My dog has become aggressive towards me and my daughter: Advice?

You probably never wanted it or the kid did something to it.
Please, for the dogs sake, rehome it.



  1. take the dog to a vet to rule out medical issues… if that is not it…
  2. take the dog to an obedience trainer to fix the behavior issues.
    IF…none of these work then you can talk about rehoming. I agree with the husband. But than again if you’re not going to be a responsible pet owner maybe you should get rid of the dog.

Babies come before animals.:woman_shrugging:t3:


See a veterinarian for a behavioral consult. Then take their recommendation on a trainer and do everything the trainer says.

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Sounds like you weren’t ready for a FAMILY pet period. :sleeping: wonder if you’ll give away the child too when they start acting up.


Has the dog been desexed? Because male dogs can become aggressive due to not being desexed. (This is based from my vet nursing experience) dogs can also try to gain attention by “acting out” he may be feeling “left out”


He’s being dominate and your allowing it figure out a way to discipline the dog with out hitting it getting a shock collar


Rehome the dog to an adult family familiar with dogs and the breed. Do it ASAP before your daughter or newborn are hurt. It is not fair to you or your family to have an animal you are afraid of and is aggressive. In spite of what Liz says, I think some animals are so overbred that they may have mental issues and display aggression because they are not bred for temperament, just as a money maker. It may well be that your daughter or you did nothing wrong at all. It is so easy to blame the owner. It’s not always an issue with being a “responsible” dog owner, sometimes it’s just the dog.


We had a dog start getting aggressive shortly after getting shots. Nothing else changed the dog was loving and playful then all of a sudden it barked and showed its teeth to everyone. It was so crazy! Not sure if this could be the case or not?

You get a dog and it’s for life. You commited to bringing a dog into your lives. You can’t just say “it’s not working” you bring in a trainer. You do everything you can. You bring in baby gates. Any safety items required. Your husband clearly loves the dog. You dont ask your partner to just “get rid of a dog” research the breed. Get help. Is the dog desexed? Has he just got needles? Is the dog feeling left out? Like fuck. I hate people who get animals and just like ah it’s not working no more. Sorry. You commited to have this dog FOR IT’S WHOLE LIFE.


I would take him to the vet just to be sure its nothing medical. Some dogs get random temperamental changes due to brain swelling or underlying medical issues. He also may just be a pup that needs behavioral training.


Kick the man and the dog the fuck out


You should be consulting a behaviorist. Check out this group Positive Force Free R+ Dog Training Library and ask them for help. Basically all I’m reading is you got a dog, then it grew up and you probably just smacked it when it did anything wrong. Usually that’s why a dog starts biting. You can’t train a dog by hitting it just doesn’t work. They do not have the same way of thinking a human does


Has he been neutered?

Wow… You need behavioral training, for you especially, then maybe the dog too. The fact that he is “destroying things” means he is bored and feeling neglected. Might explain a miriad of issues listed. If you actually want a dog, not just when it’s a cute puppy, then put the effort in.


I’m sorry your going through this​:disappointed_relieved: my son(1 1/2) was attacked 2x from my chihuahua/pit.(I’ve had for 7yrs) The other day was the 2nd time and got him bad. I had my parents babysitting for me. I kno it’s hard, but i am personally dealing with it as well. I’m scared the next time my son will get it worse as in stitches or plastic surgery :sob::sob::sob::sob: I love my dog, I do. But i just cage him when I’m not home or when I feel he is acting aggressive. It seems to calm him down. I was in tears when I came home from work to see my son all bruised up. At the end of the day they are animals. I pray you find a way that works. For me, I will try my best to prevent anything happening in the future. Just know, it takes time to train baby & dog boundaries. Hopefully we get through this together :heart::heart::heart::heart:

It’s a hard decision I had to make after 4 years our dog started biting people, family members , me twice the mail man so I took him to the vet got him all checked out to make sure he wasn’t sick ( nothing wrong) the vet did say he thought he was inbred which the older they get this happens so I tried a personal trainer (didn’t help) next my daughter was sitting on the floor petting him like she always does I Was right there next to them and he bite her neck …after that he had to get re homed and it was difficult because he had a history of biting so no one would help me. Believe me I loved him so much it was hard but I couldn’t risk my children getting hurt . You need to do what is best for you… best wishes to you

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If a dog has tried to bite you, it’s time to go, why wait and see if it attacks your babies.
I’d call dog warden or what ever is in your area or kick your husband out with the dog if hes putting your child in danger and not watching yere child!!

