My daughter walked in on my husband and I doing the deed: What do I say to her?

Explained perfectly. I think EVERY parent has gone through this at some point in time. You are not the worst mom on the planet and do not be angry at yourself or your husband. If she asks questions, answer her. My philosophy is that if a child is old enough to ask a question, they are old enough to get a truthful answer. I bet this will blow over in a day or two. Hang in there Momma!


It happens to all parents at some point and you didn’t do anything wrong or “explain” it wrong. You don’t need to worry, do research, doctor, none of that. That’s all the crap that is turning our kids into the b.s that’s happening. It happened, talk, explain, ask her about ?’s, move on. Whether she’s 3 or 22 it happened when it was supposed to for you or her or whomever. No one likes to see any family doing that but it’s GOING to happen when you all live together. Keep it open for her and she’s fine.

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My son is 12 and walked in on my bf and I. At first he was upset about the situation. My bf was also upset at himself and worried that my son wasn’t going to accept him anymore or want anything to do with him. We also made sure the door was locked, and somehow he still walked in. He didn’t see much but he’s at the age where he understands what was going on so he walked right back out. I walked out and confronted the situation. Informed that that’s what two consenting adult do when they are in a relationship and love each other. Informed it was natural and also apologized that he had to see that. He is my little best friend so I alway like to answer him honestly. He went on to tell my sisters and was making fun of the situation later. Was I embarrassed that he walked in, heck yeah! But I am also thankful that we have a close relationship were I was able to openly communicate with him about it. He will probably be traumatized and won’t forget this for the rest of his life but it was a learning experience at the end of the night :joy::rofl:


You tell her ya,ll we’re showing each other love .


Wrestling, working out a cramp, stretching.
Heck I would toss out random things until the kid says oh okay. Lol😂

You did just fine … dont ever lie to them about sex or their body if she asks any questions about it later on you just tell her that it’s natural and one day she will understand it a lot better that it’s nothing to be ashamed of and if she ever has any questions to please ask … but be honest about it all

Just bring honest. I walked in on my mom and step dad when I was in 3rd grade. What I saw absolutely devastated me and there is nothing she could have said to make me feel any different especially bc we were so close with one another. I have a dead bolt on my bed room door now and this will not happen with my 3 nosey boys!

I was like 4 and caught my mom and her boyfriend having sex. I saw everything- they were fully naked, and out from under the blankets. I opened the door, saw them, and just left.

My now 12 year old walked in on my ex and I. I was not in a position to see the door and neither was my ex. The next day when said son age 6 went to my mom’s he told her. He didn’t say anything to me but asked my mom why dad was riding mom. I’m not sure what she told him but I remember how she went off on me even though I was in my 30s with 4 kids married and in my room in the middle of the night.

It’s really not that big of a deal. How do you think great grandma and grandpa ended up with 13 kids in a 2 room shack.:rofl:

Iv 4 kids and I think every 1 of them has caught me! I caught my parents, it depends on there age what iv said to them, told them we were fun fighting, nd also explained the facts of life in an age appropriate manner, no bad parenting going on here at all, u will laugh about it soon enough :blush: x


It is totally normal. But here’s where you teach her about her space and your space and you and daddy need privacy and knock. Our 3 year old has walked in and I don’t know how long he been there (can’t be more than a minute) but he was just STANDING THERE WATCHING (it was night time he was supposed to be in bed) but we talk about privacy and since she’s a little older you can explain more. It happens to everybody. Your not horrible for it. Heck you’ve probably even walked in on your parents too. You just have to explain adults have “us time” to her level without telling her exactly about the birds and the bees. There’s a lady on tik tok I forget her name but she talks about how she normalizes all that with her children and how to talk to them up to their age


You did just right. It’s normal, it’s ok. Keep it in the open. Don’t add shame to healthy married sex.


You explained it perfectly.

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Kids see it on tv and movies and your not the first this has happened to. When she asks, answer truthfully

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Just teach her to knock before entering a room, just to teach her privacy. She never knows if someone is changing clothes, or doing it.
So just tell her people need privacy and it’s courtesy to knock…


The bigger deal you make out of it, the bigger deal she will. You explained it perfectly and if she has any questions she’ll ask.


