My daughter will not stop cutting her own hair: advice?

Get her some headbands and cute little clips. Watch videos on how to clip bangs/ hair back. :slight_smile: Enjoy your kiddo, momma.

Why can’t you fix it to be out of her face? Just give her a short haircut if she doesn’t like it.


Take her to get it cut and buy her some special hair clips and head bands. :heart:

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Hide all the scissors. Get her hair cut in a pixie cut


Get her to show you what kind of hair cut she wants and take her to get it done. Clearly she wants it shorter… I don’t get why you haven’t done this?? Also… why haven’t you got all the scissors and hid them?? Seems like your keeping this issue… an issue…


Perhaps She needs some extra TLC with attention from mom to find out what’s going on.


My kid likes short hair too. It’s the way little girls want their hair these days. I don’t see what’s wrong with having short hair. You need to take her to a hair stylist so she can get it the way she wants it cause oviously she cuts it herself over and over because she’s not OK with the way she does it herself. Or is someone at school bullying her and cutting it for her? You need to talk to her instead of getting on to her.


Keep all scissors hidden. I would punish her for disobeying me about her hair. I don’t believe in placating children’s wants.

Get that kid a short pixie cut it’s still cute and easy to manage. I bet she would love it

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I had the same issue with mine. We finally let her pick out her own haircut and took her to get it done. She just wanted mommy time and me not messing with her hair. Lol

Let her cut it. It’s self expression. Who cares. It’s hair


Hide all the scissors for one. Tell her you will shave it off if she wants to keep cutting it as there will come a time where you won’t be able to fix it. Take her to the hairdressers if you haven’t already. Get her hair clips to keep her hair out of her face!


Take her to get a pixie cut. Shes still young and hair grows back

Take her to the beauty salon. Get a professional cut.

Let her… take pics of it for when shes older lol . It’s her hair, it grows back…


I’ve always let my kids so what they want with their own hair … its hair… it belongs to them… it grows back … they learn …


Why is she still having access to scissors? Take her to the hairdressers and get it cut into a short pixie cut so she doesn’t have to risk cutting herself!!! Just get it done properly!!!


Maybe talk to her about what she wants to do to her hair and take her to a hair dresser to do it how she likes it. It’s her hair and she should be able to have it how she likes it.


just make an appt. with a hair dresser and have your daughter pick what style she likes and if it’s gonna keep her hair out of her face ! this way she may not be playing around with scissors any more which i can’t understand why she does now do u let her use scissors -u know u shouldn’t !


ask her what style she would like and go to the hair dressers and get it done for her.


Let her choose a short hair cut don’t just shave her head? Tf

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Cut it all off. Let her feel the repercussions. I raised a trans child. While you might hate to hear it, it’ll happen in a much worse way if you deny the child. I was denied and I’m fine. Then again, I didn’t fight it.
Mama, sometimes… it’s not about you. Your wants/wills/wishes. You have 2 job and that’s to be a good Mother. So, don’t be a pink Floyd song.
Shave the head, be 1 step ahead. If the child likes it, fine! If not, a valuable lesson was learned.
Plus, the hair will grow back thicker/healthier! Win-win!

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My daughter kept doing this and last year she shaved her fringe off i had to get her a pixy cut she hasnt done it since x

Let her cut her hair :woman_shrugging: it’s just hair and shouldn’t bother you this bad. You sound like you have control issues.

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Have you thought to style her hair where it stays out of her face for the most part?

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Let her have short hair if she wants to. Take her to a stylist and let them do it. I wouldn’t count on the style books. I decided to get my hair cut short a little less than a year ago. In the books, those women leave the front longer and it gets in the face on purpose. I didn’t like that. I just had them cut it short all over my head. At first, it looked like I had been scalped. But the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I’ll never try to grow my hair out again!

So, she doesn’t like her hair.
She has told you. You have done nothing about it.
So, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
And you still don’t listen. Instead, you threaten to shave her head bald?
When I was her age, I was taking razors to my hair. I liked that choppy look.

Be a mother. Listen to your kid. And take her to a salon. It’s not hard.


