My daughters husband sends me good morning messages: Should I tell her?

My daughters husband has been sending me “good morning text messages” I feel its weird and inappropriate. I have been divorced for 8 yrs . I don’t know if he does it because he thinks I’m “lonely “ I surely don’t want hurt my daughter by telling her~ her husband of 20yrs is acting in a “flirty” manner towards me . What should I do ? This is so uncomfortable. I told him to stop sending me messages , but he doesn’t stop .


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughters husband sends me good morning messages: Should I tell her?

Talk to the husband first. See if he’s just being nice. If he’s being gre@sy yeah tell your kid


Tell. Send screen shots and block him


Why not just block his number?


Does he actually say, “good morning text messages”


You have already told him to stop. So talk to daughter


Yes tell your Daughter as u already told him to stop This is inappropriate


If you’ve told him to stop and he continues then tell her


Tell him to stop, that it makes you uncomfortable. If he doesn’t then tell your daughter

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Ask him why he is doing it


I would just tell him he’s making you very uncomfortable


Just because someone says good morning doesnt mean they are flirting🙄Maybe just be an adult and ask him what the hell he wants. You tell him once again to stop and if he does it again then you show the evidence to your daughter


Of course lol. Is this for real? If so yes!!!

You have asked him to STOP
He hasent :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Time to show her & let her deal w/him !!!

Show her the messages and be open with her about it! U have told him to stop now u should tell her to talk to him. Maybe all sit down together and talk this out. But the one thing is u don’t want ur daughter to think anything different from the truth!


You need to tell your daughter because if she finds out a different way then she may be done with you.


Maybe he’s just being nice? You telling him to stop definitely is a red flag that he did not though


If it’s just good morning… this just seems like a weird question… my husband speaks to my mama too she would never make any weird assumptions like that.


Let’s hope it doesn’t back fire. you telling her and then she cuts you off because he makes you seem like your crazy :ok_hand:

Wow wtf it’s your kid tell her. And also I would definitely make my daughters husband stop long ago period!!! My child will not play the fool.

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Curse him out and tar and feather for doing that nonsense while married!!! Get creative and make sure he remembers his lesson.

Um yes tell lol. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I would just discuss it with your daughter. If it makes you uncomfortable just tell her. Even if it’s just a “hey ***** messages me every morning, did you know about that? I feel it’s a little excessive everyday although I appreciate the gesture could you talk to him and just tell him not to do it or do it as often?”

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Just mention it infront of her that he is so sweet to tell you good morning everyday… that way he knows you ain’t playing anymore and stop or she will find it odd and stop it herself!


You probably on his broadcast list aunty. Relax man


Well. You’ve known him for 20 years. Why wouldn’t you have said something to either of them sooner? It doesn’t seem that uncomfortable if you aren’t willing to speak up about it.

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How is A good morning flirty? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


It shouldnt have gone to messageSsss it was supposed to me mentioned to her on the first message.

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Do nothing if he is only saying Good Morning. If flirting in text. Send stop message and then show daughter.
But, perhaps he was hacked and it is not coming from him.


I mean my partner text my mom all the time before he passed and she’s married. He would be like “Good morning Mom”, or “Just want you to know we’re missing you mom”… I loved that he did that and to my mom that will always be her son. Instead of making it weird maybe say something like “Hey Son, how’s _____(your daughters name)”. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want your Son In Law to text you or reach out to you but that’s just my opinion.


Spray him with pepper spray lol


Maybe he is just being nice :woman_shrugging:t3:. Unless he’s actually coming on to you, I would assume he’s just being nice.


Tell her the truth and let her know

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I mean I can understand if he’s trying to cheer you up by sending messages but not everyday and good morning texts imo are a bit weird. Maybe asking how you are etc. Especially if you told him to stop and hasn’t… I would tell her what’s going on and she can figure it out from there!!

Someone saying good morning does not by any means mean anything sexual or they are flirting.
If it’s simply a good morning, how are you, have a great day… then you are reading way more into it and should probably evaluate yourself.
Perhaps he is just being a nice, genuine person bc he cares about you.
Ask him why he does it.


This is just weird.or maybe not. Maybe he is not flirting. But being kind.but I’m sure you would know the difference. I’d talk to my daughter.


Block his damn number! That’s your daughter!! Do you really have to ask?!

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Mention it in front of her.


