My daughter was caught smoking weed at school: What should I do?

Sit down with her. Talk to her that if she’s going to smoke weed she needs to step up in the house with chores and stuff. Why is she smoking? Is she trying to cope with something. I would punish her for smoking in the house not the actual weed smoking. Is she having to drug test for school? Did she get criminal charges. If she can’t use/smoke responsibly then she isn’t mature enough to smoke weed for leisure.—getting in trouble at school and now smoking in the bathroom… that’s a no-no and she should not be allowed the privilege of smoking-- you can’t do adult things if you are not going to be responsible. Feel free to reach out to me. I’m a mom and I’m pro-weed, but I am not for the behaviour she is conducting herself in. You have to approach it so she knows you are a person she can confide in but also there are rules and limits to our behaviour. Best of luck


I told my 17 yr old son he couldn’t smoke (cigarettes) where his younger siblings could see him. Especially when his 12yr old brother looked up to him. Also, he couldn’t leave them out. If he did, I’d just throw them away.
Weed… well, it’s illegal here, so he wasn’t allowed to have it. Im not willing to jeopardize the welfare of my kiddos by having illegal drugs in my home.
I know he smoked it. He told me he did. We talk about everything. But you can’t force them to stop doing anything. They just need to be respectful of your rules.
Good luck mama


She is 18… :woman_facepalming: At least she’s not in the bathroom with a needle in her arm overdosing!


She is almost an adult. Perhaps she should move to a state where it is legal

Have an open discussion! There could be more of an issue :cry: after all its pot​:woman_shrugging: and it helps with anxiety.

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The only thing you can do is either accept it or tell her that if she’s going to continue smoking pot that she needs to find her own place to live. Me personally, I know if my child is smoking pot that they are going to smoke it regardless of what I say or do and I’d rather know they were in my home safe while smoking it than for them to be out there with who knows who smoking it, but that’s just me

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Its your house, you dont want her smoking weed in the house loose your shit and make her afraid to smoke in the house lol thats what my dad did. He scared the shit out of me and I never smoked in the house again. All these people saying to let her do it… She has other children in the house and that could cause serious fucking problems. Its her house.

If she can buy it tell her to get her own place and smoke it there bc you don’t want your younger children picking up the habit and getting into trouble - she is old enough to get arrested for it and she can get you in trouble with your other children as well - think of the whole situation and discuss it openingly with her and lay it all out on the table.


All you can do is remind her of the age limit, laws and repercussions that could affect her future and hope she makes the right choice. While I’m an advocate for weed legalization I believe it’s can stunt a kids progress in life. However she’s nearly an adult and it’s time she sees her choices have consequences and allow her to make bad choices and pay those consequences. Its also ok to make house rules and expect she respect them. Keep in mind. Not smoking at home will chase her into places that offer more than weed as an option. She not far from being an adult.

I mean she’s gonna do as she wants… I would just tell her not to be doing that in your home if that is your wish but do keep in mind that she will go elsewhere to do so. Also if you were to allow her to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol then I would consider allowing her to smoke weed my state it’s just as legal as those , but you are mom. And she’s almost an adult what will she learn from your punishment other than getting annoyed or rage against you. Have her put her grown pants on or just accept it

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Tell her she is not to smoke in your house.

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My mom allowed me to smoke weed when I turned 12 after being diagnosed with PTSD, and while it’s the less popular opinion, I wish she hadn’t. She also sold it pretty heavily for a few years. I quit and left home with my daughter when I was 15. It just wasn’t for me. I thought it was cool for a while, but if you’re not careful, you can be thrown in with the wrong crowd. That being said, I live in a state where it’s just recently became medically legal and there’s a lot of restrictions. I wouldn’t kick her out. She will always be your child and they’re right, it’s not a heavy/dangerous drug. But it’s still a drug and I’d be just as upset and confused as you. I think your best bet is to educate as best you can, and make very clear boundaries. No smoking at home/school etc. make her aware of the repercussions of doing something illegal. Things like this are sensitive. It can go a lot of different directions. Open communication over yelling and punishment is hard, but will likely help to some degree. She’s 18, and you can’t always control them as young adults. But you can do your best to keep them safe. Depending on where you live, maybe look into things like CBD or medical marijuana if it’s a mental health issue she’s battling. You have to find a medium between being hard enough while still keeping a good line of communication. The lying, smoking inside, blocking numbers. If weed is doing that than something needs to be done. Good luck mama.

