENTER ING!!! ( say it STERNLY) then leave it alone!! If she has questions she’ll ask!!


Least she’ll know to knock in future lol. It happens to us all and many of us have walked in on our parents.
She’ll get over it don’t worry x


My son caught us when he was 7, I told him when 2 people love each other they somtimes have naked cuddles, next thing I know he’d told both his nana’s that he’d seen us having naked cuddles, they obviously thought it was hilarious :rofl:, he’s 13 now and he’s never let us forget it :see_no_evil::rofl: xx


When my daughter walked in on my then husband she asked what we were doing we were making love typical little kis said i want some lovin to we just laughed and nothing more was said until she asked when older


I think you should stop giving yourself a hard time over this. It’s life, she’ll grow up. You haven’t scarred her, it will blow over. You’ve explained. Leave it at that.


This is actually pretty common most kids catch there parents doing the deed my son unlocked my door with a butter knife :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


I remember walking in on my parents, definitely disturbing, but she’ll be alright. It happens to many parents


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?

My daughter walked in on us and she asked why is daddy laying on top of you… I told her that daddy was giving her mommy a great big hug. All she said was ok and walked out…
So see don’t beat yourself up we all have different answers for our children…

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Make it scientific! This is a perfect time to teach about anatomy and consent💖


My 3 year old walked on my husband and I. She thought daddy was hurting mommy. We told her daddy wasn’t, he was giving mommy a back massage. She was like okay and went back to bed. My 6 year old has walked in on us once but he never asked what we were doing. He looked and walked right back out. We thought they were napping or in bed for the night. Things happen. What you said was perfect. She might not even remember.

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Your favourite holiday activity. :+1::heart::slightly_smiling_face:

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I think you made the right choice in being honest with her.
It happens. It doesn’t make you a horrible mom.
Point out that when a door is closed that she knocks first.


Don’t make it a big deal… or she’ll get the wrong idea. You did good …move on .
unless she ask you questions. Never lie!


It’s happened at least once to all parents! And she’s only 7 she won’t even remember(I don’t think!lol) by the time she is older!! Don’t beat yourself up!

U said the rite thing, teach her when u see closed door to knock on it first


I am by no means a girl mom but if I was I wouldn’t think to much into it if she wasn’t. Like if she isn’t asking questions then I wouldn’t say anything about it. Although I think what you have said is good enough.


Really ??..… she will survive. General manners will remedy that. Knocking on closed doors will keep her from walking in on anyone anywhere at any home in future.


This happened to me also. Please don’t feel that way. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones lol

This has happened to a bunch of parents. Really teaches you to not only lock your door but put a bolt on it too!


Step 1 buy better lock
Step 2 be truthful

We thought we locked our door one day and our almost 7 yr old daughter opened the door. I was riding my husband, we threw the blanket over us and told her to go back to her room we’d be out in a minute. She was only upset about it all cause she wanted to give her daddy a hug. She hasn’t said or asked anything about it.

I would teach her to knock on the door before coming into your room whether it was locked or not she should have knocked

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What does this have to do with this page being my favorite holiday? No one cares about your personal life or what your daughter walked into. So ridiculous.


It happens !!! It sucks. But it happens! Give her space and time. She will be ok

I think most of us walked in on our parents at one time or another, probably several times… no scars, no real memory of it either… If you make a big deal of it then you will (pardon the pun) embed it into her memory… Least said, soonest mended😊

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?

I would ask her if she had any questions, you’ve done everything else you could do.

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I think you did amazing!

Our 7 year old asked us why we were dancing naked… that was hard to explain.

Kids will be kids … I’m sure you remember running in on your parents at some point.

One of those unfortunate hiccups of growing up / parenting.


Dont worry your a great mama. Sooner or later she was going to find.out its life. She just found out life sooner. Its ok life happens

You told her, so just move on and don’t remind her of it anymore.


Well considering the fact that she’s 7 and there’s a good many 8 yr olds that get periods esp if she’s advanced for her age and smart like my girls are,hell I’d give her the sex talk.I don’t really see why you shouldn’t.I’m trying to explain it to mine and they are 5 and 7 but I’m moving soon so I’m waiting until then when we all 4 aren’t in the same room in his parents living room anymore to explain it to them so it’s not so awkward if they do happen to ever walk in on us.which they haven’t yet luckily.I’d explain the basics,not like picture for picture so to say,but def the big picture atleast.we don’t do anything in front of them or when their awake,but it’s def something the sooner they know about the better.


Tell her to knock before she opens the door next time. Also put a big sign on your door at night.

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It happens, you let her know that that’s what adults do when they love each other and he wasn’t hurting you, the best thing to do now is just move on


Ask her if she has questions, then leave it be you explained it. She’s not traumatized, she will be fine

You in my opinion explained it well. I would not bring it up any further and remind hubby to lock door and do the safety pull to make sure it latches


You are absolutely not the worst mom ever and trust me it happens to people all of the. My now adult daughter walked in our her dad and I when she was 9. My youngest picked our bedroom lock and caught us going at it. Then a year or so later my middle son walked into the our bathroom and then walked right back out when he figured out what was was going on.

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Deff teach to knock before entering.


You said what most mind would say to a 7 year old great leave it at that if she has further ? Answer them she appropriate.lik you just did .