She walks in, you say “sup”, that’s it, go on about your day like it never happened.


It’s pretty normal for kids to walk in like that, you did good. Kids are very smart, don’t lie to her if she asks about it again. She probably won’t give it to much thought at this point, as long as she knows that no one was being hurt. Don’t beat yourself up momma, let it go

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I walked in on my brother and his wife. I still remember that shit :face_vomiting::joy: she might be visually petrified but she’ll be fine. Lol

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It happens girl my 5 year old did it. Of course she asked what was going on but I told her she didnt need 2 know it was adult things 2 go back 2 bed and left it at that. It was very late night when she was supposed 2 be very asleep. Either way she hasn’t asked about it since. Here’s where u make sure u tell ur kids about not coming in the room whenever they want. Shes old enough now she needs 2 learn privacy spaces. I dont let mine in my room regardless unless they just dont feel good even then I usually stay with them in their room especially now they are older. I can’t count the times iv had someone walk in on me over my lifetime. Between my friends, my sister, and my kids I mines well not have any privacy at all. Dont beat urself up it’s not going 2 be the last time it happens I’m sure.

It happens to everyone lol you did your best at explaining she’s only 7 after all…she is unsure of everything right now but eventually things will be back to normal and don’t be mad at yourself or your husband having a healthy relationship is ok you’re allowed to be both a mother a woman with needs

I think you explained enough she too young she dont need to know anything else like someone said up above it will blow over she will be okay

I think you are dwelling on it too much. She’s 7. You’ve done all that you can. You are both still great parents. It’s not like you were doing it on the loving room couch in broad daylight. It happens.

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Depending on age, id just say momma and daddy have sex. It is totally normal, and healthy. Its an expression of love.


I remember a similar incident with my oldest daughter. She is now 38. She walked in on my hubby and I and she proceeded to tell my mother-in-law that we were playing bouncy on our bed. She was about 3 at the time. We did not make a big deal about it.

I have been open and honest with my son since he was tiny. I wouldn’t let him use nicknames for body parts or nothing. He knows what sex is and it’s totally and perfectly natural. Be glad your daughter is seeing that instead of you guys fighting or worse him hitting you. You’re a good mom. Only thing I’d want to teach her is knocking and boundaries. Maybe tell her when the door is closed that she always knocks first and if no one answers and it’s not an emergency to come back or wait until the door is open. She’ll be ok. I promise. It’ll be a story she tells when she’s older and she’ll cringe but that’s ok.


She’ll live. You can follow up with something like “and that’s how you were made.” (If applicable, of course) But she’ll be fine. Be there for when she has questions.

Honestly just teach her to not just open door to knock and ask first. Literally almost every family has walked in on me and my husband. They get embarrassed like yea don’t bust in my door my lock doesn’t work well. Once my daughter let an ex to my room, [cause we stayed friends] that was shut he opened the door and walked in I yelled shut the door and he came in and shut the door, i was like with you on the other side lol :laughing: just a few days ago my door was shut and locked and my son came running threw the door like a linebacker. My door is shut for a reason.

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You’re fine. You are not over reacting I know how awkward and embarrassing it can feel but it happens. You explained and tell her to always knock and leave it at that. Sex is normal and this won’t affect her. She probably feels as awkward as you lol.

There’s plenty of great advice here, so I’m just stopping by to tell you that you are definitely NOT the worst mom in the world for this! You are doing great :ok_hand:

Every parent has had their kid walk in on them, and you explained it right for now but bring back that convo when she’s older and it’s time for her to know about it more.

It happens. I’ve got five kiddos and it doesn’t matter that we wait until they’re asleep and the door is locked, they’ll on a rare occasion find a way to get through my dang door and walk in on things. We just keep heavily enforcing the “knock and wait to be acknowledged” rule when the door is closed and the few times they’ve walked in, of course all things stop, scrambling for clothes and I’ve had a discussion with my kids about it. They know it’s an adult only thing and something not for them or their eyes. Once again we remind them of the closed door policy and open up the floor for any questions and concerns and move on with our day/night. It’ll happen to every parent at least once in their life and it’s not a big deal. Just a matter of how you choose to approach it. Just keep things simple, child appropriate and don’t dwell or make a big deal of it.