If her grade are good just let it go if. Ot then there is something seriously wrong and she was looking dor attention at least it not ciggs

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Not for nothing at least it’s weed and not something else! My mom didn’t approve of me smoking it at 16 but I was going to do it regardless! Needless to say I just smoked it on the back deck and not in her house nor was I smoking on the streets and getting in trouble for it. I also had a job

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Some of these comments have me dying of laughter! Rehab??!!! Damn. Glad I live in Los Angeles

She 18? She think she grown enough to disrespect you and your home by using drugs in your house? Time for baby girl to pack up and move out


maybe explain the dangers of smoking before brain chemicals are fully balanced which they aren’t at only 18 but i mean thats the least harmful “drug” she could be using and it can be extremely helpful. maybe she is having some problems you could try to help her with like anxiety, insomnia, depression and such that smoking helps with for most people.
i wouldn’t go about it in an aggressive way that only ends up with teens being more sneaky which could be dangerous for her.
you could try getting her interested in some activities to keep her busy and help her cope if she is having problems like sports, art, photography and such. be open and understanding instead of judgemental and agressive about it shes 18 so i dont know what you are trying to do about “punishment” but i know how i was as a teen (only 23 now) and that would have backfired hard for my dad but he listened cared and wanted to help me and i ended up staying off of pills and coke thanks to that kindness from him. if you don’t want her getting in trouble again help her understand how bad the consciences can be if she caught again and help her be safe and do your research on it so you are bringing actual facts to her and not just emotional feelings especially about smoking young. best wishes for her and you.

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Sorry to say this, but its weed. I mean at least she isnt doing other drugs. I remember smoking in high school and my mom didnt care as long as I went to school and kept my grades up. I mean she could be out doing worse things then smoking weed

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Tell her if she continues to smoke in the house or in general that you will have to kick her out because they can take your other kids away if they know there is weed in the house. It gives her the choice to quite or to move.


Shes 18. It’s not hard drugs. Its weed. A plant. Chill out …


I cant believe all these posts saying she’s 18. First off if she’s in a state where its ILLEGAL than maybe follow the laws? Second ITS NOT HER HOUSE, she lives with her mom, she needs to obey her moms rules, whether she’s 18, almost 18, fuckin 81. Y’all must not have no respect for your parents, I’m 27 and dont even cuss around my mom because she doesn’t like it and I respect her wishes for her daughter not to use profanity around her. She can smoke weed on her time, with her friends whatever because parents cant control what she does outside her house. In her house in a different story.

Tell her to go outside with it.

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If shes doing ok in school and shes being more responsible and wants to smoke…w.e as long and as she doesnt expect u to give her money for anything anymore, cause ur not paying for her weed and she smokes outside only. Otherwise lay down the hammer.

It’s better than her getting drunk or doing anything else

Personally, I’m a firm believer in the benefits of marijuana. Cannabis oil can lessen the damage caused my seizures, and has shown to reduce the growth of cancerous cells!

But smoking anything before 21 can cause irreparable damage to the brain. Even 21 is young, as the brain isn’t fully formed until the ages of 25-28. I’d tell her the effects it can have on her brain but not to scare her away, just to help her make a responsible choice for herself. If she continues, that’s her choice as an adult, but she deserves to make a fully informed decision.

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Turn her into the cops and have her arrested. Dont pay her fines for her.


I mean as long as she has her head on straight i don’t see a problem with this just not at school or public


Pull the stick out of your butt , take a toke and chill tfo

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Well there’s only so much you can do now. I have been on my kids about drugs since they were young. Information about how dumb I was for doing things and how it effected me as an adult. The actual truth of life not the b.s. gateway crap. Just be real and honest about the good feelings and the bad things that come outta it.

Im impressed she blocked the schools numbers on your phone. That’s genius

Tell her to not smoke in your house or kick her out. She wants to be an adult let her be one on her own. My parents kicked me out at 14 for literally no reason other than I didn’t like going to my friends’ house. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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If she lives in a state where it is illegal mom stands to lose a lot in this because of the other children . I am a firm believer in all the health benefits of marijuana but I am also a firm believer in protecting her other children .


