My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?

Meh, I walked in on my mom and honestly I turned out only slightly messed up, and definitely not from walking in on them. She will be fine


Get real. Sex happens, be honest. That is nothing to be ashamed of and communicating is key. Get out of your problematic thinking. Parents need to start having these very real and very valid conversations with their kids as early as cognitively possible. It’s real in these streets.

Sex all around kids but parents do not want to talk about it. Talk about it, candidly and tailor this to age level.

It’s ok it happens to all of us she will be fine


Girl I can’t count on both hands and feet the number of times one of our 4 kids has walked in us doing something, or overheard it. She’s 7, she’s old enough to understand this is an adult act that means love and closeness. She’ll be embarrassed but as long as you handle it gracefully and honestly, she’ll be just fine. She has to learn about sex eventually. Also have a gentle discussion about knocking first :rofl:

She’ll be okay mom, and you will too. This is part of being a parent!

My nephew did the same thing, but he pick up a stick and try to hit his father telling him leave my mother alone , he thought he was hurting her, she tack to him and he was fine,


Tell her about the birds and bees

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I first read this as “my daughter walked in on HER husband and i” until I looked back at it🤦🏼‍♀️ that was MUCH more concerning.
But honestly, these things happen and while she may be upset about it now she will likely forget about it. You probably explained it just fine and are worrying about it more than she is. Maybe also teach her about knocking before going into rooms, im sure there’s worse she could see


Teach her to knock and waiting for a response before coming in your room. You didn’t do anything wrong, and she will be ok :grinning:


I would just ask her if she has any questions about what she saw. Explain best you can. I’m sure she’s fine. Ask her to knock from now on and not to enter the room unless you answer when she knocks. My daughter would knock then come in when I asked her to knock lol.


If she has any access to the internet through phones, tablets, etc I’m sure she’s seen a lot worse by that age. My children have walked in on us before, I’ve walked in on my parents, and all is well in our worlds. Most of the time they’re so asleep they don’t even really know what’s going on

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Like honestly, this is a great opportunity to learn and a teachable moment. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and if you feel and act ashamed, your daughter may associate sex with shame. In other words, there is nothing you need to apologize for to her. If she doesn’t know where babies come from, now is a good time to tell her. Let me note that the conversation of where babies come from and the conversation about sex (romance, emotional feelings, physical feelings, and connection with a partner) are two different conversations. The conversation about baby making is really a one-time deal whereas the conversation about sex is a growing and continuing conversation as she matures. In this case, you used a developmentally appropriate explanation for sex. She may come back with questions and you just answer honestly because sex is simply a fact of life. She may have been upset, but I bet she was more confused than upset. Just set the record straight and don’t treat it as a traumatic moment as she’ll take cues from you on how to view it. It was an accident and like others have said, emphasize knocking on the door.

I was four when I walked in on my parents. It was traumatic for me because I didn’t understand and neither one of them came to me to explain anything. I think you’ve done all you can and just continue to be there for her and answer any follow up questions she may have. You’re a great mom!

That happened to me one time explained that we were wrestling

Nothing to be ashamed about. It happens to most of us. You did exactly the right thing. Now take a deep breath and shake it off. I bet you’ll double check your door lock from now on​:wink::blush:


My son was 7 and super sneaky and snuck down stairs early morning and hid without any one knowing and he seen me and my husband…later than day my son told me “mom dad was doing gross things on the bed… He was rubbing his butt on it.” I was mortified. He must not have seen me in there too…but he hasn’t ever said anything ends and we are more cautious now…it has happened to everyone at some point…

It happens. It’s not a perfect world. Your child will be alright and will have a good laugh later in life about it. I still pick on my parents for catching them on the kitchen table as a teenager. But you know growing up I knew my mother was loved and it wasn’t just bedroom love it was all day every day my dad showed how much his family meant and made time for us. So you being attentive last night after the episode you helped her. It’s going to be alright momma…


I highly doubt she took it she that big of a deal. I walked in on my parents and thought women got pregnant from having a guy pee in their mouth. :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:

You should have just gone and asked her what she needed. The more you pretend it was no big deal, the less of a big deal it is.


