Could you please post my question? Last night my husband and I were having intimacy in our bedroom. My husband was certain he had locked our bedroom door. Well, long story short, my seven-year-old daughter walked in on us. I felt embarrassed, and all she did was walk away. I followed her into her room, and she was upset. I tried to explain that daddy wasn’t hurting me and that that’s what two people who love each other do. I also explained that only grown people do that. I’m not sure if I explained it right. I hate she saw us, and I’m still mad at myself and my husband. Please no hate comments; I already feel like the worst mom on the planet. How can I explain to her what she saw? She’s so young, and I’m scared I didn’t explain it correctly. Has this happened to anyone else?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?
You didn’t scar her. She’s fine. You explained it. I would ensure you triple check the lock but also explain to her that she needs to knock on a closed door.
This isn’t the first time a kid walked in on their parents. It’s uncomfortable I’m sure but try to let it go
I think it has happened to everyone or will.
Don’t keep pushing it on her if she doesn’t ask questions. Some kids already know what is going on and are just as embarrassed as you for accidentally walking in on their parents. I read this somewhere else and this was most of the advice on that post
My son has walked in multiple times he would wake up and be disoriented but I just tell him go back to bed
She will remember this when she gets older damm
Please don’t feel like you have to say no hate comments. This happens to the best of us mama
Be honest. They have to learn one way or another, it may as well be from the parents so they have the correct information. It’s a natural part of life, nothing to be embarrassed about.
Same thing has happened with my eight year old. We were so sure she didn’t see us but ever since then she knocks before opening my door. Everyone goes through it. I bought my daughter the book It’s Not the Stork as well because of what happened and because I’m pregnant so it goes over everything including the start of puberty for her since girls now get their period as young as 8yo.
Stop Little Momma! It will be fine. If that’s the worst thing you ever do as a parent you’ll be in good shape.
You tell her what I told mine knock next timr
Let her ask questions if she needs to, but my son has walked in on me on multiple occasions.
I just told him it’s normal for adult who have consent to explore each other’s bodies. I also remind him he can only explore his body right now, because he’s still learning to be safe and what he likes. When he’s an adult he can explore other peoples bodies. And then I end it with REMEMBER to knock on the doors from now on, or your may accidentally see grown man booty.
I walked in on my mom when I was probably 10 or so. I was embarrassed and thought of it often. As I got older, and now that I’m in my 20s, I understand it more and out grew thinking it was the worst thing ever. LOL it may take a few years .
She will be fine. I’m sure you did better than I did lol. When my daughter was 8 (now 15) walked in on me and her dad ,(was also super sure she was asleep😕) I told her we were wrestling and we accidently ripped each others clothes off😂. Then I explained the importance of privacy behind closed doors. Give her time and don’t dwell on it or she will think she did something wrong. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Usually happens to every kid. Stop over thinking it. She’s fine
Me, my brother, and my sister have all walked in on our parents at some point. I thought this was like a childhood right of passage!
It happens to the best of us.
I walked in on my parents around age 9. I remember wondering why they were “clapping” late at night
My mom gently explained it as you did and I was like “oh, can y’all clap quieter next time? I want to sleep” And just went back to bed lmao
My 9 year old stepson at the time walked in on his dad and I in the laundry room. He still brings it up to people we just brush it off and laugh. It happens. Don’t stress. Don’t push. Just brush it off. Hes well old enough to know that married people do that. He’s a lot more cautious now though lol figure out what a closed door meant really quick
Nothing to worry just say that’s mom and dad love moments next time knock first before you enter
She is lucky to have parents who love each other
You have already explained it well enough. Just answer any questions she has when she asks truthfully.
This happened to me. My daughter yelled quit hurting my MOM!! I was mortified.
I feel like this happens to just about everyone. My daughter was 3 when she walked in on us. It’s quite a difference in age, but it’ll be alright, don’t be too hard on yourself!
I mean when I was that age I picked the lock on my parents door and walked in on them and my mom said “DADDY IS JUST GIVING MOMMY A BACK RUB. GO BACK TO THE LIVING ROOM WITH YOUR SISTERS.” My sisters failed to keep me away from the door:rofl:
Happened to me and my hubs with our 8 year old! We told him we were doing laundry (reason why we were naked) and wrestling. He didn’t really buy it, but he let it go
Some things you just got to laugh at your daughter will be fine!
We were wrestling playfully
It’s Okay, it happens. I walked in on my dad when I was like 4 and I’m over it now. Don’t think too much on it, it’s gonna be okay.