Make her an appointment to have it professionally cut? she’s TELLING YOU she wants it cut!!!:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: AND for SAFETY pick up the cutting tools?

My daughter did this aged 5,I cropped it all off short(had no choice) had long an short bits everywhere she hated it an cried but never did it again
She has lovely hair it encouraged it to grow beautifully.It is such a common thing perhaps she grow out of

Take her for a cute real short haircut

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Get her a pixie cut and move on. When she’s ready and wants long hair she’ll let you know. But right know she’s “saying” she doesn’t want this length of hair.

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She keeps telling you she doesn’t like her hair because it’s in her face and you’re not listening to her :woman_shrugging:t3:

A pretty obvious solution is listen to your kid and take her to the hairdresser


My friend (an adult) cuts her hair when stressed. It is like an OCD action

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She’s communicating what she wants with her own body. Listen to her :woman_facepalming:


Get her hair cut short my mam had to cut my hair short, I started school with a crew cut :joy::joy:


Move the scissors away


She’s told you she doesn’t like her hair…let her pick a short style


I cut mine with dubbers to keep it short on size 6 . Or let her look at hair styles to chose one her self . But hide all the scissors .

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Take her ro get her hair cut? Cut the way She likes it… maybe she’s interested in being a stylist?

I think she wants it short and doesn’t know how to communicate with you. Try to understand why she cuts it.

  1. Ask her how she’d like her hair styled…then go together and get it done for her! She’ll worship you for it! :wink:
  2. Put the scissors somewhere she can’t and won’t find them!

hide the dam scissors


i deal with this! is a sensory thing! first off, fix her hair! pull it all back to a bun or ponytail. of the ponytail touches her neck or back funny she may not like that either. Make sure it’s not too tight, big soft scrunchies are your friend! Hide the scissors :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

If she doesn’t like the style she has maybe look online together and see what styles she’s drawn to! Then get a haircut or keep pulling it back if she’s satisfied.

good luck mama

i deal with this! is a sensory thing! first off, fix her hair! pull it all back to a bun or ponytail. if the ponytail touches her neck or back funny she may not like that either. Make sure it’s not too tight, big soft scrunchies are your friend! Hide the scissors :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

If she doesn’t like the style she has maybe look online together and see what styles she’s drawn to! Then get a haircut or keep pulling it back if she’s satisfied.

good luck mama

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Keep scissors away from a child would be a good start! Get her a hair clip to keep the hair out her face?

When my daughter chopped her bangs off I put her entire front half in braids or twists.( when it got long enough to grab) it keeps it out of their face, you can do it at night & it lasts a few days. It will also keep her from having access to it dangling in her face to cut. Good luck.

Don’t shave her head. You will need a therapist instead of a hairdresser. :roll_eyes:


Uh let her? Take her to get it done the way she wants it or let her/don’t be surprised when she does it herself. It’s hair. It’ll grow back.


l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Mine “didn’t want bangs cause they get in her eyes” so she gave herself super short bangs that had to eventually grow to her eyes again

Take her to a salon to get a decent shorter style hair cut and put the scissors somewhere she wont get them.


I see a future hair stylist :haircut_woman:
If she wants it short , take her to have it professionally cut short. Real short. Then she will cry and never do it again :rofl:

Take her to get her haircut professionally in a style and length she wants. It’s her hair and I’m sure she’d be much happier with a pro short cut than anything done with the kitchen scissors


Take her to get her haircut professionally in a style and length she wants. It’s her hair and I’m sure she’d be much happier with a pro short cut than anything done with the kitchen scissors


When this happened with my niece and she gave the same reason, we looked online and let her pick a style she liked, which was a pixie cut that kept the hair right over her eyebrows. I have never seen her smile so big. So maybe do the same with your kid


That’s on body autonomy. It’s her hair . If it’s bothering her and she knows it will be an issue if she comes to you about it then that’s why she’s cutting it herself.


Definitely shave it if she won’t stop. Gotta have consequences.


