My daughter was caught smoking weed at school: What should I do?

She is almost 18… not much you can do just explain to her that you don’t want her smoking in the house or at school for obvious reasons…


Take her to rehab, mama. Let her know you’re not playing around.


Girl its pot tell her not in your house. If her grades and school attendance are going up that means shes trying and it’s not the weed it’s her friends. You didn’t take the weed away from her with iss you took her influence away


Some teens use weed as a mellow medicine… not a very big deal now smoking in home or school without permission is a no go… so just talk to her… set some rules. After all its weed. Not anything she can OD from or kill her… everything will turn out !


Marijuana is nothing to be scared of. Medicinal for a lot of people. Maybe do some research or try it yourself. She shouldn’t smoke at school and she shouldn’t smoke in the house and she shouldn’t be smoking with her friends. I would create boundaries regarding those type of things but if shes smoking in the house while shes showering that’s not just something recreational smoking to get high. That’s someone that’s desperate for their medication and is willing to risk it! I’d tell her to get some dab or cartridges cuz they dont stink lol. Sorry not sorry.


You go through her room and take all of her shit. She’s not only disrespecting you but she is disrespecting her siblings and everyone else in the house. Plus if the police come to your house and find anything it’s all on YOU.

At this point not much you can do however if u make a rule follow threw ie no smoking at school or on ur property if she does she’s punished by no phone or what not and follow through

You took her bad influences away with iss not the Weed

Yep I agree no smoking in the house. Since she is 18, I think let her make choices

It’s weed lol. So what :joy: just tell her not in the house :woman_shrugging:t2:


She is 18, is it not legal in your state…? Tell her to go outside

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Heres the thing, theres a reason shes smoking it. So first I’d try to figure out why. Instead of being angry about what shes doing see if theres an underlying problem. Pain, anxiety, depression, peer pressure, etc.

I’m for legalizing it so you and others views may be different than mine. And that’s ok. But it’s obvious shes doing it and not going to stop just because of the consequences because it seems shes already had some pretty severe ones. If it were my 17 to 18 year old I’d personally prefer they dont hide it and that we communicate honestly at the least. But they need to understand at that point no you cant make them stop but if it’s illegal where you live they will be left to face the consequences


Weed is no longer considered a dangerous drug. Tell her to keep it out of school and only outside. The more you push her the more she will want to donit


In my area, 10 people just overdosed on cocaine laced with fentanyl in one night. 4 died.
Weed is the least of your problems.
Talk to her about it, tell her how dangerous other drugs are and tell her you trust her to act like an adult and use marijuana responsibly. Not in the house, car, or at school.
She’s almost 18, she’s going to do it whether you like it or not, but it’s up to you to educate her on the danger of other drugs.
Take a breath. You got it momma :heart:


I dont smoke anymore but I was that dumb 18 year old not that long ago, honestly if shes maintaining her grades and attendance and isnt getting into trouble, I’d let her do it. Not in the home, around kids or definitely not at school. Just outside away from anyone. Bc if she wants to do it and that’s the worst thing shes doing, she’ll find ways to do it.


I would find out the reason she wants to smoke to begin with. I started because all my friends were doing it, but it became a way of keeping my cool lol more of an antidepressant and antianxiety “medication”

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Leave her alone and let her smoke in peace! She’s about grown! If it was meth or anything else I’d disagree


She’s almost 18 I wouldn’t not allow her to smoke personally but doing it at school is a definite no!! She should be grounded cell phone and electronics taken away. Add some chores and then explain to her that’s something she should do in a designated area. And also explain the dangers of real drugs.

I think a few of the people who posted need to smoke some of the weed too and calm the hell down. She is 17. Be happy it’s just weed. If my kid who is 16 wanted to smoke I would tell her to be responsible. Most likely if you try to punish them at this age they will just do things behind your back.


She’s 18, she’s an adult. There’s way worse things she could be doing. At least she’s not drinking alcohol


Just talk with her and tell her no smoking at school and not in the house. She’s an adult and not much you can do. Good luck


It’s just weed, lol come on


If she has money for weed, she has money for rent. Do you live in a state where pots legal? You can 1. Put up with it and let her walk all over you. 2. Put her out, its your house. 3. Call the cops and let her deal with it. If shes adult enough to decide to do drugs she is adult enough to face the consequences. If you think this is harsh then you are one of those parents we are raising entitled brats and part of the problem


Put her a smoke shed in the back and tell her to keep it out of your house and away from her siblings.


