My daughters father has randomly come into her life and wants more time: Thoughts?

Everytime I see a post where the father wants to come back because his new wife is making him :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:.

Are they doing it so they can pretend that it’s not a possibility he’ll do it to them?
He made his choice. Let him live with it. He doesn’t even give a shit.

Stop putting the child and her mother through this.

I wouldn’t have even allowed visits without me being there as well to be honest until this all blew through courts and we had legal documents stating absolutely everything. In the 3 years he’s been gone, he’s become a stranger and the wife is a stranger, and I don’t allow my children to visit strangers without a parent present who in this case would only be me since I’d have been a single mother for 3 years prior to baby daddy popping back in the picture. I’d be fighting for every other weekend in the courts until she’s older and can decide for herself. You don’t get to abandon your family and responsibilities for 3 years and come back with a new family and act like everything is normal and fine. You don’t get away with that. The kid deserves to have her dad in her life of course but it would be under my conditions ONLY until court 100%. I’d also be fearful of him receiving 50/50 with the amount he has been allowed to have her already now and he sounds like he’s pushing for something like that :confused:

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This man has had the new wife chirping in his ear and none of it good for you. He’s setting the stage and controlling the narrative. He can get out of child support if he keeps her more and I believe he’s about to steal your child from you. Please immediately consult a family court lawyer and protect your child at all costs.


It’s your child stand up for your rights

Make him stick to original agreement or take him to court and let them decide. He is setting u up!!!

Why did you allow this in the first place?


Do not let him have her. Only ever other weekend. Go to court asap and get a order. If he has not been in her life for 3 years he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If he gets an attorney you get an attorney. Family court will help with that. Good Luck!!!

on top of all the advice about getting a court order (definitely do that), try to be patient and give the wife grace. she is probably growing to love your child and isn’t trying to steal her away from you or raise her, she is just excited to get to meet her husband’s child. THAT BEING SAID, his role in her life seems like it may be performative and therefore likely temporary. if shit goes south with the new wife, he’ll dip again. i’d put money on that. however it seems the new stepmom has genuine interest in being in your daughter’s life and so long as she is respectful and good to your daughter, you should foster a relationship with her. sorry this advice is all over the place but ultimately, get a court order, limit time for now (your daughter barely knows this guy, father or not), and try to get to know her stepmom.

He has every right to see his child…Your best bet is to go see a lawyer…get everything put in writing and then make him abide by those rules because in the long run this situation will get ugly and end up there anyway…and you can make the stipulation that he must be present physically when your daughter is there…She is not his wife’s play doll. Reality, you don’t know what her true feelings are toward your child…I am going to say this wrong but your child can not be put into a situation that instant family complete…then when things aren’t going perfectly…then what happens…This is heading toward you losing your daughter to living with them…so nip this now and file for either full or joint custody and get his visitations in writing. Consult with a lawyer, they have free consultation and on Thursdays they have law thing check with the courthouse for times, it is free.

Nope set up visitation through courts

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Lawyer custody agreement child support

So my ex was like this. I had his son more then him. The mom stopped letting me arrange with her because she wanted his father too. I backed her up. Because she was right. Her and I didnt make that baby together. He refused to do his part. When I left him he made no effort. He sees neither kid now


I would talk to a lawyer to get city appointed set visitations for every other weekend. Show proof he hasn’t even seen her in 3 yrs.


I would go to a lawyer. Set up have a visitation schedule, go back to every other weekend, and be careful. Have him take parenting classes since he left with her when she was 2. It sounds like he is trying to replace you. Also, set up days where you visit both him and his wife with your child, a family outing if you will. Talk with your daughter. Talk about what happens at dad’s house and see how his wife treats her. Make sure she knows she can always come to you and talk to you about anything. Something fishy is happening


Go back to every other weekend! Make sure she is visiting with him! He is working on your emotions! He should be in her life, but not take over! His wife has no say in the situation! Even if she is nice & kind, the child is not hers! Stand your ground & go to court if you have to! I don’t know if the original visitation was court ordered or just agreed upon. The child is not a pawn. Get a schedule & stick with it!!!