She’s 18. Nothing you really can do. Except she lives under your roof. Dont bring drugs in your home because you have other children to set an example for. And if it’s illegal where you live. You don’t want to risk losing your kids or you going to jail for possession
Don’t smoke on your property and don’t come home high.
Or allow her to smoke outside your home and she comes in and goes in her room while she’s high. Then at least you know she is safe.

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Lmao there’s nothing you can do :joy:


It’s weed. She could be out doing heroin. I would rather my kids smoke weed and eat a whole pizza instead of shooting up heroin and overdosing. I have 4 daughters. My oldest being 5 so i have a long time to worry about it. Also where i live they cant arrest you for smoking it. They can only arrest you if you have it on you. Smoking marijuana has helped me alot. I have anxiety, ptsd, manic depression, chronic kidney disease and epilepsy. I don’t take any pills at all.


Shes 18 so shes an adult. Shes gonna do it regardless of how you feel about it. Weed isn’t that bad. Comparatively speaking she could be doing a lot worse. Eating tide pods or snorting condoms. So just tell her if she wants to smoke weed to do it outside.

I know when my kids are older I’d rather they smoke weed than drink.


She’s 18, my house my rules. You smoke it in your house not mine. You don’t have a house, get one or don’t smoke.


Have an adult chat with her, explain your opinion, listen to hers.She smokes pot, she’s not shooting up. I had kids who did and some still do, they know my opinion, I know theirs, agree to disagree. Find a compromise, she smokes outside only, not in your home and on a lighter side she is responsible for the purchase of her own snacks.


I would tell her next time to smoke out on the back porch

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Why do you have to punish her … do you not agree with weed? Even if you dont she is 18. If she is considered a adult and no one else tests positive then if CPS does get involved she would be the only one in trouble. Being a mom to six kids. I would rather them smoke weed then do any other drug or drink?


L.O.A. Esther/Abraham Hicks

Eh, I would be more upset that she was hiding it and not being open. As long as grades are good, she has a job, and doing what shes needed then there isnt a problem.

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Chill. She’s an adult.

I’m so excited to see these comments :heart_eyes:

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Ask her to smoke it outside and not at school. When she graduates give her the boot lol

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She’s 18 years old let her make her own decisions now all you can do is voice how you feel about them

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She took your phone to block numbers and she’s smoking in your house. I don’t care if it’s weed, meth or cigarettes, NO SMOKING IN THE HOUSE! Jesus. It’s not hard to go outside. If it isn’t legal where they leave, she needs to be off the property, preferably quite a ways away.

She’s going to do what she is going to do, but you sure as hell don’t have to make it easy for her.


Its weed. Tell her to smoke in private maybe outside. Protect her. Getting high off weed is fine. My parents just looked away along as I was on the honor roll. If I wasn’t they would take my bag away till I “straightened the fuck up” but I grew up in a state that didn’t care

Treatment facilities. Marijuana can have devastating effects on a still developing brain. Especially the frontal lobe.


There’s nothing you can do. You can punish her all you want but at the end of the day she’s still gonna choose to do what she wants to. Try sitting down with her and asking why she likes to smoke.
It could be worse.


Of course you can’t really make her stop smoking, you can set rules to where she won’t do it in your house. My mother always told me no matter how old I was, that if I was gonna live in her house I was also gonna follow her rules inside her home.
Goodluck mama!! And even tho you are disappointed don’t let her forget how proud you are that she has improved in school!

Listen … I told my kids as they were growing up … if your going to do it let me know I will get it ( this way I knew there wasn’t anything else mixed in it ) do not do it in the house … ( my job does random drug screening) and dont ever bring it in the house if I find out it will be flushed down the toilet and I dont care how much you paid for it … you want to do it that’s your business I won’t buy it and it will not be around me or my home period and it’s also still very much illegal in Nebraska

First off. She’s disrespecting you she’s sneaking around. So no don’t cut her slack. I was one of those uprooted kids too, but you need to stand for. In my opinion I would be looking at alternative schools. Where she can’t just go do what she wants. It’s not only her this will be affecting it’s your other children to you need to put a stop to this now. It’s not all about her. If you don’t get a grip on this. And start standing firm on rules. It’s only going to get worse.