Life happens! Move on. The bigger deal you make of this the worst it will be for everyone! Knocking on the bedroom door would be a good rule!


Omg it happens your fine shes fine nobody should be mad at anyone

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Imagine if we had comprehensive sex Ed in schools you wouldn’t have to explain it.

Probably get that girl a professionally talk to :eyes::grimacing:

My Daughter who is in her 30s walked in on my husband and I when she was 4 she was in headstart he was at work and after working for an hour there was a breakdown so he came home early we thought we were safe the kids were all in school we were so wrong they let them out 2 hrs early she comes upstairs opens our door and then runs away the most awful feeling ever i had to explain how i was ok Daddy wasn’t trying to KILL ME which is what she thought I had to explain to her the same way you did so no you did correctly the way you handled it and you will feel how you do for quite sometime I did also

One of the most natural thing to happen snd have yo explain there are awesome educational books and we started with my some around 8 basics because of the same situation talking to him younger though he didn’t understand and keeping it educational was the way to go for our kid now he understands what consent and love and why you have set he’s 14 don’t be upset with yourself it dorms have to be horrible even though it sucks and opend a big door for lots of questions just make her comfortable enough to ask and do you best and follow your gut anyone that judges this moment needs to go take a chill pill

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My son walked in on his dad and I about 6 months ago and he is still mad over it😒

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I would not worry about it to much happens to most people if she doesn’t bring it up I would leave it alone.

Think you said it just right. Don’t worry she will forget about it soon. Xx chin up


Oh my… there is no reason to be mad at yourself… or your husband…


You did just fine explaining in a way a 7 year old could understand. She isn’t going to be scarred for life, and neither will you momma! It’s very likely happened to all of us!


You don’t need to be ashamed you were intimate with your husband! There is nothing shameful in that. It’s an opportunity for conversation and building trust with your daughter, if you make it a shameful thing she won’t be comfortable talking to you about these things when she’s older


Lol I told my daughter it’s how she was made…and she was pissed because she didn’t want 2 of her :rofl:


She will be OK, she may look at you and her dad funny for awhile but someday she will laugh about it. She probably will knock on doors before entering. You are a great mom for being so concerned about it.


Explain to her that when your door is closed, she needs to knock


My sister walked in on our mom and her dad when she was about that age. My mom told her that they had eaten a snack in bed and “were cleaning the crumbs off of it.”

Your daughter will be just fine and will laugh about it later in life.


It happens to everyone! Don’t beat yourself up about it! She will forget about it in a day or two don’t worry so much momma you’re doing a great job :smiling_face:


“Has this happened to anyone else?”
Yeah, all of us. She’ll live.


Sex is natural, why be ashamed? You explained it to her and that’s all you can do. Be honest about things with her. Don’t be mad at anyone, of course lock the door next time but it happens and we just move on🤷‍♀️

Oh hun that’s nothing my girl walked in on me an my partner, I didn’t even know she never said nothing an I only found out cause she told her school career :unamused::grimacing::grimacing::woman_facepalming: that awkward conversation OMG! :rofl::woman_facepalming:


Do you really think your the only parents in the world who has had there kids walk in on them lol. I walked in on my mom and dad when I was 8 and it didn’t effect my life other then maybe I can never get the image out of my head lol


Haha I walked in on my parents when I was like 5 n I’m 32 n still tramitized cuz I thought my dad was hurting my mom lol they explained to me that he wasn’t but u can never un see that lol