This is the perfect time to have an honest conversation about sex. You don’t have to be graphic, but you should be honest. This will help her be honest later on and let her know sex isn’t dirty. It’s just something parents who love each other do.
I walked in on my parents when I was about that age and I NEVER forgot! From that day on I started knocking and always waited for “come in” to open the door. My children were taught to knock for that same reason because I didn’t want history repeating itself! Btw I was not scared and neither was your daughter. I believe you explained it well. Buy her a book about Where did I come from a read it together…
Call it wrestling. Lol and leave it at that
Let it go. She’ll forget about it soon enough. It’s only a big deal if you make it one. And you are
Maybe give her a few days and then sit down with her and ask her if she has any questions
…. One time CPS showed up at my door… my child told them my boyfriend beats me up…
Because he heard noises coming out of my room at night. So imagine my new boyfriend having to talk to CPS… she’ll be fine. Kids walk in sometimes. You care this much because you’re a damn good parent!
She certainly wasn’t the first and most certainly won’t be the last. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
I wouldn’t ask her any questions other then, did you learn to knock first? And then explain to her the importance of privacy. It’s totally ok to set those boundaries with your children. I would be very careful not to go to far with explaining way to much, that could be more traumatic the actually walking in. My 2 cents.
Good google search “healthy parent/child boundaries”
It sounds like you explained it well. Answer any of her questions if she has any and if it comes up again, reiterate the fact that it’s something adults do when they are in love
It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to talk about consent either if it takes that direction (if she thought he was hurting you etc)
PLEASE don’t call it wrestling like some of these people are saying. What happens when she really thinks that’s what it is and someone tries to do it to her? She’ll think it’s ok! Use this as a learning experience and let her know the truth, in a kid friendly manner.
Make sure to just add the “knock first and wait for a response before entering” rule.
My parents told me they were “exercising” … (wtf, right? )
Don’t remember that🤔
Im sure she knew what you were doing
Kids know haha they just dont know what it looks like
I’d just tell her exactly what it was… sex.
Dont make it a bigger deal than it is. She will eventually forget about it. Kids are a lot smarter than you would think and she was probably upset only because she felt embarrassed for what she saw. Don’t bring it up again, but I definitely would explain the Importance of knocking and how we all need our privacy! But making it a big deal is only going to make her more uncomfortable. Save the talk for when she’s a little older!
I cannot tell you how many times my son walked in on me and my husband. The actual first time was when he was 6 and he truly thought daddy was hurting mommy and yelled get off mommy. He has autism so it was difficult to explain. I think you did just fine.
You’re not a terrible mother mine have done it as well at some point in their lives or woken up and “heard it” you’re not a bad mom at all you did very well explaining, and def have the talk about knocking first and every one deserves privacy just be prepared to follow that rule with her as well. It is embarrassing but I promise you she’s not scarred for life or damaged, my kids rare all older now and tease me but also are thankful now that their mom and dad love eachother and are happy . Much love to you momma and sex is healthy it happened to me as a kid too lol don’t stress too much
Mine were “paying bills” by the way
You should teach her to knock before opening the door and wait for a “Come In”, Its called manners…
Same thing with kids walking in on you in the bathroom!
Don’t feel bad…I’m sure most parents have got "caught "by their kids at one time or another lol
I know I have…
Just explain to her to knock before entering…or you guys get a lock.
I know it’s embarrassing but everything will be just fine
I wouldn’t ask her nothingbshe would be scolded on knocking before entering. You don’t just open your parents door!
You were having sex, what else is there to explain
Honesty is the best policy for me. My daughter is almost 6 and I believe if this happened when she is 7 I think my daughter would be mature and understanding enough for me to be honest and take this time to start the birds and bees conversation. Children can be way more mature than we give them credit. I think it’s best to be honest and talk to our children like they are going to one day be an adult not like they are a baby and can’t understand.
I walked in on my cousin bro and his wife when I was ten. I got over it in about a day . Don’t worry !
It happens to everyone
This happened to my husband and I but with our son who was 14 at the time(now 15) we were VERY OBVIOUSLY going at it Doggie style MORTIFYING! Lol Fortunately I think he was to disoriented from sleep to remember it Idk… He mumbled something about having to go to the bathroom and walked away. We never brought it up and neither did he. TOOO awkward. Lol Thankfully this has not happened with our 2 girls(11 & 9)…… yet. It will definitely be ok… I think this happens to more parents than we know. I can still remember walking in on my parents a few times around that age and a little older but I’m not scared for life over it. My mom would just say that she was rubbing dads legs and/or giving him a massage and tell me to go back downstairs and watch the movie with my sister. lol I think that you handled it and explained it just fine. If she wants to talk about it I’m sure she will bring up whatever comments and questions she has. Just be sure to be honest with her when she dose.
