My 6 month old is in the 90th percentlie for height and weight and his doctor constantly tells me i am feeding him too much? is this a real thing? hes literally a baby so i dont get it
My son was in the 90th percentile at one point as an infant. Now he’s 9 and average weight.
Definitely get a new doctor. All my kids were in the 90th percentile as baby’s and toddlers and there healthy. Some kids just grow faster then others.
Because of the obesity in children, doctors are trying to get ahead of it. If your doctor is making you feel uncomfortable about what they’re saying about their weight, get a new doctor. I doubt he was trying to “body shame” your child, but if you dont like it, find a doctor you do like
Would you take the Drs word if they said your baby was under weight? Look at it that way. There is such thing as over feeding. If you don’t like his response get a second opinion. Some parents go straight to food or a bottle if a baby is fussy.
My daughters Dr just did this the other day and it irritated me so much. My daughter will be 3 in late August and she weighs 41lbs and 3’2 and at 99th percentile and the Dr told me she is too heavy for her height and said I need to get her more active even though she is always active. my daughter is not even chubby. She is built husky and has a lot of muscle for her age. It made me so mad. Made me feel like she literally fat shamed my almost 3 year old daughter.
90th percentile still means baby is on scale so wth
See a different Dr. a Dr wouldn’t body shame a baby unless they are way over the weight limit.
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I’m not a mother but uhhh isn’t the baby suppose to grow rapidly in the first year
I was always told the samething even tho I knew I wasn’t he was just a big baby from birth. He is now 19 never been a big guy his whole life. He’s 6’4" and like 160lbs
If the baby is eating without throwing it back up then I feel they’re fine. I’ve had Doctors feed me them lines as well and they were only babies. They all grew to be healthy & happy children with no issues. Some babies are just larger and that is okay my chunkier babies are my skinnier teenagers and my skinny babies have more weight now so it went backwards as they aged.
It’s a doctor and giving health advise not sone random on TikTok same as if the baby was underweight and you weren’t feeding them enough …
That’s not body shaming
Obesity is real and as the parent you are kinda in charge of the food intake
I’m obese and would never want a doctor to lie to me about it
Also…doesn’t matter how many doctors you go to your child’s weight will still be the same
I’m sorry but that’s not body shaming your child🤦🏻‍♀️ … if he told you that your child was under weight would you find a new Dr? Or would you take his word as your child’s DR? My daughter was a 9lb newborn and started eating 6-8 within 3 weeks of giving birth to her and she was in the 90s percentile for weight clear up until 1½yrs old and in the 80s for her height. Her Dr always told me as long as she not throwing it up then feed her🤷🏻‍♀️
My son ate 8 oz right outta the womb. They did the same to me
A doctor is supposed to provide health advice. Rather you’re 6 months old or 60 years old, it’s their job to inform you of these things. There’s really no reason to be offended by it. I wouldn’t call it “body shaming” when it’s literally coming from a healthcare professional to an infant.
Body shaming??? Really???
When my son was like 4/5ish months he was already 20lbs and was so big he didn’t even fit into a baby carrier anymore! Guess what…now he’s almost 7 and still in the 90th% and the most skinny kid you will ever see! If your child is chunky monkey like mine was and every other kid I know then they will lose all chunk when they start walking!! It’s normal! If your child was like 2 and up and on the heavy side THEN worry! You need a new doc asap!
Body shaming sorry that’s not body shaming at all. He is probably trying to tell you that you are over feeding bub. Oh these questions have got me like yahoo answers lol
My third baby is off the chart up the top and she is almost 1. Her birth weight was 10lbs 14oz and she grew rapidly she was in size 4 pulls up by 1 month old big sizes in clothes. She will be 1 in a few weeks and she was in a size 8 pull ups I finally fount them after being in a size 7 for months but now she is going into those size 3-4 training pants, she fits into size 4-5 years in clothes around her waist but I was told by my health visitor she was measuring length and weight by a 1 to 2 year old.
Did you really just say the doctor was body shaming your baby?
I’m baby is in the 90% in all areas but head circumference where he is 75% and is considered healthy by his dr. Those numbers are just a comparison to other babies…I was considered obese as a baby and was suppose to be put on a diet,i never was, then I was far to skinny in gradeschool and then as a teen I was “one of the healthiest teens” my dr. Has seen. Trust your gut mama.