I think you explained it just fine…I would be sure to continue to talk with her about knocking on mommy and daddy’s door before coming in. Don’t feel bad….we’ve been caught once too🤷🏻‍♀️

My daughter has nvr walked in on us but she did hear n asked us to be quiet. I was embarrassed too but in a couple days it was forgotten. We r only human it happens I know we don’t expect it but

I walked in on my parents at 24. I think knowing what was going on was worse… don’t ever question yourself as a mom. This happens to the best of us. Just move on. I promise she won’t be traumatized forever. Until I read this I totally forgot walking in on mine.

Don’t overthink it, she’s 7, she’ll move on. I heard my parents starting at 5 and walked in by 8, lol it’s fine. Maybe explain knocking

You are good it happens you explained for her age dont stress over it

It happens to a lot of people. I think you did a good job explaining it. As parents we are always afraid of messing up. You are a good Momma and she will move on and forget it!!! Don’t be so hard on yourself!!!

Relax you said enough. Our son peeked over the mattress edge and asked “what-ca doing?” His answer was loving your mom. End of story.

Every parent has a child walk in on them. Just leave it alone and don’t talk an it

every child… I mean every child has waked in on mommy or daddy at one point…No biggy…your over thinking it…she will survive.

I was the child who walked in…" Mommy, are you riding horsey?" Lol I say this because as I’m now a grandma and me she will be fine. …

It’s life. It happens. One day you’ll all laugh about it. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

You did fine. Now let it go. She will be fine

Wrestling, I told my 7 year old we were wrestling. He seemed to believe it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

To everyone who wants to discuss this holiday you can stick to the topic. No need to ccomment. Those who don’t mind giving feed back do so. A good page to post this issue on would be “Nameless Network”

My kids heard me and my husband once and I heard my 9year old son tell my 6 year old daughter after she said “I never heard mommy like that” and he said “Maybe they won the lottery.” It was the funniest thing but I truly believe you handled it appropriately. It’s a healthy thing and she will probably ask more questions and that’s okay. Your doing great and don’t let anyone else tell you other wise.

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My son did that at same age. He ended up telling his teacher. But some how he knew what we were doing. Teacher called me to let me know. He never mentioned or seemed off by it he’s 20 and doing great

I’m a boy mom so maybe they react differently then how girls react. My son has walked in on my husband and I at least twice in two different rooms of the house…which ended up with us finding out the lock on one of the doors doesn’t actually lock :woman_facepalming: . But all my son has done is walk right back out the room and asked for what he wanted through the door both times and he’s fine :woman_shrugging:

Awful! Really awful when you have a son that over 20 years old, it set me in panick.

I think at some point most kids either hear or walk in on their parents…. So don’t worry about it I think you explained it as best as you could

Missy and Melissa Jean . No Karen’s allowed hit unfollow no one cares.

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Blame it on your husband, hahaha

Put a lock on your door, maybe ?

Brittany Lankhamdaeng your a girl mom.

A lot of kids, have walked in on their parents having sex at some point in their lives🤷 it happens. And the lucky ones don’t lol. It can scar both… The parent and the child lol. But, nothing to really feel like a horrible parent over. It truly does happen to a lot of parents. Tell her the truth. That you were also having grown up time. And it’s natural. For adults. And that is also why you knock. Keep it simple. And don’t over talk about it. Or repeatedly talk about it. That will only keep it fresh in her mind. Or make her question it more and think about it more. She’s also young, she’ll most likely forget about it the next day or so🤷 it was also with her father. And not done random strange guy she didn’t even know. So def not as traumatizing. And when she’s older, and knows more about sex… It won’t be as traumatizing. And something she’ll probably laugh about. I’m paranoid about this. Which is why when my husband and I do this, we check the door s few times lol or let the kids play their playstation 5 in the living room so they’re more occupied lol

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Tell her :woman_shrugging:t5: my mom had the talk with me at 6 . I feel like as long as you’re technical it’s nothing wrong telling her what it really is, great time to explain ovulation,how an egg gets fertilized, my mom explained all of that to me that young and I appreciated it

Everyone I know has accidentally walked in on their parents doing the deed. I have and as disgusting as it was it didnt fuck me up as a kid. It something that happens and when she gets older shes going to still think ewe but understand especially once shes an adult. Why are you going to be mad at your husband for something that was an accident and what you guys were doing wasnt wrong. You did good on telling her its something that adults do when they love each other. You dont have to give her a sex education right now at 7 years old.