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I see your husband in the future on the news saying the dog was good with the kids this was the time the dog attack them you need to put your foot down lady before it’s to late your husband sounds like a jackass to even risk having that dog around you or your kids

How about a dog trainer?
Are you gonna give away your child if it isn’t acting right? Poor dog


Try a trainer and cbd oil

Get rid of dog & husband.


If you dont feel you or your family is safe GET RID OF THE DOG!!! I’m proudly going to be that woman who stands up and says it.
I had two dogs that got along great . they were both amazing with my entire family. And each other. Then one thing change out of no where one of the dogs changed and got aggressive and I chose to try to be the person who tried everything to keep the dog and the dog tried several times to attack my 2 and 3 year old kids. And me and my fiance and then did eventually get ahold of my 1 year old blue healer border collie who was my autistic sons support dog and I couldnt get him off of him. He brutally attacked him. He killed him. All I could think of was that could have been one of my children i was barrying. Do what you feel is right for YOUR FAMILY NOT EVERYONE ELSES.


Please just get rid before it too bloody late. So many dogs just end up switching with no warning. Put your child first!!!

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Is he desexed ? I haven’t read comments btw

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Have you took the dog to the vets? My sister’s dog turned all of a sudden one day, turns out he was just grumpy because of an ear infection xx

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If the dog bites there is only one answer by law and I love dogs but I think my children would come first anyway, I know if anything happens to the children both you and your husband would be in trouble with child services and legally


What’s the reason behind the sudden aggression? Can you think back if you or your daughter have inadvertently hurt the dog? Maybe he just doesn’t see you as the leader of the pack and is jealous towards you, dogs are weird.
My dog never left my side when I was pregnant and he got shut out a bit when my son was newborn because I was worried about jealousy or him hurting him by accident but now he’s nearly 2 and my dog is 9 and so far they get on quite well together.
I’d try and have a proper sit down chat with your husband and express your concerns about everything, don’t start with “get rid of the dog” and try and make him see what you’re seeing. Maybe suggest a trainer?

If the dog us genuinely aggressive for no reason and your husband can’t or won’t see it and nothing can be done after a trainer or training classes then leave the dog and your husband to it. I love my dog, and as much as it would upset me my child comes first.

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Better all of you guys and rehome him. Don’t drop him at a shelter actually put him up for adoption.

I’ve rehome dogs it’s hard but no judgement

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Is the dog exercised regularly? And more importantly has he been desexed? Once out of the puppy stage male dogs can become aggressive if not desexed. With a baby one the way, I would take it upon yourself to rehome the dog (hopefully with you husbands permission…or not?).


The dog clearly needs lots of training and this behavior can be stopped. Make sure he is always update on his shots as well! People fail to realize that anytime you get a dog you are going to have to spend a lot of time training them including behavioral training. Dont get an animal unless you are fully understanding and capable of what it takes to properly raise them.


Talk to a professional dog trainer. Did he start acting this way as soon as you got pregnant? Dogs can sense this stuff. Your hormone change may be triggering him. Get him checked by a vet too.


Get rid of your husband and your dog.


He needs training and daily exercise not to be left outside! Call a trainer and walk him till he’s tired twice a day. Dogs are a lot of work.


Not trying to be mean, but did your seven year old possibly hurt it enough (even if it was an accident) to act this way? It’s strange that it started with the younger kid. Honestly, I’d bring the dog to the vet, make sure it was okay and not in pain, and if it’s not that, I’d suggest your husband bring the dog through training. It will still be a family affair, but you can make it work. I’d definitely start spending a little one on one time with your dog, too.