Child obesity is a real thing. It could hender your child from developing some skills.
My son is in the 90% for height and weight for his age. But we know why. He’s on steroids. It’s to be expected. My doctor tells me. As long as he can run and have fun and it doesn’t affect his self esteem. He fine. But once we get him off these meds, he will go to a normal weight.
Are you feeding formula or breast milk? You can’t overfeed on breast milk. You can on formula.
My son was always 90-100 percentile for his h/w! I paid no attention to it and my doctor didn’t make a big deal about either. My son was tall and chunky what they called husky Myself and his dad are both larger then average. I was born at 11lbs 7oz - 21” and nobody shamed my mom for me being as big as a three month old. Ha! Either your baby will slim out once he starts to walk and be active or he’s just going to be a big boy! Love chunky babies
Find another doctor- NOW!
Don’t be so ridiculous…
My baby girl is rolls on rolls, yes she’s higher in weight and height but until she’s walking I’m not worrying. Most of it will be baby fat.
A doctor wanting your child to be healthy is not body shaming. Read your post out loud and hear the ridiculousness for yourself
Urm, maybe Google the term?
It is not body shaming. An infant that is significantly over-weight is concerning, and you should definitely be concerned if your doctor is. You want to make sure your child won’t end up with breathing issues or have unnecessary stress to the heart.
as long as your baby is following their growth chart (has always been around 90th percentile and not a sudden growth) and height and weight are around the same percentile (weight isn’t 90th percentile with height at like 15th). my girl just turned 2 and she’s in 5t clothes. she was always 90th+ percentile , she was exclusively bf on demand until 9m so no way was she being over fed lol. some babies are just bigger / smaller. i would definitely not let a literal infant go hungry ; your doctor is dumb
Your doctors a butt.
Feed that baby! He’s a happy healthy baby. That’s a good thing! :)))
it’s not body shaming haha! It’s a growth chart and there is a good chance that it is from the baby eating too much or it could be just a big baby. Don’t take it seriously
Babys are surposed to be chubby . nothing wrong with that my little man is a chubby little 3 in a half month old baby boy I would be Moor conserned if he wasn’t chubby
You can do something about the weight, but not the height. Not sure what the doctor was thinking there. If your baby stop growing in height and only in weight, then you can be concerned. And you can over feed your baby which will lead to problem later in his life.
My twins(who started out 3.9 and 3.10 pounds as 32 week preemies) have stayed in the 90th percentile for h/w since they caught up on the growth chart. They’re 5 and still in the 90th…and they’re both perfectly healthy, active, love healthy foods etc. I would just feed the baby when the baby is hungry, he is only 6 months! If when he starts getting older it becomes an issue that’s when I would worry…but some kids really are just bigger!
No omg wtf, my first daughter has almost always been in the 90% for weight and height and it’s never been a problem
All my kids were overweight, I didn’t worry about it, they all stretched out and their weight balanced out on their own time.
My dr called my 5 yr old obese, he’s 46 inches tall and weighs 62 pounds. Me and my husband were a bit offended too.
If you don’t like your doctor change it!
My daughter was in the 95 percentile don’t let the doctor stress you out as soon as they are crawling and walking they will burn that baby weight off
My son has been on the 98th percentile for height and weight since he was 2 months old and his now 11 months old, he hasn’t got a fat roll on his body he’s just tall and heavy.
You are aware if a dr is comenting on weight its bc of health reasons right? Childhood diabetes is real and severe. I get you have a baby but the doctor is doing their job that they went to school many years for. This body shaming stuff needs to stop its about health for people of any age. We go to the doctor to get healthy. Sometimes they gotta be brutally honest
Large percentile babies can be indicative of metabolic disorders like thyroid issues and diabetes. Especially if there’s not familial history to support large babies.
Next visit ask if he’s concerned let’s do an endocrine panel.
Also there’s a difference between chubby baby and an obese baby. Obesity in infants and toddlers absolutely can cause bone and muscle development issues as well gross and fine motor delay.
Oh and potential pituitary gland issues.