It was bound to happen. No real reason to get so upset over it. You told her what was going on and if she had questions awnser them

I wouldn’t make it a big deal. You didn’t do anything wrong. These things happen. I think the bigger deal you make it, the more of an issue it becomes with her.
I’d probably set stronger boundaries about adult spaces, moving forward. Our kids know they are not allowed in our bedroom unless specifically invited. If they need something they will knock, and wouldn’t dare just walk in.
As adults we need that space, and kids need to respect it. If you have any other kids, might be time to start setting some rules about adult space.


Give her the open floor to ask questions. Don’t give information if she doesn’t ask. But don’t make it awkward. Sex is normal. Not for a 7 year old but it’s a natural part of life. It doesn’t need to be an introduction to sex 101 just give her the chance to ask questions if she wants and don’t put pressure on it. If you don’t make it a big deal she won’t


I walked in on my parents probably around the age of five or six and yes it traumatized me they didn’t talk to me about it they didn’t tell me what was going on I didn’t realize what happened until I got older in life and then I thought back on that memory and I was like oh shit but yeah it does suck but it’s not the end of the world

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Take it as an opening to talk about safe sex, pregnancy and birth control :woman_shrugging:t2: nothing to be mad about, accidents happen. She’ll be fine, I definitely wouldn’t make it into something to apologize for because you don’t want her to feel like there’s something wrong with sex. Also teach her to knock.


I believe it happens to everyone who has sex. As that’s what you were doing and was also the act that created your daughter…I would be explaining the physical side and that sex happens for many reasons…I know we all ultimately hope that it always happens out of love or mutual need and respect but…that’s not exactly the truth.
I personally wouldn’t feel bad at all…it’s a natural and amazing thing.
Tell her the truth - keep it simple and keep going

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She should be taught to knock and wait for a response before she comes in,now you will hav to be honest and hav the talk

I was a little older when I walked in on my parents… probably around 11. To be honest, my brain randomly gives me a visual of it every once in awhile still. I recall that I knew exactly what they were doing, I screamed “Eww!”, and shut that door as fast as humanly possible. My Dad tried to have the “talk” with me right afterwards and I remember it being so awkward and I just kept nodding my head thinking it would make him stop talking. The next day, my Mom tried to bring it up 2 more times and I just kept getting more and more uncomfortable each time. So, If it were me, I would keep the talk to a minimum for now and just tell her if she has any questions to ask. I would do the ":bird:&:honeybee: " talk at a different time when the image wasn’t so fresh in their mind.

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Nothing to be so upset about. She probably already forgot

Sounds about the age most kids ask where babies come from. :woman_shrugging:t3: I got the sex talk a little younger than her (my mom is a scientist… So I learned everything). Don’t bring it up to her again unless she asks. Also, don’t be mad at yourself or your husband. Most kids walk in on their parents having sex, or overhear it. I mean it’s so common that it’s in movies and comedians stand up shows.

Sounds about the age most kids ask where babies come from. :woman_shrugging:t3: I got the sex talk a little younger than her (my mom is a scientist… So I learned everything). Don’t bring it up to her again unless she asks. Also, don’t be mad at yourself or your husband. Most kids walk in on their parents having sex, or overhear it. I mean it’s so common that it’s in movies and comedians stand up shows.

Am I the only one that just went on with my life and waited for my child to talk to me if they felt the need to? I wasn’t going to explain sex to my children, more likely than not she didn’t even know exactly what was going on. Maybe my relationship with my children was open enough that they know they could talk to me about anything they needed to. Make sure to lock your own door from this point forward…