My daughters dad is not in her life: What should I do?

You both deserve child support if anything. Even if that’s all you get.

Because she’s gonna have questions that u won’t be able to answer and which u shouldn’t have to!

This one hits close to home for me because I was that kid… So, here’s my 2 cents from my personal experience and as a mother. If he wanted to reconnect than he would have… save your time and potentially your child’s pain of rejection. However, do your diligence as a mother and pursue child support. When I turned 16 years old, my mother bought me a car with the years of backdated child support that my father never paid. It was more meaningful than anything he could or would have said to me to make up for lost years. Was he mad? Yes. But so was I. It felt fair. It was also the catalyst that sparked for me to pursue a relationship between us later in life when I was old enough to have one with him. The truth is that not everyone is cut out to be a father but that doesn’t mean you get to shirk your responsibilities. It also doesn’t mean that he may turn out to be an ok person that she might want to know in the future. But she will be the one to decide… :two_hearts:

Do not contact him. If he cared, he would have contacted you. Be honest. I know she’s only 9 but she needs to know the truth and it needs to come from you, otherwise that may ruin your relationship with her. You don’t have to tell her all the details because she won’t understand it all. Let her know that when you got pregnant her father decided to leave and he never came back. She may not have a father but she has a mother who will always be there for her.

I would contact him, without your daughter being aware of it so no hopes get shot down if there isn’t a positive outcome. You don’t have to go after him, you should be honest with him. Tell him your daughter asks about him and you understand that you guys were young and you are hoping there is some way that they can have a relationship for her sake. If he shoots you down than okay, you know where he stands and you don’t have to wonder later on if you could have done something to change things for her. In the meantime, get her some counseling if you think she could use someone to talk to. It sounds like she’s been let down a few times and could possibly use it. And be honest with her, you were young and he was young and kids don’t make adult choices as easily as we would hope. Make sure she knows that him not being ready to be a dad has Nothing to do with her or her worth… That’s where the hurt comes in. Also I wouldn’t tell her that he has other children unless he wants to start getting to know her, she doesn’t need to know that he’s a Dad to others but not her. Anyway, just my perspective.

I would let her do it when she wants to! Let her be the one to contact him herself

Look while yeah you could go after him for child support, at this point you’re only doin it out of anger and hate and jealousy because “he didn’t commit to my daughter at 17 but now about a decade later I’m going to be mad he moved on with his life”. So if you never went for child support then don’t do it now that’s just petty. Next reach out to him and let him know where you are. He was a teenager and got scared so he ran. It happens. But she deserves to know who he is either way and regardless of your feelings about him.

Go after him for child support and when she’s old enough give her his contact details. That’s what I did with my sons dad. He also has 2 other kids hes raising. Hes completely abandoned 3 others including my son. My son talked to him via email for about 2 days, was fed a bunch of empty promises, and then dude blew the boy off. Stopped reading or replying to emails and finally after a few weeks of being ignored, my kid basically told him he was a pos and to f off. Not all dads are worth a crap.

My daughter is 8 and her dad has only seen her in person 5 times in her life. He left me to move back to Florida when I was 3 months pregnant. And you bet your ass I went after him for child support. If he’s not going to be a real dad, then he can at least pay for things. It takes 2 people to make a baby, there should be 2 people supporting the child one way shape or form. Its in my visitation agreement that he has to spend so much time with her here in person before any over night or out of state visitaions are reached. Hes made 2 of the 7 visits in the last 5 years. And the judge was shocked I even wanted to agree to that but he understood I was giving him a chance. If you give him a chance, you can’t say you didn’t try.

Go on laurern lake show

Your daughter deserves child support. I don’t give a darn about him. Get that child, her child support.

Reach out to him first and let him know she’s asking about him and just see. My biological father spent the first ten years of my life in and out of prison and I didn’t really know him. I had my moms ex-husband who stuck around for me even after the divorce and then I had her current husband, nonetheless, I wanted to know my father. We got to have visits every now and then until I became a teen and all the anger pushed him away.

He passed away two years ago in a head-on collision on his motorcycle. When I went to his funeral EVERYONE was telling me how much he loved me, how proud he was to be a pappy, and how he felt it was just too late to rectify the situation. We were both so afraid of rejection we didn’t reach out to each other and now it’s too late and that guilt eats me up. Let him have that chance to make it right, let her have that chance to meet and to know her biological father.

Maybe he feels it’s too late. Let him know she is open to meeting him and having a relationship with him. Don’t do like these women saying their BD isn’t ALLOWED to have that chance because all their kids are gonna grow to resent them when they find out mom had opportunities to let dad try and she didn’t.

Try. He might feel differently.

When my daughters were 2 and 6mo their biological father took off. They are Almost 13 and 11 now. I’ve always been open honest about things. I don’t bad mouth him. I’ve explained he loves them, hes just got a sick brain. He’s why they know about alcoholics. I’ve told him they ask questions and have asked to see him. He will start making plans and never follows through. At this point they don’t ask. Trying to force a relationship won’t do anything. I say be honest with them and they’ll be fine. Mine are honor roll students, band and choir and very mature for their ages. I know it’s a crap situation but you can do it. Mothers are strong enough to be mom and dad when we have to. Good luck :heart:

I have 16 year old, his dad knows that he exists but doest want to be involved in his life ( I gave him every chance to be in it how ever he wanted, but he never took it,) so I just let it be and raised him myself. I always answered every question truthfully and never lied to my child. Two days ago my child send me a pic and asked is this my dad and I said yes. Basically my point i had a talk and its my child’s choice to reach outt to his dad or not, no pressure. She is only 9 and has lots of questions so be honest as much as u can, tell her that she is the best thing in your life and without him she would not be there, so u are greatfull for that, but he had a choice and he choice not to be there, let her know when she is older she will be able to reach him and ask all the questions she has. Good luck

My daughter is 16 and now in therapy for this reason. It’s awful and sucks. Get her help now! Please message me. This hits so close to home.

Hit that mother fucker for all the child support he deserves to pay off he could start another family but wanted nothing to do with his first he is a pos in my book

Reach out, if he doesn’t respond, take his ass to the Steve Wilkos show! :+1:t3: The Steve Wilkos Show