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This happened to me and my fiance when my eldest was 6 she doesn’t remember it now… she’s 11 and has Autism so I did have the birds and bees talk with her… her reaction was priceless I told her only 2 ppl who truly love each other, doesn’t matter if it’s man and woman or man and man or woman and woman… if there’s love then that’s okay… then I added but you have to promise me to wait until your at least your 25… she replied no way mum… I’m never doing that EVER… it sounds messy and too much work :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don’t feel bad honestly it happens to everyone :rofl: just give her a short explanation give her a couple of years and she’ll forget all about it :slight_smile:

I was a teenager when my mum asked me to wake up my older brother (8 years older than me) and just as I pulled the blanket my mum yells ‘don’t pull the blanket’ I learned the hard way that day that some ppl, especially men like to sleep buck ass naked :sweat_smile::joy::rofl: my younger sister walked in on our dad in the shower when she was lil… we have a laugh about it now… so don’t worry about it… I’m sure she’ll either forget it happened or when she’s older she’ll laugh about it :slight_smile:

This is where teaching boundaries come in. Teach her to knock before entering especially when doors are closed. You said the right thing to her. She will eventually forget it even happen.


Teach your children to knock when the door is closed.


Literally one of my fears, but we have stated when door is shut, bedroom, bathrooms… whatever. They need to knock and wait for a answer. I think you explained enough for that situation. Obviously it will be more detailed when she’s older.


The only advise I can give you, is to make sure your door is locked in the future.


It’s all part of life !! It happens no need to beat yourself up over it !! Just talk with her and make sure to double check the door is locked and also teach that when a door is closed to knock first … :smiling_face:


I walked in on my parents when I was about 3. I just told them, “that’s good for you. “ Then turned around and walked out. Just learn to laugh it off, but make sure the door is locked next time.


My son heard my boyfriend and I having sex one time and asked if everything was ok and if he needed to call 911. It happens :woman_shrugging: Dont beat yourself up over it

It happens now and then. Not sure how to deal with that tho

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I wouldn’t worry to much, it’s not like she saw you having sex.

Bet she’ll knock next time. A closed door should always be knocked on, even at age 7. She’ll be fine, it’s how she got here lol.


That’s nothing. My husband is a trucker, so sometimes we can’t wait for sexy time. One afternoon I come out of my room after an extended shower. My kids had friends over (oops) and multiple sets of teenage eyes were smirking and judging. “Pssh we ain’t worried about y’all, we’re married” and started singing WAP :joy::joy:


If my 7 yr old twins catch me they run around screaming their sexing omg their sexing &&& laugh kids are the best


That should teach her to knock.


Yup and she never walked in without knocking again :joy::joy:


I would teach her the importance of knocking.


It happens. Most parents have gone through this. If you don’t wanna have the sex talk, I’d just tell her u guys were having a special wrestling match, or playing a special game for adults.

Don’t sweat it. If anything, she learned the importance of knocking. She will laugh about it when she’s older.


Its a natural process of life, why be mad or embarrassed. She will be fine just let her no u will answer any of her questions truthfully.


As a kid that walked in on friends parents… I didn’t talk about it again until I was older and made me laugh. It happens.


It happens!! I think you did a great job explaining it. I would’ve just said if she has any questions, you’re always hear to answer. Part of life :woman_shrugging:t3:


When my son was five he walked in, thank God it was dark. We told him we were doing yoga in the dark :rofl::rofl:


It happens to all us mommas my daughter just said we were gross


My daughter is only 4 but we have taught her that if a door is closed then the person/people want privacy and to knock. But I think you handled it fine…you explained it was for adults that love each other and he wasn’t hurting you. Personally I would probably leave it at that and pretend the next day that it didn’t happen unless she asks questions…she is probably just as embarrassed as you were.


Tell her the truth how old is she.

Yes probably all parents have been through this if their being truthful :cry::rofl::heart:


Yes and it was very embarrassed my daughter walked in on me and my boyfriend and I explain the same thing to my daughter

If everyone who got caught by their child donated a dollar, we could erase the national debt.