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This woman is great at explaining stuff like this!!! Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed!!! Sex is 100% normal and okay and natural and great and kids should know about it (explained at their levels of understanding) but it isn’t taboo or something that should be taught is naughty or to be ashamed of.


Some 7 year olds already know from movies and friends at school (unfortunately) but seeing it in person feels so different. I walked in on my sister and her ex boyfriend when I was a kid and I still randomly get the image in my head and makes my anxiety act up even though I’m an adult and obviously know what it is. Best thing to do is apologize and answer any curios questions she might have.


IMO just don’t make it a big thing. When two adults love each other they have sex, but it’s supposed to be private just between them so we’re sorry we forgot to lock the door. Might be a good time to also discuss the importance of respecting privacy and knocking on closed doors before entering. Then just move on like it’s nothing unless she has questions. It’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal. Sex is normal and healthy for adults, no need to make your child believe otherwise.

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Don’t act like you did something wrong Anddont makeher feel she did something wrong tell her that’s yours and daddy’s private time and if the door is closed do not come in.tell her that’s the way married mommy and daddy’s show love to each other


Lock your blo*dy door in future!


Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s happened to the best of us. If she has any questions, just answer them as simply as possible and don’t make a fuss. All these people judging you saying “teach her to knock” or "you should of made sure the door was locked " well, we aren’t perfect! She’ll be fine. Continue showing love and affection to your husband “not in the bedroom though :wink:” so she sees everything is okay between you guys.


My kids have caught me and my husband many times lol they are 9 and 7 we ended up having to have the talk. It will be ok mama❤


Teach her to always knock first!!!

Locks and knocks. They are key. It’s a rule in our house. I also tell them that we like to spend time alone, but we’ve never had a problem with this, yet. I think it happens a lot though.


it is no biggie at all. She may not be upset because of what she saw per we.
It could be she is confused why you have your own separate time that doesn’t include her? Who knows. Just keep the dialogue going with your daughter.

tell her she is always welcome to come into your bedroom, but if the door is shut she has to knock first & wait for you or her dad to say come in, And tell her you will also do the same for her when her door is closed. Now if she does say what were you two doing, & only if she asks, say you were loving each other & that is what grown ups do when they are married. Now if she wants more details, then go further. But as a adult, she should have always been prepared for this.


Why do you need to explain? It’s not going to scar her for life. I’m 100% certain every child has seen things they shouldn’t have. What she will learn is, not to walk in on you. Knock and wait, it’s not exactly a bad way to learn as she’ll never do it again.


Oh Girl! Don’t hate yourself or your husband.
She won’t be the first or the last to have her little eyes scarred

:heart:hang in there.

It seems to me you are a great mother for caring this much​:heart::blue_heart::unicorn:


Maybe now it a good time to talk about the importance of knocking. Don’t beat yourself up. Things happen. She’s not going to be traumatized


All 5 of my siblings and I have walked in on my parents. I don’t think they even knew as we would quickly retreat. It happens and it’s part of life. While we’ve all been embarrassed, it didn’t traumatized any of us


Well I see we have at least 30 helpful comments so here comes mine… When I was 6 I walked upstairs and saw my parents doing something I was trying to look but after a while my instinct was like ew I shouldn’t look :see_no_evil: I didnt see nothing just stuff going on under a blanket. Im fine. They didn’t say nothing to me. My question as a mom for you is what kinda wild sex were you having she got upset :joy: Well you’re supposed to be asleep sweetheart stay in bed and you won’t see mommy getting it like she likes :sob::joy: Next time yell for me like you always do :joy::sob::joy: I think explaining it more is worse. Tell her she can’t come in the room she has to knock. Unless you never want to have sex again.

Apparently I did this to my parents but they were under a blanket and I jumped on my dads back lmao I don’t remember it at all. You did the right thing. I would have a follow up conversation later if she’s still acting weird in a few days


There’s a 100% chance you’re making this a bigger deal then she is. She may have already brushed it off. I’d act like nothing even happened unless she starts questioning you.


Just be honest like you did. Tell her when your door is closed it is your private time. I walked in on my parents. I felt weird for a bit, more like embarrassed but got over it. Don’t stress or you will make it seem like you did something wrong when you did not


For her to be upset i feel like she knows something and anything she thinks she knows should come from you and not tv or other means. Try to be intimate when your kids are asleep. Don’t be intimate unless you know for sure your door is locked and teach your kids to knock first. :person_shrugging: as fae as the talk… Heck idc lol

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… :man_facepalming: so many inappropriate but funny (to me) responses…

My step dad TO THIS VERY DAY calls me the king of cockblock.

I mean real note: at least its a husband, hopefully the marriage is a lasting and loving one, like at least a kid didn’t walk in to a swingers event or saw mommy with 3 different people! Just explain it without the genitalia, only feelings and the purpose! That’s how I really approached this the one time it happened to me.

It happens. I walked in on my parents like 4 times,
I’m not scarred and don’t even remember what I saw. She’ll be fine

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It’s just sex. Why be upset or embarrassed? Explain that it’s sex, that’s how she was created, that is a naturaly thing that humans do together and by themselves.

The more embarrassed everyone is, the less likely it will be brought up if something happens. The stigma that “only people who live each other” do that creates a fear in trauma situations where the child can’t tell bc they’ve done something dirty/wrong.

That’s how she became to exist?