Shes almost 18, you wont be able to stop her. But make sure you get some respect on your name!!! If you dont want it in your house she better not!!! Not under your roof!

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It’s weed be thankful it’s nothing else. Just tell her not in the house :joy: or tell her to smoke in her own room with a window open and a fan 🤷


If she wants to act like an adult treat her like one. Must pay X amount to live under my roof. Get her checked into a rehab/treatment center. If she doesnt want to do either well then kick her out.

I say this as a parent and where pot is still illegal in my state. As a high schooler I smoked and never got caught maybe she should smoke in better places and not get caught :woman_shrugging:

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So for everyone saying “she’s an adult” bullshit. Yeah she’s 18 ok cool SHE LIVES UNDER HER MOTHERS ROOF.

I would be so pissed as a mother. Unfortunately weed is becoming a legal thing in most all states. So that means it will become even easier to get. Maybe just try and talk to her and see if she will open up about why she is doing it especially in the house?

Also just curious have you ever smoked?

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Whether mj is bad or not this mother obviously doesn’t agree with her daughter using it. Imo the child should have more respect for her mother’s house rules. I would set boundaries about smoking it in the house.

Honestly it’s just weed. The bigger deal you make of it the more she’ll want to do it. As long as her grades are good and she’s not getting into trouble, it’s nothing to worry too much about.


Tell her lazy ass to smoke outside. Lol. Shes an adult. She is under your roof though and should respect the rules or leave.

She’s going to do what she wonts anyway let her do it but not in your home tell her if you get in any trouble your on your own let her learn a lesson it’s tuff love

She shouldn’t be doing any drugs or alcohol at her age
If she gets caught agsin,what are the legal consequences? Jail, a feather? This needs to be explained to her. Ask her why she feels the need to turn to pot. Although, I agree with the fact that there could be other things that are worse, the real question is, what the pot is helping her avoid & are there other ways to solve it. There aren’t enough studies to prove that it doesn’t harm you. Especially as she I’s so young. I mean I have taken gummies to avoid taking opiods due to illness & pain, so I am not saying it’s horrible, but I’d find out if there’s another way to help her


I’d be happy shes smoking weed and not drinking🤷‍♀️ tell her keep it out of school though.


they all doing it , just look the other way …i’m dead against it too, but can do nothing

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She’s 18 she most likely not going to listen but tell her to smoke outside and away from the others so they don’t see

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What id do, is tell her if she wants to smoke weed while she’s under your roof, she can pay rent. So she can pay rent and if she chooses to smoke, do it outside or where her siblings cannot see.


She’s an adult. If you don’t like her doing it in your home, make her move out.

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Its weed. Let her be and stop being so uptight


If she can buy weed, she can help with bills.


Make a deal with her. As long as she keeps good grades and attends school everyday she can continue to smoke as long as she is responsible about it. Such as do not bring it in school, smoke only outside, no smoking and driving, ect. Fact is, shes going to do it whether you want her to or not but this way you can control it to some point.


Ok well weed isn’t bad. Why not just sit her down and talk with her like an adult? Ask her why she smokes it. Make a time frame that she can smoke in like 8-9pm? Be glad that it’s weed and not something like heroin or coke or meth.


She’s 18… it’s weed. It’s legal in a lot of states. Just stress that she can’t smoke before or at school. She’s going to do it whether you like it or not. Just like drinking. Your job is to teach her to be responsible with it.


Would you rather have her going out and getting drunk or have her at home smoking some weed and passing out after getting the munchies???


Regardless how healthy weed is… Tell her to be respectful and do it outside and not on school grounds. If she gets into trouble again, she’s on her own. She already used her ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card last time. Not much you can do, really. Kids will always find a way. Just sit down with her and both of you come to an agreement and compromises. It gives her a chance to be part of the decision-making and she’ll respect you more.


At 18 she’s old enough to fight for her country, vote, and yes, choose to smoke or not, nothing you can do. Be glad that’s what she’s doing and not drinking.


Just let her smoke responsibly . Shes old enough


Try guiding her through it, instead of punishment. Either way she’s going to do it, but if u guide rather than punish you deepen and strengthen your relationship giving u more of an influence.

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Weed is not the problem here. The fact that she blocked the schools number would have me livid.