I would strongly advise switching doctors. Go to your local moms group and ask for suggestions! Good luckđź’•
Oh pooh! Don’t you even worry. As the baby grows and starts moving more they will then out. Mine were both healthy chunky babies. Once they started crawling and walking the baby fat went away. If ur baby is both height and weight 90% don’t fret. Ge will even out soon enough. He’s just a baby. Now if he was like 4 or 5 then maybe watch. That formula weight will subside once solid foods are introduced and bottles are cut back and gone. Let that baby eat and ignore the nay sayers
I would get a second opinion. Some kids are just bigger than others. As long as he’s growing in both height and weight, I don’t think there’s a problem. You have to look at the people in your family too. Are the people in your family tall? It could be as simple as genetics. If the people in your family are of average height and weight and a second doctor tells you your baby is getting a little heavy, listen to what he recommends diet-wise. It may be as simple as offering more water in place of food. But I wouldn’t get too concerned yet. As another writer observed, the day will come when your son will begin crawling and walking… where his energy and curiosity will more than make up in calories burned for what he takes in extra now.
Our son was always in the lower % but when he got older he went for a physical and they said he was borderline overweight but I had to buy him slim pants…he was so skinny just heavy because he is very muscular. Those ratings are so off. If my kid needs slim pants he is no where near overweight. He’s now 16, super in shape and almost 6ft tall. Don’t pay too much attention to the stupid things they try to measure kids by
I stopped taking my son to plunket, a service in NZ, because they told me my 6month old son was obese because he was in the 100th percentile in every measurement. He legit looked like a normal baby boy, just big for his age, nothing obese about him. I was shocked and very annoyed by it all.
Yes some baby’s will eat and eat even when not necessarily hungry
Body shaming a 6 month old? That’s funny! No one shamed there but you. It is your doctor’s job to tell you what is healthy, or unhealthy, for your baby.
It’s not body shaming they are just concerned and keeping an eye out for a potential issue. But some kids are just bigger bit it is possible to be over fed, not saying you are doing that.
I was told, regarding my First –
According to her Age, she is OVERWEIGHT.
According to her Height, she is UNDERWEIGHT.
I asked, well which one is it ?? Because it is physically Impossible to be Both at the same time…
Next thing I knew, Miss Mildred was calling out, Loudly, that she needed the Baby and Me in her office. ((Something about that one was not used to anyone standing up to her.))
Body shame? Like is he saying rude things or simply saying the percentile and stuff like they are supposed to do
Honestly, I prefer that a doctor always be brutally honest… whether about me or my kids. Not everything needs to be sugar coated. Remember a doctor gives his medical opinion - and the measurements are there as guidance for us as parents. He, on the other hand is there for medical advice and facts. Don’t take it as an attack - if you’re doing everything right then perhaps as he starts crawling and he moves more then he will be in the normal range. If you have always had a good relationship with your doctor - then by all means don’t change. Parents are very sensitive when there is criticism involved… consider your doctors POV as constructive. It may be that your baby is just bigger than most naturally. This however does not mean that the doctor should not give his medical opinion. Don’t be too hard on yourself about this. Do your best and keep up the good work
Dr consider if child is muscular?
Meaning good muscle health?
Muscle weighs more than body fat
If your baby is too heavy you can give them sugar diabetes and other bad health things it’s not good for anybody to be very much overweight and yes you can overfeed your baby
U get shamed for having a bigger baby saying ur over feeding then u get shamed if ur baby is on the low end of the percentile r u starving him ur not feeding him enough. All baby’s are not A*textbook which is what they like. Xc
Yes, some baby’s can eat to much. It’s not healthy.
Bad eating habits are a learned habits. Babies and toddlers are self regulated they eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. It is likely but uncommon that a baby is over eating without encouragement. As to whether or not this baby is unhealthy, when ever it comes to our children I always suggest a second opinions. It is possible that the issue is what the baby is eating not how much the baby is eating. Don’t really think you can body shame a baby. But I can tell you that an over weight baby is Dangerous and needs to be addressed if that is the case. 
I was told my baby boy was too tall… he’s 10 now and average height
Marshmallow babies are so cute
When my son was in elementary school his pediatrician said he was fluffy. Now he is 21 over 6 ft tall and close to 300 lbs. he is a big . I hate it for who ever pisses him off. Not gonna be pretty for the other guy.