Why are you mad momma, it’s just hair! Her hair her choice and beside it’ll grow back


Take her to a salon and get it cut so it’s not in her face :woman_shrugging: You shave her head bald, your going to scar her… unless that’s what she wants. Which I don’t know your child but I doubt they want to be bald. I never went through the hair cutting thing as a kid. I would cry when I would get it cut because I wanted looong hair :joy: Every child is different. I highly recommend taking her to a salon and having it professionally cut the way she likes. She sounds old enough to know how she would want her hair to look like :+1:

Now if she kept cutting on it after you took her to get it cut the right way, I would threaten the buzz cut. Otherwise at least give the girl a chance. Also put the scissors where she wont find them. Keep them in your room if you have to.


Put the scissors up so she can’t get them ? 


Kind of overreacting on something we all did when we were younger do not tell me you have not cut your hair when you were younger… If she’s telling you the problem you need to go to the hair salon to fix it my daughter’s hair gets in her face all the time it grows fast they’re young


How about hiding the scissors


It’s her hair. Cut it the way she wants. I don’t punish for hair cuts. They get to rock the style they chose haha


My kid did this, eventually she understood and we would use clips to hold it back or small braids/half updos etc goodluck

Take her to a stylist and get it cut the way she wants it, out of her face. Not all girls like hair hanging down in their eyes.


Don’t shave bald but take clippers and cut it short and take them and the scissors away. That’s what I did when my child cut thier own hair it was beyond saving and I have never taken them to a salon I cut my kids mine and the rest of my family hair

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Hide the scissors and put consequences on the behavior. Does she have dolls that get a haircut if she cuts hers. Idk I have boys

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This whole idea of letting children do what ever they want if absolutely mind boggling. “…It’s her hair.”“”" Yeah well she’s 8 and has no business hacking at it after mom said to stop. Yall aren’t raising free spirits you are raising hooligans who don’t listen and have 0 respect.


Take the Scissors away just as simple as that and then tear that butt up and dare her to do it again…

I’m currently going through this almost exact same scenario, so far I’ve “lost” all the scissors, and we had a big chat about how this constant cutting won’t make then be out of her face as they’ll just keep growing back and making the problem worse, and last pull her hair out of her face with a hairstyle of some sort?

Let her pick a hair style she wants, then hide the scissors

Do not shave that babys head!!! Thats terrible.

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Definitely hide the scissors! If hair in her face is bothering her, take her to get her hair cut to keep the hair out of her face.

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Get her a cute pixie cut and the problem is solved. It’s her hair let her wear it short enough to stay out of her face if that’s what she wants.

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My sons’ and daughter have done this. Simply putting scissors out of reach doesn’t solve the problem(it can help) but doesn’t solve. 1. They will live with the consequence and often after a few times and a bad messy snip they learn to stop.
2. Be involved and super active (attention seeking could be a reason - my son is often like this with all kinds of things) drives me crazy but is healthy and normal too 3. Is the hair bothering the child? Like others said; get the hair cut professionally (ie. I sat my son down for a serious chat on his level of course asking what the reason was for cutting his hair most recently? He wasn’t really curious etc he just wanted a few hairs bothering him our of his way and thought he was being helpful. 4. If your child is receptive or not is a different matter but do your best to have a talk about the dangers of using scissors for such things like haircuts just as you would any other danger. Scissors hidden solve a temporary issue in a time and place but when they get into art supplies, or need scissors in a backpack for school (hence they could literally sneak them out of backpack on bus and cut hair or find some and cut hair in deep middle of night in absolute quiet while people are asleep etc. So hiding doesn’t solve the overall. Perhaps your child wants to cook something how would you handle talking about the dangers of using a stove etc without permission or supervision vs maybe the child making a sandwich using no heat etc. We all need to really TALK to our little human counterparts as just that little humans because that’s what they are and the frustrating things they do sometimes make no sense or little sense to us but might make 100% logical sense to us. However, maybe they know a danger maybe they don’t? My daughter thought she could make her hair grown longer by cutting her bangs shorter not the opposite. 1 talk about that the 2nd time she cut her hair was all it took. For her to understand thats not how it works. My oldest son, he did it 1 time and was unhappy with the results. My youngest I hid and hid and hid and locked everything etc etc etc he wanted to remove some irritating hairs but was carried away with curiosity. So I got into dangers, scissor safety, showed him they make specially designed scissors for hair vs paper vs etc etc… then we dove deep into practicing cutting shapes with different textures like a paper towel, a piece of paper, a dolls hair (and showing the mess and considering in it how easily and oops could cause boo boos) mind you my son is younger than your daughter. Perhaps it would go easier perhaps harder. But just really really try to talk to her on a level she gets and understands but remember to keep your composure and respect her while you talk to her like you would anyone else. As a human being, if she were anyone else u can visualize how would u talk to her? If its any different than how you have been, try a different way. And consequences etc I HAVE NO PROBLEM with i just think so many of us need to try to talk to these children more and put ourselves into their little shoes most of their actions do have a reason sometimes just not one that makes sense to us