Make her help with bills if she can buy weed or make her move out


It’s your house and weed is still a drug if shes hiding it what will be next


As a teenager my Mother permitted me to smoke but under the condition it was to be only smokin at home so it made it less tempting to do it at school. Just a suggestion


Good thing you dont live in Cal. It is legal here along with other states .
Dispensarys on every corner

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If it’s legal in your state… she clearly isn’t setting boundaries in respect to law or others (in your house, with other kids or at school). There are rules even with it being legal, and she is still under your roof and around minors (and a minor herself) … I would be open with her about it so you don’t have her rebel, but if she can’t find a place and time for it legally then there should be some consequence. Blocking school numbers would also concern me… she has to earn some trust and healthy boundaries in order to be given certain freedoms. Otherwise the older she gets as an adult, she may make irresponsible choices as far as drugs in general.


Talk to her, tell her to be responsible and that you love her and explain your outlook on it don’t make her make a choice because she will rebel against you so just explain if its something you dont want in your house explain that and why and the reasons. She wants to act like an adult she can suffer the consequences

It’s weed… chill a bit


She’s almost 18 I rather of her to smoke in the bathroom at the house And knowing shes safe than to be doing it in the street or at school


Come to Ontario, Canada it’s legal :rofl:

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Sounds like this person who posted needs to take a hit of the J :sweat_smile::sob:


well if shes considered an adult theres nothing you can do but ask her to leave your home if you feel that strong about it

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I mean shes 18 she can do what she wants BUUUTTTTT she can do what she wants in her own place in the meantime she has to respect your wishes and rules especially if you are providing for her , yes cool shes at home instead of smoking somewhere else but what kind of other shit will she do if she’s disrespecting you in your own home by smoking , tell her to get her shit together smoke outside or in the back yard somewhere the other kids aren’t at an just be respectful towards your house and you.

Well… Its your house and your rules. I have my own opinions on what I’ve personally experienced with frequent weed smoking but its not very popular of an opinion.
I personally would get my daughter into counseling to find out why she is making poor choices. If its illegal, it is a poor choice that could lead to charges and a permanent record.

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I personally wouldn’t lose my shit over it. But id tell her to be responsible about it. Like not smoking at school, don’t have it on you in public etc. Tell her to go smoke it outside. Wouldn’t you rather know she’s safe at home smoking it then being out somewhere else :woman_shrugging:t2: Shes technically considered an adult if they can arrest her for it.

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I’d rather my daughter do it at home because then I can monitor her and then I know she’s safe. I’m 100% pro weed and I’m patiently waiting for it to become legal in my state. For now I still smoke, but it’s CBD flower and completely legal.


Shes about to be 18 she’s capable of making her own decisions. Talk to her about it, be understanding, tell her if you want to smoke do it at home, outside. So it doesn’t bother you, or the school. It’s legal in most states, and probably all of them soon. And it’s better than her drinking or using cigarettes

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I would tell her she can but not in the house around the younger kids. That’s not cool. Just sit down and have an adult conversation with her. The basic “make your own choices just be sure you’re safe and smart about it”


Mine was 15 tried smoking cigarettes in the shower. Thought the steam would hide the smell. Damn kids!

I wouldn’t punish her, she’s about to be 18. But your house, your rules. If you don’t want her smoking in the house, tell her that. And the blocking the schools number would piss me off. I’d take her damn phone for that. If she wants to be an adult then she can act like it.

Talk to her about respecting your home. However trying to convince her to stop isn’t gonna work and will damage your relationship. Cus even before I was 16 my mom tried her damnest. We had many of fights that are still irrelevant cus over 15 years I didn’t change that part of my life.


If shes 18 and her grades are good, and she’s going to school I say let her smoke! There’s way worse things she could be doing. Talk to her about it so she can be open with you!


Consider yourself lucky because it could be heroine. Weed doesn’t hurt anyone and she’s at the age where it’s really not a big deal.


It’s weed, maybe compromise as to where she can smoke? Or do what many moms do and kick her out, she’s an adult🤷🏽‍♀️

A round house kick to the throat then I’d proceed to pack her bags and find her a nice juvenile delinquent room to hang out at for awhile.


In my household, that would be grounds of moving out.

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Just be open with her.

To all of you saying kick her out when she turns 18: I hope you know your children probably do not feel secure in your household. They feel their home could be taken from them in the blink of an eye. They fear they may not have a place to live if they make a decision that you view as unsafe or disrespectful. Weed is no reason to abandon your child, and as I stated above FEAR should not raise children.
FEAR should not be the foundation upon which you build your family.
And FEAR does NOT equal respect.


