My doctor body shamed my baby: Advice?

I was constantly told my daughter was overweight this is her at 8 months…and at 12. Every kid is different. As long as they are eating appropriate things/amounts for their age. FYI my son is the exact opposite he was a tiny baby he’s now 8 and going through a “chunky” stage.

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If he’s eating solid food, I totally recommend keeping him on a healthy choices course. Kids get set up by the poor choices their parents make. Stick to pure and wholesome choices. Even baby food puts sweetstuff in there so consumers will buy it because their kid eats it. Kids with parents who make poor diet choices for their kids raise kids who are predestined to make poor choices and high risk for being a target for bullies not to mention diabetes, heart disease and a million other issues. If this isn’t you, then disregard what I’ve written. Your dr is doing his/her job and I commend them for it. If they said nothing, I’d be looking for a new Dr who cares.


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Find a new doctor ASAP


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Do not over feed your child.thats not good.yes babies lose their baby fat as they get older, but not all babies.:slightly_smiling_face:

I heard it with all 3 never paid it any mind.

Yes its a thing
Baby’s usually grow out of their fatness but if they don’t it’s terrible for their health . Check how many ounces a baby that age should be having 10 ounce give or take from that number is fine but any more n I’d say it’s a problem.

My little boy was a fat baby. Like wearing 18 months at 6 months. The. He was in those 18 months clothes for 3 years. Now, he is getting close to 6 and wears mostly size 4. My girl is 4 1/2, she is heavy, but solid lean muscle. She wears a 4 too. Everyone is different.

It’s okay don’t take it to heart they just have to tell you that but his fine you keep feeding your baby or whatever your doing​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

I would find a new doctor

“bOdY sHaMeD”
Please get a grip and stop overfeeding your child.


I think a lot of people are missing the fact this child is also in the 90th percentile for height as well……


My son’s doctor nicknamed him Hulk baby, I just laughed cause he was a chunky monkey

Your child is fine. Healthy

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My babies were both big for their age, it’s not a big deal.

“He body shamed my baby” :joy::rofl::rofl:


I ignore them and tell them what they wanna hear. My son was big and is big he’s in 99th percentile for height and weight and they were telling me he’s big and he don’t even look fat

Listen to your doctor

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No it’s not a thing. My son was in the 95th and she told me to let him eat how much and when ever he wanted too. When he was 2 months old be cause he grew 4 inches.

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It’s not “body shaming” when a medical professional is evaluating health factors :roll_eyes:


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Body shame? Thats called medical advice


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Please don’t consult the internet for medical advice.
There may be other factors/data the doctor is looking at or considering that we don’t know about.
If you don’t understand why the doctor is telling you this, clarify with the doctor.


Write down everything fed to child including ounces of formula or breast :milk_glass: lk
It will give a better prospective to doctor


No! You can’t feed a baby too much. They are wired to only eat until they are full. Babies under 2 years of age literally can not over eat. I would mention that to the dr and find a new one because he sound@ like an ass that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Lol…my boys were in the 60th percentile for weight. I thought wow my son has like a “D” for weight. They are who they are, at 16 he is still on the lean side, it’s his body type.

Yes you can feed them too much, some babies are meant to be a bit bigger but I do know if some that their mom just can’t say no and they are extremely over weight and have been since they where babies. And this also affects their height. I don’t know your baby and they could just be a big kid but it is worth watching what they way and how much.

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I would tell your doctor that he knows nothing about statistics then… someone has to be 90th percentile and someone has to be 10th percentile. Ask him is there any other reason he has to be concerned about your bubs health? If bubs is otherwise healthy and height/weight are ratio matched - then there’s no need for concern

My son was 19 lbs at 3 months . He is 40 years old now and is 5 ft 9 and weighs about 145 lbs. Don’t worry as long as your baby is active , healthy, and reaching his goals of sitting , walking etc.

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Yes you can feed them touch he should be on certain foods check with your Dr certain foods he shouldn’t even have

I’ve always heard babies don’t over eat. They stop when they’re full. Don’t know if that’s true but it came from a pediatrician🤷‍♀️
As long as you’re giving him the amount of formula at the time frames your dr is telling you, how can you over feed him?

I would be looking for a different doctor. When my son was about 3, I took him to a new pediatrition and he made fun of his “bowed legs” they weren’t bowed he was slender. Only time I went to that doctor.Are you and your husband very big? I had an acquaintance a number of years ago and both she and her husband were over 6 feet tall, their children were above average in both height and weight (but not over weight).

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My one year old has been 100 percentile in height, weight and head circumference since birth! His doctor has told me multiple times, he is perfectly healthy and not too big as long as the percentages stay close together. For reference- he was 10 pounds at birth and 40 pounds at 12 months

Most peds aren’t trained in nutrition. Find a new provider :slightly_smiling_face: they work for you not the other way around. If you’re not happy find someone new.