She needs to know!!!

Screenshot it and send it to her and ask her what she thinks. Might not be flirty, but nothing wrong with just “good morning” texts

Just tell your daughter hey I appreciate your husband’s trying to be nice however it’s making me uncomfortable that every single morning he’s sending me good morning texts. It does not feel appropriate for him to be doing so


I think he’s just letting you know you’re thought about

Let her know it is creep AF

My husband and mother send snap chats and he tells her she looks beautiful and different things🤷‍♀️


Your son in law is sending you good morning text messages??? What’s so flirty about that?? Would you consider it flirty if you were not divorced?? Maybe he sends his bio mom and you his mom in-law a gm text every morning and sees nothing wrong with it. Idk maybe I’m too trusting and don’t see anything wrong with it.


A good morning text isn’t being flirtatious can you be more specific?

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If he has already been told that you want him to stop and that it makes you feel uncomfortable then I see no reason why you shouldn’t bring it up to your daughter. Whether its just a nice gesture or he is actually flirting he is over stepping more than just boundaries in his marriage now. But he is over stepping your boundaries. You shouldn’t have to tell him twice that it makes you uncomfortable. So yes tell your daughter!!


The inappropriate part that crosses the line is that you’ve asked him to stop and he doesn’t. That’s weird…


You told him stop and he did not. Definitely a problem. If he is doing it to you. He could be doing it to anyone. Not cool. I know how hard it is to hold a secret in and why it feels like it might be better not to tell but honestly if she find out later or you tell her later she is going to have trust issues cause you didn’t right away. It’s going to be hard either way. Good luck to you.

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I say good Morning to my son n law and I’ll say can you how are y’all doing?
Can you please have my daughter look at her messenger or whatever and I ask how her new job is going. I’m not flirting and I don’t mean anything by it and I say I love :heart: y’all . Is that flirting to me it’s not it’s just being nice . I’m married to and I have asked if there new tattoo shop is ready yet

What makes it flirting ? What makes it weird ? Is he not just being nice to his mother in law checking in how do you know ur daughter doesn’t know ask him to send you a quick text


Maybe your on a group feed

So if it’s nothing new, then I would just mention that you’ve asked him to stop and if your daughter could see to that you would appreciate it. If it’s new behavior, I would question why? Did you have a recent event happen and maybe he’s just letting you know you’re being thought of? Does it go beyond good morning? Are you included in a group chat?
Honestly, in my opinion, either way, you’ve asked him to stop and he isn’t. That is a boundary being crossed and THAT PIECE does need to be addressed. The other part needs answers and actions from there.

It could just simply be a good morning to his mother in law…why assume he’s flirting with you? That’s what’s weird.


Tell your daughter and block his number

Tell your daughter right this instant!! Don’t ever keep this shit from your family EVER!!!

The next time you are all 3 together, I would tell her how pleasant it is to have a greeting every morning from him and how you would love to hear from her , too. He just might be trying to be pleasant.


I say good Morning to my son n law and I’ll say can you how are y’all doing?
Can you please have my daughter look at her messenger or whatever and I ask how her new job is going. I’m not flirting and I don’t mean anything by it and I say I love :heart: y’all . Is that flirting to me it’s not it’s just being nice . I’m married to and I have asked if there new tattoo shop is ready yet

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Even if he’s being nice he isn’t because he’s not respecting your boundaries. absolutely tell your daughter (I feel maybe you don’t have a good relationship if you’re having to ask if you should tell her so that’s tough). I’d simply say hey so and so keeps messaging me and it’s weird and tell her you asked him to stop but he hasn’t so you blocked him.

Why don’t you ask him and be a big girl maybe he’s just being nice


i’d let her know. my boyfriends dad will send me good morning texts, but he does him too. so it’s not weird for us. the fact you told him to stop and he still does, that’s completely inappropriate and would make me uncomfortable as well.

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Everyone sayin it may be innocent isn’t necessarily wrong, but what makes it wrong is you’ve asked him to stop and he won’t. Crossing boundaries, whether innocent or not, is never ok. I would just tell your daughter that while you Understand he’s probably just being nice, it’s making you uncomfortable because when you asked him to stop, he doesn’t.

