My daughter was sexually assaulted in class and the school isn't doing anything about it: Help?

At their age it was probably curiosity

A 5 year old just needs to be sat down and told that isn’t proper behavior anytime he probably doesn’t know that it’s not what he should do he should not be treated as a criminal for something he has probably seen at home so thinks it is normal

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All of u saying held accountable I guarentee you that everyone of ur own kids looked at or touched someone of the opposite sex when they were 5. They just didn’t get caught. It is every child nature. First of half of u being judgmental probably did the same thing ur selves since at the age of 5 we are just starting to gain remembrance. I can barely remember being 5. I didn’t really start remembering till i was 8… really get off ur high horses they are 5… check back when they are older

Soo, ok let’s look at it this way! Your little girl is 5 so say she ran up to a little boy and ‘pops’ him on the butt because he took her toy and was mean and she says “imma whoop ur butt” (BECAUSE SHE MAY BE TAUGHT SHE WOULD GET HER BUTT POPPED IF SHE DONE THAT BECAUSE ITS MEAN AND NOT NICE!) Would u consider that sexual assault? WITH IT BEING YOUR 5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER



Call police get her checked out by doctor and in counseling asp


Noone can give you any insight because the story wasnt shared


Charge the parents and the school. Hold them all accountable. Get doctor and police report

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Own the school and go after parents

So you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the parents did nothing? That the school did nothing? No talk about appropriateness or anything? You know this for a fact? I highly doubt it. The kid is 5! What do you want them to do? Arrest him? Ridiculous. Have a talk with the parents.

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Need to know what he did in order to give advice

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We need details to know how to answer this

Depending on the offense… get a lawyer…

Not ok file a police report

I think this a crock it doesn’t even have an actual person writing it.

Describe the assault.

What did the 5 year old do that is sexual assault?

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I feel like we need a LOT more information. Unwanted hug? Kiss? He smacked her butt? Touched her nipples or vagina? Don’t come at me for this, but people blow things way out of proportion and call anything assault. And at 5, no matter what they are or are not taught, they don’t realize what they are doing is wrong.


Call the news media. That’s what I had to do. Make it public knowledge that the school condones/hides sexual harassment. What did the classmate do?


Police report and child welfare report

Report it to the police!!

I’m just wondering?!

Am I seeing correctly that some are telling this woman to file a police report on a 5 year old? Are you serious?


Need more info before knowing what to say. I have seen where they said a child was sexually assaulted because a another child give them a hug and yes they was both 5 children that age don’t know want sex is

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We have no idea on what happened to pass judgement on the parents or offer any advice. My guess, it was harmless and the poster using the words “sexually assaulted” is being overdramatic. The kids are 5 for heavens sake, they have no idea what they are doing

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Sad that we miss the elephant in the room. TV…even commercials are sexed up.

I really don’t consider 5 year olds capable of sexual assault. What exactly do you want done to him, get 5 years hard time?

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Ok I am going to get negative comments on this BUT, what did he do at 5 yrs old to say your daughter was sexually assalted, ? A hug ? I sure what people call sexually assaulted by a 5 yrs old is not that at all

Hopefully your daughter gets the help she needs the statistics are still stunning when it comes to child molestation. 1in 3 girls before age of 18. And 3 out of 5 boys.

“Assault” implies that the child hurt your child in order to get sexual gratification. Theyre 5. Youre in the wrong and theyre children that dont have the slightest clue what the crap you are going on and on about. The child that did the “assault” should be taken aside and taught why what they did is wrong, but good God, woman, theyre just children…

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The teachers that are supposed to be supervising should be be held accountable as well! It’s not okay and at the very least, you should demand he be moved.

So when the fuck is this a page to gang up on people and call them horrible nasty names for having an opinion hunny your shoving your tampon way to far up your ass fucking ridiculous

Call Dcf on the other childs parents and the school has to tell you who they are or they can be suid by you. This boy that assaulted your daughter learned that behavior from a predator and it needs to be stopped immediately