Your father’s daughter wants his wife and your baby girl to get acquainted and get along. He is going to ask for full custody of this child since the child is spending more time over there with new wife then you. You need to get a new custody agreement asap.

This man was not in your daughter’s life for 3 years and now wants her more than half the time? She does deserve to know and gave a relationship with her father and his current wife, but there is no way I would agree to my child being there more than with me. Every other weekend and one day (not over night ) in the ‘off’ weeks. Be flexible, that if he asks for an extra day and you don’t already have plans, you can agree to, but You don’t have to agree to his every wish it request. Get a lawyer and get custody in writing, legally binding. Be careful, if you have no written legal agreement, you may have no legal recourse if he chooses not to return her, as he is the biological father.

Yiu need to get a lawyer and get legal custody before you lose your daughter. For all you know her dad may just disappear with her.

Absolutely not. He is trying to get custody and say he has her more than you. He is playing games. The wife may be pushing it so she can be a mom as well. Watch your back

Why is the new wife staying home all day? Is it because he wants to present a solid home base. Once he gets custody the child could be in day care five days a week. Another scenario perhaps?

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These things are usually worked by court order, a legal custody agreement, who pays child support, etc. I hope you have one and abide by the legal arrangement. If not, then you need to get one. If you can’t afford a lawyer then check with your state social service agency for information about free or pro-rated legal services.

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As important as it is for your daughter to have time with her father, let the courts decide. If you are a stable respectful person they will decide a reasonable solution. However always encourage het relationship with her father.

Why would you let someone who hasn’t been in her life for 3 years take her for visits at all? Does he pay support for her? If you don’t stand up
for yourself and her-he will take full custody of her.

Go to court, set up visitation. You are being very undecisive. His wife might be a nice person but who knows. What do you want for your daughter? What was so important for three years that he couldn’t spend time with his child.?

You need legal advice make sure you have legal custerdy till she is 18 I had to do this for my late eldest daughter when she was a, baby I had her made ward of the court so if he tryd to take her out of UK he couldn’t mind you he didn’t come into her life again till she was 15 yrs old

First of. Don’t keep her from her father! Unless she does not want, or shows signs of stress!

But in mean time do get legal advice and legal documentation of the agreement on how to care for your daughter. It is to keep both of you accountable!

But in the end your daughter come first. As for you and her father remember. Can’t use your feelings interfere!

Um…no. don’t let him take her until you go to court and he asks for visitation.

Go in ready with what you want though. In detail. Pick up times, drop off times. Dates. Holidays.
Every mothers day, she’s with you. Every fathers day, she’s with him…

Sounds like his wife is the one wanting visitation! He didn’t come around until he married her & he’s not the one spending time with her, his wife is. These people are strangers to your daughter, her own father is a stranger so his new wife is a complete stranger and now just because they ask they get your daughter that’s used to only you over 50% of the week. Nope. Dad can have weekend visitation if he’s home otherwise forget it.

Talk to a lawyerBe smarter than them or you may lose custody!!! One parent only is the custodial parent make sure that’s you!!! You make all the decisions! Never is it allowed to keep a child a week! You should have called the police! I guarantee their writing it down how often they have her! To use against you incourt!

U don’t have to let her go. The courts have a visitation provision for divorced parents and he is WAY over the line!

It’s very simple. Do not allow it !! You have nothing legally binding therefore he has zero rights. You are her legal guardian as he abandoned her years ago. He has absolutely no rights

You don’t know his wife well enough to leave her alone with your child. I hear too often how a boy or girl friend mistreats child and sometimes it’s too lake. Be careful.