She is 35 weeks pregnant and has a 7 year old. I understand the logic of “don’t get a dog if you don’t have time for it”, but she’s focused on what is coming in 3-5 weeks. If the dog is too much, then maybe they should rehome to someone with no kids. (Always ask for vet reference and maybe a small rehoming fee. There are too many people looking for dogs for dog fights.) If her husband is so concerned with the dog, why doesn’t HE take the dog to the training classes? Everyone is bashing the mom when the dad is treating the dog better than his own daughter apparently. If hubby doesn’t like the dog being rehomed, rehome him as well. The dog also has access to the garage. So he isn’t fully “locked outside”. Kids come first, not dogs.


From these comments, it sounds like half of these people want you to put your 7 year old and newborn up for adoption to focus on the dog. SMH. If you don’t have time for the dog, find it a new home or surrender it to the pound.


Our dog did the same thing. Eventually bit my 3 month old in the face…I got rid of the dog and my now ex got so mad. We had her for years…but in the end i protect my children.


Look I used to work with animals and would get mad at people over this, however now that I have kids… I get it. The kids absolutely come first. Being a mom is stressful enough and fearing something in your home where you should feel safe can mentally tear you down. If your husband is being childish about that try to compromise with him and request in home training for the dog, and if the training fails then yes, the dog should be re-homed to a household that is more suitable. Good luck, I hope you guys work something out that is healthy for the family and the dog!


Weird but my dog is super protective of my 13 yr old daughter. He tries to bite, chase and bark at me when I try to wake her up for school or when I walk by her if she’s sleeping. We got the dog before my daughter started preschool. Stinkin’ dog we have a love hate relationship. When my daughter is awake he is fine.


Um your husband is trash to let a fucking dog get in between you two. Ive been having an internal battle with myself about having to get rid of my cats so. My boyfriend, daughter and i can move and its a hard decision cause ive had them since they were kittens but your family: especially your CHOSEN family should come before a pet. A mean one at that. Whats he gonna do if this dog hurts the baby??? Gonna say the baby shouldnt have been there or something?? Throw the whole man away he should care about his daughter and new baby more than a dog

If possible, take him to the vet for a checkup and try training him before rehoming him. If that’s not an option reach out to local rescues/no kill shelters, and explain the situation. More than likely they’ll take him and train him.

I can see why your husband doesn’t want to get rid of the dog. A dog is a mans best friend, but if ur hubby can’t take the time to train him the right way, maybe it’s time to look for a different home for him. Also I wouldn’t wait till an accident happens. My friend had a french bull dog, one day it bit my friends daughter and they had the dog for a long time. About 3 years, but he yanked on her arm when he bit her and broke her shoulder. All because he wanted some of the food she was eating. But if I was you maybe you should try and be more dominant with the dog? Or more loving?

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I’m not dog expert but I know when I was pregnant literally all animals hated me. I’m not sure why but someone at the pet store said it’s common and animals can just sense it. As far as the kid maybe the dog is just better with adults. Either way you will have another baby coming soon so the dog either needs to be trained or you need to find him a good home.

Maybe try doggie school? As much as it breaks my heart we cannot have a dog like that in a home with your children. It’s not safe. I would try trainer first before the baby gets here and if nothing improves I would say regime. I’m not one that says that often but what’s going to happen if the dog bites the baby? Rehoming is better

I’ve had my dog for 7 years but the moment she acts aggressive intentionally towards me or my kids she’s out. My kids are worth more to me than a dog


you have bigger problems than the dog–the husband not taking this seriously!


Your husband needs to train the dog or yall need to rehome. Has he been neutered? Dog stay aggressive if you don’t neuter.

Have u both thought of sending him to an obedience dog school for some training to get him back on track or find a 1 on 1 trainer to work with him? It sounds like something may have happened to cause the trauma in him for him to lash out like that? I used to work 1 on 1 with dogs but try a doggy training school or 1 on 1 training to see what is going on.

It’s a puppy, try with training classes first (most pounds have discounted training classes) and maybe the vet for anti-anxiety meds. If the dog didn’t display this behavior before it’s likely because something changed within the house. The dog picks up on your anxiety and stress and knows when things are different. If all else fails, bring the pup to the pound and make sure they know he might not be a fit for a house with kids

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Oh, FUCK NO. I’d give the dog away in a single second.