I just asked my daughter if she seen anything she had any questions about. She said no. That was that.


You’re fine. It happens. I think if children are educated about sex it can protect them from sexual abuse. Get a book that is age appropriate and sit down together to read it. There are some great ones out there for kids.

This is not the end of the world and happens all the time I don’t feel bad you are not a bad mom and he is not a bad dad. Just explain to her that’s why you knock before you come in mommy and daddy‘s room and it’s nothing bad it’s completely natural and a healthy part of a relationship.


Lock your door before :person_shrugging:

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It’s happens except well one time my daughter says she heard noises made uhhhuhhhh sound and banging lol :laughing::laughing: well we just said it was a movie sorry but I am so glad she didn’t walk in that time ya umm
They know knock when door is closed first


Lock the door next time, so she don’t catch u doing the DEED!..:roll_eyes::sweat_smile:


No judgement. My son went as far as to unlock our door cause he wanted to ask us a question. We just tell him to get out and when our door is closed it’s mom and dad time and he needs to respect that. it’s ok to have boundaries with your kids. They don’t rule the roost.


I mean was it like some freaky bdsm, whips and chains stuff? If not, she’ll be over it before too long. Just tell her if she has any questions she could ask and that you’ll tell her more when she’s a bit older.


I’ve walked in on my parents as a kid they just talked about sex and relationships etc. I think it’s better to be honest and talk about it using the correct terms also age appropriate. Remember kids know when you’re not being honest so dont be embarrassed or make it seem like its something shameful. You explained it fine to her but dont presume that she was thinking her daddy was hurting you it then becomes a good time to let her ask questions that way you can get an understanding of where her head is at and go from there. You are not a bad mum, sex is not bad, what your child saw maybe difficult to process but remember honesty and no presumptions about how you think she is feeling let her tell you.

Lock your door and make sure or wait til they asleep it not that hard


Wait till she’s out or asleep that’s what we do

Happens all the time. That is why we make sure to have the comforter over our lower half so if it happens,we can just say we were cuddling or playing or something. Dont need to explain the birds and the bees too early. Lol


The less of a deal you make it the less of a deal it will be. If you get all flustered and upset and dwell on it so will she. Just drop it and she will be fine


I’ve known since I was 6 what sex was. I learned from a kid at school. My parents had no idea that I knew. I’d say you handled it well. Don’t worry about it. Don’t bring it up again.

Unfortunately by that age in public school they are already talking about it. Maybe a bit of sex education talk from you and move on with life.

Be honest… Have the talk… Have an open discussion… My daughter knew about sex and everything by 7. We have a safe spot (my bed) where she can ask any questions or talk about anything without me getting mad or upset. It’s the best way I could think of to give her a safe spot to unload. I’ve discussed sex fully with my daughter, and the repercussions of having sex, including STD’s, pregnancy, and injury. We talk about consent and how to stand her ground. She’s almost 12 now and is just finding boys to be cute and such. I always remind her to wait, and she’s hell bent on not having sex, or children (she’s watched live and c-sections birth videos).

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My oldest walked in on my husband and I, well he was eating… She asked what he was doing to me, with a quickness this man said “Kissing mommy’s tummy to make her feel better” our now 5 year old was about 3 months old and I had a c-section so she knew mommy’s tummy hurt here and there. Our house didn’t have locks and she was asleep when we started. She woke up to go potty and decided to see what mom and dad were up to lol


She is 7 correct? Maybe I’m a little to open with my crochgoblins because I explain the proper anatomy and currently expecting so they know about sex and how you have to wait till your married and all that BS

I just told him we’re having sex now out you go! He giggled and left the room. “Thex” was the word for anytime the door was shut after that. Even if there wasn’t any going on hahaha

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Man, some of y’all are just rude. For one, if you actually READ what she wrote, she said she thought her husband locked the door. But come on y’all. You act like you ain’t ever had an accident of any kind with your children. S&#@ happens. You don’t have to judge or be rude cause she asked a question. This is why I never post in here. I read more rude comments than anything else. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