Talk to her about respecting your house and smoking it outside. Shes a legal adult who is doing well otherwise. Some battles dont need to be fought.


I’m fine with weed. My husband has his card. I’m currently wearing a shirt from a friend’s dispensary. We are looking into getting our 8 year old a card for a high CBD low THC gummy to replace her meds. That is not my problem. My issue with this is that she’s being disrespectful to you in your home and being sneaky, and that’s not okay. Maybe sit her down and see why she’s smoking pot and what all else she’s doing. She shouldn’t get into your phone and block the school’s number; not okay. Yes, 18 us legally an adult, but she is in your house and if she wants to act like an adult then she can get a job and contribute to the family. Don’t justify her actions by saying, “oh it’s only weed chill. She’s an adult. She can do what she wants…” That’s not how this works… if she is in YOUR house she follows YOUR rules and being sneaky and disrespectful is not okay. If she wants to get her card and you’re on board while she’s living in your house, do it. But smoking in the house and at school is not okay.


Honestly if you try to punish her it’ll only push her away. Maybe try casually talking to her about it and letting her know there’s a time and place for everything.


My sister and I when we were younger smoked. I never did anything wrong outside of that and was in the top 15 students who graduated. Its not a detriment if she uses, but how she acts outside of it. My sister got involved in other drugs and caused massive issues landing her in jail and losing all her children. Best advise is have a level head and sit and discuss it. Sneaking is a terrible choice and it needs addressed. Weed itself isn’t bad by itself. I haven’t smoked in well over 10 years as it was a phase for me personally.

If she wants to smoke and not follow your rules then tell her she can go. She’s under YOUR roof so it’s your rules or she can’t stay


It’s weed, leave her alone


They are gonna do what they wanna do regardless of what you want

Call the cops on her


Call the law, have her arrested, taken to jail and let her figure it out.


Please tell her that the song is Smoking in the Boys room

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You can’t reason with this type of mentality, being your child They don’t believe you will be that hard on them. Get her attention, send her butt to jail. She has brought a controlled substance into your home, tampered with your personal items, probably stolen something from you or someone else in the house. You have younger children that could be directly affected here. Send her butt to jail.


The only thing you can do at her age is kick her out until she gets treatment due to younger children in your home or call the cops on her


Smoke it with her. Go over addiction with her.


I guess I’m gonna be the odd one out here and say…
You need to make sure that you aren’t punishing her in a way that will make her to find the need to hide it from you even more. You need to talk with her about how you just want her to be open and honest with you, and that you’re NOT mad, you just want to make sure she’s making safe choices. She needs to feel like she can come to you with ANYthing, without reprecussions.
My mom always made me feel heard and made me feel like I could talk to her about anything growing up. And to this day, at 33 years old, it’s the same.


Blaze up!!!

…kidding… ground… her…


Just tell her to go outside so it doesn’t stink up the house. :woman_shrugging:t2:


She is almost 18. Talk to her. Ask her why she is smoking. Does it make her feel better? Does she seem more focused? But don’t yell or go all bat crazy. Just talk to her like the 2 adults that you are


I smoke with my kids. I go to the dispensary with my son. I will be 60 in April


I have a step son a word I hate when he came to live with us I told him you do any thing wrong if you come and tell me first then you will be punished lightly but if I have to answer the door and someone starts telling me what you did then the punishment will be 10 times worse than if you spoke up he always came home to tell me what he had done nothing was never bad but we always talked about things even donation of organs if it came to that he was 8 and that talk happened every also dying with dignity if it arose thank God it hasn’t. Be open with your kids talk to t and listen to them give them your time not just money


Ask her to smoke in the garage or a shed. Yelling at her will only make her want to do it more and possible make her up and just move out


Is weed code for meth? Because I feel like you’re over reacting if it’s just weed. Tell her ass to keep it out of your house if you don’t like it, and don’t get caught smoking at school!!! Teach her some common sense so she can get high and not get everyone’s panties in a bunch.