Like, wtf is your husband thinking? Do it anyway. Like, today and just be done with it. You don’t deserve FEAR in your own damned house.

Im really annoyed with a lot of these comments “why’d you get a dog” :eyes: SMDH!!! If you are scared for your BABIES then get rid of the dog. I dont generally suggest an ultimatum but in this situation it would 100% come down to me and my babies, or the dog! That dog is NOT your baby! (Sorry to fur mamas who feel their dogs are.) When it comes to your babies who come out of your body or the dog… Yeah gotta mama bear it and take care of your babies.


Try taking the dog to a trainer. If that doesn’t work, find someone that has the time and patience for the dog. I totally understand being afraid that the dog might bite the children. Please keep in mind too that dogs can sense when you’re pregnant and usually act out at the beginning and end. In the end it comes down to what’s best for the dog and the children

** Please read the whole thing**
Our family dog of 9 years finally bit our 1 year old and we ended up in the ER. We saw all the signs and tried our best but it still happened. It will happen. Don’t wait. Get to the bottom of the aggression (if you’re not ready to rehome him) and fix it.
I would suggest getting him neutered, as well as an obedience school that specializes in aggressive behavior. You need to keep him separate from the kids and sustain dominance. Especially if he’s trying to bite you. My dog knows me as the boss so he would/has never. If that doesn’t work, trust your mama gut and rehome your dog

I will say this, 2 years after our dog bit our daughter, (he was sleeping on the couch and she climbed on him, it startled him and as reaction, he bit her. He does have an aggressive past) our family has made huge adjustments and we made it work. It’s a ton of work but he’s our family too. We sent him to an aggressive behavior boarding school immediately after, then kept him separate from our kids for 6 months after. He learned that to be around them he needed to trust. Fast forward 2 years- we all coexist again besides during eating time- we make sure the kids respect his boundaries and he respects theirs. He has his very own room to hide in it he wants and the kids are not allowed in it. We have found mutual respect and everyone is happy. He has not been aggressive whatsoever since and is very happy.

Dogs become aggressive when they’re frightened. Your dog may have an infection or be nervous around you/your kids. Our dog is aggressive with other dogs too. He is a rescue and is scared of males, other dogs, and loud situations/kids are so loud lol. He’s high anxiety and we make sure to love him lots, give him tons of outdoor/exploring time, and family time. We have spent countless dollars and hours catering to him and his needs because he is our family. I hope you find your solution! Everyone is different :heart:


Creo q no querés al perro y vas a encontrar todas las excusas y no te importan los consejos ni opiniones q te puedan dar,lo q estas pidiendo es alguien q te diga q tenés razón y q te tenés q desprender del perro,enseñándole a tu hija q cuando algo no es como uno quiere lo mejor es abandonarlo,q suerte tiene tu hija de tener un padre como tú esposo q quiere a los animales y le va a enseñar no tirar la toalla ante la primera complicación no te conozco,solo leí tu comentario,no soy perro pero también me da ganas de atacarte,ojalá si lo abandonas no vuelvas a tener otro perro xq no son peluches y tienen sentimientos ( no sé si sabes lo q significa)


Get a dog trainer to help and take him to the vet he could be sick and if at that point nothing changes re-home him and request he not be put with a family with kids

dogs are pack animals and he thinks he’s more dominant than you. put him in his place (which takes a lot of time and repetition) or get rid of him.

Are you seriously jealous of a dog ? The dog needs proper training , maybe you to , you clearly have not a clue what you are doing , honestly I feel sorry for your children :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Get rid of the dog. The husband too if he doesn’t learn how to prioritize.


So what are you getting rid of I’d daughter comes home with bloody knees and you cant blame the dog?

I would take the dog to the vet and hire a trainer. If you don’t want to do those things call you local shelters and find out how they handle this or try to find someone to take the dog.

I had a puppy once that I loved to death but he turned on me once I fell pregnant and tried biting me several times. He also turned out to be food aggressive with my four year old. Like literally attacking him for his food. So I would rehome as an option.