In the wake of doing the right thing for your child you should of agreed to supervised visits because he has been absent and has a new person whom you do not know! That would be you acting in the best regards and protection of your daughter. He would still be visiting and seeing her but supervised and under your eyes so you say see his true intentions and start from there.

Nope. Get custody orders and child support set. Standard would be for him to have first, third and fifth weekends from Friday at 6:00 until Sunday at 6:00, alternating holidays and 30 days in the summer. Don’t let him dictate this and don’t agree to more.

Our visitation is every other weekend 6 on Friday night to 6 on Sunday and the week he doesn’t go that weekend he goes on Wednesday 6 to 8 which works good for us then dad would be home u don’t have any court orders so it’s your choice see a lawyer

Get a lawyer. He’s slowly trying to take custody of your daughter from you. Are they having her call step mom “mommy”? This is a little too fishy.

grow a spine say no, see an attorney and go to court. If he has her more than 50% of the time (no matter who is watching her while in his custody), he can go for full custody and make you pay child support. Run, don’t walk to a family law attorney.

Make sure in writing at school no one but you can pick her up! But you! Educate yourself

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He trying to not pay children support by having the child more,so going to try to get a 50/50 so he doesn’t have to pay child support, watch you back

Family court get everything heard and established legally.You don’t need a lawyer for family court in most states.I would be afraid he’s going to try to take your daughter away from you

I’m estranged father after my divorce, but if he can’t spend anytime with her. Maybe he should go back to every other weekend. So that their time together is quality time.

Go to court. Get appointed visitation times and let the court know he hasn’t been complying with the times previously agreed on
Also let them know that the child spends more time with his wife rather than her Father who she is supposed to be visiting. He could be setting things up to kidnap the child and run. You must take this seriously.

Get a good lawyer now…he is about to take your child…You could sue him for child support over the years he has not paid…that might cool his heels…this is a ploy of some sort but you child is not going to be in a good place with the two of them.

If you don’t move quickly you will be the loser! Have plans for the weekend !every weekend is not the way joint custody works!!! And it should not be joint custody

A structured visitation schedule needs to be put in to place.

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Get to know his wife have outings together good luck mom you r doing right let that dad be a part if her life everyother weekend or 3 weekends out if the mth good luck

Are you upset because he is spending more time with the new wife?
Either way put your personal feelings aside and see a lawyer. Get terms in writing.
Good luck

Stop this right now. Your daughter is too young for this. You are her mother and raised her to this point. Don’t back down. Need written agreement. 4 days a week after basically being gone for four to five years? Are you kidding?

Take him back to court and specify the shared custody agreement and let it be known what he is doing…

You better step up now see a lawyer get advice some where before it’s to late you keep the child let him get her every other weekend split Holliday’s but make your place her primary :house: home

I would see a lawyer asap hes trying to take your daughter for his new wife to raise. You say hes been out of her life for 3 years. I think you should see a lawyer since it sounds like hes trying to take her anyway.

you need to set your foot down do not let him have everything she wants does not seem he wants her but hiswife does

visitation is for the father if he isnt there neither should be the child

, he should be there when she is there,.go to Court,let the judge set it,

I wouldn’t be allowing her to go over there, nope. If dad wasn’t there, my daughter wouldn’t be going.

Stop being a nandy-pandy and stick to the original agreement. The child also needs consistency. There needs to be a sit-down with husband and find out what he’s doing. If you don’t trust it, don’t do it. If you have to, seek an attorney.

I agree with Linda. And BTW, why are you letting her father dictate? She is your daughter too.

Put him in remembrance on how it works. Put a stop on what has now become an issue. You’s-the-momma

Get a lawyer who specializes in child custody. You don’t know this man or his wife. What are they telling your daughter behind your back?

You don’t need to give in - normal visitation is every other weekend and 1Day a week after school- is he paying child support? If not go to court.

It’s his daughter, he left you not the child! Takes two to tangle!

Is there a court order for custody and visitation? If not get IT NOW!!!