Say you were wresting
Lock every lock !!!
Be very open and honest about it. The fact that you are apologizing to her especially in a distraught way will confuse her. Very calmly tell her you are sorry she had to see that but it is very normal and you will explain more when she is older. Ask her if she has questions and that’s it. I am very reserved but have always been very open about sex to my kids. They are older now and sex has never been a taboo subject I our home. It’s very normal hearing about sex. I guess what I’m saying is your reaction plays a part in how she will come to terms with what she saw.
My daughter is 7 and man I’m so scared. Anyway tell her you dropped your drink on your bed so you had to take your clothes off then a spider crawled on him so you were wrestling it off. Lol fuck idk…it sounded OK in my head until typed it.
Children are like sponges, they absorb what they can & the rest washes out. She won’t understand what was going on for a while & your explanation was fine. Tell her about privacy & knocking on a closed door. Btw, when she figures out what you were doing, she’ll have an ewww moment. I think it’s happened to many of us!
I don’t know how many times my sneaky almost 3 year old has climbed out of bed and witnessed probs a bit too much ahahahaha they learn eventually
Happens kids aren’t silly they’re way smarter than we all think I’ve had some interesting conversation with my kids over the years but we have very open honest discussions with each other about everything they feel comfortable coming to me about their personal problems and I truly believe we shelter kids too much sometimes instead of trying to help educating them and we could learn a lot from them too besides human body and sex should be things we talk about especially with our kids it shouldn’t be a taboo subject or anything to be ashamed or embarrassed about especially to just have conversations about.
TellHer you were playing keep frog with daddy…
My daughter asked my husband if he was putting his 'gina in my 'gina. She actually yelled it, through the window at him, while standing in the backyard after having been sent back outside to play. These things happen.
I think you did okay. Try not to be over the top ashamed, just be open and honest, and perhaps the “birds and the bees” talk might be in order about now
Good side to this, she’ll probably think sex is disgusting and stay away from it for a loonnnngg time. I think we’ve all walked in on our parents.
Your explanation was perfect. My 8yr old has walked in on us and we told her the same. But we have open communication and she knows what sex is.
I agree with Kitty Myfanwy Mye You did great explaining. Don’t beat yourself up. If you make a big deal out it, it will be a big deal to her.
I remember when I walked in on my mom and stepdad… I’ll tell you what, I never barged into a room with a closed door after that…I KNOCK🤣
I think you explained it to her well. I would just talk to her about how sometimes mommy and daddy need some time alone behind closed doors, but if she needs you then she can knock and you will come to the door.
Tell her it’s called sex and its how babies are made ! But ur just practising !
It happens don’t beat yourself up.
Don’t make a bigger deal out of it, you handled it fine, maybe just tell her if she has any questions it’s ok to ask.
I walked in on my mum and dad when I was about 8-9. My mum obviously felt bad and came to talk to me. They were apparently “wrestling” but little did they know I was a smart and mature kid so I wasn’t dumb. I let her believe I didn’t know and that I thought it was just wrestling too. Wish she was honest with me so I could have that connection with her for the years to come at that age.
Oh dear. Probably lesson learnt I’d say mama, your daughter learnt why she should knock when your bedroom door is shut and you learnt why a lock on your door might be an ok thing. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s happened to us all.
I told my kiddos we were having special cuddles. And only married ppl have special cuddles! Was until my oldest came home after sex Ed from school called my ass out haha
Don’t beat yourself up! I walked in on my parents a few times and now we just laugh about it. And my 4 year old climbed into bed with us while we were doing it last week (we couldn’t hear because the ac was on full blast right over the bed)
Don’t beat yourself up . I too have seen “ things “ and even knocked first and heard “ Come in ” ( cumming ) ………… well she was . I’m not traumatized lol
My kids learned to knock
I walked in on my parents once and I was older. I couldn’t stop laughing…i never seen my dad fly off so fast in my life…my dad didn’t look at me for a week and every time I looked at them…I’d laugh! Trust me, your more embarrassed than she is…lol
Umm lock your door when your getting it on LMFAO.