How old is the dog because I think he needs somebody to train it dogs can tell when you’re pregnant and they can also have indications that we might not be aware of so there might be something you know going on with him that he just can’t relate to you physically because he doesn’t speak said he was a puppy so therefore I feel like he has not been trained and you maybe need to work on that instead of being scared of the dog because dogs can feel that

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They’re too many circumstances you stated that it was a puppy puppies just don’t act like that

Get a dog trainer and muzzle train the dog

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Get him professionally trained, id do anything to keep a dog, also take to vets to see if they can see any changes, may be sonething else going on


He may need to be fixed. He’s still a puppy they destroy everything like a child does … If you need him to be less agressive you need to spend time with him and discipline him. Not be afraid bc dogs feed off of it. It sadly sounds like your over it. But that dog still needs a chance that your not giving it. Get a dog trainer.

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Puppys do nip🤷‍♀️ and chew things. If you expect the dog to be perfectly fine and act like an angel then you are the problem, dogs are like children they need to be taught, if you dont understand that then you shouldnt have got a pup. And have you looked at what the kids are doing aswell? If the kids are annoying the pup and hassling him them what do you expect🤷‍♀️ theres always a reason as to why. Just sounds like you dont know how to train the poor animal

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Sounds like you should try a trainer. Not sure why he’s all the sudden become aggressive without some type of trigger but that’s where id start. They should be able to work with the dog alone, then all of the humans will also come in to be trained on how to properly interact with him and be taught what he was trained in

Just get rid of the Damn dog. A dog is not more important than your child/children. Dogs are replaceable children are not. I will never understand people who would take the dogs side over their own children. It’s just stupid. It’s just a damn animal. Don’t let these people make you feel bad for getting rid off the dog. Maybe they care more about their animals than actual people. You don’t need that kind of negativity. If they feel so bad about your dog maybe they can takeover ownership. Before anybody gets mad about my opinion just know IDGAF. If you don’t like it well… Who asked you? NOT ME :joy::joy::joy:

You are super pregnant with a little kid at home and a unhelpful husband. Aggressive dog has got to go. No one in the house has the time or energy to train Fido. Throw in the towel,admit defeat and send him to someone who does have the energy to get it right. Look for Animal rescues in your area.


The dog needs training. Get a muzzle in the meantime.

Sounds like he’s a tad jealous and most likely mad he’s been sent to the garage. You need to spend one on one time with him. Muzzle him if that makes you feel better. Don’t pass him off he was a commitment just like the kids are. Puppies can be a pain. But with some TLC and attention he should be fine. Hats off to the hubby for taking him for a ride!! Maybe that’s why he leans to him. To go from part of the family living inside comfy to the hot garage and back yard in August, hell I would be nippy to.

Prolly need to consider re- homing him in leiu of somerehab training

Maybe take precautions to make it safe for the family to spend more time with the dog together. Hes still a baby and you wouldn’t rehome one of your children so take some time and put love into your puppy to train him and for everyone to bond in general :blush:

Take the dog to the vet something medically could be causing the aggression! Especially if it came on suddenly.


I have been in this situation luckily i had a family member with no kids that took her. She just doesn’t like small kids or some people in general. now that the kids are older when they’re over the house the dog is at we’ve taught them to respect her space and not go near her face since she doesn’t like that. I also now have a bull dog we rescued big breed since the kids are older and they really do not do good in heat or cold for prolonged period of time. I would figure something out by tomorrow if you haven’t because keeping the dog outside is not the answer.

Toddlers bite too just sayin and we generally aren’t out here rehoming them :woman_shrugging:t2: and if so then don’t have kids or a puppy/cat etc if you’re just going to give up on them. I get your pregnant etc but still he’s just a puppy and just like a toddler they have a lot to learn! Just my opinion :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:


I adore my dogs. They sleep on my bed and are part of our family. That being said, if my kids were at risk in ANY way, I’d be finding them another home immediately. If my husband didn’t like it, he could go too!


The issue is with the owner, not the dog.