You are in control of your life not him. Go to a mediator and set up visitation rights. Do not allow no one control you.

If he has done nothing wrong then yes try to work him into her life. It is Extremely important.

You agreed to every other weekend so stuck to that.

Go by visitation guidelines in your state. If none then one day per week and every other weekend. Get a lawyer

Go to court. Do not put up with his crap. Let them make the decisions. Then it will be court ordered. I have been there but my ex left and left my children same time. Came back into their lives as adults. Not good situation but at least they were on good terms when he died.

Get everything in writing, go to court and have guidelines for him to follow

Fall back to the original visitation. If there is none…make him go to court for it

Why are you letting him determine visitation. Rotate weekends, rotate holidays and home during the week. He is going to take as much as you give him if you don’t say anything!. Get your attorney involved immediately or get a mediator.

How old is your daughter now? And please get a LAWYER

Does he pay child support? If he hasn’t or doesn’t then I wouldn’t let him buy me into more time.get a lawyer.

If he left Id be damned if he would have her & No way she would be there with his new wife Go get Papers drawn !!!

You better get a lawyer cause he will take her from you make his bi s it set by the courts

Stick to the original court order. It is “almost” impossible for him to get it changed

No court-ordered visitation plan?

Sounds a little werid. He needs to be with her if he wants visits. Sound like he is up to no good .

Have a conversation with his wife.

Go to court and get visitation set up with the courts.

Stop visitations until you get a custody agreement in court!!!

Be very careful…get a good Lawyer.

Every other weekend and he has to be there. Otherwise, no visit. Go to court if need to

they’re his children too

Seek legal help. I think it’s in your best interest

Back to court to set visitation rights

Give him his every other weekend period.

He wants to claim her for taxes.

Go to court them will straighten everything out

Court ordered time and stick to it

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Who did the court award her to

Unless he has visitation right ordered thru the courts then he has no rights to see her without you being present. Put a stop to this madness and go to court for support and visitation rights. Don’t be a fool.

get court approved visits & payments. new wife wants child

Stick to every other weekend, why let another woman raise your child if he isn’t even there?

Put your foot down and take control!!

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You need to establish physical/permanent custody no matter what right away through the courts if you didn’t have that in affect already. Right now without that he can just up and take her and not return her to you and make you go through court to get her back. You need to pull back visits right away til you get that paperwork handled. If he really wants to be in her life he will not fight you on that and support getting that done and visitation paperwork worked out immediately. Child support is another issue for another day. Now with visitation, parents get uppity on is because they think that is what the dad/parent is ONLY allowed. That is not the case what so ever. That paperwork is for what the dad/parent is allowed at minimum if the parents can’t get along. It protects the parent’s minimum visitations. You can put in a provision like you both agree to an open door policy as long as Dad is in her presence 75% of the time. So to avoid the step Mom caring for her most of the time. As they show good faith and good behavior, you get to know the new wife better and you feel like she is trust worthy, then you can move onto her spending more time with them. As long as she is enjoying the time, no behavioral issue are arising from the time split. We should always want to unify families. It can be a situation where everyone gets along and has that blended family. Yet you need to have balance and agreement between everyone so there is no Grey area where someone can say well we didn’t discuss that so I just thought that was OK. I.E. medical visits, haircuts, trips, etc. It all needs to be iron out before hand and moving forward. You can always go back and modify paperwork as need if something bad happens or as she gets older adjust living arrangement. But should always be put in writing to protect both parents intent.

People she has grown up with!! The mother does not even know his wife!ior what their intention are!!!

Sorry to say that …Stupid idiot … how can you just left your daughter who is only 5 year old with other woman ?? You don’t read news ?? You not worry about your daughter ??? Get her back and tell your ex to visit her if he want … that’s it …my son is 5 year old and I don’t even allow him to stay with my wife parent without my wife around … better be safe than sorry …

Absolutely not. Get a lawyer

Get your ass. To a lawyer.

Go to the court immediately.