She gunna smoke regardless momma…


Atleast its just weed. It could be so much worse.


Honestly I smoke it (although it is now legal in Canada) it was not when I started at 15.
I was always allowed to smoke in the house cause my parents knew it was safer for me to do in the house.

Telling her to stop or punishing her, in my opinion will make her do it more. It is proven psychologically that if you tell someone not to do something they want to do it more…

Also as someone who works as an addiction counseller, kicking her out will make it worse.
I’ve seen so many teens/young adults kicked out for smoking simple weed to only then fall into harder drugs and unsafe situations.

All these people saying “kick her out” or id kick her in the throat are crazy and usually don’t understand drugs.
In Canada she is almost legal to drink alcohol which in my opinion is worse then smoking a bit of weed


If she is almost 18, I’m going to assume she is going to be graduating. Ask her what she is planning to go to college for or doing for work after she graduates. Then inform her of the jobs and career paths that do random drug tests. That means no teaching, nothing in the medical profession, no EMT, police, fire or military (yes this is for all drugs including weed). Also, the majority of companies and even some colleges (for scholarship and grant purposes) pull criminal records. Maybe she needs to hear it from someone other than you. Adult actions have adult consequences.


I mean shes almost 18 lol I guess be glad it’s not hard drugs. And just say hey if this is the path u continue then heres some jobs u cant do while doing this etc. Other than that u cant do much

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Don’t need to be smoking it in the house. Her mother and other siblings are in there.have some respect for family. Go out side.


She’s legally an adult… And I hate to say it but it is just pot. And the more you tell her not to do it the more she’s going to want. So I suggest making a deal with her, that if she’s going to smoke it, thenit has to be away from the house and not near the younger children and certainly not inside the house. Having her finish school is important but once school is done I suggest making a future plan on what to do with her. And if she can’t follow the rules of the house she shouldn’t be welcome to stay.


Good luck, your daughter is a bad seed.


If she can’t respect your rules, she can find a way to make it on her own. She’s almost 18. Or, she can think about it in jail. Tough love will go a long way.


You’re lucky it’s just weed. My mom ended up accepting my weed use because it’s my medicine.


Let her live and learn be her mom and advise her be her friend so she can trust you dont judge her because she could be doing worse count yourself lucky that shes at home

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Have you looked I to programs for her I know dr. Phil has a ranch where she would live to work out her problems. She need to stop hanging with these people.teens are so insecure and can be sucked into things

I’d tell her there’s a time and place for it it’s legal in Canada . But there’s an age limit ^*

Most people smoke weed to deal with stress and anxiety. It’s a very effective tool when used properly. I’d talk to her about why she smokes and go from there. It’s a difficult thing to deal with as most people don’t understand why people use it and still consider it a gateway drug. Just try talking to her. The answer may be as simple as a destresser. Hope this helps!


Have her build a she shed and take it outside


Teach her she can’t do it at school (duhh) and it’s gonna happen anyways so teach her how to not put herself is bad situations

I can kinda relate with your daughter. I smoked (never got caught though) and the best thing my mom did was give me a safe place to do it. She let me smoke at our house where she could make sure I was safe and not driving or being taken advantage of and I’m so thankful that’s what she did. I feel like I can talk to her about anything and everything because she is so supportive and just wants me to be safe.


Ur house ur rules until she is 18. If she doesn’t like it let her find somewhere else to smoke her weed. Tough Love. U have to think I about urself and ur other children.


Tbh, she is going to smoke whether you want her to or not. Teach her to respectful and responsible with it.


I think she is trying for attention here. She knew she would get caught at school. Knows you would know when smoking in the house. Maybe there is a bigger issue with her? And I am pro weed but… don’t condone teens smoking… but I know they will anyways…

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Let her live and learn, weed isn’t bad and the stigma needs to stop.


Wow, so many people telling this mom to “chill out”!
Just because alcohol is legal doesn’t mean someone under age should be given free reign.
Just because cigarettes are legal doesn’t mean I would be cool with my 17 year old smoking them.

If mom condones illegal activities of a minor, then where does the next line get erased?

To the OP, I would be angry too. Especially when your kid is being disrespectful to your home and younger kids.
On the flip side, if she’s 18 and wants to do whatever outside of your home, then that is her choice.

I think I would have a heart to heart explaining why I am against smoking and listening to why she wants to do that.
Then there needs to be a talk about house rules and school rules. No smoking on my property or school.


Bake her a cake and be glad it’s not crack😆