Honestly the pup is still a puppy if it’s not had proper training since day one (children included) The pup will be “agresseve” when you get a puppy you have to train both your kids and the dog together I have 3 dog myself ranging in age from 10-2 years of age I have 2 nephews who are around your daughters age and I have a one year old as well, and I’ve not only trained my dogs not to bite I’ve trained the kids to leave them alone and treat them with respect, my 2 year old hound has had my daughter sit on his head before (she got in trouble) and not say a word, it’s all in the training of a dog, but flip it I was 4/5 years old and I was attacked by a neighbor’s dog who they left outside 24/7 it became agresseve and jumped the fence to attack me, so if you don’t plan on training the dog and children re-home the dog before it attacks a child and winds up either seriously hurting them or possibly killing them


If he is a year old he is not a puppy anymore. Get him professional trained or throw them both out dog & hubby.

Puppies teeth, I can’t believe you banished him to the garage.

Segregation is not the answer. You need to put serious time, research and effort into your dogs behavior or sadly, turn him over to someone willing to do so. Casting him out of the family is not the answer. Dogs are pack animals and at the very least need to feel like they belong. If you don’t get your dog the help and training he needs and deserves then you are failing him.


If your dog has shown aggression towards your daughter and you, there is a problem.This is not proper behavior. You can find an animal trainer to find out how to help your pet.


Anyone that mad reacted this post because she wants to get rid of the dog is ridiculous. I’d hope any mother would pick their kid over some goddamn dog🤷🏻‍♀️


Have you tried the vet? He could be in pain it could be a uti or even his teeth

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Get rid of that dog. Harm my come to your family. Say safe.

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Is he fixed?? That might be the issue if he isnt

So As far as the dog destroying things, that’s what puppies do and they have to be trained not to. It just sounds like your husband needs to be the one to train the dog since the dog likes him but he needs to teach it that it’s wrong to growl or bite anyone especially people in the house. And him watching only the dog and not your daughter is bullshit, if he can’t watch both then either you all go as a family or he takes one at a time.

Rehome your husband.


does he need to be desexed? could he have a pain or bad tooth? maybe try training. and even if he was a good dog you can never leave a dog near a baby without supervising. if you need to rehome will the breeders take him back

hubby needs to put his family first. he should take the dog to vets then train it.

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TRAIN THE DOG! Spend time with the dog you and the kids. You got this dog to be apart of your family… not throw it away because his behavior is not what you expect… you are encouraging his behavior by locking him outside or a garage isolated from the family

Sounds like you need to bond with him more & possibly your daughter as well… We have a 2yr American bulldog & a 17m old daughter & they are inseparable! The best of friends, they made bonds as soon as we brought her home & she loves on him & everything, he protects her & lets her be annoying lol but its all about paying attention to them as well, i will play with him & love on him when i love on my daughter & that makes him not feel so “left out” maybe? Idk, it just sounds like he likes your husband alot cause he pays attention to him most😬 so thats just something to take into consideration maybe? Don’t shut him out completely, bribe him for his love lol im telling you, win him over & make him feel loved & welcomed & he’ll be the whole families best friend. Always try before you give up especially rehoming an animal… Its not always easy for animals like sone think, its also very sad how full shelters are because of cases like this where people think its the end or just wants the easy way outta a little patients & work… Please try, its not gonna hurt to try!

Dog needs to go. I love dogs. I have dogs. But when a dog starts putting a human in danger - dog should leave.

It’s her daughter’s safety at stake. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and the dog wouldn’t be going anywhere. But the dog would probably also have a bullet in his head. But that’s me. If she gets rid of dog but it still bites someone else, that’s also on me. And if dog gets out and bites someone else, that’s a lawsuit. So bullet is best. But that’s just me.

Sounds like a irresponsible owner problem. Please find a French bulldog rescue group and give him to them. Please please never get another dog you have no idea how to train or take care of them.

Ok so this is a dick post, i have 2 pups that are turning 2 later this year when they were abit younger they destroyed countless pairs of my shoes, ate my washing of the line, raided my bin bag, opened my cupboard and ate some cereal, literally ate my wall and door frames but have i got rid of them? No, no i haven’t because they needed training which we gave them whilst bearing in mind they are still pups and that us what they do i also took my boy pup to the vets and got his balls chopped off which has calmed him down which in turn calmed my girl pup down, dogs are family they need love just as much as anyone else they are not for show, there not something you can just chuck away, if your putting a dog in the garage and not letting him inside then your are not that poor pups human and frankly you don’t deserve him

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