Uhhh keep the scissors away?


Let her cut it. It’s her hair not yours. Shit, if she wants to shave her head might as well let her. There’s nothing wrong with allowing your kids to have control of their own hair and their own body. 

This sounds like a sensory issue. Cut it short how she likes and stop stressing. Momma hair grows back I promise. She may not be able to vocalize or be aware it’s a sensory issue.


Bald it one time. She won’t cut it again


Anyone telling her to shave her kid bald is fucked up. Some parents are kids first bully :roll_eyes: maybe your kid wants a actual hair cut.

Get her a mullet. Its in now and out of her face!

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Cut it. Let her pick a cute short hair cut, make a day or of it, go to the salon.

Show her how cute it is from a professional, explain that we don’t get it so cute at hone (:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) and then hide everything that cuts. Which should really have been the first step anyway.


Find a short haircut that works for her and take her to get it done. She lies bc she fears the consequences. Respectfully teach her that cutting hair is an adults job, not safe for kids.


If it’s in her eyes get it cut for her. Simples :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My 4 year old granddaughter was doing the same thing. We make sure it’s pulled up in a bun off her face. We told her we would cut her hair like her brother if she didn’t stop cutting the front of her hair. She wants to be rapunzel so she wants it long, but the front falls in her face. She’s stopped since we started putting her hair up. We have a good stylist that was able to blend the mess my granddaughter cut multiple times.

Get that baby a cute short cut

…get her a haircut? She clearly doesn’t like said hair in her face. Show her some cute shorter hairstyles and see what she would like to have and then take her in to get it done. Not all girls want long hair :woman_shrugging:t2:


it’s her head and her right to have it short. kids arent property. they deserve to feel respected as well.


Please don’t do anything mean like shaving her head to be bald or embarrassing her. That will be very counterproductive & will only make you look like the bad guy.

Help you!!! HELP HER!!! get her hair out of her face!!

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My niece did shave her kids hair…and when school started she was ready to leave her hair along granted she was 4 the last time she cut her hair…now she’s in 3rd grade and her mom fixed her hair every morning messy buns french braids pony tails… She turned her hair into a bow it was adorable. Maybe she is crying out for hair styles and more time with her mom.

Quit giving her access to sharp shit like scissors

Her body…why not let her have a hairstyle she is comfortable with?


Ooorrrr hear me out….put up the scissors :scissors::joy:


I actually did this when i was young, and I seriously hated my hair being in my face so much, so I literally cut my hair down to the scalp right above my forehead lol needless to say I never did it again. My aunt wouldn’t cut me bangs to cover it up and she knew I would cut them too so I had to deal with it for a few years :woman_facepalming: all I know that would help is for her to keep her hair up 247, cutting it short might help but it’s gonna be all over her face too

It’s her hair. Maybe off to get her a short haircut? Kids should be respected and their wishes of their own body should be respected

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Some of these comments are so nasty. No wonder everyone’s hates their mothers. Y’all are evil to your kids.

YouTube how to cut hair and cut it for her so it looks good :woman_shrugging:t3: she obviously doesn’t like her hair

Give her a stylish pixie cut or do her hair in the mornings so it’s not in her face.
It’s not that deep.

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Ummm watch her n put up scissors