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I really don’t see what the big deal is with somebody reminding you that they’re happy you’re alive because you gave birth to the woman they love

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Maybe he just wants to be close with his family. Why did you tell him to stop saying good morning and why is it flirtatious? More context

I feel like there is more to the story than what you’ve posted. It’s very odd he sends these to you since you feel he’s being flirty. There is missing context.


Funny how people are so quick to be so judgemental. Never understood that if someone felt it was truly inappropriate, don’t just stop there. Hook, line, and sinker them. Mess with them. Tell him ok this is weird, just stop by and let me suck you off. Then see his response, then show the daughter and devise a plan to leave. He’ll either try to go for it and he’ll be caught red handed, or his innocence will show and he’ll ask his wife “yo wtf is up with your mom?” Either way they’ll have a clear cut answer on his motives and the true person he is. Uhhh. Why can’t people just be smarter about things. Lol

Saying good morning is flirting? My first thought would never be my daughter’s husband is flirting with me. This is oddly weird

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It really doesn’t matter if it’s flirty or not. She said it makes her uncomfortable and she’s asked him to stop. His refusal to respect that is a problem.


Your daughter should be told as this is a big red flag.


If you asked him to stop and he hasn’t and u haven’t told your daughter yet. U should.


It really doesn’t matter if it’s flirty or not. She said it makes her uncomfortable and she’s asked him to stop. His refusal to respect that is a problem.



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If you’ve already told them it makes you uncomfortable and he continues then yeah you should let your daughter know


Block him…maybe he’ll get the message

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Ohhhh I would spill the tea. He’s probably cheating on her elsewhere already.


Are the messages flirty? I don’t think it’s weird if they aren’t. My aunt sends out good night texts almost every night to me, my husband, my friends and many of my other family members. She’s just kind and she stays connected like that🤷🏻‍♀️


What is he saying besides good morning?


Wonder who else he’s messaging, maybe he just appreciates you but since you’ve asked him to stop and he hadn’t that’s a huge red flag. Confront it and discuss it with your daughter.

Maybe she’s asked him to. Maybe she wants you to get along as he is your family and maybe she feels you are lonely

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i think you should mention it to her but on the basis of you have asked him to stop and he isn’t respecting your boundaries.


What’s he saying other than good morning?

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What is his family like? Like is his mom still around? That could make a difference. I would tell your daughter only so it’s not a weird secret but I would not say he is flirting unless there is more In the messages than you let on. She may be able to clue you into the why or maybe help get him to stop. If you already told him to stop that is super weird that he would continue. You may have to tell him again assertively but with out adding to it. Like don’t flirt with me is weird. But make it clear that the communication is unwanted. I like the “hey son, how’s _____” idea above

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Ignore his texts but I’d tell her cause you said stop and he didn’t stop

If you’ve already asked him to stop and he won’t, it’s time to tell her. It may hurt her feelings but it’s certainly better than letting it continue without her knowing. Makes you wonder who else is getting those texts too


Question is have you replied to any of them and what did you say?

Block him if you don’t want the messages.

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Save all his messages including yours asking him to stop and show her. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable.


If you feel uncomfortable with him messaging you that’s fine, you have every right to ask him to stop. But to suggest that he’s flirting with you having no good evidence, no, keep that to yourself. They don’t need that trial in their marriage.


U told him to Stop" & he won’t listen I think u need to tell ur daughter now at least she’ll be able to read messages n kno u tried to avoid having u to find out wat :dog2: she has as a husband

All you have to do is not answer his messages that is the line being crossed by you

                                And your son in law

Text him the good morning messages are no longer needed & leave it at that.

He probably just thinks your old and lonely how are you taking it as flirting


Tell him to stop in front of her

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Definitely tell your daughter. Let her know he’s sending the messages and that you’re not sure how to take them. Let her know you’ve asked him to stop but he hasn’t and let her take it from there. Could be she already knows and doesn’t think anything of it. Perfectly reasonable they could just be letting you know he and your daughter are there.

He says good morning and you think he’s flirting with you ???


Have you asked him why or tried telling him not to. Definately bit strange but id speak to him first n he might have meant nothing n is embarrassed

It just says GOOD MORNING???

I would tell him please stop this makes me uncomfortable and if you continue I will screenshot and show my daughter. The daughter may know and encourage him having a better relationship with you, or may know nothing at all but you won’t know until you communicate.

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Do not answer it one day. Then call back–when you know his wife will answer, and tell her you were checking up on them because you missed a call at whatever time he called.