I don’t smoke weed. But I have. It’s not a gateway drug, it’s less harmful than any other drug including alcohol. She’s only 18. She’s a kid, being a kid.

Be thankful it’s not crack or tobacco both of which kill you, it’s just a little weed. Now, I wouldn’t allow it to be smoked in my house but if you’re going to do it at least give her the education on it and hope you raised her right to make her own choices. #sendingmomlove


Meh. Id pick my battles personally. Id rather catch her smoking weed than drinking vodka 🤷 but yeah, a heart to heart and try to be understanding. You were a teen once yeah?


If your other children are minors you need to make her understand she is taking a risk having them removed from the home


Tell her to smoke it off the property…


Your house your rules. Tell her she can’t smoke in your house or on your property.

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Trust me, thier is alot worse she can smoke than weed. She has friends all around her getting drunk and drinking which is ALOT worse for your body than smoking weed. She is 18 right? I understand she lives under your house and under your rules but maybe you can open your mind and set certain ground rules. Like only smoking in the backyard and making sure she doesn’t let her younger siblings see her do it or smell it on her. I myself also partake in smoking weed and before any of you moms try talking shit, it’s like drinking a glass of wine.

Shes nearly 18.cant stop it. But she should have more respect for u under your roof. Tell her to get outside and smoke it lol


She’s an adult. Just tell her to take it outside. She wont stop if she doesnt want to.

Not allowed in the house.!! You are the parent.


She is almost 18. Ur job is to protect the younger kids now.
It’s illegal in my state, so if it were ME in that situation I would make her choose between A. living at home and not having illegal substances that could also get me in trouble and cause turmoil for younger siblings and/or B. Moving out


The Devil’s lettuce huh? That’s tough.

Shes almost 18, shes gonna do what she wants to do, just be thankful it’s not something harder that has more potential to hurt her or worse. Sit her down, talk to her, tell her she needs to keep up grades etc, and that if she is going to smoke, to not bring it in your house and definitely not smoke it in n the house with her you get siblings. She still needs to be a role model for them! Maybe you have a garage, shed, patio, etc, some place she could safely smoke but not be in the house?


I’d just sit her down and let her know you can’t stop her outside of the house but tell her she can’t on the property.


Omg let her smoke. Shes 17. Jesus.


Disrespectful smoking in YOUR home.


It is your house if you do not want weed to be smoked there then she has a choice to make. Abide by your rules or find somewhere else to live. Regardless if she is 18 or not it is YOUR home and you make the rules.


The more your protest the more she will hide to do what you don’t want her to… it is just marijuana and now days it is legal in a lot of places…make sure she understands your rules and boundaries and if she can’t follow them then she can wait until she is 18 and on her own…my son wasn’t allowed to smoke in my house until he was 18…we came to an agreement…he then got his medical license,…


Ask her if you can hit it. Mom of 4, I sure the hell would.


Maybe talk to her about the appropriate time and place to smoke. I mean if she’s gonna do it at least you can supervise her. She is 18 🤷


Who pays the bills mom your house your rules tell her no smoking pot in your house no exceptions


She wants to make adult decisions she make her own money pay her own rent utilities and move out. You cant stop her but you dont have to support that decision. If you are still paying for everything that needs to stop.


Ok… while I can say that there was a point in my life that this would have pissed me off if my kid did it, I can say at this point, she is almost an adult, it is technically legal in this state (though obviously not for her age) and honestly if this is the worst thing she is doing…pick your battles. She could be doing meth or drinking and driving or running with gangs or a million other horrible things. I am not in any way saying it is ok to disrespect your parents or their rules, but maybe a heartfelt conversation about why you don’t want her to do it and why she started doing it would be better than a punishment? I too was a single mom for a very long time and dad was not even on the picture, so I get the struggle.


She needs to follow your rules. Period. Or she can move out. She should respect your home enough to not smoke there.

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Learn more about weed, and ask her what kind she’s smoking, and recommend something better. Make sure she’s not smoking that nasty weed. I prefer to eat it, because any kind of smoke going into the body is bad. Be open minded about it. Remind her, that education is important while she’s living with you. No smoking in the house.


She’s 18. Weed is legal here. I would be pissed if my kid was smoking it in the house, but that’s because no one is allowed to smoke anything in my house.