It happens… Just explain to her in a seven year old way… That this is perfectly normal for mom and dads to do with each other and it’s a special adult way that they share there their love… And that this is also how she came into the world… It’s all about love…let her know that when she gets to be an adult then she will understand it… Your not a horrible parent… I would say at some point it has probably happened with every parent… And there is a big differance when mom And dad are Sharing their love… Compared to bad things she also needs to know about sex… Like bad touches etc… Etc… Hold your head high momma… It’s OK… It happens all the time people just don’t talk about it… Be as truthful as you can with her. Kids are alot smarter than people think… And explain in the right way… Everything will be alright…

My son hasn’t walked in on us BUT one very late night we we’re doing the deed, it was late and I had put him to bed hours before hand, and uh well long embarrassing story later my son was clapping to the beat :sweat_smile::sob:… as soon as I heard him clapping from the other room we stopped. He was only 2 then. Saw nothing lmao . Still embarrassed though.
As far as your 7 year old, I wouldn’t push or question any further. Give her a little bit of space and maybe tonight pull her aside over some tea or hot cocoa or ice cream (something of the sorts) and have an open discussion. See if she is willing to talk about it or if she has any questions and do your best.
I feel like the biggest part of having the sex talk is making sure you are willing to be as open as honest (age appropriate) as possible.
I know my day will come for that as will every other parent. Sending my love and wishing you the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Get a good book for children about sex and just go ahead and have “the talk.” I have one that explains intimacy between parents in very loving and classy terms. The title is something like, “When You Were Made/Born.” I can’t find the book to tell you the exact title and author. Sorry… But there are other books. Find one that you feel fits and is appropriate for your beliefs and age of your child. You don’t even have to read the whole book or go into great detail. Just enough so that she understands you were doing a loving, intimate act because you care about each other. Once you’ve had “the talk” you’ll find you can then expand the subject into other talks about bodily autonomy and safety. I’ve actually done that backwards. I started with explaining my daughters’ anatomy to them and then expanding our discussions into further territory as they get older. Seven is actually a good age to start. You can start preparing her for puberty and periods and normalizing periods for her so she won’t be scared.

You explained it wonderfully for her age and don’t feel bad my kids also have walked in on us (door doesn’t lock) and we told them we were doing grown up wrestling for mommies and daddies lol


I just ignore it and pretend it never happened lmao


Saw my parents when young, I just thought my dad fell asleep on top of my mom. Till I got older. But when kids know it’s done in context of marriage, it’s okay.


She is scared for life :rofl:

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All these comments on how to prevent it is ridiculous not even what is being asked yall some nose up “ladies” or something??? If you don’t have an answer to her actual question then scroll away and forget about it I’d love to use other words to describe yall but I’d rather not be banned pointing out yalls stupid comments and lack of information.
As for the ACTUAL question. My oldest is five so I’ve never had a talk about it but I would do some internet reading on ways you could talk to her about it with proper framing for her age and help finding the words this kind of thing happens people forget especially parents don’t beat yourself up for it. There has to be some help on Google because other people definitely have been in such situations and want to help the next person who does. Because they aren’t judgmental people saying pointless crap that doesn’t show any support or answers.


Lol my son walked in on us a few months ago (he’s 7) we had locked the door but it didn’t latch correctly. You are not a bad parent because of this

Just wait til you walk in on your kids :expressionless:


Wrestling is a good answer under the circumstances i don’t think it is appropriate to tell a 7 year old what your actually doing a bit above their comprehension happens to us all

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I did when i was younger and my mother told me they were playing leapfrog… I literally never gave it a second thought until i was in my 20s.


Oh honey dont feel bad. Its a natural thing to do and shes gotta learn about it eventually. It happens to just abo uth everyone! Youre still a good mom. And you explained it great in my opinion