My then 7 yr old son walked in while my husband was giving my oral. He immediately walked out. My husband tried to talk to him but he didn’t want to discuss it. He’s 20 now. It’s funny NOW.
My other son walked in while my husband was with me and my legs were straight up on the wall. He was 14. Again, we tried to talk to him but he wanted nothing of it. He always knocked from then on out. He’s 23 now. He now thinks it’s hilarious. He blamed us back then for having sex in the middle of the afternoon. He walked in immediately after getting home from school and wanted permission to go see a friend. Now he laughs about what an idiot he was.
Both are now sexually active and the 23 yr old has had a gf child walk in on them. They get it now
Don’t stress out or hate yourself too much. From our experience, it wasn’t as traumatizing as we thought it would be when it happened. It’ll be ok. Maybe you’ll all laugh about it later when their kids walk in on them
I have told my hubby if our kids ever catch us I am becoming a reborn virgin and he will never get a root again. I don’t have advice all I can say is I feel sorry for you this is my biggest fear
I was like 16 when i walked in on my Mom and stepdad. We all avoided each other like the plague for a few weeks, but I never opened their bedroom door again. I also refused to sit on their bed for years If I had at 7 I wouldn’t have known a thing.
Im pretty open about sex with my kids and if that ever happens they will probably think its no biggie cuz they know adults do it. Don’t make it a big taboo mystery, be open and answer questions and it will be fine
Difficult to comment without knowing the full scenerio. I mean if you were dressed as catwoman and he as a gladiator I could understand the concern of explaining that lol . If you were just vanilla and getting it on then just don’t make a fuss. You’ve told her the truth and don’t raise it again (i mean the topic, not your hubby’s wand)
Right of passage I don’t know anyone who hasn’t walked in or heard their parents. She I’ll be okay.
She’ll be fine I honestly believe every kid has walked in on their parents at least 1x. My son did n he thought we thought we playing leapfrog
For starters, you shouldn’t feel embarassed about sex. Think of what that then passes onto her, that it’s embarrassing. When it comes to sex talks, be honest it’s all you can do. I knew about it all at that age and it didn’t haunt me. When she comes to the age of having sex or even having interest, you want her to be comfortable in coming to you about it.
Ive not ever heard or caught my parents in the act…w knew without a doubt to NEVER enter our parents bedroom…closed space in our house…im the last of 10 siblings an ive not had them say they have either…may just have to ask some of them…lol
You made a mistake. You did explain it right. Don’t be so hard on yourself. She will be okay. She’ll probably be 16 years old, and she’ll bring it up at the dinner table, and you’ll all laugh! It’s okay! I promise!
You live in the same house so such mishaps can occur.But next time keep your urges to a later time when the little one’s sleep.Explain to your young child that it’s best to knock on Mummy’s bedroom door if the door is closed.You can be the example and knock on her door when you need to see her in her room.That shows respect to one another.Let Daddy give you a kiss in front of her so she knows that Mum and Dad love each other and then together have a group hug.Children grow up fast and such things are part of life.
How upset is “upset”? Lashing out upset? Cold shoulder deathly stare upset? Fidgety upset?
She just quietly walked out may mean that she realized that mom and dad is having an intimate moment, and she may know something a bit about sex or intimacy from TV or movies (couples in bed covered in blanket, insinuating naked underneath or something like that). She may be more upset at herself than at you.
You did great trying to explain.
No biggie - rekon its happened to most of us. Dont fuss it will make it become a big deal and its really not!
Your daughter knows exactly what happened. Don’t beat yourself up. I think you handled it just fine. My mom wouldn’t have even talked to me after something like that.
This is more common than you think lovely don’t beat yourself up has happened to nearly every parent sure has happened to me with my children explain about knocking on doors as sometimes you need your own time with daddy don’t stress too much mine got over it wasn’t as bad as I thought talking to them xxx
I walked in on my parents when I was that age IN THE KITCHEN. I was embarrassed, they were embarrassed but neither of them even tried to have a conversation with me about it. Kudos to you for doing so. I think what you said was spot on. You may also want to make a rule that when mommy and daddy’s bedroom door is closed you need to knock. You should still try to remember to lock the door though. And don’t have sex in public areas of the house when others are home EVER. Lol.
Just say you was play fighting
Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s embarrassed too. I heard my parents doing it all the time when I was little & I’m still scarred 30 years later.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?
Don’t be too worried. She’ll get over it eventually. Just probably a good time to start explaining things age appropriately if you have not already.
Just time for the birds and bees talk