If your baby is only eating breastmilk or formula, I would ignore what the Dr says. If he is also eating solid foods, I would make sure the solids are healthy foods.
It’s your doctors job to make sure your child is healthy… Why are people so overly sensitive?? How the hell can you body shame a baby who has no clue wtf anyone is saying?? Grow the hell up and work with your doctor, your baby could have underlying health problems or develop health problems because of this… That’s far worse than so called “shaming”
You realize it’s their JOB to express their health concerns… stop being dramatic.
Every baby is different, if you don’t feel comfortable change doctors
My first two babies were off the charts - once they started moving - extra weight fell off.
Dr is an arsehole.
I had one nurse tell me my 4yo was over weight for his bmi and the other a few months later said he was perfect, some are just nasty and stuck in the past, as others have said they act like babies all come from from a textbook/carbon copy printer
I think your just been abit sensitive xxx
Babies can overeat my boy would keep eating if I didn’t stop him he has literally ate so much he gorged himself to the point he puked so yes you can overfeed your baby and it’s good to watch their weight I have a big boy for only being 11 months he loves food and I always have to cut him off cuz I know he would just eat and eat if he had the chance and I know his 1 year appt they are gonna tell me he is on the bigger side and I know he is but all my boys were till they reached like 3 then they slimmed out so I don’t worry too much about it
He is saying you are feeding him too much he didn’t say he was fat. He is concerned that if you keep feeding him too much he will have health concerns if he gains too much weight like diabetes, breathing or heart concerns that are way worse.
All my babies, 3 boys were over the chart
They are Tall , over 6 feet and average weight now.
Body shaming a baby? Is this a joke? Do what your pediatrician tells you. It’s literally their job and it’s pretty clear from the question that you shouldn’t be the one deciding things.
I dont think the dr is body shaming. It is literally their job to keep baby healthy and let you know when certain habits can cause baby to be unhealthy.
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If height and weight match then there isn’t a problem!
Was him saying you were feeding him too much in response to you actually telling him the amount he is eating? Maybe it IS too much?
That is not body shaming. It’s literally the doctors job to educate you on baby’s health and overall well being.
Find a new Dr. Babies come in all shapes and sizes. My 2 year old was a huge baby and slimmed down when he started walking. My 10 month old is tiny and very petite. If you disagree with your pediatrician, find a new one
I would be more concerned if the height was 20% and weight 90%. Maybe keep a record of how much he eats so it can be discussed at his next appt. Definitely make sure you are not fully allowing him to dictate how much is being eaten.
He’s just a baby!!! Let him eat as much as he can!! Fuck wht the doctors say and do what you feel is right! And he feels is right
Sounds like a doctor stuck in the past. Older doctors say things like that about babies. Newer docs don’t care as long as the baby is healthy.
That’s not shaming not everything you don’t like to hear is body shaming
They tried to put my 2nd born on a diet at 6 months old. My kids were all on a feeding schedule. Not overfed. It’s baby fat, they slim down as soon as they start crawling and walking. That little fat baby is now a 6’3 athletic 15 year old. You choose for your baby. These doctors think if they seen one, they seen all… Every child is different.
My children were both above 90th percentile until around 3 years old perfectly normal my youngest now 12 is a beanpole now
Are you guys serious?? That’s not body shaming it’s his job. I mean he’s there to make sure the baby is healthy.
All my kids have always been in the 90th and their doctors don’t say a thing!
It’s normal to feed them when they are babies.When they start walking,they loose weight.
I remember my dr saying the same thing but i kept on feeding my baby …here he is nice and healthy with a big appetite
No it is not a real thing!! Id be looking for a different dr if hes going to treat a BABY like that.
As long as baby’s height and weight are in proportion and he hasn’t had a significant gain in a short amount of time there generally isn’t cause for concern. But possibly you told the doctor what you are feeding and the doctor thinks it’s too often or too much?
Maybe he jumped in weight percentile? Usually they only say something if the child jumps up or down in percentiles.
Lmfao your doctor didn’t body shame your baby.
That’s not body shaming. Juvenile diabetes is a real thing and it starts at birth. You may be feeding him too much and he’s gaining weight to fast.
Your doctor sounds like he is uneducated and has no tact.
Get a new pediatrician.